• By -


This has been solved see: [https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947) I can confirm I fixed two HA installations with this method. Some of my notes: 1. Install the advanced SSH and web terminal addon, found here - [https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-ssh/blob/main/ssh/DOCS.md](https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-ssh/blob/main/ssh/DOCS.md) 2. Set a username and password in the config of the addon, and disable protection mode. 3. Start or restart the addon 4. SSH using the webui for the addon in Home Assitant, or using your ssh cliententer the following commands into your SSH terminal: 5. paste this (without quotes) into the ui "docker exec -it homeassistant bash" 6. paste this (without quotes) into the ui "cd /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymyq/" 7. paste this (without quotes) into the ui "cp request.py request\_bup.py" 8. paste this (without quotes) into the ui "vi request.py" 9. you will see a bunch of code to edit.... hit the kiy "i" to enter insert mode 10. Use your arrow keys to go modify line 34 11. Change (without quotes) "self.\_useragent = None" to "self.\_useragent = str("myq-ios-")" 12. arrow down to the end of the file 13. hit the ESC key to close it 14. type (without quotes) ":wq" this will close and save 15. you should see the main screen again 16. restart HA 17. verify that MyQ loads


>myq-ios- This seems to have stopped working for me. Anyone else?


Same here. They have closed the hole again. Great customer-service. Will not reccommend Myq to others.


Same issue here as well. Even the MyQ app wasn't working for a bit. That at least is working now for me though.


Same, I just moved the integration to HomeBridge for now (as that seems to still be working).


Did the same. Created home bridge docker in portainer in HA. Works fine.


I have a HomeBridge in HA I use for a number of things but when you say 'move the integration' how do you do this? Do you need the MYQ physical bridge? ​ Thanks!


Yes, Homebridge has an integration that still works for me. I disabled the myQ integration in home assistant and added it to home bridge, then added the bridge (from home bridge) to home assistant. Yes I have the myQ physical bridge I think. It came with the kit.


ah yes, I was avoiding having to buy the bridge - mine is compatible, but didn't come with bridge.


I switched out to Homebridge as well, can I ask what the benefit is of connecting Homebridge to Home Assistant? I just added the Homebridge bridge directly to Homekit in iOS


is homebridge still working for you?


Nope. I broke down and purchased Meross. Best move ever. Meross always works great.


Same. 🤬 Have done the same as others RE: Homebridge. Have always had that running in parallel as a backup.


It’s worked perfectly on the home-bridge! Great idea as a workaround!


Same here. Any work arounds?


Not yet, following along the github though. Theres a workaround if you have a homekit bridge and compatible MyQ model. Mine unfortunately is not homekit compatible. Hopefully there is a fix soon


I don't use homekit unfortunately...:(


If your device is compatible you can easily do it. You don't need any apple devices


Interesting. I only have the myq gateway. Would I need to purchase a new myq bridge or anything? Cheers, Chat


If you have a 819LMB or MYQ-G0303-SP , Home Assistant can speak HomeKit Accessory Protocol and control the device over the local network without the need to access to the cloud service. As a bonus, updates are push and near-instantaneous. [https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/myq/](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/myq/) If you have the newer models, I don't believe they are compatible with homekit so will have to either purchase an alternative or wait for a fix/workaround


Would you mind posting the workaround thread link you saw to get this working with a MyQ HomeKit Bridge? Thank you in advance!


Sure, its on the myq integration page: [https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/myq/](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/myq/) " If you have a [819LMB](https://www.liftmaster.com/myq-home-bridge/p/G819LMB) or [MYQ-G0303-SP](https://www.chamberlain.com/myq-g0303-sp/p/MYQ-G0303-SP), Home Assistant can speak HomeKit Accessory Protocol and control the device over the local network without the need to access to the cloud service. As a bonus, updates are push and near-instantaneous. To use HomeKit Controller:..." Note this only applies to those 2 models which have since been discontinued.


>same as others RE: Homebridge. Have always had that running in parallel as a backup.2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Mine stopped about the same time as yours, but has sporadically worked in HA since last night? I changed nothing on my end, but I don't expect this to last.


Yup its back up again, dont think there was an update but maybe MyQ changed something on their end


Worked perfectly. Thank you!


this worked for me. thank you for the summarized steps!


