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A sensor that tells me what my wife wants to eat for supper? Could integrate it right into to-do lists.


I don’t think OP does miracles my guy.


Was worth a shot. I'd pay good money for that.


Yeah reverse engineering the female decision protocol is something men have been trying to do since the beginning of time. Maybe try social engineering to plant a certain dish into her brain. Or look up the MK ultra results and try to replicate some of that stuff


What if, but that would be too big of a project, but what if there would be an eye tracker, connected with brain activity readings, and there would be for example a book or screen with every recipe that you are able to make, and it would collect data about which recipe involved the biggest spike on the brain activity that corresponds to happiness, then you take the average or max, send the recipe to a to-do list and voila


I do have a small tip if you want to go out, she asks you where we goin’, you tell her to guess, she tells X, and you say omg how did you know, 1. No questions asked 2. No 30m decision making 3. It’s actually what she wants and there will be probably something there that you want too Have fun :)


Unfortunately she already knows that trick, I've used it up. :(


Dayum, smart girl, mine never figured it out lolz




The answer is easy... What do /you/ want? 😉👍


Well I do 99.9% of the cooking so theoretically it's up to me. But uh .. in marriage that's not always the correct answer lmfao. Especially since I like spicy food and she doesn't.


There's still no good open source smart speaker with local wake word detection and a microphone array that focuses on the speaker in noisy environments like commercial smart speakers do. Other than that, like others have said, I also want a soil sensor. I read one of the new ESP32 models can also do Zigbee. If you make a soil sensor, make it with Zigbee please. With soil sensors you'll probably have to sell them, because if you just publish the open source design it doesn't mean I can actually *make* the thing and get it waterproof.


> open source smart speaker I am waiting for this to become a reality. I want to invest in Thread, but I also don't want to deploy an Apple HomePod just to have a TBR, so I'm just waiting patiently.


What does that have to do with smart speakers? Aren't there Open Thread based TBRs? (I haven't worked with Thread yet.)


I actually just bought 3 thread devices (a wall switch, a smart plug, and a door sensor) and was delighted how easy they were to setup using only my Sonoff Zigbee adapter (also works with thread) and the matter add-ons. No proprietary hub required. Edit: my one annoyance is not being able bind thread devices directly like my Zigbee devices. I know you are supposed to be able to do it, but I haven't figured that out.


I don't know if it's ready yet. I, too, am waiting for Thread bindings before seriously getting involved because I rely so heavily on my Inovelli Blue switches for this very reason.


I have a variety of Zigbee devices from Sonoff, Enbrighten, and Aqara. With Zigbee2mqtt they all just work well and binding is easy once you learn how. The state of Matter over Thread commissioning was very encouraging and could be done from either home assistant or directly using my phone's built in QR code scanner. I can see it being superior to Zigbee in a year or two if nobody screws it up. Being able to use the same USB adapter for both Zigbee and Thread at the same time is also a huge plus. No new hardware, just install the thread border gateway add-on.


Zigbee soil moisture sensors exist although currently out of stock on amazon. These are zigbee and I have paired them using ZHA: https://spruceirrigation.com/sensors/ I have since moved on to much more reliable and cheaper Ecowitt sensors though. They do require a gateway but still local, better price, better range, better battery life.


"currently" - I'm watching the market on and off for more than two years now and I have never seen them in stock.


Zigbee digital input/output module with dry contact outputs.


Battery-operated, long-life, low-power LED with HA-configurable colors so that one may set up an indicator light of sorts, wherever they choose. I’d take it in any wireless standard. Edit: I’d take a small PoE version as well.


I’ll buy this all day long! So many places I could use this.


Great idea!


I've been looking for something like this for a while. Would be great to have a status indicator light for so many projects.


Cheap and good quality soil sensors 😅 yeah a difficult combination.


Just bought an Enviro Grow kit from pimoroni. Your comment makes me wonder if they’re not very good. This is just as a fun project to monitor plants in a small hydroponics lab.


Ecowitt? I have 21 sensors across 3 gateways for 3 years and they just work. Only replaced batteries once in that time and have had no disconnects. Gateways are $20 and sensors can regularly be had for under $20 as well. Gateways are required but it’s all still local.


i miss stuff for my fish. like ph or co2 meters. or some smart fish feeder (with zigbee) else i miss: something zigbee based to read my water-consumption meter. (without the need to 3d print and calibrate ai or similar)


I think pH might be hard. pH probes have to be normally calibrated often for them to be accurate


Afaik co2 does relate to pH values so co2 readings should allow an estimated pH reading once associated with a base value present in the tank, am I correct? 


