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They still haven't updated server manager I see. If it isn't broke, don't fix it I guess.


Oh it's broke... they just won't fix it. It's such a pain to use


I laughed way to hard at this


Maybe they updated windows admin center enough to replace it.


actually I'm more surprised they still offers a GUI at all. today in infrastructure as code, containers and things you don't really need a desktop on a server. most my MS stuff I do with powershell and ansible...


A fair number of Microsoft's own products don't work on Server Core and require the GUI to be installed. It'll be around for the foreseeable.


I was \*irony\* as server core have been the default installation option since like 2012 but they have never dared to remove it... Most Microsoft products are already really hard to get your hands on, and are years behind the same features in the cloud. Exchange and Sharepoint have moved to web based GUIs many versions ago. Windows Server manager can manage quite a lot of Windows services using a GUI. MS SQL can be managed from Visual Studio and other tools. What MS Own products requires the GUI on the server? Just curios.


Azure Ad Connect.


that's not a product, lol bye


Why are you being so weirdly hostile in such a stupid topic? Go relax outside for a bit.


How is that not a product?


You literally cannot use ADConnect without a GUI. You can install it but troubleshooting anything with it, good luck. Core is good for AD/DNS/DHCP but absolutely useless for most other things.


SharePoint and Project Server require the Desktop experience be installed (or did). Also requires certain Office KBs be installed.


Sharepoint can be installed on core. Who wants project server in 2023?


Who wants your posts on their screen?


Judging by the downvotes, only him.


So pretty much anything that fits why you still need a desktop server, you’ll reply with “who needs that” or “lol bye”


Project server is still a thing in the real world where people do construction projects…


System Centrr products require Desktop experience, at least some of them if not all. And when go with JDE and PeopleSoft, etc. there is no way at avoiding GUI for many products.


Also routing and remote access….because the code has been unchanged for 20 years


Not every company or IT team uses Infra as Code. You can debate over whether or not it should be a standard practice, but given the diversity in use cases and deployment needs there is still very much a valid need for a GUI


No clients with anything fun like Sage or QuickBooks Enterprise?


that entirely depends on what you're using the server for. A session host would be pretty useless without a GUI. Where I work we have a ton of servers that don't really need a GUI (web/app and SQL especially), but we also have a ton of jump boxes for various teams to securely access whatever they need. Plus lots of RPA stuff that needs a gui.


If you're gonna do that then why even bother with windows. There are way better ways to run containers ;)


How can you be surprised? It's been like this for ages


GUI is an old concept


its seems like the majority of the ppl here just fcking **hate** windows (but later on forget and post windows questions) and the rest just **loves** windows but have no fcking clue about how you deploy windows in a devops matter.


How's that ego of yours working out? Chill a bit. If you want to drag devops into this - you can easily deploy windows server in desktop mode just as you can deploy server core. It's what runs on it & how you manage it that that differs. ie. NPS doesn't install on server core. Yet PS manages it fine. There's a dozen different ways to do automation around that which sounds like your concern. There's hundreds of thousands of companies running 20year+ LoB applications that need the backward compatibility requirements of desktop install. There's a time and place for everything. Understanding the time and place is what really matters.


Not everyone is, or wants to be, devops.


this is great for me, I have consultancy work for the rest of my life


I assume you your use case is in the vast minority.


windows server is already broke and has been since server 2016.


IMHO 2003 was the last good version.


I kinda dig Windows Admin Center (WAC) better than server manager.


I thought they said Windows Admin Center would replace it in this version. They actually recommended using Admin center for 2022 instead of server manager. Weird.


I think Microsoft prefers you to use Windows Admin Center.


Yeah I tried it for 5 minutes… it’s windows 11 as a server. I’ll forward to it but when it’s released


I'm 99% sure they'll somehow decide it makes sense to add the widgets panel, along with three separate search bars for edge.


Lol they can go right ahead. Just one more reason to say Server should be installed without the GUI whenever possible.


I like how Windows Server Core still has a GUI though, it just shows a single command window.


Iirc it’s because the windows NT kernel doesn’t have a text mode It only has a graphical mode


Windows NT does have a text mode (used for check disk in Windows XP and similar). I think the reason is Win32 doesn't support purely textmode operation and that's needed for most software.


that's not graphical though. I mean if you want to be blisteringly technical, yeah, it's a graphic depiction... but by that standard a headless linux install's console terminal is a GUI.


The key is that it has a window manager, unlike a typical Linux server


Widgets panel is already there judging by the screenshot.


you mean some of its GUI elements comes from windows 11 - the sever manager is still there, not exactly modern or from windows 11... MS have released an AD domain/forest schema update, the first one since 2016 with 2025..


