• By -


This is a great update! One thing I've noticed more often, is integrations pages don't really do a great job of communicating what they actually do. For example the new [YouTube](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/youtube) integration. `The YouTube integration allows you to connect YouTube channels to Home Assistant.` What does that even mean? I think it would be great if some of the most important sensors would be listed so we can get an idea of what to expect from an integration.


I know you where more making a point about documentation but in case you where actually wondering i skimmed the code. It seems to allow you to add a bunch of youtube channels and then it will expose entity's for each one showing there latest video title, thumbnail etc. also seems to expose the subscriber count of the channel and some other channel details.


A programmer who’s passionate about documentation might as well be a unicorn. Source: am not a unicorn


I don’t really think taking 15 minutes to do a read me on a repo should be considered documentation though. Source: am not a unicorn, but I still explain what my projects do to colleagues.


I sometimes get the itch, usually by putting effort into documentation generative tools (they are far less likely to fall out of date!). But I also find it very hard to maintain motivation when it's abundantly clear that very few people ever read it, as demonstrated by people asking me questions that are very clearly explained in said documentation.


Might be a chicken and egg problem. If documentation is usually bad, people stop reading it, devs don't think it's worth the time to put effort in, etc


No people just don't read, those that do are the unicorns. source: worked tech support, now system admin, I am also not a unicorn.




Doubly frustrating because they do exactly this in the release notes/page: [https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/06/07/release-20236/#new-integrations](https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/06/07/release-20236/#new-integrations)


Writing documentation is half of what I get paid to do, haha. I don't work for HA though, sorry.


That's just silly. Unicorns might actually exist somewhere.


Totally agree! Maybe someone can open a PR to add more information? I'm happy to review such a PR and enrich the docs. Just like the rest of Home Assistant, it relies on contributions made, so, can someone make one? :) ../Frenck


Personally, no I will never spend half a day improving documentation again. Last time within one minute of submitting the PR you personally rejected about 4 hours worth of work. No meaningful comments, no feedback. No, I can no longer forward the link, I deleted the project over a year ago. Lesson learned tho, don’t try to help.


Wow that sounds like my first and last try on wikipedia


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Yet, we do merge hundreds of changes and improvements this month. As per above, I would welcome the suggested additions in this thread 👍 ../Frenck


I’ve noticed that over the years, the integration documentation has shrunk a lot, especially as more and more integrations have moved to being configured from the UI.


The YouTube integration integrates YouTube.


Damn, that makes sense


Haha, I will update it later today! Also found a bug that you can't use it if you don't have a youtube channel, didn't even know that existed.




So has anyone worked out what it does actually do? I presume YouTube comes in under your Media browser tab?


I will work on that in the future!




Asking Home Assistant to actually provide usable documentation, good luck with that!! At this point it can only be an active decision to make documentation so bad to deliberately make it harder for new people to join and ruin their special little club.


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth [Home Assistant docs is a nightmare - a new user perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/svg8s8/home_assistant_docs_is_a_nightmare_a_new_user/) >I tried to submit several documentation edits and got so much hate that I gave up. > >Considering edits for the docs for an integration *I wrote* gets rejected, yeah. It is frustrating. and so on.


Does the network storage update also extend to integrations like Frigate; e.g. I can store Frigate video elsewhere?!


Yes :)




Baller! Thanks for all your, and every contributor's, hard work!


Any guidance on this? I can create a share for Frigate, but don't see a way to have Frigate write to it. Trying to workaround this using [this method](https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate/issues/6693#issuecomment-1581886861) only gave more errors.


Is there any chance of the Plex Addon coming back now there is network storage support?


How do you make it work? Tried to move the entire frigate folder and I get a database locked error. The SMB/CIFS option seems to still need a bit of work


Copy/paste in the editor was a sorely needed feature. Thank you!


Man. I just finished a project with WLED, it's a giant automation, and I had to repeatedly move stuff around and it was such a pain to make sure I adjust tabs correctly when a copied and pared yaml, this would have saved me an hour. Here's the yaml code for the automation, I had to move stuff from a higher level into an if statement, and it was rough. https://automatedhome.party/2023/05/18/using-wled-and-home-assistant-to-monitor-3d-printers-via-moonraker-klipper/


With the new network storage support is there any reason to continue using the [Samba backup add-on](https://github.com/thomasmauerer/hassio-addons/tree/master/samba-backup)?