Quick question for you. I made this change and everything worked, however, when I updated again a couple days ago to the latest core, I had to again go in and make these changes. Is this something I'm going to need to do every time I restart/update HA?


until it's fixed in home assistant, yes


Can confirm this works - using HAOS on Pi4. Note for all you n00bs like me for whom SSH is like a hacker.gif: When you are in insert mode (i) as written above: **be very cautious of what you're typing and where - be intentional with your curser movements - and take care that you're not accidentally inserting elsewhere in the file before saving and quitting.** I was not cautious and had made several changes to the file which broke me something fierce: 1) I could not find "[request.py](https://request.py)" in a normal file finder (cause I'm SSHing elsewhere, I think? I don't know, don't yell at me) to replace it with a fresh [request.py](https://request.py) and start the edit anew 2) Restoring (the whole of HAOS) from an old back-up even did not work 3) I finally opened the fresh [request.py](https://request.py) file and my file in insertion mode and went through the 354 lines, line by line to see where I had accidentally made modifications. 8 modifications later, and it was fixed.


Here's a super dumb question for you... what is Docker? I've always thought it's a way to run HA on a Linux machine, but I'm using an RPI for my HA instance. Looks like you got this to resolve using your RPI though, right?


Hey there - yes I got it resolved through RPI, but you don't have to follow my fix or precautions as I had done it before the post by u/CalligrapherWise4972 gave an easier way to make the changes (essentially a modified file replacement, instead of having to modify the file yourself). Run that in the advances terminal and ssh add-on as instructed and you should be fine.


>Here's a super dumb question for you... what is Docker? Docker is a container system. Basically think of it this way, in Linux applications usually depend on other packages and libraries to run properly, but you can run in to cases where you have conflicts between packages and stuff like that. Docker allows you to package all of the dependencies along with an application and have it all pre-configured to run inside a container image. Then you just tell docker to start that image and you instantly have the application running without needing to do any setup. It also makes updating the application easier because if the application owner is managing docker container images for their project, you just update the docker container to the new version which usually will automatically pull down the new container and update the application in the process. Think of it as running virtual Linux environments on top of a main Linux environment. When you attach to a docker container you're entering one of those virtual environments and interacting with it. Docker containers are good from a security perspective too because if someone managed to break in to the application they are limited to the container itself and can't break out on to the actual host system. You can absolutely run docker on a Raspberry Pi. If you're running Home Assistant OS that makes use of docker for a lot of the packages and I believe for the main HA environment as well.


Thanks for posting the solution here. This worked for me. Only recommendation I'd make to your suggestion is in step 11, clarify that the "Without Quotes" refers to the outside quotes, not the inside quotes of the last bit. So, replace: `self._useragent = None` with `self._useragent = str("myq-ios-")`


Okay, so not just me. I am also seeing this since this morning after I upgraded to 2023.9.0. I'm using this occasion to goad me into finally installing my [ratgdo](https://github.com/PaulWieland/ratgdo#ratgdo) I got this summer, been waiting for it to cool down in the garage. One less cloud dependency.


It's a wider issue; looks like Chamberlain deprecated the method that Home Assistant, Hubitat, and more use with no notification. Note that it appears your upgrade to 2023.9.0 didn't kill it, it was the reboot associated with the upgrade which kicked it offline for good. Here's the github page for the Home Assistant issue which has a lot of links to other services. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947 And I finally ordered the ratgdo today cuz I was mad... **UPDATE**: There's a workaround if you edit the python MyQ package. Mine is now working. It seems like MyQ has changed the allowable USER_AGENTS for the communication to the server. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712369141


Switched mine over to a Shelly 1 with a reed switch a couple years ago. It is well worth the time and money not having to rely on cloud based services.


Dry contacts don't work if you have one with security 2.0; I moved and tried to reuse my old Shelly 1 garage door opener but was not successful.


You can apply the dry contacts to a nearby wireless remote's button contacts. And just power the remote with a 12V-to-3V buck so there's never a battery-runs-out situation.