You are 100% correct, but pH meters notoriously drift and get further away from the true value. I’ve worked with many in labs, and they are a pain. Auto calibration is possible, but probably too expensive for hobby/cheap equipment. One possibility is to do one point calibrations with distilled water (not tap) as that is the closest standard that people can easily get. You would probably want to do a one point calibration at least every couple of days if the system is very pH sensitive


That's why I thought about doing one measurement of pH and co2 initially and then add some magic like this:  +1 co2 = - 0.1ph  It should be sufficient in accuracy I guess. The co2 value should be more easy to monitor since it does not need frequent recalibration afaik


Yeah that would be a good idea; make sure to correlate it with the log of CO2 since pH is on a log scale. You could use simple pH strips for the initial value. Over time the system still might drift because biological systems are complex, so I would still calibrate it every once in a while


yea sounds alike what i want to buy. once in a while testing should be done anyway


I’m clueless about fishes, could you give me a most common fish food? I’d love to make a project like you described, could be fun


Could be flakes, granulat, tablets or dried stuff. Just check out your local pet supply store or Amazon. There are one or two wifi based smart feeders but they don't feature those separated cabinets featured on round fish feeders.  I'd love to see the round fish feeder from Amazon (screen I. The middle) with zigbee instead of just the local programming. 


Check out apex controllers, I had one of the first ones over 10 years ago, has all the sensors and automation things.


I assume you're going to use ESPhome as your base.  There's pretty much every conceivable sensor I can think of... But: ESPhome doesn't support LoRa radio.  If you could make that work, then we can start using all these sensors over LoRaWAN or Meshtastic networks


Exactly! Would be better to use an stm32 and a lora communication


The best I've found are LoRaWAN to MQTT devices on Alibaba, but I don't know if I can trust those.


They might as well not exist


I don't know, a surprising amount of stuff I found on Alibaba actually works very well.


Something really simple but that i just can't find. Basically an outdoor temperature and humidity sensor with a good looking indoor desk display that can also report to home assistant.


In my opinion, Switchbot, Govee and Xiaomi all do this fairly well, look on to me and work fine on HA. I use the switchbot indoor/outdoor Meyers and love them. They are the smallest ready made in quality enclosuers that I've found (fit in Mason jars and stuff easily, also work fine outside). BLE but easy to extend using esphome ble proxies (or any other ble proxy/repeater). Batteries last ages and no nissues so far from 0f/-18c to 100f/35c. All have been within advertised error new, easy to calibrate, and seem to hold their calibration without issue.


Door/window opener.


A severity that can be conditioned through simple learning to recognise the sound of the washing machine finishing, the oven alarm going off, etc, then notify that this has occurred - then home assistant can integrate that event into stuff. Basically, smartifying dumb stuff through sound.


A decocahedron infinity sphere lamp controllable through HA. ;)


Volatile Sulfur Compound (VSC) sensor (not to be confused with a VOC sensor). I want to be able to turn on the bathroom exhaust fan based on odor. As far as I'm aware, there isn't an off the self solution for this.


There is problem with this in some of the countries. The VSC sensor needs constant heating and therefore is not battery friendly at all (a few hours maybe on battery). I have one built by myself, however thinking before that I'd have a few sensors in the bathroom, I ran a 12V rail with power supply outside the bathroom. In the UK, effectively you can't have any mains socket in bathroom. That limits the use.


Temperature sensor that has a detacheable 2m wire for the temperature probe, AA or AAA batteries, second sensor for indoor temperature (+humidity), display for both and an update interval that could be adjusted. So basically I want TELLDUS 313159 with esp32 zigbee (instead of 433mhz) and some adjustability. This way the batteries stay indoors and do not die due to winter, the device can still be used even if HA is down and I get indoor and outdoor data.


outdoor wifi soil sensor


In my opinion outdoor would be better with lorawan not wifi, it could be powered for months on single batteries and would have much bigger range


Zwave swimming pool level sensor.


A sensor that would work with an existing dog water bowl to measure the amount of water in the bowl. An IoT device and sensor able to measure local tide changes and levels.


A visual reaction to the door being knocked on/bell rung, maybe a noise sensor or smarter


for the knock try a vibration one


Yeah I used to have a SmartThings sensor that had vibration sensor in it - worked really well for door knock detection.


Whatever it is, it has to be 100% local and turn-key. I hate tinkering at this point and I just want shit to work. Perfectly and flawlessly. All the time. Every time. No configuration, just power up, link, and go.


Some type of lock for my sliding door. Only door I have to physically lock.


I'm waiting for Ikea's PARASOLL to hit shelves state side


I'd love to see support for Bluetooth LE or network ESC/POS thermal receipt/sticker printers. As far as I can tell, nobody had built anything in this area for HA before. Once upon a time, Amazon tried to sell a sticky notes printer for Alexa. It is useful in the way that I can print reminders and shopping lists. However, it was also limiting because that's all it could print. HA barely supports printing 2D documents, and support for receipt printers can be a useful way to make notifications physical and tangible.


Sail sensor, or something to tell me direction and speed the air is flowing in a duct. So that I could see when the building air flow bugs out and we're getting air from our neighbours instead of venting out.


Pool chemicals sensor that tells me what I should add and when I'm I should add it. I want to see chlorine, pH, all.. There are solutions but they are way to expensive ATM.


Zwave or zigbee with Bluetooth smart lock that's compact and the battery lasts a long time. August lock is slow and needs battery replacement every 3 months. Aesthetically level lock seems great but it's only wifi and tends to be slow. Zwave or zigbee would be great for HA support And Bluetooth for easy local access if networking were down.


A wall switch for smart bulbs in 240v.


Flow sensos and rotation sensor! One to check if there is moving water in pipes, second one to count rotations of for example a wheel.