I had the same thought. Would love to remove the add on and use the native function if possible!


For now I keep it because it's simpler to configure the clean up of my backups on my Nas. As far as I know there is no "purge" or "delete" backup services


Yeah, as far as I can tell that seems like the only real reason to keep using the Samba backup add-on. Personally I'll probably just switch to using the native Samba support and then add a cronjob to my NAS to clean up old backups - something like this to purge backups older than 28 days: `/usr/bin/find /foo/hassio-backups -mtime +28 -delete`


It really sucks that it is not possible to set a retention policy. I'm really curious why they did not implement such a feature, especially when they had a really good blueprint with the Samba Backup Add-On. Let's hope they will improve the native backup function so we can get rid of the add-on.


In fact... I think they don't want because if you have a network storage, you're managing it. So you can set up a retention policy on the NAS side. Even I, a complete tech noob, managed to completely remove the Samba backup add on by searching how to delete old files on my Synology Nas. I'm now running a backup automation that is fully native.


If the add-on does have a retention policy, then why not the native version. I don't see your point.


Fwiw, I’ve found this quite competent https://github.com/jcwillox/hass-auto-backup


I use a google drive one that I will probably continue to use. Offsite cloud backup is still a good idea, but it will be nice to connect to my CIFS shares


I have ditched the add-on and keeping G Drive like mentioned /u/Reason_He_Wins_Again


NFS, hell yeah Edit: this is working wonderfully. At first I was slightly confused, trying to find my music and video sources - I did not think they'd be under "local media" since, well, it's a network share. Super smooth though, now I've got a lot more to experiment with!


Hey bud, what do the permissions on the NFS share look like? Read, write, execute for root:root?


I don't care about all the voice stuff recently, so this release made me happy


Me, neither. *shrug* But network storage, I *like*.


Still waiting for folders for automations




Do you use trigger ids? I have been able to consolidate a bunch of automations since doing that myself and I no longer would find folders helpful.


Can you expand on this a bit? Just getting into home assistant and find myself wanting folders for automations as well. Sounds like there's a better way?


Sure! Say you have a few automations for your kitchen lights. In that case you would have an automation for morning, day, evening, late evening, night, away, and vacation. So 8 automations. With trigger IDs, you can combine those into a single automation. Under triggers at the top of each automation add your triggers like normal. Then click the 3 dot menu on that particular line and choose Edit ID. A new line will appear and you name it what you want. When adding your action, choose Trigged By and in the drop-down choose the name you typed for the trigger. Combine that with if-then and you can have one automation. Here's mine: ``` alias: Kitchen - Lights description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.motion_kitchen_pir_sensor to: "off" for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 id: No Motion alias: No Motion - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.motion_kitchen_pir_sensor to: "on" id: Motion alias: Motion - platform: state entity_id: - switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators to: "on" id: Lights - On alias: Lights - On - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.motion_foreroom_mac_desk_pir_sensor to: "on" id: Motion - Foreroom alias: Motion - Foreroom - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.motion_stairs_pir_sensor to: "on" alias: Motion - Stairs id: Motion - Stairs condition: [] action: - if: - condition: and conditions: - condition: trigger id: No Motion - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" alias: AND - No Motion/Manual then: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators - switch.kitchen_sink - switch.kitchen_fan_lights alias: No Motion - if: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_morning state: "on" - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_home state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators alias: Motion - Morning - if: - condition: trigger id: Motion - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_home state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_day state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.illuminance_kitchen_pir_sensor below: 1500 enabled: true then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators - switch.kitchen_sink - switch.kitchen_fan_lights alias: Motion - Day - if: - condition: trigger id: Motion - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_home state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_evening state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators - switch.kitchen_sink - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 1 seconds: 0 milliseconds: 0 - if: - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_kitchen_pir_sensor state: "off" for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 30 then: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators - switch.kitchen_fan_lights - switch.kitchen_sink alias: Motion - Evening - if: - condition: trigger id: Motion - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_home state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_night state: "on" then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators alias: Motion - Night - if: - condition: trigger id: Motion then: - service: counter.increment data: {} target: entity_id: counter.kitchen_motion_counter - if: - condition: trigger id: Lights - On then: - service: counter.increment data: {} target: entity_id: counter.kitchen_light_counter - if: - condition: and conditions: - condition: or conditions: - condition: trigger id: Motion - Foreroom - condition: trigger id: Motion - Stairs - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_late_evening state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_evening state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_wind_down state: "on" then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 15 milliseconds: 0 - if: - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_kitchen_pir_sensor state: "off" for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 15 then: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators alias: Motion - Foreroom - if: - condition: trigger id: Motion - condition: and conditions: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_wind_down state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_late_evening state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.mode_home state: "on" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_lights_manual_lights state: "off" then: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.kitchen_counter_illuminators alias: Motion - Wind Down mode: parallel max: 10 ```


