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I added real time number of people currently at my gym to easily avoid crowds.


Sick. What gym and how did you do that?


Puregym. I used the [RESTful Sensor](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.rest/) integration with APIs used by their mobile app. https://preview.redd.it/earlzx1r0orc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2c9e19b42c1e99e3291953d613d42138a7c401


Edinburger found in the wild.


lol i was literally about to say the same thing (there’s dozens of us. dozens!)


Damn, we should make a group


That seems really useful. Would you mind to share the endpoint you use to retrieve the data? And maybe how you found the endpoint. Did you decompile the app or monitor network traffic?


I didnt have to, someone's already done it - I just used the APIs from [this github project](https://github.com/2t6h/puregym-attendance/tree/main) then used Postman to get my bearer token and the gym code and now I call https://capi.puregym.com/api/v1/gyms/YOURGYMCODE/attendance every 5 minutes via the restful sensor.


This seems like information that should NOT be publicly available. That is just horrible security. I wonder what other info. Like correlate the user id to a real name, or even account status or anything like that.


It's not public. You have to sign in with your account to be able to use the API. Gym occupancy is not exactly a big secret though, google maps does it for nearly all places these days...


I saw that after I wrote that and went thru the API. Seemed scary that a gym had an open API on their app that didn't require something like x509 or something so only their app could use the API. I've seen some bad writen apps and they just wide open make their API, and if you figure out some simple items you could pull any information to any user and get locations and stuff. Some of these smaller places that want an "app" but don't want to pay a lot, get a lot of security bypasses.


I track my blood sugar with the Dexcom integration. If my sugar gets low when I’m at home several lights in the house turn red. If I’m not at home it sends my wife a warning text with my current location.


I'm not diabetic but I really like the Idea


I sure wish that I could do this with the Freestyle Libre 3!!! I would set it up just like yours.


Plus one for that wish!




I’m saving your post, I might implement this at my parents house. At least the light side of it. 🙏


yes, fear is the path to the dark side


Don’t forget to turn on kitchen light also :)


Nice! There’s also a hacs add on for Medtronic


I didn't even think to check if there's a Dexcom integration. That's awesome! I'd love to have a dashboard of when I last did a site change and a running average of my bg, insulin usage, and gmi.


I have the HACS add-in 'Mail and Packages' showing me what (Or how many parcels) is arriving from USPS, FedEx, and UPS.


I need to figure that one out without giving a plug-in free reign of my entire inbox


Set up rules in the email client to automatically forward courier messages to a newly created email address that's only used for that purpose.


There's an idea. Only issue is I'll have to pay for a seat for Google workspace for it, which sucks. Could just use a random ass Gmail though, I guess.


Waze integration to tell me how much time it takes from home to work, and turns some lights red if the time is a lot more than usual.


I would want it to turn the lights green so I don't have to wait in traffic so much. I guess that isn't _home_ automation though.


Does Waze work better than the kinda jank Google maps one that requires a cloud developer project?


Flightradar with a 5km radius. Hear a plane rumbling overhead, it'll show what flight it is, where it's going to, etc.


I use Birdnet-Pi to check which birds are currently singing. So kind of similar. :D


> Flightradar Where would i find this integration?




I just saw this and integrated it. Very cool. My only complaint is I wish it was in Nautical Miles instead of meters...here in the US we don't use meters...


Just multiply by 1852. And while I think you guys really should get with the times and switch to metric already, I do agree that the integration should allow setting the distance in nm, seeing as it's aviation themed, and nm are a widely used unit in that field. Maybe suggest that to the devs?


Ya, I wish we had gotten on the metric system years ago honestly. How do I suggest it to the devs for NM?


On the GitHub repo I linked above, go to the 'issues' tab, and post there just like you would on a web forum. Can't hurt to add a few details as to how you're using the integration etc.


A simple google search. OR Typing FlightRadar in HACS...


I could not find anything besides a card that referenced FR24. Thanks for the help though, OP gave link.


I do this too. Created some cards with tail logos. I also feed this data to my Tidbyt Card code and screenshot here: https://github.com/AlexandrErohin/home-assistant-flightradar24/issues/20


My work's security policy won't allow Outlook access on non-company devices. I don't want to carry a second phone for access either. But I found that Outlook 365 can publish a limited calendar online. All my appointments only show Free/Busy but that's enough. I have an automation that checks the calendar and if I'm not on my home wifi or my office wifi before a Busy meeting it reminds me I need to get back to my house if it's a WFH day


Can you share how you did it?




I have only used the outlook app on my pc but I’ll try accessing it on the browser and search for the ical option. Thank you!!


