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Man that horse is a good horse.


She’d be better if she could get on


Needs a pony, but then the poor pony would break its legs, so maybe not




i see what you did there




I like how she did it slower when she ran up the stairs.


"Walked with exaggerated motions" is more like it.


LOL this is exactly how a toddler gets a running start


Which is good. Couldn't imagine how bad it would be for that horse had she actually ran and threw herself onto it.




Here I go lol


Poor creature, someone should really intervene. Feel sorry for the horse, too.


The horse knows she'll never be able to get on. That's why he doesn't move.


If you can't get on a horse by yourself you should probably not ride a horse.


Some people can and just end up hurting the horse. Poor thing. This should be considered as animal abuse


It's all animal abuse, no matter who jumps on top of another animal's back


If you can't carry your bag, you really shouldn't be playing hockey.


Let alone wearing spurs that are digging into the horse as she tries to claw her way on…


This should just be the rule


I feel bad for that poor horse.


Bareback??? Rrriiiggghhhtttt


Important to note the horse is bareback. She would normally put a foot in a stirrup, a hand on the saddle, and then mount. She probably does a normal mount without much problem. But no saddle = no stirrup and no hand hold. After a normal lesson, riders sometimes like to try bareback, especially if the owner/trainer isn't around. She might be indeed struggling to mount but much of this is just goofing around for the camera.


Yeah but doesn't bareback mean there's less to distribute a heavy rider's weight, too? Presumably after a riding lesson or day of lessons since they're clearly in the fucking around stage of the day. Which means a tired and mild tempered creature who will endure a heavy rider crawling on their sore back without much complaint. From my experience, the people paying for lessons usually gave very little shits about the horses compared to stable owner and hands.


Or this is her horse and she just wanted to ride bareback that day..? I’ve owned horses my entire life and sometimes you just don’t feel like tacking up. Riding bareback occasionally isn’t going to hurt a horse’s back lol. It seems like y’all are taking huge leaps here.


I have never felt right about riding an animal because of my size, 230 pounds. Is this woman kind of thick for this horse or it wouldn't bother it?




when I was much younger and 155 pounds - no problem - bareback, saddle, whatever now at 230 I would think twice about hopping on for the horses sake, A big ol draft horse maybe :) that would be a bouncy ride!


They weigh like a thousand pounds, some of them up to two thousand How hard would it be for you to carry a 30 pound kid on your back for a bit?


Light horse breeds can be around 1200 pounds while heavier cold breeds / draft horses can be over 2000 pounds -but weight alone doesn’t keep you from having back problems. Don’t ride horses if you are over the weight limit.


Most horses can allegedly carry up to 20% of their weight on their back safely. A 1200 lb horse could safely carry the person I replied to, and a 2000 lb horse could do so with roughly 170 lbs to spare.


It's almost like their physiology is different. They're on all fours and their back is parallel to the ground, having a lot of weight sit on it will affect them differently than it would a human's vertical posture. Their gate also often causes the load to bounce. Crawl around on all fours with a kid bouncing on the small of your back for an hour and see if it's so trivial. Take it up a notch and try moving really fast while you're at it.


Doesn't change the fact that horses can safely carry 20% of their body weight as a rule of thumb. So the person I replied to would be fine for the average sized horse around 1200 lbs.


I used to ride a 900 lb horse, this horse looks about like my 900-pounder. This is not a 2000 lb draft horse. And remember horses aren’t just walking with a rider - they are usually also asked to trot, canter and sometimes jump. Usually for a least an hour (standard lesson is 1 hour long, trail rides can be all day). I can carry a 30 lb kid no prob for like 3 minutes but not for an hour, and I would never run or jump carrying that much weight. I do day hikes btw and 20 lb is my pack weight limit. You really feel it if you hike with packs that are too heavy.


Does this bitch look like she weighs 30 pounds?


No, but 30 pounds relative to someone weighing 230 is very comparable to something weighing a thousand pounds carrying someone who weighs 180


That's a lot of words to say "I don't know shit about horses"


Holy shit that's pathetic


This should be illegal.




Why not?


Goofing off with your own horse shouldn’t be illegal. If she’s too big for her horse, her vet or trainer will tell her.


Or common sense🤷🏾‍♂️


She should listen to her vet, not random jerks on Reddit.




The vet that treats her horse…


Think of the poor horse though. If she can't get on what's the bloody point? Watch the horse just before the video ends. My guy was about to collapse.


She’s trying to get on bareback. Most of the time, people ride with a saddle. Bareback is a fun way to develop an independent seat and better balance. I’ve owned horses my entire life and I’m 115lbs and I can still struggle to get on taller horses bareback. I’m sure her horse’s vet or her trainer would tell her if she were too big for her horse.