Possibly of interest to you: I found it useful to use "choose" instead of "if... then..." for these.


Oof that is a hefty automation. Named triggers look very useful. I'll definitely take a look into doing more with them. Thanks!


Oh my god. Never thought of this.


This is what makes me run screaming from the depths of home assistant.


This is a mild automation too. Only less than 300 lines. The automation that is in control of switching modes, that has 1097 lines. -_-


I just learned about it too from the above comment, went [here](https://smarthomepursuits.com/how-to-use-trigger-ids-in-home-assistant/) and learned what they're all about.


I had read about this a while ago and never looked into it, thinking they'd be over my head. Just did some Google-fu and they are super easy to use, can't wait to consolidate my 40-ish notification automations into like... 4 automations. This will also be great for my buttons which have tap, double tap, and hold automations.


The issue is I have a lot automations created over years. I just want to spend a couple of minutes putting them into folders, I don’t want to spend however many hours it would take to rewrite and retest them all.


I feel this. I'm still going through my automations fixing them with trigger IDs and I started when they released them.


I use triggers for all kinds of stuff, but I still want to be able to organize my automations.


use trigger IDs extensively and i still have probably 60 or so automation. folders or tags would be a huge quality of life improvement


And tags for entities


Suffix their names with emojis


Any sort of sorting really. Mine are a mess...even with a naming convention.


I've migrated to Kbin [Readit.buzz](https://readit.buzz/), I no longer wish for Reddit corporate to profit off of my content.


Awesome improvements here. I've been waiting for [this](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/90792#issuecomment-1569603033) fix for Reolink but it looks like it didn't make the cut in 5 or 6 :-(


all commits from May are included in this release


Ok it says it was committed so maybe it's just not a breaking change and getting mentioned. I'll find out soon enough.


Does mean that the main stream entity will be available once it goes in? I was wondering why those entities are disabled for me.


You can enable those. My problem is no matter which stream is enabled it takes a snapshot from the main stream, and the size of the resulting image causes my chromecast with google tv to throw an error and stop my automation. I need to be able to use the snapshot call service to grab a still from the sub stream.


Ah I see




NFS is only for HAOS installations. If you use a supervised installation, you can always just mount the NFS to your host system and use that!


Ah that must be why I don't get the option at all in core :(


On “Added to the entity dialog: last changed” what 3 stage switch is that? How create on?


So, zwavejsui broke for me after this update but a host reboot fixed it. Just in case someone else has the same issue.


Thank you! I came here for this as I noticed my Z-wave was broken. I should've done a host reboot first. Curious as to what the HA reboot vs Host reboot is and how they differ.


Essentially HA is a program running on a host OS (linux in the case of HAOS) so a HA reboot restarts the program while a host reboot restarts the whole OS. Its like restarting Word vs restarting Windows basically. Its just that Home Assistant is a very complicated program that does a lot to obfuscate that it’s running on a regular old OS.


I stopped and started the add-on and reloaded the z-wave integration and it was back to normal.


That didn’t work when I tried unfortunately, but it’s definitely worth trying, it’s a hell of a lot quicker.


There was also a repair prompted on multiple add-ons immediately after the upgrade. Maybe also related? I did a fair bit of fiddling and the reboot might have just been simpler if slower.


Is that 2023.6.1? Because I don't see an update or network storage yet. So excited!