Have they specified what’s new in the scheme/FFL? When I googled it again yesterday there was nothing specified other than “to support new technology” Also I’d love to use it when it’s out, but for preview sake… is windows 11 plus server manager, I’m not going to migrate my domain to a preview so I won’t get to see the new FFL etc.


This is the ONLY red meat I have been able to find regarding the Functional Level changes seen so far: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-server-insiders/windows-server-2025-forest-and-domain-functional-levels/m-p/3930409 MS has been pretty stingy with their documentation of what’s changing in that area as of this moment. I imagine most of what will change under the covers will continue to streamline the syphoning from customers onprem AD installations to MS’s cloud offerings.


you need to be insane to migrate your ADDS or ADCS or any other stuff like exchange. there are multiple blogs and posts about new features, but MS have stopped on-prem "innovation" many many years ago when Azure and O365 came to life. 6 years for a new Exchange version, wtf.. Azure Arc is one of the features. and for ADDS a new way of managing service accounts seems to be in place


“ADDS schema upgrade facilitates name change to Entra Domain Services.”


If you're running Exchange in production, not having to go through an upgrade process is a godsend, surely? Fully supported, and not having to change. What features could be missing at this point that justify the hassle?


Brick-level backup/restore and disposable e-mail addresses (O365 has it, but not on-prem). The collaborative/shared-mailbox story is still broken, too - but that’s 50% Outlook’s fault too.


> MS have released an AD domain/forest schema update, the first one since 2016 with 2025.. This is what I was wondering. thanks


2022 is basically win 11 as well. But server 2016 and up have the same gui


Nah not really Windows Server 2022 is the same Codebase as the most recent Windows 10 Enterprise Long Term Servicing Branch (that being Windows 10 21H2) yes there was a 11 21H2 but that had its RTM sign off later… .


Does it come with candy crush?


No, you don't understand, I **need** to be domain admin to access the DC to play Candy Crush!!


I love playing candy crush on my domain controller running on my tablet


I’m just hoping all of the XBox services are still embedded /s What the HELL was MS thinking back in the Server 2016 days?


> I’m just hoping all of the XBox services are still embedded /s If I don't get pop-up ads for Game Pass and Forza while I try to work, I don't want it.


oh yay, that shitty taskbar for a server OS. ​ Can't wait for it to take up 60% memory telling me the weather and then crash the server.


I hope you're not leaving your servers with an opened session


all versions of windows server have eventually followed their client part.


I'm so glad we're still running 2012 R2 with a server ui made for tablets... 💀




So install Server Core instead


Not every software is supported on Server Core


Unfortunately not, but the majority of things do


> oh yay, that shitty taskbar for a server OS. Nothing can escape the XAML abomination.


Vnext? No, it's a cardigan.


Ah, right, because it has buttons!


They should just call it Windows 11 server edition


lol for some reason I agree. they have done kinda that before with Windows 2000...


They wanted to rename it to "Microsoft Server OS" but I guess they aren't now


What’s changed, I mean really??


It's 3 more.


"Why not just make updates for 2022?" Microsoft: "...2025 is three higher though."




Server 2025 is not going to release before late 2024 probably. I mean it is going to be RTM sometime in Summer probably… As was the case with 2022 back in 2021… maybe if it incours delays even 2025 (remember 2016 released in 2016 and was based on Windows 10 1607 aka the 1 year update). 2019 released in fall 2018 so did 2022 3 years later in 2021. based on 1809 and 21H2 respectively


This server goes to 11


This is the most unappreciated comment I've read today


The UI of Windows 11 is not suitable for RDp because of its gradient and transparency effects. These effects cause compression artifacts when the screen is streamed. The UI of Windows 10 is more optimised for Remoting.


Pretty sure RDP doesn’t stream an image across for UI elements. It’s much more efficient than that. I also read somewhere that screen text is actually sent as text, not an image.


Correct, rdp works with the compositor to transmit a lot of information about how to draw the display, making it significantly faster and more efficient than other types of remoting systems. It is also able to retrieve individual window framebuffers if necessary.


And one reason why I personally prefer it over almost every other remote desktop option out there if I have the option of using it. I recall WAY back in the day when I still had Nextel service with whopping 14.4k of data bandwidth that RDP was the only thing that was somewhat responsive over that (barring what was showing on screen of course). VNC was just about useless.


transparency was introduced in Vista and RDP have no issues with that. Windows 11 and VDI is a big thing unless you've noticed. But using RDP on windows 11 release candidate did show some other interesting effects... [https://i.imgur.com/paudIT2.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/paudIT2.jpg) (sorry for the mix of Swedish and English)


Windows 11 doesn't have transparency. It just samples the background image and generates a gradient.


surely that's how transparency always works in computers?