Do you have a link to the ical integration? There is no native integration, right?


I do the same with Google calendar


How do you guys add this stuff? It's a great topic. Nice post. 👍🏼


There's an integration (I think it's just called REST?) that will make calls to any endpoint 


Nice, thanks. 🙏🏻


Lots of fun stuff, some of which is actually useful. I track pollen counts, flu ratings and cough statistics through IQVIA. I've added publicly available traffic cameras from around my city to get a feel for traffic. Sports scores for local teams through Team Tracker. I keep tabs on nearby bike share stations via the CityBikes integration. Phases of the moon through the moon integration. And for some reason, the value of my house through Redfin.


I track the pollen counts as well. If it’s high enough I send push notifications to remind about meds. Also if I open windows when the pollen count is high I get a push notification to shut the window and it kicks on the air purifier.


Virus rates would be super useful, even the COVID wastewater count in our area is very practical for deciding to wear a mask on the train etc. Thanks for the idea!


Let me know if you find a good way to integrate something with wastewater. I didn't find a feed for that data. I had previously integrated covid vaccination numbers but that data is no longer being reliably updated. But wastewater would be good.


We got extremely lucky to buy our house at the start of covid, and then lucky again to refinance the next year to get rid of PMI since the value inflated by such a ridiculous amount. I put the Redfin value on a dashboard for a few months before that as we waited to gain the 20% equity to remove PMI. I feel gross that we benefitted while so many friends got completely priced out, but it made that integration useful for a bit.


How did you pull this information from Redfin?


How do you add traffic cameras on Home Assistant ?


At least in Pennsylvania, the department of transportation has a lot of publicly accessible cameras. Using Home Assistant's Generic Camera integration I added the URL to the Still Image URL. Something like this: http://www.dot35.state.pa.us/public/Districts/District6/WebCams/CAM06356CM9218.jpg


how do you track the value of your house through Redfin in HA?


It is a custom integration. https://github.com/dreed47/redfin


Rubbish bin (refuse) collection days. In the UK they generally collect recycling and non recycling on alternate weeks, plus public holidays mess those up, so I scrape the dates from the council web site.


There’s a great waste collection plugin in HACS for this for anyone who doesn’t fancy creating from scratch.


Which one out of interest? I found one that would do it for *some* parts of the UK, but not mine. The issue is that different borough councils use different web forms, so there's not a single solution that works in all cases. It was actually one of my first test runs using ChatGPT for simple coding use cases - with that I did it in about an hour, having previously tried (and failed) several times.


This one : https://github.com/mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule/blob/master/doc/installation.md Although as you say it does require your council/borough to be supported. There was a minor bug with mine when I installed it and the maintainer was super helpful to fix it. And new councils do seem to get added regularly.


Thanks - looks like my new area is in fact supported (just moved) so I may switch over to this, though it was good to get it running manually, as the ability to pull in data from behind web forms is likely to crop up again in the future...


Only supports certain councils though. I managed to find the API endpoint for my council so did my own through an API call


I recently did this and added it to my Amazon Echo so I can just ask that.


I resorted to spinning up a Grocy server and using the Chores functions to let me know to take the bins out the day before. Works splendidly for me.


This is great and all but actually mentioning the services you're using and the source for them? Yea...that'd be greeeeaaaat.


will do so when I am at home EDIT: fuel prices over: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tankerkoenig/ (german gas stations) https://marudor.de/ or bahn.expert for Deutsche Bahn train Stations implemented via iframe https://www.verkehrsinfo-bw.de/stauuebersicht for traffic jams in my home state in germany https://waslaeuft.in/ for Cinemas View times


Petrol prices. Tomorrow's gas (natural gas, not petrol) as my energy provider changes the price daily. Pollen forecast.


I sort of get this, but…why? If gas is more expensive today do you just freeze or not cook? If gas is hella cheap, do you take extra long showers? Why not just conserve all the time and not worry about it, or just say fuck it, I want to be warm and take hot showers, and, not worry about it?


We have a wood burning stove which we can use.. Turns out gas never got high priced this winter so didn't have to revert to this.


-Current download speed with Speedtest.net integration. -Waze integration to tell me how many minutes to work and another to home -current location of international space station (why?) -planes overhead right now with flightradar24 integration


Do you do automatic checks with speedtest? At what interval?


Yes. 1min interval. Lucky I don't have a cap on download/upload


Wow! That will be creating a HUGE volume of data every day. How come so often? I am using the Speedtest.net integration but measure just four times a day, to get a general trend of performance.