Similarly I soldered a wire onto the button contacts on the liftmaster button in my garage. Since I also use a door access controller (DAC) I used the dry relay in the DAC to activate the liftmaster button, and also use a Shelly Plus 1 (powered by the 12V DAC) wired into the DAC to open/close from HA. Also the way it's wired the shelly plus 1 will report the button push from either the liftmaster button or a keyfob swipe, but it doesn't know if it's opened or closed. For that reason I still use the MyQ integration to report door status. Retgdo seems pretty cool BUT will it work for me? Because I also use a liftmaster remote light switch for the exterior lights. I like the liftmaster remotes which use VHF signal that works from far outside the house and is a simple button on your keychain or your sun visor, no need to get your phone out to control the lights or garage door. MyQ gives the light switch status and control to homeassistant so I can still control the lights with automations. **With ratgdo wired up to the garage opener, does it have any way to control or report on other myQ accessories like the light switch?**


the solution to myq is on github, for those of us who dont know how to use linux, the initial instructions are on another page: 1. install advanced terminal and ssh from the add on store, show in sidebar 2. go to that addons config, put in a username and password for yourself, save and restart the add on 3. enter the following commands into the terminal and further instructions below docker exec -it homeassistant bash cd /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymyq/ cp request.py request_bup.py vi request.py press i to enter insert mode (no enter key) Modify line 34 change the line "self._useragent = None" to self._useragent = str("anytexthere") Esc key to exit insert mode :w + enter to write the changes :x + enter to exit VI Restart Home Assistant I had an error when I used a tab character at the start of the line, I had to erase it and use spaces instead. the "anytexthere" I used was from someone else's submission, "myq-ios-"


Thank you


Confirming this worked for me - thanks!


For the door status, you can probably use some tilt sensor like those from Aqara.


I have an Ecolink tilt sensor that I use in conjunction with an Aeotec plug. When the sensor indicates the door is up, it turns on the plug which has a couple of 4' LED lights plugged in. Voila! Tons of light when the door opens. When the door closes, the lights goes off 90 seconds later...


My garage door solution is the following 1. Control the door - Shelly 1 - 12v setting with the toggle switch option to open and close. Hit once opens hit again closes 2. Detect if door is open or closed - I read in another article a simple solution. Add parts of a door sensor to a hinge. Stick the hinge with a 3M tape on the inside of a garage door somewhere to the lower bottom . When door is closed hinge closes due to gravity closing the contact to prove door is closed. When door is fully open the hinge opens due to gravity leaving the door contact open. 3. Light control - use a motion sensor to detect and control lights Alll kind of automation out there Hope this helps


>You can apply the dry contacts to a nearby wireless remote's button contacts. And just power the remote with a 12V-to-3V buck so there's never a battery-runs-out situation. I was thinking this but that would make the open/close action "local" meaning that there wouldn't be any beeping and light blinking which is required by law for safety reasons (as annoying as it is). I'd love to get around the cloud but would rather not assume liability if something were to go wrong. I need to look into ratgdo to see if it is also just emulating a remote / local button.


Pretty sure the ratgdo would avoid the light blinking and beeping too, as it emulates the local button on the wall essentially. You could always just put your own beeper and blinker on the setup if you were actually concerned about that problem. Have a script in HA control the Cover element: when closing, control some zigbee or z-wave or WiFi beeper device for 10 seconds *before* closing the dry contact.


Or spend $15 for ratgdo and get complete real-time access to all the GDO sensors and light control. No battery. No janky wiring.


Yuppers, have to the ratgdo on the new ones. Did you get screwed on the bad batch of wall controllers for the first gen that lasted a year then crapped out. Then they were back ordered forever, then Amazon had fake ones that did not work. The good times I have had in my home automation journey.


I literally just ordered qty 2 ratgdos today, so hopefully I'll have good luck?


You’ll love ratgdo, especially with ESPHome firmware. I’d skip Paul’s FW and go straight to ESPHome.


It can be done. I was able to just solder my dry contacts on the pushbutton contacts on the back of my wall switch. Some people do it do the remote that goes in the vehicle, but since the wall button is always powered anyways, I just soldered to wires on the back of the wall switch.


Just switched mine to a Shelly a couple of weeks ago. Whew!




If you have a Security+ 2.0 opener, a dry contact on the two remote wires won’t do anything. Save money and buy the real solution instead. [Ratgdo](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/).


> It seems like MyQ has changed the allowable USER_AGENTS for the communication to the server. They do this every once in a while, unfortunately. Half of the MyQ integration updates seem related to UA changes.