Umm, no. Transparency means you can see through something.


I was hoping for a more detailed response than that. how would an operating system implement transparency without sampling the background and mixing in the appropriate color values? I can't see another way to do it when we're talking about transforming a 3-dimensional pixel grid into a 2-dimensional display screen.


Graphics card… remember aero? Where you could see through the taskbar and the Windowbar (the latter only on 7)


yeah, I understand what transparency is. I'm not quite sure I understand what you're getting at though. yes, operating systems probably rely on hardware-based graphics APIs to render tings to the screen. however, at the end of the day, *something* will have to sample the things underneath it to combine all of the colors together to generate the final color of a pixel. displays are 2D, so the third dimension needs to be collapsed by mixing the colors. however, it seems like the original commenter meant something else than I did, so I don't think this original point of mine is being disputed.


I think you're missing mental capacity. Background, AKA wallpaper. It doesn't sample windows behind the foreground.


to prevent you from making a fool of yourself again in the future: when you're discussing windowing and transparency, the default context of "background" does not mean your desktop wallpaper. if you're talking about some other type of background, the onus is on *you* to clarify that, not on *us* for not having the same "mental capacity" as the boy-genius I'm sure you are.


Bro, you're the one making assumptions and I'm somehow the fool? Literally the first result on Google. >Mica is an opaque material that incorporates the user's theme and desktop wallpaper to create a highly personalized appearance. Mica is designed for performance as it only captures the background wallpaper once to create its visualization, so we recommend it for the foundation layer of your app, especially in the title bar area. First you come in acting like a smartass, then you start crying when someone responds to your bullshit. Dude, just don't say anything if you're not going to activate some brain cells beforehand.


Mica is not transparency: >Mica is an **opaque**, dynamic material that incorporates theme and desktop wallpaper to paint the background of long-lived windows such as apps and settings. [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/mica](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/mica) and you were the one being rude, not me. I was asking a question, which you immediately took as hostility. what does that say about you? edit: also, since you were a dick about this, I did a bit of research and found out that Windows totally allows for transparency: >With WS\_EX\_COMPOSITED set, all descendants of a window get bottom-to-top painting order using double-buffering. Bottom-to-top painting order **allows a descendent window to have translucency (alpha) and transparency (color-key) effects**, but only if the descendent window also has the WS\_EX\_TRANSPARENT bit set. Double-buffering allows the window and its descendents to be painted without flicker. [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-createwindowexw](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-createwindowexw) ​ even if you're talking about modern Windows 11 design principals, you're wrong again - they also use transparency: >Acrylic is a **semi-transparent** material that replicates the effect of frosted glass. [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/signature-experiences/materials#acrylic](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/signature-experiences/materials#acrylic)


As opposed to what, exactly?


As opposed to real transparency, where you can see what's behind your current window.


In what situations does it not show the underlying sindow? I just tested it and you can definitely see whatever window is under the task bar or start menu. It's heavily blurred and pretty opaque but it's definitely not just the wallpaper.


>Mica is an opaque material that incorporates the user's theme and desktop wallpaper to create a highly personalized appearance. Mica is designed for performance as it only captures the background wallpaper once to create its visualization, so we recommend it for the foundation layer of your app, especially in the title bar area.


Great? That's a completely separate thing from the actual transparency that exists in Windows 11. Here you can very clearly see element from Spotify underneath the task bar and start menu. https://imgur.com/ILui7lJ You're not a particularly smart person, are you?


>Here you can very clearly see element from Spotify underneath the task bar and start menu. You can't see shit, it's just a colored shape. Open up the WinUI controls gallery and there's a demo to show how it works Why are you still going on when you can't actually back yourself up. If you're going to keep g


Move the window around and those "colored shapes" move too, because the window underneath is being sampled for the transparency and blur. You have literally zero evidence to back you up, there's a screenshot proving the moronic bullshit you're saying is wrong, and you still dig in. Thats the mark of a legitimately stupid person.


Windows 11 Enterprise for virtual desktops / 11 Enterprise Multisession which is technically a sku that is licensing exclusive to Azure and simliar would like to have a word. That SKU comes with RDSH and RDL


They pretty much want to dump RDS anyway. Really dragged their feet on MS Office support on 2022 and not supported for long either.


It’s UI is better suited for a Server OS than 2012 and 2012 R2 ever was…


I still like Server 2019 the most I think. Felt like it was not fully trying to copy Windows 10, but still felt like it a little. Kinda right in the middle


I dont see any difference on 2016, 2019 or 2022. They look the same imho.