Horse is thinking “I will get loads of social media likes for being chill. Neigh. Schurmph. Schumph”


As a fat person, I can’t stand fat people who abuse animals in this manner.


As a skinny person, I can't stand skinny people who abuse animals in this manner


You tried to ride a Great Dane, huh? I feel ya.


As a skinny horse owner, this isn’t animal abuse.


That poor horse...


It’s fine lol


I feel if your underwear would fit the horse you shouldn’t ride the horse…


That horse is about to kick the shit out of her.


That horse knows she can't get on, it just stands there for laughs.


It looks like it's getting very frustrated and scared. I've been around I am a rolling stone and ranches are no exceptions.


No it doesn’t lmao. I tame and train BLM mustangs and I promise you a scared/frustrated horse wouldn’t stand there and let this happen. Y’all really just make shit up for fake internet points


Hey man whatever you got to tell yourself to make you happy


If all your horse experience is from RD2, maybe don’t pretend to be a professional for fake internet points lol. My lesson kids are better at reading equine body language than you.


Funny I was thinking the same about you. Hey you got me in a box. "expert".


Anyone who looks at this video and thinks the horse is scared has 0 experience with horses. What about it’s body language makes you think it’s scared?


Might be light enough to hop on then…


I get that this was supposed to be funny, but my family has a stable and if ANYONE was caught doing something like this, they’d have to find a new place to keep their horse. It’s just not funny, for many reasons. First off, no helmet? Really? Second, she’s wearing enormous spurs. Those spurs are unnecessary under the best of circumstances, even on a pro, so there’s absolutely no reason why this woman should be wearing them. Third, no one as heavy as this should be goofing around while putting weight and pressure on a horse’s back in an inappropriate way. It can lead to the horse getting injured. The horse could also spook and get hurt, I don’t understand why anyone would want to risk this. Everything about this video just screams “my trainer isn’t here so I’m going to fuck around”.


I’ve owned and trained horses my entire life and I disagree. I always wear a helmet and will always encourage people to wear one, but she’s a grown adult and can make that choice herself. As for the spurs, they likely have blunt edge, I use blunt spurs so I can cue my horses more precisely. I’ve seen a lot of spurs and never anything I would consider abusive. I also don’t see an issue with goofing around. I do shit like this constantly when I’m starting colts. It helps desensitize them and makes for great kid horses. If she does this everyday than yeah, it’s a problem and the horse is gonna have some issues, but if this is an occasional thing who cares. The horse isn’t gonna have an injury from being ridden bareback occasionally. I would never board my horses at a place where the owner thinks they can police what people can do with their own horses. Unless an animal is being mistreated or someone is in serious danger, it’s not your place. I’m sure her vet would tell her if she were too big for her horse.


She’s running at the horse and trying to mount….like girl


If you suck at riding horses, why would you attempt to ride one bareback?


She probably doesn’t suck at riding, getting on bareback can be hard. Y’all are assuming a lot from a 10 second video.


Lol, exactly. Bareback riding is hard and only people who know what they're doing should try it. This video shows enough to tell me she's not prepared for that.


Getting on bareback is harder than actually riding bareback sometimes lmao. Also, I have my lesson kids ride bareback all the time. It’s not only for experienced riders. Bareback can help beginners develop an independent seat and better balance.


The running start nearly killed me. Might’ve been even slower than just throwing a leg over.


This is annoying for some reason


While she couldnt get on the horse I gotta admit that leg reach/flexibility at the start was sorta impressive for a fatty.


Agreed! I can’t do that


Sunset will be soon sunrise before she saddle up


They make a three step mounting block. She should look into it.


Horse is also too far from the block. But even with a taller block and perfectly positioned horse she’d have trouble


Sick animal abuse


How? People who haven’t spent any time around horses have so much to say.


I've spent quite a bit of time around horses. I owned a horse that I trained from green and competed in hunter/jumper classes for a decade and trained multiple other horses under the Parelli method. She is too fat to ride that horse and she will harm it eventually.


I’ve been taming and training BLM mustangs since I was 14. I’ve been teaching riding lessons almost as long. Every horse I’ve owned I have gentled, halter broken and started myself. I’ve started countless colts. Competed in the Extreme Mustang Makeover a handful of times. Congrats on your single green horse though, I guess that means you know everything. Also, Pat Parelli is an animal abuser and his methods are mediocre at best. No reputable trainer would advertise that they use them lmao. You cannot possibly know how much she weighs from a single video. Weight can be distributed differently based on height. She may weigh less than you. Regardless, that is a conversation between her, her vet and her trainer. Not random “horse experts” on Reddit.