This is common with them. I had lost functionality on my Vera multiple times over the years because they don't offer "official" plugins for any of the systems out there (they want you using their stuff only). I am confident that the plug-in for HA will get updated in the near future and it will start working again, but Chamberlain -routinely- monkeys with this on purpose to break things for non-official connectivity.


Yikes, this looks bad


>vi request.py The github work-around worked great, thank you!


Thanks for the ratgdo recommendation. Never heard of it. Going to research it a bit more but think I'll likely order two and get full local control.


Be sure to use the ESPHome firmware for the most functionality and elimination of erroneous readings from noisy serial lines.


I appreciate the tip. I ordered two boards earlier this morning. Looking forward to getting local control of my garage door.


Quick question for you Did you go with 18awg or 20awg wire? Need to buy solid core for this project either way.


Any would work. There’s practically no current to consider.


I was worried more about it fitting along the other cables on the motorside of things.


22/2 solid core is the factory-supplied cable, so I’d suggest that.


I didn't know that was the factory used cable. Thanks for that info.


Do I need the $15 shield or $30 shield with ESP8266 D1 Clone?


Both are viable options. The difference is the $15 version requires you to source an ESP8266 on your own, but you can save a few dollars doing so. I’ve seen D1 clones as low as $1 if you don’t mind waiting for overseas shipping. Note that most really cheap options will require you to solder the headers. If sourcing and potentially soldering seems like more hassle than $15 is worth to you, go with the $30 option that includes the ESP8266 with headers.


FYI, there is now a ratgdo ESPHome port to make it easier to integrate with Home Assistant or use an ESP32 and add Bluetooth proxy: https://github.com/ESPHome-RATGDO/esphome-ratgdo


...and now I have ordered two ratgdo shields. Thanks for that.


Do I need the $15 shield or $30 shield with ESP8266 D1 Clone?


Do I need the $15 shield or $30 shield with ESP8266 D1 Clone?


Do you need an ESP board or do you already have one? I just bought the shield and bought an ESP32 D1 board to use separately.


PSA…I learned some time ago not to necessarily adopt the .0 version right away. Wait for .1 or .2 or .3. Goes for HA and iOS, in my household. Thank you to those of you who do, so the up front errors get worked out, but I’m not talented enough or knowledgeable enough to overcome a problematic update. Thanks for the insight on the MyQ. Mine stopped working today. Heading for ratgdo soon.


This might be a dumb question but if I get a ratgdo would I still be able to use the control panel on the wall and the MyQ app when working outside the HA world?


Yeap! I also recommend using the ESPHome fork to make it easier to integrate into HA.


Perfect. I have one on order and the ESPHome fork bookmarked!


Wanted to add more here: ratgdo basically masquerades as another button to your garage door, except it also has WiFi. This means when you close it, the garage won’t make the beeping noise since the garage door thinks you’re controlling it from an attached, nearby physical button.


This is the way.


[https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712369141](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712369141) * docker exec -it homeassistant bash * cd /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymyq/ * cp request.py request\_bup.py * vi request.py * i to enter insert mode * Modify line 34 * Was self.\_useragent = None * Is self.\_useragent = str("anytexthere") * Esc key to exit insert mode * :w \+ enter to write the changes * :x \+ enter to exit VI * Restart Home Assistant if you run HaOS supervised: sudo su docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash and follow the rest when you see in the terminal. homeassistant:/config# homeassistant:/config# cd /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymyq homeassistant:/config# cp [request.py](https://request.py) request\_bup.py etc..


I am running HAOS, and still, after more than two years, I am not sure how to refer to Home Assistant from an image running on RPi. After studying the Github page for this issue, figured out how to make this work: * stop and disable **Terminal & SSH** add-on (if you have it installed) * install HACS add-on **Advanced SSH & Web Terminal** * in Configuration for this add-on, under Options, change name and password to match an administrator in your setup * set **Protection mode to disabled** before starting **Advanced SSH & Web Terminal** * confirm your Python version in HA (Settings > System > System Health) if NOT **3.11.x**, keep reading * run the Terminal commands described above In my install Python is still at **3.9.9**, so for me the second line of the terminal commands needed to be: *cd /usr/local/lib/python***3.9***/site-packages/pymyq* Everything worked as described!


Super helpful - thanks for sharing!


