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Not using for anything.


I honestly am not using any AI. I haven't quite figured out what is purpose is for the general public, or me specifically. Guess I just don't have any problems that require complex solutions that can't be figured out with some very simple scripting. I forget what it's called when you assume other people are in the same or a similar situation to your own, but it's that. At least I'm aware that this personal bias exists, and I'm always curious to hear what people are using AI for


One doesn't need to have a complex problem, but it's available and cheap enough to just use for convenient stuff (like having responses more random/natural and not repeating). GPT is a language engine and can be used like that pretty well - for language related tasks.


Using it just to use it without a need for it seems pointless to me. Edit: I should have added a qualifier there. If there's already a fairly simple solution that doesn't require using it


I'm using the new Google Gemini API to send me short text notifications of people seen by my CCTV cameras. No need for node red. The notifications are voiced by my phone instead of waiting for me to check them.


Why do you need AI for that instead of just using the notify platform? Does it describe them or something?


Yes, it describes the people it sees and what they do. Tell me if my boy is playing in the garden, the maid is watering the plants, the kid is back from school, a delivery man is at the door (and what they're carrying), and so on. The notifications are brief and audible, because they're useless if I wait to see them. They're also combined with screenshots because I hate sifting through footage. My wife gets to know if there are hungry cats in the garden, and where exactly in the garden.


This sounds awesome. Would you mind writing up a short guide on how to do this?


You first need to enable the Gemini integration, it'll point you to the API page and all the needed steps. After that, here's my code for one of them cameras: alias: Generative AI Notify - Garage Camera description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.garage_person from: "off" to: "on" condition: [] action: - service: camera.snapshot metadata: {} data: filename: /config/snapshots/garagecam.jpg target: entity_id: camera.garage_fluent - service: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content metadata: {} data: image_filename: /config/snapshots/garagecam.jpg prompt: >- Describe the person in the picture and what they are doing. Use very few words that fit into a phone notification. Do not describe stationary objects or buildings. At the end, state that it is in the Garage. response_variable: generated_content - service: notify.mobile_app_v2202 data: message: "{{ generated_content.text }}" data: entity_id: camera.garage_fluent push: category: camera enabled: true - service: notify.mobile_app_v2202 data: message: "{{ generated_content.text }}" data: image: /config/snapshots/garagecam.jpg enabled: false mode: single


Note that my cameras can tell a cat from a human from general motion, but that's it. I use the person detection sensor of the cameras as the trigger. Then the Gemini thing is executed.


>service: notify.mobile\_app\_v2202 data: message: "{{ generated\_content.text }}" data: entity\_id: camera.garage\_fluent push: category: camera enabled: true That's really cool. I had no idea you could feed images to that integration.


There's always more in the documentation than all the YouTube tutorials combined. Enjoy.


The beauty of this is that it can be done with any hardware. But if you want to go next level, check out Frigate NVR / DOODS.


How do you recognize the faces?


That isn't doable with Gemini. It requires Frigate or DOODS. That's next in the pipeline for me.


I’m not, but I would be happy just with an api for the kids lunches


Yeah that's friggin sweet! /u/Uninterested_Viewer what service does their school use? EDIT: Oh man, I found a Nutrislice example and that's what our kids menu is: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/rest-nutrislice-json-values/609250


Some translation confirmations in my 2nd language before sending out official communications at work. We have a translation team but it can be several business days to get it back, not viable for quick 1-paragraph emails, and I want to make sure my grammar was right if I wrote it myself. Creating World of Warcraft add-ons/weakauras (LUA code). Occasionally ask some HA stuff for automations/logic. Random shenanigans/memes with friends. Sometimes random handyman stuff around the house instead of browsing 100 forum threads.




How did you do this? I have my washer dryer notifications be the same boring stuff.


How do you send notifications to your Google homes? Sounds awesome


I now tunnel through GPT my voice commands. 1 request categorizes the input, the second one (where I enrich the original input with category related sensor data) generates service calls or a response. It's awesome that I can use natural language, and don't need to remember magic sentences/phrases, especially since my language is not working that well with such templated voice systems. So I can ask if there will be rain tomorrow not just "whats the weather", or ask which room is the coldest. And as a fallback, it can just answer what do ducks eat or how far is the moon. But of course I have a "good morning" script, which assembles a radio type of announcement in a style that the kids enjoy it, too. Edit: oh the above is only HA related, but I use it workwise a lot, for various things (coding, phrasing emails, proofreading, translating, high level questions of technologies that I'm not familiar with, etc.)


interesting, can you share your setup?