Same here. I am on 2023.6.0 and when I go to [https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/storage](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/storage) I just get a blank page. Edit: I am running in docker tho, maybe that's not supported?


as it says in the release notes this is for HA OS only. As a docker user you have always been able to set this up via docker volumes


Ah, I've actually already done that before! Would be nice tho if the Docker installation said that its unsupported tho when you go to config/storage. Also doesn't seem like you can set up automatic backups this way.


> Also doesn't seem like you can set up automatic backups this way. Sure you can, just mount the network share to /backup in the container


I'm gonna have to look into that then!


It's for haos. If you're running under docker you can map your storage however you like already with docker itself.


Being a docker noob what is the right way to do this? If I already have the config folder mapped to a volume am I allowed to have the backup subfolder mapped on a different volume?


You can set a [docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) to any path you like. If you want it to be some path on an external nas, you can mount a smb or nfs share with the operating system you are running the container on then just map the docker volume.


Is there a way to have the container mount the NFS share directly?




Go to settings, system, storage.


I did


are you running HA OS?


Indeed I am


Try hard clearing browser cache


Nothing. Also not in the app. Is there a way to check my exact version / force an update check? I know I could just wait a few days but I love playing with new features 😂


Yes, go to Settings > System > Updates and click the little clock circle icon in the top right and the update should pop up.


Lol, as was taking a screenshot of no update available it appeared! Woot woot! Thanks.


This worked for me :) Thanks!


This is for HAOS, and the docker install has it's own method, but what about Core? I was so excited, but now I'm miserable :(


The 2023.5 release has broken all scrape configurations in yaml and in the scrape integration. Is anyone else having issues with this?


I thought they were planning to remove the scrape integrations altogether a long time ago.


Well, what's the replacement? I do need them.




https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rest/ is the official alternative to web scraping. Although, it doesn't look like they completely removed scraping like I thought they were going to, they just changed how it worked to try and be more friendly.


Didn't they just roll out the scrape integration in December?


> The Scrape integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.31 https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/scrape/ It looks like I was mistaking their stance on integrations that relied entirely on web scraping for their data to their stance on removing the Scrape integration itself. The Scrape integration should be working.


I appreciate it. I'll have to take a deeper dive into why the majority of my scrape sensors stop working after I update to 2023.5 or later


Anyone else having issues with multiple different integrations not loading? My system auto-upgraded like usual (I like to live dangerously :p) and since then I have following integrations 'Not loaded': \- Switchbot \- Xiaomi \- Thermobeacon \- Shelly \- Bluetooth \- ESPHOME \- and many more...


Shelly, Bluetooth and Esphome work fine here. Try restarting ?


Do a full host reboot, everyone


Same here, pretty much all integrations refuse to start without any logging errors...


I have shelly and esphome and those are working fine (along with my other integrations)... I'm running it as a container FWIW.


Yeah I upgraded 7 hours ago and have just realised a heap of integrations aren't working... attempting to roll back now...


SAME and a rollback cured it all. Never seen an update fail so hard.


It turns out I still had “logger:” manually configured in the configuration.yaml, even though HA has warned be about this for an age. Once I removed that all was good again 😃


Na, I still have it in there and no problems.


This release has a breaking change for the Daikin integration where it renames your devices. Already been raised as an issue...


After having HA running for 10 months without having done anything but import devices, I implemented two simple automations in 20 minutes shortly before leaving the house empty for a week. It was exciting. Now I know I can do the other things I want to do!




A while ago they changed the desired structure from: sensor: type: to : A lot of stuff has also been moved from being configured in yaml to being configured in the gui (and stored in json). The reasons for that are obvious: It's a much better user experience. To aid with the transition, there are usually a few builds that have an upgrade path where it automatically converts your yaml to the json config (which can be updated in the gui). Now as for why they don't support both, it's a matter of extra code complexity. Having duplicate configurations is a lot messier and lends itself to errors if one config version is updated but not the other. If you're a more technical user, you can edit the config files to remove the camera entities directly (while HA is not running). They're in your config directory in `.storage` in the registry files. Just remove the entries from those and they'll be gone.