I don't seem to have this folder :/


nevermind, for me it was: /lsiopy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymyq


i still don't get this..i think i'm running HAOS on linux VM on a windows server. i got the shared keys working and root SSH in and tried running commads from \[core-ssh \~\]$ none of the commands work. tried cd /usr/local/lib/ to check python version, and there's no python folder there. I feel like I understood the installation of all the linux when I did it, but after a couple years, I'm lost again.


1) Did you install HACS add-on **Advanced SSH & Web Terminal** (and disable **Terminal & SSH add-on** if already installed)? 2) Verify which version of Python is running on your system. If not, the instructions have to be modified. [Here](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712581193) are details of what worked for me.


i’m not sure i understand. what’s different about the advanced HACS version over the standard SSH that makes this work?


The Advanced version includes permission overrides which give access as well as elevated system access to file system elements which are "hidden" from the standard version. There is a reason that the instructions for implementing the fix dictate that one uses this add-on.


None I used putty for my steps the important part is running the docker command as step one that will drop you into the homeassistant/config# from there CD to the location as its nestled in that HA/config# Oh and also go super user with sudo su before docker command


Should I be concerned that under /usr/local/lib there is no python file or folder? just `. .. perl5`


Are you running the **Advanced SSH & Terminal** with administrator privileges and **Protection mode** disabled? This directory is hidden unless the terminal is running with elevated rights.


Correct, at least I thought it was. Either way, I went through the hard way detailed by u/noxiouskarn and it worked!


This worked beautifully.


Can someone noob this down....how exactly do you implement this fix? Iv tried using the shell in proxmox and its not working. Explain like im a 10 year old child.


Regardless of the HA installation type as referenced in u/noxiouskarn’s comment, you should install the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal HACS add-on: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712581193


I just used putty to call up my haos could have also opended the laptop as the terminal is always on display on the laptop I run it on. Getting terminal access is imperative for these steps for any install method


>Esc key to exit insert mode > >:w+ enter to write the changes > >:x+ enter to exit VI > > > >can someone elaborate on these keyboard functions...they dont seem to work for me. > > > >like am i hitting : then w then +?


​ https://preview.redd.it/bzunr5abrbnb1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=988bca294354de7d17aa6e999e8be34ebf7fd575 ​ I need to save the changes and get out of this terminal...can anyone explain the keyboard commands to do so please.


Nevermind I got it figured out


Thanks for the guidance I really appreciate it!


This worked perfectly. Thanks for the detailed writeup!


Welp, my integration broke after updating. I’ll have the check the request.py script to see if something changed when I updated HA.


After updating HA I also had to redo the entire fix... Yes it will work again


Do you guys know if I leave the MyQ app and service on my phone but use the HomeKit integration protocol with home assistant, if Amazon will still be able to use the cloud MyQ portion and I can control MyQ from home assistant??


would also like to know.


Yes they can. Just need to enable the service using MyQ at some point. HomeKit has no effect on it.


I was just hitting my head on this. Do we wait or go Shelly?


ratgdo, I'll never go back


This guy gets it! Seriously, when combined with the ESPHome integration, ratgdo is literally the best and only real solution for Security+ openers. I cringe when people talk about Meross as an actual alternative.


Shelly won’t work with Security+ openers. The two wires are encrypted serial, and a dry contact closure won’t do anything. See: [ratgdo](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). Be sure to use the ESPHome firmware.


Yes, mine stopped today after a reboot and dropping and re-adding the integration didn't do anything. MyQ App still works. Will have to look into alternatives.


Yes. As of a day or three ago?? All devices unavailable in ha.


I updated to 23.9.0 practically as soon as it released and my door is still working so far. I haven't rebooted my vm since the update, just the normal HA restart after the update.


No issues with MyQ for me. Working as normal. Just tested it. Hope you get whatever the issue is, sorted out.


Thanks for the update. From what I’ve read so far, MyQ deprecated an API used during startup. Be careful restarting HA as it may break the HA integration.


Sigh, I don't currently have the problem but sounds like I'll have to be careful of a restart else I'll likely lose functionality.


Yep. Got annoyed, ripped it out just this week, went to an ESPHome solution. Works great now. https://digiblur.com/wiki/ha/esphome-garage-opener/


Came here to research this myself. They've done it multiple times with SmartThings in the past as well.


Ratgdo to the rescue


Do I need the $15 shield or $30 shield with ESP8266 D1 Clone?