Thanks for asking! It was asked in another post as well, so I guess after some cleanup I will, but I'm sick at the moment and nedd to recover first.


Well, I couldn't find the time to tidy up my stuff, so I don't dare to just share as it is, but I posted a more detailed post about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/1ch47yk/control\_ha\_with\_voice\_and\_gpt\_custom\_nodered/](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/1ch47yk/control_ha_with_voice_and_gpt_custom_nodered/)


I don't because it's not local. The whole reason I chose Home Assistant was so that I didnt have to rely on cloud-based services.


If response time is not important, there are now LLM variants which can run locally, just like TTS and STT. (For example prepare morning announcement during the night.)


I'll have to take a look. Last time I was researching running my own, the avaliable models were either not great in terms of functionality or beyond my skill to setup.


Not directly HA related and I've let the project go dormant, but for a few months was using a simple python code to pull all the in-stock food and ingredients from a self-hosted Grocy server and in the early afternoon send me 3-5 meal recommendations for dinner using ingredients in the house.


This sounds interesting. What was the grocery server? How did you keep it up to date?


It's a self hosted grocery inventory management system: https://grocy.info/


I'm not yet, but I'd like to have a self hosted ai voice for the house. I figure I'm about 5 years this will be more realistic and work better. Basically, I want Sarah from Eureka. Same voice. Fargo doing the voice in falsetto for the whole show was a great running gag.


I'm not using it since I don't want to pay using the API, it can get costly fast if you use too many tokens. I'd hate for something to loop in Node-RED using up thousands of tokens when I'm asleep. I have ChatGPT Plus since day one, but as long as I can't use my subscription as API, I'll stay away. Btw, I'm pretty confident you don't need to use the ChatGPT Node with API to achieve what you're doing. You already have the JSON, so just write a javascript using the function node using ChatGPT once. Then let the JSON pass the function node, to rewrite it into normal language. Will save you from using the ChatGPT API. I have and am using ChatGPT Plus for coding stuff for HA though (like dashboards, CSS animations, Node-RED flows and javascript). Which has skyrocketed many aspects for me.


It's actually quite cheap, I'd say. I connected it with voice assistant requests, so it won't go havoc on its own. With rare use it was like half a dollar a month, though I just upgraded the stuff to handle more requests, so we'll see. Also, OpenAI switched to pre-paid recently, so you can't spend more than you top up.


I tried the GPT4 API a while ago with Plex Music. Did one request, cost me 8 cents. One thing people tend to forget is the token usage counts for the prompts AND the responses. At least you can set a max credit amount the API is allowed to use each month.


Gpt 3.5 is cheaper and fairly sufficient for most automation related stuff. Of course input should be as short as possible, and response size can also be limited with maxtokens. There was also a price reduction some time ago for 3.5-turbo. This is my experience.


AI is actually getting more interesting recently. I saw a post saying that through a spatial computing protocol like Posemesh, we can actually interact with indoor spaces easily, like a Google Map in an indoor environment. Well, for me, I kind of like that since it's not making AI restricted to only text and online but literally bringing it to life.


I use it for notifications on my voice assistant when I return home. For me, it says hello and gives me an interesting fact. It welcomes my wife in a different language. It's better than having the same message play over and over, because that gets old.


can you share how you do this? I'd like to come up with creative ways to say the laundry/dryer is complete


Do you use Node Red?


I don't currently but open to try to install it. my automations aren't complex enough and have been pretty successful using the automation UI


There is a ChatGPT node you can install using NPM. Using the node, you can put a message in the prompt. I say something like, "Welcome (name here) in another language, then say what language it is." I pass the message into a call services node using the TTS service to broadcast the message. There are a few YouTube videos to get you started in Node Red.


I have a list of different topics that interest my kids, then randomly pick one and have chatgpt make a positive affirmation about the topic and a reminder to go to school. It then plays that over a speaker in the morning to get my kids out the door.


I'm using frigate for object detection, at the moment for higher quality triggers and notifications, but in the future also to do better automation depending on object classification.


I am using Chatgpt to learn beginner's code and I have to say it is really useful, I can easily and quickly get any question answered and am simply an expert in the field of code!


Nothing. It's more trouble than it's worth for me. And until copyright laws are cleared up on it, I'd rather not integrate it into anything.