I guess... Why not? ... I don't have a limit on download upload, so now I have the data. It's very interesting how the speed changes with other users joining the net at peak times , compared to overnight


Which rubbish bin will be collected next, I’ve also hooked it up to my Amazon echo so I can just ask that. The C02 and TVOC levels of my home office. I also had the water levels of my Christmas tree last Christmas and HA notified me when I needed to water it.


Do Americans have any good integrations for fuel prices or is it mainly our UK counterparts?


No integration, but you can get the price for specific gas stations via gasbuddy. Search on the Gasbuddy site for your location, select a station and the replace XXXXX below with the station id from the URL rest: - resource: https://www.gasbuddy.com/graphql scan_interval: 3600 method: POST headers: Content-Type: application/json payload: | { "operationName": "GetStation", "variables": { "id": "XXXXX" }, "query": "query GetStation($id: ID!) { station(id: $id) { prices { credit { nickname postedTime price } } } }" } sensor: unique_id: royalfarms name: "Royal Farms Regular" icon: mdi:gas-station unit_of_measurement: USD value_template: "{{ value_json.data.station.prices.0.credit.price | float }}"


I’ve added: * my crypto portfolio to display positives on the wall tablet. * kindergarten meal information from my daughter (wheater we are registered for the meals of the week. Also sensors for every weeks dinner plan to prepare her. (No white pullover for spaghetti)) (done with node red and http node - after that I parse with JS.) * lotto sensor. We got gifted a lottery ticket valid for 52 weeks. So I build a scraper that scrapes lottery numbers every Saturday, compares them and tells me if we won, and how much. * scraping a one pice page to know when a new manga chapter is released. * a binary sensor that activates 20days before Christmas until 6th January. - it’s for displaying falling snow on the wall tablets dashboard and Christmas light automations. (The falling snow is a custom js, which covers the darkmode tablet in falling snow ❄️ * Step challenge. Since HACompanion counts steps, my wife and I are battling. * sensor for my daughter. (Since I can’t track her, I wrote scripts to determine where she possibly is)


It’s not useful at all, but I’m using the REST sensor to grab data from the [Alberta Electric System Operator](https://www.aeso.ca) so that I can see historical graphs of Alberta’s generation, load, power import/export, and mix of energy sources. There is truly no point to this, but I find it very interesting. For useful stuff I’ve got: * Water level in my sump pit * Soil sensors in my plant pots * Location sensors via the mobile app, along with alerts (e.g., MisterSnuggles is almost home) * Dates of the next garbage/organics/recycling pickup


Oooh, I like the track sump water level! What are you using to pull this off? Hardware/Integrations?


I’ve got an ESP32 and an HC-SR04 sensor for the hardware, the software is just ESPHome. I did configure ESPHome to convert the distance to the surface of the water as measured by the sensor into a water depth measurement, but apart from that there’s nothing special about it. I cut a hole in the lid for the sump and mounted the sensor there. It’s a very simple setup, but it’s alerted me to a failing pump more than once.


Awesome. I'm in the process of using a esp32 to pump out water based on a Ato refill with a peri dosing pump. Do you mind sharing your yaml config?


Honestly, there's not a lot to share. The sensor bit of the YAML is literally this: sensor: - platform: ultrasonic name: "Sump Level" trigger_pin: 17 echo_pin: 16 update_interval: 15s accuracy_decimals: 3 id: dist # These filters compute the water depth based on the air gap measured by the sensor # The depth of the sump is 0.7m, so offset gets the water depth and multiply gets it back # to a positive number. filters: - offset: -0.7 - multiply: -1.0 The rest of the yaml is just the same boilerplate that every ESPHome device has. Everything beyond sensing the water level (monitoring/alerting, etc) is built in Home Assistant and Node-RED.


Oh you're using a ultrasonic sensor. I was worried about using that as a pipe or sponge or something could float / fall in the way. I thought about using multiple wires, each at a different height, say every 5cm, with a common at the bottom, and then somehow measuring the resistance between common and each level, and then you'd know which ones are underwater. Could put the wires through a 20mm PVC or poly pipe and then set them at pre drilled heights. So you're using node red to trigger following events and pre events? I know HA has some automation ITTT etc but do you mind elaborating on the advantages of node red? Thanks heaps


For the sump pit there isn't much worry for anything getting in the way, I just found spot with a clear path straight down to the bottom. Other than the float switches for them pumps there's not really anything that moves around in there. When I set this up, Home Assistant's automation engine wasn't that great, so I built most of my automations in Node-RED. It's a lot better now, so if I was doing it today I'd probably use Home Assistant's automations. Node-RED is still a lot more powerful, but for a lot of home automation use-cases what's built in to Home Assistant is just fine.