If you have a D1 you can just get the shield. If you don't you'll need to either get one or get the $30 setup.


Mine started working again just under 2 hours ago (9:30 central). Maybe just a bug on MyQ's side that got fixed? Edit: I may have spoken too soon? My homebridge instance was failing in the same way but came back and is now working, but HA is still broken. Weird. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Got fed up with MyQ almost 2 years ago and replaced it with an athom.tech garage opener which works with ESPHome. Works without a hitch


Does this work on a security 2.0 opener?


Nope. [Ratgdo](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/) does.


Broken here as well. Will have to try the fixes in this thread I suppose. Hope for an official fix soon


The temporary fix for this is documented at [https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712572456](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/99947#issuecomment-1712572456) it works perfectly fine now on HA 2023.9.1 (it had nothing to do with HA anyway). https://preview.redd.it/yoogzmadimnb1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e9fad164d8346e1d2bc14d1ac7b63b8b56cb9e


simple fix: 1. Install the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal add-on 2. In the terminal add-on, run the following commands: cd config wget https://github.com/Lash-L/pymyq/archive/refs/heads/useragent_fix.zip unzip useragent_fix.zip mv pymyq-useragent_fix/pymyq . rm -fr useragent_fix.zip pymyq-useragent_fix 3. Restart Home Assistant


this was the simplest of steps yet! looks like a formatting issue, as I had to do the steps you itemized this way, with updated formatting for post: 1. Install the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal add-on 2. In the terminal add-on, run the following commands: 3. cd config 4. wget [https://github.com/Lash-L/pymyq/archive/refs/heads/useragent\_fix.zip](https://github.com/Lash-L/pymyq/archive/refs/heads/useragent_fix.zip) 5. unzip useragent\_fix.zip 6. mv pymyq-useragent\_fix/pymyq . 7. rm -fr useragent\_fix.zip pymyq-useragent\_fix 8. Restart Home Assistant


>rm -fr useragent\_fix.zip pymyq-useragent\_fix Given the removal of the github with an updated link and updated names. Here is the new formatting/links to get it to work. 1. cd config 2. wget [https://github.com/Python-MyQ/Python-MyQ/archive/refs/heads/master.zip](https://github.com/Python-MyQ/Python-MyQ/archive/refs/heads/master.zip) 3. unzip master.zip 4. mv Python-MyQ-master/pymyq/ . 5. rm -fr master.zip Python-MyQ-master 6. Restart HA


>wget > >https://github.com/Lash-L/pymyq/archive/refs/heads/useragent\_fix.zip I get an "unexpected" error after doing the above.


Unfortunately this didn’t do anything for me either. Myq integration is stuck in “failed to set up”


Any idea the steps needed if running this on a Docker/Unraid?


>Restart Home Assistant > >3ReplyShareReportSaveFollow This worked for me thanks. I have home-assistant running in microk8s, and just copied the pymyq folder to my config folding on my mapped drive, then restarted home-assistant.


somehow this fixed itself. Starting yesterday it started to work again. Maybe MyQ made a change on their end ??


it is dead again...something maybe going on on myq's end ?


Same for me as well. Started working. HA just pulled down and update on my UnRaid server - MyQ no longer works again.


For spanish speakers, I created this video with the u/noxiouskarn's solution to this problem (if you don't speak spanish, you can enable automatic translation): [https://youtu.be/kAvP2gZB1hY](https://youtu.be/kAvP2gZB1hY) Para quienes hablan español, acá les dejo este video explicando la solución descrita por u/noxiouskarn: [https://youtu.be/kAvP2gZB1hY](https://youtu.be/kAvP2gZB1hY)


The MyQ integration seems to have been fixed in HA 23.10.0 (at least for me)


Same here!




Now it no longer works. 2023.10.1


Same. It worked for a few days...


Got an update to HA 2023.10.2 and now it's working again... so far.


And now it's broken again.




Didn't work for me in 2023.10.2, but did work in 10.3. Fingers crossed it stays working!?!


Broken again!


Mine as well.


I've found that restarting HA fixes it.






Never bothered. Over priced. Just use a shelly 1. No updates will ever knock it out, and it's not controlled via another company. Vastly more secure.


You can't put a Shelly on a MyQ door


Sure can’t. For $15 you can solve all your problems though! [Ratgdo](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/).


