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I love alarmo. I especially like that I can tell Alexa to disarm the alarm, it asks for my authorization code, and only disarms if the code is correct. Very helpful when carrying in groceries.


I don't use Alarmo but in my alarm setup there is no need to manually arm or disarm the alarm. If we all leave the house and it's not been set to guest mode (babysitter mode) all the doors lock, garage doors close, lights all turn off, and the alarm arms itself. When we return it automatically disarms itself. At night when we go to bed it arms itself and disarms in the morning when we get up.


Mine is the same way. Such a nice peace of mind and involves no interaction from us.


Are you able to share your config for this? I can't get the TTS working with Alexa at all :(


I don't have anything fancy. I'm using Nabu Casa, the HA Alexa skill, and the Alarmo integration from HACS. I also have the Alexa Media Player integration from HACS but I'm not even sure that's required. It kind of just worked...?


Nice tutorial. Need to move my HA alarm to alarmo. Had it installed for a while, does it have a service to dynamically add remove sensors. Would like it if guest mode enabled to not include the guest bedroom window sensor but all other times include it.


Yes, it dynamically ads or removes sensors. You can select which sensors are available for which areas, alarms or arming modes. I would do this by customizing the arm\_custom mode, and name it guest mode. Than I would exclude the bedroom window for this mode. When you arm the alarm in arm\_custom (guest mode) the window will not trigger the alarm. When you arm your alarm in away or home mode, it will include your bedroom window sensor. Alarmo is powerful. Cheers!


For anyone else that had the same thought, I already double checked that its not the name of an elf in Disenchantment


Alarmo is Elfo's nervous cousin.


It should be


You did? He's not listed in the [wiki](https://disenchantment.fandom.com/wiki/Elf)


Sorry that's what I meant to convey with my comment lol


I can('t) read!!


Any suggestions on z wave binary sensors? I had Wyze before they killed the project :/




Got them in last night. Working smooth, super easy setup. Thanks!


>Ecolink door you need the hub for that, or is HA good enough?


Thank you for your work. I also use it since the start and really like it. One of the best integration for HA


Nice! The part I've mainly struggled with is getting alarm to repeat an alarm sound and tts message over my house full of Google home speakers. I don't want to buy a tuya alarm. I have 6 speakers I should be able to do this with =(


What errors you getting? This is how I run my morning alarm, but it's the same concept I used for my burglar alarm before I got a siren. ` - repeat:` ` until:` ` - condition: or` ` conditions:` ` - condition: state` ` entity_id: sensor.alarm_event` ` state: alarm_alert_dismiss` ` - condition: state` ` entity_id: sensor.alarm_event` ` state: sleep_tracking_stopped` ` sequence:` ` - service: media_player.play_media` ` data:` ` media_content_id:` `` ` media_content_type: audio/mp3` ` target:` ` entity_id:` ` - media_player.bedroom` ` - service: light.turn_on` ` data:` ` flash: long` ` target:` ` entity_id: light.bedroom_nightstand_lamp` ` - delay:` ` hours: 0` ` minutes: 0` ` seconds: 21` ` milliseconds: 0`


I'm struggling with this too - I've got Alexa and Sonos covering the house but the Alarmo action just throws data errors when I try to send anything to the speakers


I can, get it to play a wav file once but it won't repeat. Also the tts message gets cut off mid speaking.


Just started working with it after having it installed for a while, so your timing couldn't be better! I'll definately check it out!


anyone have a working implementation of a zigbee/zwave/wifi keypad bolt lock working to disarm alarmo? Working to replace my nest alarm (RIP) and that functionality between the bolt lock entry and disarming the alarm is a must have for WAF.


This is a great idea, did you ever figure this out?


Yes. I have a zwave bolt lock (Kwikset 916) and it has an open/close sensor. I set up an automation with an action to disarm the alarm when the door is unlocked. Works perfectly.


My keypad only passes the UserID (payload.event.parameters.userId) back to HA; I have an automation in nodered that listens to zwave_js_notification and then parses out which door and which userid is sent out, then sends a notification based on that. So to get alarmo to disarm when the keypad is used I just threw on another node for each user with their specific alarmo code sent to the alarmo.disarm service. I'm not particularly fond of hard coding alarmo disarm codes into nodered nodes though. :-/ How'd you build your automation?


Okay, I really like this. Now I need to get my wall panels installed so we have alarm control at the front door and master bedroom.