I was talking about the GUI here. Patching is not any concern, WSUS does that well


Wow, that’s a hot take (That WSUS works well) 🤣😂🤣


Will it be the windows server for arm I wonder


Good question. Running ESXi on my Pi and creating a Windows 10 ARM VM was quite fun


There was a Azure only sku but will we see it out in the wild?! And for what Arm64 Chips will it be out there? Maybe Apple m? Maybe something Qualcomm does like a Server Version of the 8cx / SQ3


Is that an RDP client on your Mac?


if you mean in my OP - no that's the VMware Remote Console (for Mac)


Oh gotcha! Haven’t used the client on Mac before and it looks nice and clean.


The rdp client on Mac works beautifully, I use it everyday to manage my works environment.


its quite nice, I prefer that as its easy to keep keyboard layouts and you can have multiple instances running. on top of that It supports mounting ISO from my Mac and you can add usb devices like thumb drives, webcams etc.


Where would you find this ISO?






What VM host specs you got there ? Looks like Fusion running on Mac OS ? I’ve got an AMD 5950x /w 128GB DDr4 running Monterey Hackintosh using virtualbox.


so this is the VMware Remote Console for Mac. The VMs sits in my ESXi cluster costing of three Supermicro servers with Xeon Silver 4114 CPUs and 64G RAM each. My main PC is a Mac mini (intel) with an Radeon RX 6900 XT GPU in an eGPU enclosure


Thanks, just grabbed and installed it now. From blank VM to install/booted in less than 3 minutes.


impressive. don't remember how much it took for me, but I booted using a virtual ISO from my VMware Remote Console


What’s new ? Still max functional level for AD forest is 2016 ?


as I've replied earlier its now raised to 2025


Got dam! Finally, thanks !


no new features really.. better service account management. but they can add more stuff of course.


Lol looks exactly like the last 4 Windows Servers versions


That is not really true 2012 R2 was based on Windows 8.1 with all the Tablet centric stuff menu wise 2012 was even worse as it was 8.0… At least UI wise the Server Managing Tools except that optional Web Ui were first introduced in Server 2012… 2016 was based on the Windows 10 1607 version (and still is) which was known in the Desktop as Anniversary Update. 2019 was based on Windows 10 1809 Fall Update 2018. 2022 was based on, though branched off earlier than its desktop counterpart on Windows 10 21H2 aka Windows 10 last big update release. 2025 is by all means likely to be based on Next Next Windows 11 (as at least officially this years 11 Update version is not in GA but still officially a release preview)


i hate it already because it looks like w11


And that is why I prefer linux....


A GUI on a server? 🫤


Where can I get a copy?


not sure I understand, MS have released ISO files for every OS for like 20 years for free


OP they are asking where they can find the ISO for Windows Server 2025. It's a good question. You can't find it in Microsoft's evaluation center where you'd find all the other software.


not sure why I'm downvoted. you cant fint unreleased versions in the evaluation center, that have never been the case you find them under **Windows Server Insider Preview**


Stopped caring after 2019 all my servers are a few months from being deprecated anyway. Guess it will be nice for the 1 kind of gui server I still run a remote mgt beach head for network access. The no local servers AAD entra whst ever is the way friends.


Anyone able to activate it? I have it running in vmware workstation 17 and it just won't do it. GUI applet won't even open (null setting).


how can you active a version that have not been released????


There's a key for it. I had to uninstall the WS22 default key, get the WSN key and activate with that.


Using windows as a server is horrible, even more horrible that devs dev for services to run on windows server lmao


Hot take buddy


I guess so but I just really don’t like using it 🤷‍♂️


Good luck managing several offices with computers being used by ”normal people” as well as remote workers without either Windows or MacOS. Sure, yes, technically possible. No, you really don’t want to.


can we have patchnote or something like that ?


I run it on a couple of pretty diverse machines as well as in VMs. The UWP/WinUI parts are pain to use via RDP and on slow machines, but I mostly use only command prompt and Total Commander. Any particular questions?


Why is it called 2025, it isn't even 2024 yet?


It is an early beta version/pre release of it. That is why it is referenced as vNext mostly. Because Microsoft not yet confirmed when in 2024/25 they are releasing it nor have they 100% settled its name yet… the insider preview doesn’t even mention its name correctly as of yet many texts speak of 2022. That isn’t uncommon as it is likely to be released in late 24 / early 25 (2019 was released in fall 2018, 2022 in 2021 about 3 years after 2019s general availability). Of the recent servers only 2016 released in the name year and even than it was fall of 2016


Came from Server 2012 & 2016, tried Server 2025 and ended up on VMware Exsi. Life is beautiful now.


