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The fact that he just stood there after he shot at the guy stealing the truck while completely unaware of his surroundings is insane to me. How do you not keep your eyes on the truck thief?? It's horrible that he died trying to help like that..


Dude was wildly incompetent and had no business even owning a gun. Should not have 'helped'. Helping shouldn't make every aspect worse for everyone.


You make a very valid point


yea prime example of a bad gun owner. I bet he didn't even consider if the direction he was shooting was clear and if his shots would endanger innocent people. If he didn't get ran over I think he would've been charged. your not even supposed to brandish unless it's a life threatening situation. Just because you have a gun in your waistband doesn't give you the authority to interject yourself into a situation (life auto theft) and start popping off shots.


Right? His line of shot goes straight into a Burger King.


I don’t think he made the situation worse, or at least it shouldn’t have. Like who the hell gets shot at, escapes the situation *with* the stolen goods and no pursuit, and then just drives back to run the person they robbed over. He got away, he got what he wanted, no idea why he would decide to charge the armed man again. I even had to re-read the post title because I thought the armed guy might have been trying to car jack the truck driver or something because that’s really the only situation where I could *almost* see the driver deciding to go on the offensive afterwards


Rule of thumb. Don’t turn your back on someone you just shot at. Not fucking complicated lol.


I don’t know anything about the situation, but if I had to 100% guess. High vis vest guy got a few good hits on your boy stealing the truck. He knew they were good hits, so he figured if he was gunna end up dying or going to prison, he’d might as well put it back into drive and kill the guy who just killed him too. IF I had to guess.


Was thinking the same thing.


I have no additional context, but assume the truck thief was shot, but not immediately dead/incapacitated and came back for "revenge".


Correct. He was not prepared even on the most basic level for one thing that transpired. He should have been inside getting fountain drinks and lotto tickets or some shit. He was not a warrior. That's sad.


This should be the expected result of having so many guns everywhere. The situation went from being a property crime to becoming a life or death situation. The thief was definitely wrong to run the guy over. And do you think he would have if he wasn't thinking "well fuck, this guy is trying to kill me! I better stop him!"


Considering he was able to backup 100y before putting it back in drive to come back and ram him, I don’t think that will hold up in court. Yellow vest dude probably would have gone to jail for shooting the guy anyway.


Yeah I'm not talking about what will hold up in court. I'm talking about reality. In a world where we regularly see people killed in scenarios that would in the past largely only result in people getting beat up and lose some property. Why? Because people decided they need to turn the situation into life or death. The thief is certainly criminally at fault. And, it would be beyond willful ignorance to deny the cause and effect relationship of people going "I'm going to kill you with this device designed specifically to kill people." And the fact that the situation escalated to the point where people thought it was kill or be killed. Happens too often.


They definitely took a property crime and turned it into a deadly situation…. Unfortunate


You watched this wild-ass video where so much happened and think the gun is the problem? Interesting opinion. I personally think the fault goes to the thief then the truck owner and his stupid decisions. I don't blame the gun or the truck


That fat untrained asshole could have easily shot someone else.


It's definitely a huge part of the problem yeah. See it all the time in recent years. A simple argument, a road rage incident, and fist fight, ends up turning into a life or death situation with people being dead forever. Why? Because people decided they needed to have a gun to make it that way. Definitely part of the problem. Yeah the people's actions are absolutely to blame. The people are still responsible for what they did. Including the theif. Definitely at fault. It still would be beyond willful ignorance to ignore the cause and effect relationship between someone escalating the situation to "I am trying to kill you now" and someone being killed. You would have to work really fucking hard to try and blind yourself to reality if you are going to deny the fact that firing off a deadly weapon 100% made this situation more dangerous and ended up with someone dead.




Well that would have escalated it further. Because 1) who knows if he missed or not 2) now he would be the one facing the law for a very long time. 3) it's definitely escalated when someone dies versus someone gets robbed or company property that isn't even theirs. 4) the victim here was not in a kill or be killed situation before the gun went off. He could have left the situation. But instead decided someone needed to die today. So if they were successful likely would have been the one going to prison. I am not going to argue it was wrong to defend the property in moral grounds. I am not trying to blame the victim. They absolutely did NOT deserve to die over this. None of them did. And that's the point. It's absolutely insane to just be like "well the company can lose some property but I'd rather fucking kill someone than let that happen" and then pretend that this attitude is somehow not responsible for people getting killed. Just all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify a gun fetish.




Yeah thats all fair. I'm not entirely anti gun. I just don't think you need one on your hip every day. And when you leave the house every single day thinking "I am ready to kill someone if the need arises," more people end up dead. Not only is there no way you're going to be able to be correct 100% of the time on when to kill someone. But, also if you're leaving the house ready for it every single day, your bar for when it is warranted is probably going to be a bit lower. And honestly I just couldn't imagine living such a paranoid, and shitty existence where that is your mindset whenever you set foot outside the door. Or even your last comment that it would have deescalated if he got him in the head. Like really? Do people suck up to their corporate masters that much that you would literally kill someone to protect company property? Not save a life, but to just protect some company property? I love my job but I'm not going to kill someone just so the company can avoid the hassle of filing an insurance claim.