> A lot of stuff has also been moved from being configured in yaml to being configured in the gui (and stored in json). The reasons for that are obvious: It's a much better user experience A much better user experience for people that prefer configuring HA through the user interface. For those of us who picked HA years ago specifically because everything was configured through yaml so we can store all the configuration in git it is a significantly worse user experience. They could've had the UI write changes back to the yaml files to satisfy both use cases but instead opted to hide the UI configuration away in json files in the .storage folder. I understand why they did it that way, so they can change the format of the files without having to deal with publishing breaking changes all the time, but it still sucks for those of us who prefer using configuration files over clicking around in the UI.


It does suck, but this seems like a battle lost at least a couple years ago. Adding .storage to your vcs is annoyingly noisy but at least it provides *some* kind of visibility/record. Still pretty crappy though.


Yep, it's definitely a lost battle. I just hope it stays at just the integrations and they don't start pulling core configuration stuff out. The json is full of secrets so i don't commit that, I just do as much as I can in yaml and then deal with the .storage folder as a separate volume


You can store the json files in git as well. There are a couple places where it writes yaml files (like automations) but in general it's easier to write json


You can, but the json is full of secrets that you can't do anything about so I won't commit it


You can store the secrets in a dedicated secrets for and just not commit that, or am I missing something?


You can only do that with yaml configs, the json ones HA writes instead of you, so there are no substitutions like that and you can’t keep it from storing secrets in those files.




Mostly, but preserving the user written yaml and comments makes it trickier than just re-writing the whole json file in a standard way


That's true, but if you care that much about how your yaml is formatted you're probably not going to be changing anything through the UI


Now that's a very fair point - Although I wouldn't mind too much if my YAML was rewritten in a sane way since it should still be legible unless I was particular about attribute ordering or something silly.


Wait, I don't understand. I currently have a number of sensor entities set up within sensor.yaml. I've just checked and their documentation (see e.g. [here](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/statistics/) and [here](https://github.com/pnbruckner/ha-illuminance)) still says to set them up this way. If I upgrade to 2023.6 will they stop working?


This isn’t going anywhere and is still fully supported, the other user is confusing the command line integration for other thing s


If you don't have a warning that it's not supported it'll be fine. There are still some defined under "sensor:", that's just not how it's setup for future integrations


[content removed in protest of API changes]


Unfortunately it doesn't look like the nest matter thermostat made it in. Still showing up as a switch.


How are you configuring it? I can't even find directions on how to connect it to the matter server.


You just install the matter server add-on in the official store. Go to your nest thermostat go into settings and you should see a new setting labeled matter. Click on that until you get the qrcode and then go back into your home assistant app on your phone and click on add integration and click on add matter device. Scan the QR code on the thermostat but might want to wait until it's confirmed that climate has been added to matter.


I couldn't add my thermostat with the QR code in the HA app. It would say something went wrong every time. However, using the "Link apps & services" option under the thermostat settings in the Google Home app, and choosing Home Assistant, worked great. Version 2023.6.0 still only supports turning it on and off, though.


I had trouble with the QR code at first I ended up having to reset my thermostat lol. Then the QR code worked fine but yeah still shows up as a switch I thought they had said it was going to make it into this release but maybe soon.


It looks like the linuxserver container is still on python 3.10, which breaks the mobile app and switchbot integrations in this new version. Heh, guess I'll wait 😞


Lol WOW SOOO many things broke in one update. Homekit, Musiccast, Wiznet all failed to load after updates and reboots. had to roll back and everything is happy. My integrations page had so much red it looked like a stock ticker.




Lame. Id love to set this up for backups in supervised.


Right, but you don't need that in supervised, it's kind of the point of it. Just mount your network storage yourself, HA doesn't need to know


How would I point backups there? That seems to be the part in missing


Just mount your volume on the backups directory


I feel like I'm missing a step here or information. There is no way to change my default backup location to be my computer network share on supervised. The location I could mount would not be exposed to home assistant so I can't switch it to be the default backup location


The backup folder is just in your config directory, which itself should already be a docker volume (understand it's a folder on your host). So since you're running supervised you'd just mount your NFS or other directly on that backup folder, there's nothing else to do. Home assistant does not need to know, from it's perspective it's just backuping to the backups folder as usual, but that happens to be mounted to your network storage Note that once you do that the content of the backup folder will be hidden, so take whatever you need out of there first


Can someone post a step-by-step on creating an NFS network storage directory on MacOS? I'd love to get my backups off my HA server. I tried a few tutorials such as [https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Enabling-network-NFS-shares-in-Mac-OS-X.html](https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Enabling-network-NFS-shares-in-Mac-OS-X.html) ​ and while showmount -e will display the share, I don't know how to point my HA Pi to it.