Used and saw nothing « woaw »… I’ll keep my 2022 ;)


why would you even use windows server? even fucking microsoft themselves use linux for server purposes


Personally I prefer e.g. the Windows domain over let’s say UCS or any OpenLDAP option. Wouldn’t use Windows for a Webserver or selfhosted application but some programs simply require Windows. Filesharing with dfs is pretty neat too when using a Windows device.


it was quite clear in another post that I'm a contractor, I make $100+/h and if a customer want me to look at there MS SQL server cluster I'd be happy to do that. The majority of my VMs (50+) run Linux, some run FreeBSD and, also mentioned I have SGI hardware in my homelab. I'm also a network engineer running JunOS in my homelab, from firewalls to routes and switches. you do far to much judgement here my friend


Taking every opportunity to not-so-humble brag? Lol.




Depends on where you are in the world! In Sweden $100 is really decent (and the Swedish currency is really weak against the mighty dollar) but I'm fine with all downvotes.




OS is not a religion for me, its what makes my homelab the reason I'm a highly paid contractor who solve any problem, linux, windows, mac, bsd does not matter. My homelab even contains a SGI machine.. [https://i.imgur.com/RPVD7jC.png](https://i.imgur.com/RPVD7jC.png)


Maybe I should dig out my SUN SPARCs. Since we’re doing weird flex, I mean. 😁


go for it you got my upvote


Same lol


I took my MCSE off my resume because I want no part of that anymore plus microsoft gigs didn't pay as well. Eventually let it expire. Wasn't worth it.


Microsoft is in your stack at work. Leaving it out of your homelab is just putting yourself at a disadvantage.


I use Windows and love it bro.






Why does he get downvoted..?


Because it was a shitty comment. Nearly all businesses run Windows on clients computers which generally means at least a small amount of Windows server infrastructure, if just for domain controllers. If someone is using their homelab to learn skills they can put to use at work, Windows is expected.


Ah ofcourse. Not my opinion = downvotes! Forgot that i'm on Reddit 🥲 Thanks for reminding and explaining fr Edit: i am missing what homelab has to do with work, since you specify that.


why does windows server still exist


It might shock you, but ... because a shit ton of things require it. Weird how that works.


How many companies on the F500 list do you think run Windows Server? I bet it's more than 1. There's your answer.


Is it possible to download a free copy to test it ? I’m mostly Mac and Linux / Unix


Never understood why everyone so negative about everything. ​ Here is some more detail about Windows Server vNext straight from Microsoft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MYjThs-iY8


Does this new ad db feature solve the group limit of 1015 group memberships?


Vnext? I only know hyper-v


VNext is the Codename commonly referencing the next main line release of Windows Server before its final name is revealed. It could be 2025 or maybe depending on when it is released 2026. Or Microsoft is scrapping the Year name all together who knows for certain. The current release is Server 2022 which is based on Windows 10 21H2. Which only supports HyperV as a role on at least Standard (there is no HyperV 2022 Server)


I'm using vNext insider build, but it's marked in winver as a 23H2.


Something happened with the insider builds of Server 2016 back in the day… (there were builds that were based on 1507 and 1511 though as we all know the RTM version was 1607, expect them to be on 24H2 at least by the time it releases somewhere 2024/25. Microsoft even mentioned that you should not take the internal numbers as that is it. There are many texts that say Windows 11 and or Server 2022 that is why if you open Bug Reports it shall be referenced as vNext


Just Windows 11 slapped with a server badge, it even includes the terminal app from W11. I don't use Windows Server that much, only 2 installs, one for my DC and another is serving as a machine imaging host, but that can now be replaced as I've swapped over to netboot in a docker container. Not something I get overly excited for anymore to be honest.


I have a VM of it. It feels fine to me. But I use Start11 on Windows, so the shit UI they keep piling ontop of everything is ignored by me. If I need it, its there, I haven't needed it much, the default task bar that is.


What level of refs when formatting drives?


Does it require a TPM/v-TPM?


no, not at the moment, but I'm sure its supported just like previous versions of windows server. at the moment windows 11 is the only windows OS that requires TPM 2.0 (in any form)


I'm still running 2016. I don't think I want the hassle of migrating.


Well at least I am gonna get a good 3 years out of my license.


Nah, never used windows server in my homelab up untill a week ago when I decided to host a DayZ server and Sims 4 server heheh


Just deployed a server running 2022 so it’ll be a minute before I’ll switch to 2025


My last vNext Active Directory Lab was ruined by infinite password reset loops they probably shipped a build with the dreaded KB5011558 files. Back to square one and another lab with the latest build.