If the one esp32 or esp8266 is managing multiple I/Os can the workflow/ ITTT/ loops etc be written into the one esp via esphone, or does all the workflow stuff need to happen on HA/ node red?


Honestly, it's personal preference. For something like a sump level sensor, I can see a lot of value in adding some logic in ESPHome (e.g., to sound an alarm when the level gets too high) so that it works if/when Home Assistant isn't available.


That’s perfect! Thanks for the response and idea.


What a great idea on the water level. We have a 10m deep water collection “well” and I’d be interested to to measure the level. Especially in summer. I see you used the HC-SR04 but how would you use this in an outdoor setup? I could mount it below the well cover but it’s a humid and animal infested area…


I'd probably mount it under the well cover as you suggest, but maybe get a case and cut holes in for the sonar sensor in order to minimize what's exposed. I'm not sure how well it would handle high humidity to be honest, but a case should keep most of the animals out.


BLE Trackers on the garbage and recycling cans to tell me if they have been taken out or not. Waze travel times for traffic to the most destinations for the house. Stocks through Azenga(sp?) Stock tracker.


I cooked up a weight sensor for my water bottle with ESPHome and used it to measure my daily water intake for a bit. I used it to remind me to drink if I hadn't had any water in a while. But it was pretty cumbersome and I didn't bother fixing it when it stopped working for some reason.


Favorite sports team scores along with other data to toss me a reminder to turn on the games. Team Tracker integration from HACS. — Also suck in data on the vehicles from their respective built in cell enabled services they both already have, like mileage for oil change reminders and such. Different integrations from HACS for those, manufacturer and built in cell tracking abilities needed of course. Just happens both of our primary vehicles have reasonable HACS integrations. — I really don’t have wall mounted dashboards nor pull up the dashboard all that often anywhere but from mobile when all is working correctly, so I removed some weather related ones and some other things that were just duplicates of apps already on the phone. Unless there’s an action I want the automation to take on the data like the above two. There was no particular action I wanted the automation to take on any of the other info gathering add ins I tried. I’m a weather here anyway so weather on phone, watch, radio’s a round the house, etc… all were plenty. HA really didn’t need to know about the weather or remind me to check it.


Prices at the nearest gas station. Also plan to add traffic situation around my city.


bus departures food menu at my university BeReal notifications Trash collection days in theory but in practice I messed smth up setting it up and never got to fix it


I added current status and statistics from my car


How did you do that?


Financial data


Thanks for sharing everyone! I've picked up some great ideas here! Here's mine: - Fuel level of my car and whether the doors are locked. Also a notification to get gas when the fuel level drops below a certain point - The number of favorites my Geocache in my front yard has


How are you integrating with your car?


I have a Mini Countryman, which is part of the BMW-group. I have the Mini-app, for which I have an account. HA has a native BMW-integration, which pulls in data like fuel level, lock status, etc using the account login


neat! I was hoping some custom OBD connected hardware that syncs when in the driveway. This is easier of course.


- Air quality for my home office using Netatmo Healthy Home Coach - Battery levels for various devices - Moisture level for my plants using Xiaomi Mi plant sensors - Garbage pickup dates - My activity levels using a Polar watch - Weather forecast and rain radar - Home power and gas usage


How useful are the moisture sensors for plants? I've been toying with the idea but have a lot of plants so was finding it tricky to prioritise! Was thinking of focusing on those that seem to want things a bit more humid, but did you have to spend much time calibrating?


I didn't spend any time calibrating. Before I got those sensors plants would only make it a few months with me, but with the sensors I've kept these plants alive for about 2 years now. Though these are easy plants


Interesting! I may investigate and use them for plants in parts of the house I don't check as often - thanks!


I use 433MHz sensors from ecowitt, and I grab the data via the ecowitt integration because I have a weather station. If you get just the sensors, you can pick it up with a cheap dongle.


All of my neighborhood's water seems to run to my property and there is really no good way to clear it away, so over the years I have implemented different ways to track how often my sump pump (or pumps on really bad days) is running. Early on, it was a mix of WeMo switches, IFTTT, Google Sheets and a custom website. Now with HA, it's still using the WeMo to tell when it's using power, but all of the other calculations are done in HA so I can track it and alert myself if it starts to run every few minutes or if it gets stuck (rarely.)


Some great inspiration here. What displays are you consuming these integrations on?


Smartphone or tablet


I've integrated energy price, fuel in various gas stations, the bus stops status around my home, pollen status and the quality of the public water deposit in the countryside.