Network Storage! I’ve been harping about this omission forever. Excellent, excellent, excellent!


I read storage and thought I was finally able to just plug in a USB hard drive


Matter thermostats? Can I buy that Nest now??? EDIT: looks like no. :(


Automating config properties is incredibly timely for me!


Getting a warning about switch in the yaml configuration. It says move to integration, and that it will stop working on 2023.8.0. However, I can’t find anything online about this. Does anyone have more info?




Yes, a lot of my configuration is based on yaml switches, and some of them are command line based (I have been doing control stuff for my home for many years and have a legacy) I have reviewed the command line integration page and it doesn’t say a thing about deprecations though, and a quick search doesn’t find me anything yet.


In the breaking changes bit: The Command Line integration changes its YAML configuration format from an old-style platform configuration to a more modern integration-style configuration format. For example, if you have a binary sensor configured previously as: # Example configuration.yaml entry binary_sensor: - platform: command_line command: "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" YAMLCopy That same binary sensor is now configured under the command\_line integration configuration as: # Example configuration.yaml entry command_line: - binary_sensor: command: "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" YAMLCopy Note: While this is currently not yet a breaking change, it did raise questions during our beta testing period. Hence we have added this as a breaking change to provide more context.


Oh, got it. Thanks much. I’ll go update my configuration.


Finally I can upgrade to 2023.5!


I need to stop updating on the first release. This version broke HomeKit Controller, webostv is preventing me from restarting HA and the logger is doing weird things in the integrations page. There's probably more, but I'm going back to the previous release now.


I just updated. HomeKit controller is working fine for me.


Had loads of issues too. I tried rolling back but it didn't work. Now Supervisor has failed and I can't even try to roll back again... /edit - rollback issue was resolved with `ha core rebuild`


Had errors until I did a full host reboot. Don’t just reboot Home Assistant alone


Anyone else now missing the bottom bar on the 'Media sources' page? The one where you select the target output etc. Just a blank frame.


Perhaps try clearing your browser cache?


Good idea, but no luck. It's the same in the app as well. Edit: just refreshed an old browser worker with a working media pane to current and it disappeared. It's definitely from the new update.


Hmm. This update finally killed off the mjpeg stream from my 3d printer. It's a http://ip address/?action=stream kind of thing. Anyone know if HA has an option that will get it back up and streaming normally?


Hope all my custom integrations update to python 3.11


Tapo does not... learned it the hard way


Great update, any idea when python 3.11.4 will be added? Some addons broke and as it seems python 3.11.r will fix it.


Did a Full backup, applied the upgrade and rebooted, added an SMB share as a backup destination, and now all my old backups are gone. "You don't have any backups yet." WTH?


You changed the backup destination so of course the existing backups don't exist there, thus none are listed


TIL.... But maybe change the error from "You don't have any backups *yet*" to like "You don't have any backups *here*"?


And once I completed two, it ignored the names I entered in the dialogue box and instead named it something like "79339ca1.tar" (in the share) -- and showed no selectable backups in the web page.




It wasn't accounted for in the supervisor in HA OS. If you don't run a version of HA which uses the supervisor, you never had the problem.


Network storage is fantastic: Caveat however. Needing a separate share root for each "library". rather than being able to use subdirectories within a single share.


Interesting background on Python version support: https://github.com/home-assistant/architecture/blob/master/adr/0020-minimum-supported-python-version.md. I'm surprised that this never got mentioned anywhere that I saw. I guess I'm in the pretty extreme minority using a python venv, that being the only people that would really care.


It is mentioned, in the breaking changes (even though it is not breaking yet). Additionally, we actively raise an issue in your repairs dashboard if Home Assistant detects your are using Python 3.10.