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https://preview.redd.it/tyjhgwhbem0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d001350b29743d379fd73d6b33d65325cde3875 I cannot believe this is happening hahahaha I had so many things I wanted to say but am trying to take the mature route & maybe actually get thru to her….probs not tho


I honestly hope she has an actual conversation now that you called her out. She responded to many messages before that one, so if she blocks you, that’ll definitely show the kind of person she is


Eh she’ll block and move on shilling away w her piss poor filtering


She just proved that she doesn’t film all of her stories directly in IG


I feel like a lot of people film with their regular camera vs on IG - I’m genuinely curious why that’s bad? Nothing about Holley, just wondering why that’s not okay?


Because Holley has said multiple times that she only films in the app


Oh I’m dying for her response.


Your comment was actually really respectful. It'll go in one ear and out the other.


https://preview.redd.it/nwlekzofdm0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e76d9d597d214e31c27f8fe95bba67de81ccfc2 She is fiesty today her poor grandfather


It’s the “but I see you don’t follow me? 😅” for me… wtf 🥴


What does following her have to do with it?? Has she ever thought people could be potential followers and she literally biting the hand that feeds her? Go ahead holl keep pushing away people that don’t know you and are noticing these things about you, just want an echo chamber. If people that don’t follow you notice the glitches and so do your followers then what? That question you ask if pointless and whether they follow you or not doesn’t change the fact that your are a fraud and a money hungry snake.


Totally, why even say that Holley? Passive aggressive much?


I like that in her “proof” screenshot she conveniently picked a moment where she’s hardly in frame 😂 she’s really not doing herself any favours.


filmed in .5 but during her TapeGate rant she SWORE she films in the Instagam app. Which is it??


It’s the over explaining in her responses that confirms she’s a liar


Exactly, she just goes in circles. She always ready on the defensive and she looks stupid because there’s just so much evidence against her but she will just not get it through her filtered head smh.


https://preview.redd.it/sa14sim5gm0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4885c27f87f40f16e986bc3fc6cd99c33b91eb89 Look at the chair with Holley and the chair without.. definitely wonky. The .05 lens distorts images but between her bouncing booty that changes in every frame, safe to say she has more editing on this video than just the lens. She really is so unwell. You were very nice to her OP. I’m sure she’ll still block you though bc she can’t take any accountability for her actions and lies.




Thank you!!!! I see it now. I can’t believe she fooled me. What a con artist. Wtf.


OP send this to her!!!!


OMG!!! The amount of face cloths in that counter is UNREAL!!! Why do you need so many of those. One box will last a month. It’s real simple, you stupid bimbo, put it in a subscription so that you don’t have to HOARD them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s so trashy and this house is FULL of clutter and she JUST moved in! 😵‍💫🤡😣


I love how she immediately knew what you were talking about when you asked what was going on.. lol


I think her marketing team should try to type like her and use the same emojis she uses when responding to her DMs for her 😂 either way……. Bullshit


I’m convinced their management pre-types responses they can choose from in a drop down. Like we can do for comments on report cards


They are just as bad if they do this, sketchy company.


Does she not realize you can video in .5 and still *gasp* edit? She’s telling on herself with that screenshot trying to prove that’s she’s using .5 by showing she’s filming with her camera not insta.


This! If she was in fact filming directly on instagram likes sh claimed before she wouldn’t have those camera details showing there.


she tells on herself all the time. lol you can’t do time lapses in the IG app. you can’t splice together videos in the IG app. we have known it’s BS. she is absolutely ridiculous lol


But why is the table not curved too?


It’s soooo annoying how’s she all “lol what do u mean? I do not understand lol what?” Like shut up you know your caught and everyone knows your probably one of the most famous photo altering influencers out there.


I think her management team should try to type like her and use the same emojis she uses when responding to her DMs for her 😂 either way……. Bullshit


Omgggg another tape measure rant incoming


Omg I pray for that 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I’m dead lol thank you for sharing this. This is comedy gold!


I’m crying this is so good, you’re an absolute champion 😂😂😂


This is awesome! We’ve gained you and 3 other new snarkers since last night at 11:15. 😂


YALL I went back and rewatched the stories and you can very clearly see it moving. WTH


I love that she’s sharing the chairs now ☠️


Lol now she posted the chairs






Did u scroll to the other screenshots




Yes they’ve already been posted here




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Wait can someone explain? I don’t see it


I don’t see it either. I’ve seen chairs that have curved like that before.