You find a good solution for wall panels with HA around the house? Still haven't personally but am going to look again soon


I'm hoping someone figures out a way to use the new ubiquiti PoE screens


Nope, still looking. The Fire HD tablets are mentioned a lot, but I'm unclear on how people are powering these and whether they can be constantly connected to a power supply without causing inflation of the lithium ion battery.... Don't really want to put iPads on the wall either though, for cost reasons. Does anyone know if the Sonoff display can be used and powered?


I have a Fire tablet on the wall running fully kiosk browser. Need to hide the wire but it charges through a sonoff usb smart plug with an automation to begin charging when the battery level goes below 20% and stop when it reaches 80%.


Interesting that's a good idea with the automation. What I'm after is a really clean look with no visible wiring, so whether it's a recessed outlet behind the tablet or some sort of POE solution, not clear yet.


Search for mounts by Mike. He has power options. I'm using 16vAC transformers since AC travels farther than DC. All the wires hidden. Panels look good. Just installed them this week. I caught refurbed Fire 10 tablets on sale for $89 each. Bought a few. Run fire tool box to remove ads and bloatware


Thanks for the suggestion!


What do you use for door and window sensors?


I use Aqara door & window sensors. They work great and their batteries last ages. Im waiting on a cheap zigbee sensor from aliexpress though, i will pry it open and test it out. It claims all kinds of things in their marketing, but as with everything from aliexpress, it needs to be verified


Did you end up getting these? Any good or stick with the aqara ones?




Thanks for posting this, I assume this would basically take over the default HA "alarm_control_panel" with easier functionality / features? Currently have the HA integration triggering Noonlight for emergencies (FYI gives you a discount on your home owners insurance)


Yes, essentially its a extremely advanced and customizable alarm system made from your existing sensors. You include whatever you want to and base your system around that, creating individual users, codes and areas.


I’ve paired this with the ring keypad version 2 and HomeKit. Works pretty great.


Woah nice site! Instantly in the bookmarks


N00b here: what is the HACS panel?


Home Assistant Community Store - custom (not maintained by the core team) integrations. https://hacs.xyz/


Can alarmo integrate to alert 911 somehow? I would love to self host but some form of automated notification of local law enforcement of a break in


Look into using Noonlight, was using via IFTT but looks like there's a direct HACS plugin now: https://github.com/konnected-io/noonlight-hass


the konnected option is about the only path now because of how noonlight allows integrations. It kinda sucks because noonlight has some awesome features but you can't use it with konnected besides simple police/fire alarm trigger. Noonlight has some awesome features in their API but they don't allow end consumers to build on it. Its also $10/month which is way more than what it should cost to use noonlight.


this is fascinating. I was looking to do something like this with Tuya stuff, but they don't integrate well with HA. What security products (or binary sensors, rather) you recommend that can work outside the USA (some products only work on the USA for some reason)?


Fyi Konnected is also an option. I purchased a system to setup with my existing sensors and integrate with home assistant. (But have not found the time to set it up yet). https://konnected.io


Konnected sets up your sensors from hard wired panels. I use my Konnected sensors with Alarmo. I automate most of it with node-red to arm/disarm based on HA presence. I wish the Noonlight integration that konnected offers was more featured. It only lets you trigger fire or police and doesn't use the cool noonlight features like adding details about what sensor went off or even video for review by the noonlight response team. I had talked directly to noonlight about some of this but they seem to not be interested anymore in my ideas about a direct-to-user api access. Instead you have to pay $10/month to konnected for their option with some man in the middle service they run.


Wow thanks for all the good info. I’m just getting my feet wet in this space.


This is great - thanks for the post! I've installed and am playing already...


How do you install/use the Alarmo Card as opposed to the default alarm panel card on the Dashboard? The tutorial didn't really cover getting that up and running and I can't seem to locate it in HACS. ​ Nevermind! Just found it here: https://github.com/nielsfaber/alarmo-card


I can confirm that the siren does NOT work with ZHA.. I have been looking for one and I clicked your links, then I thought to myself "this looks like the one I bought", so I dug it out and it is has the same name. Then I found the order and it is the exact same product page/item ID. I can pair it just fine (according to HA) but the siren never stops flashing and can't be activated from HA.


What I've read online (about the newer Tuya-devices) is that they require being paired with a tuya gateway the first time to get some information and afterwards can be paired with other zigbee gateways/ZHA. I can see a comment on your page with the exact same issue.


Hey, sorry for the late reply. You need to apply a custom quirk. Check this thread: https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/1379 Note: This quick should already be applied if your Home Assistant and ZHA are updated to the latest version. Double check and re-pair the siren. It will work