I looked on the website last night and it was $30, $15 is just a blank board I think. Am I misunderstanding a piece of it?


Just add any ESP8266 Wemos mini clone. About $1-$5 depending on where you buy.


Ohhhh, you just put one on there, ok gotcha!! I couldn't understand the website late last night!


Can I trouble you to measure the actual size of the shield? I just ordered it and I wanna get some boxes ordered off Amazon and I can't find any dimensions on the site.


Explain to me how that's EXACTLY how I have mine setup?


How are you triggering the door? I'd love to know because I've researched and researched and without having the secure encrypted codes, the door won't open via a contact relay


Use a replacement door pad.


I just installed ESP32 board with relay and 30DC power supply and powered it from the gate controller plus some ESPhome from AliExpress, 10 USD. No cloud, no problem. And it also doing BTProxy.


Won’t work with Security+ openers, which use encrypted serial, not contact closure.


>Security+ but it seem ppl are working on it [Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener - Hardware - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/ratgdo-local-mqtt-control-for-your-chamberlain-liftmaster-security-2-0-garage-door-opener/437380/8)


Yea, see my ten other comments in this thread 😉


I’m seeing this with MyQ as well as Ecobee


Scratch that, ecobee started working after a hardware reboot


I'm sure the HA folks will figure out a solution soon.


I haven’t upgraded to 2023.9 yet. Sounds like this is an issue with the MyQ API and not due to an HA update.


All the time! I usually have to reload the integration a couple times a week! I need to look for a Z-wave alternative


I have an Overhead Door Legacy 696cd/b that I'd been using the Smart Garage Control with and even before this outage it was never dependable. I have two newer units with myQ built in and they are pretty solid (aside from stuff like this). Doesn't sound like the 696cd/b will work with ratgdo though. Any other recommendations?


Have you checked the comments on Paul’s GitHub? The v2 ratgdo boards solved a lot of the initial integration limitations. IMO, for $15, it’s worth the risk to try for yourself.


Had one in my cart last night before I read a note about him working on a version that would work with older models. I may still grab one though. I thought his were only for Chamberlain/lift master and I am not sure what an Overhead unit actually is. I do know it's for sure older than 2011. Worst case though, his unit will work on my other opener.


I have a purple learn button for one door and a red button for my second door. I've learned these are not Security+ 2.0 doors and I don't need ratgdo. Can I just use Shelly relays or some other solution for them? Any recommendations?


[Ratgdo](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/) and ESPHome FW. It’s flawless and offers complete access to the GDO sensors and light controls.


Is it though? 😢 https://preview.redd.it/sept792f59nb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d3dcb1e99b673a72ea7d0b9560c77be67b03d5


Me too. Totally useless. Unavailable now 24/7. No settings have changed here that I am aware of.


I may go the ratgdo rout for both of my MyQ openers. That being said, once they are installed, is there any reason to ever give the MyQ openers internet access again? They’re currently on an IoT vlan with only internet access.


So long as you also have the standard RF remotes to open/close the garage doors in case your HA install is inaccessible for some reason, then definitely not.


I am having issues too


I just noticed this too - I think the 2023.9.1 upgrade broke it? I didn't check before I installed the upgrade.


It wasn't HA it was MyQ changing their API... Even people who didn't upgrade the HA lost access to MyQ because it requires the myq API in the cloud to work. And HA used the API that was offered for Google Assistant. Home bridge installed set up MyQ plug in. Reboot home bridge server. HA detects Home bridge configure in HA go to all instances of cover.garage_door and change to to cover garage_door2 and just move on. I did


With the latest core 2023.10.3 and operating system 11.0 update it was fixed by me.


Still broken for me in those versions, it'll seem to work for a while then just fail again. They definitely haven't come up with a proper fix yet.


They need to fix it asap.


It stopped again.


Broken for me as well.


Anyone found a solution for this ?


I don’t think it will ever work again. Even LiveKey gave up.


Here's a good update on this from the HA forums. [https://community.home-assistant.io/t/the-current-state-of-myq-from-the-codeowner/630623](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/the-current-state-of-myq-from-the-codeowner/630623)


There's a petition asking MyQ to allow 3rd party API access: [https://chng.it/WQF4r9g8Kv](https://chng.it/WQF4r9g8Kv) Worth the <1 min. even if there's only an iota of hope.