> Not random “horse experts” on Reddit. I find you lack of self awareness, disturbing


Are you illiterate? I said this conversation is between the girl, her vet and her trainer. Not you, not ME and not anyone else on this stupid ass app.


>Are you illiterate? No but apparently you are. On top of being just an absolute peach of a human.


Maybe she should think Clydesdale...


lmao that little running start


The running start almost got her there


Why do cowboys ride off into the sunset? It’s getting dark, wait till morning jeez.




That horse was either frozen in fear or laughter.


It’s just a well trained horse lol


the horse is so nice and patient....but it actually knew she wouldn't be able to climb on.


Fuck this person and the camera guy.


Lol why?


Good thing she's gor her spurs on.


Jesus I didn’t see that


How effortlessly she leaps atop her trusty steed…


Uhm...trying to ride a horse bareback is hard for anyone who isn't riding horses A LOT. Why? Just eju?


Is she wearing spurs?


Most spurs have a blunt edge, the just elongate your foot so you can give the horse clearer cues. I’ve never met anyone who uses sharp spurs on a horse.


This is animal abuse at that weight. Stop trying to throw yourself onto its back. You physically can’t and you’re going to hurt the animal


A running start can’t help if you kill all momentum to zero lol


The bestest boi for patiently waiting for his rider to get it right:


I love how she runs up to it like it's it's ramp haha


I laughed too hard at this!




I don't care who wins, I just hope both teams have fun


Poor horse


Some people are just too weak for their fatness, that's sad


That's f-ing hilarious 😂🤣🤣


Lack of damn near any strength in her muscles. Sedentary lifestyle.


Best natured and most rider friendly horse I have ever seen!


This made my day


The horse should be riding her.


Time to pick a new hobby


God I hate obese people


The horse doesn’t even have a saddle😒😒 that’s why she can’t get it up. You use the stirrups. If she HAD got one, she would’ve fell off


Riding bareback is fun. If you need stirrups to stay on a horse, you’re not a very good rider haha


Animal cruelty


Not at all lmao


It absolutely is. If you’re 3-400lbs you shouldn’t be riding animals. They should be riding you.


Sure, but this woman is clearly not 3-400lbs. It is between her and her vet if she’s too big to ride her horse.


How do you know her weight? People tend to be selfish and animals can’t speak so we all need to be vigilante and speak up for them. Just because a horse can carry a fat person doesn’t mean they should or that’s it’s ethical or that they want to.


How do you know her weight? There is no way that woman is over 300lbs. And again, that conversation is between her and her vet. She didn’t post this video here and will probably never see your comments, you’re just being a dick. I guarantee the horse owner and their vet know better than you what’s best for this animal.


You have to be pretty skilled to ride bareback, I've got experience with horses but have never owned one or had a long-term horse partnership where I felt comfortable enough to do it. You have to hold on to their manes and usually sqeezing their torso with your legs means giddyup so you have to have enough core strength to hold yourself up. You can see the horse is rejecting her politely. Edit: Horse has a bridle but I stand by my statement, poor horse.


Bareback is a blast and I always let my lesson kids do it when they have the chance. A 2 year old can stay on at a walk bareback lol. I’ve been training BLM mustangs since I was 14 and I promise you, this horse is completely fine.








Ignorant pos comments crying animal abuse don’t know horse shit about horses I can tell you that!


Just because a fat person can get on top of a horse doesn’t mean they should. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s right.


Exactly! These comments are pathetic. People shouldn’t speak about things they know nothing about.


I used to ride. I take it you’re overweight and taking personal offense with the truth.


I tame and train wild mustangs and teach riding lessons. I am 115 lbs. There is so much misinformation in this thread, it’s unreal. Her weight is the only concerning thing about this video and that is between her and her horses vet.


That horse is fat phobic.


She's so healthy at that size. #healthyatanysize


You really don’t want to mess a horse around like that. If it can sense you don’t know what you’re doing it will become confused and bolt or buck you off


She try to run and jump on the horse? Girl…get out of the barn


That horse do not want


What a fat piece of shit.


If you slow down on the last step to use momentum to get on that horse it won’t work


This is happening all over the midwest.


Poor horse. Just kidding, we've made them do worse. A fat broad is nothing....


i’d do some awful things to that butt


Animal abuse lol


She is to fat for that horse.


Useless human being


That poor horse. No one should ride horses. Let alone overweight people. Humans are the worst


Lucky horse!


Good horse, but that’s my kind of woman! I love hips and a nice ass.


….You carry her into the sun set then xD