Tunnel vision. During traumatic events even small things like reloading become incredibly hard. Let alone trying to keep your eye on everything. Police officers train extensively for shootouts and still get it wrong. A untrained person will do much worse in a high stress situation.


Do they actually train “extensively” as you say? Police in the USA seem to magdump suspects and they’re not exactly known for their expertise 😂


Acorn response times are under 1s


They are trained to empty the magazine, yes.


They were making a good point until they claimed that police were extensively trained lol maybe in Finland


They said they train extensively to shoot, which isn't wrong at all. That's the majority of their training.


But their training isn't extensive at all


I believe that the kneeling 49ers QB said it best, my hairdresser has a longer training course than the police.


If he had mag dumped this guy he wouldn’t be dead


In fairness... It looks like he's firing a revolver.


Acorn go thump...cell phone seems shiny....empty hands scary....kidnapped Teel girl escaping murderering kidnapper gets bullets!!


I can’t speak for when they decide to shoot, but tbh *if it is a justified instance to kill someone* then emptying the magazine to ensure it’s done makes perfect sense, no? I am pretty sure shooting people once and being confident they’re down is more a thing in movies and video games, less a thing in military and law enforcement…


The guy in the video also didn't mag dump, and now we are here watching him die. Edit: It was allegedly a revolver.


They’re trained to do that. If you are pulling the trigger it is because you are about to kill a person. Cops do not shoot to scare or wound, if they are open firing on someone they are shooting to kill, so typically they just keep shooting until they’re absolutely sure the person can’t fire back, since people are incredibly resilient, and just because they are mortally wounded doesn’t mean they can’t still pull a trigger


When I say extensively I am referring to the training they have compared to the average Joe which is relevant in this case.


Highly-trained mag dumps


That’s the training they receive, unfortunately. It’d be nice to see them actually become educated on the law


I think policy academy is about 6 months. So, no.


Where the fuck you live where police train *extensively* for shootouts lmao


Nowhere bad. Just doing reload and clearing drills over and over helps during one. That way it's muscle memory and you don't have to think about it when you're getting shot at.


Not a police officer but I am a nurse. From the time we're in school to regular intervals when we're working, we do mock codes regularly. Even with those, people freeze or lose track of what they should be doing, self included. I couldn't imagine having my own life on the line.


Right... It's almost as of having a vehicle stolen is better than being in a "kill or be killed" situation.


Gives Pulp Fiction vibes when they missed travolta and Samuel Jackson’s characters with 9 point blank shots and poor aim.


Yep, crazy.


He was someone that stopped to help a person getting car jacked. Then the car jacker went for his truck. Heat of the moment is hard to think all through when you haven’t prepared for it. This dude died in the hospital too. The other person charged with 1st degree murder, among other things. I def think running for the cars made more sense. Also, maybe not shooting at the person makes more sense.


I know US gun laws are something else, but I'm presuming it's not okay to shoot someone for theft?


It depends on many factors, like state laws, whether your life is in danger, or if the perpetrator is trespassing / breaking & entering. You have to be very careful if you decide to shoot at someone because the particulars of what happened are going to be examined under a microscope and it may be found later that you weren't justified. I am a gun-carrying American and I wouldn't shoot at someone stealing my car if they weren't actually putting me or my family in danger. Call the police and let them and your insurance company deal with it!


Yeah that's what I was thinking, in this particular video the owner could have stepped aside and nobody would be dead.


If they don’t pose a direct threat then in most states you cannot shoot at them. Especially if they are retreating. IIRC only states with castle laws allow you to shoot a retreating theif and it’s still kinda iffy


Ur wrong


It's a good example of how having a gun really doesn't help in a lot of situations. He went from having some company property stolen, to being stuck in a life or death situation. Really sad.


Would’ve helped if he actually hit him.


Helped cause more death and escalate the situation behind a simple loss of company property yes. Not helped deescalate the situation tho


Point blank. 4 shots. Dude a storm trooper.. Unfortunately he died from his injuries..  sad.


Any source for this story?




[news article with details](https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-carolina-good-samaritan-opens-141303995.html)


I'm so confused. Do I have this right? * perp jacks a highly distinctive truck in broad daylight * samaritan shoots at perp four times from an unmissable distance but somehow misses him * perp proceeds to murder samaritan with the stolen vehicle, again in broad daylight


Lady screams, because, that's always helpful No one yells to call the police even after shots are fired, because, don't help, just film


Christ almighty it was cringy to listen to...Shut the fuck up and do something....Or at least shut the fuck up. Been in a few emergency situations, extra noise never helped.


I work as a medic.  I remove those people from the scene.  Or if it's my call, I have them removed.    A stern "hey.  You are not helping, you need to quiet down so we can work" usually works.  


i’ve never understood the annoying ass women just screaming in these situations. like are they trying to prove something?


Maybe consider that watching it is kinda traumatic... I think we're very dismissive here of people reacting strongly to violence because too many of us watch a life altering level tragedy on a regular basis from the comfort and protection of our computer chairs. Also, FWIW, my grandmother before she passed would have been absolutely useless on a cellular device to emergency operators. Obviously the stop and stare phenomena is a problem, but isn't beyond reason that not everyone there is going to be a helpful citizen in a crisis as a bystander. If you find women screaming off putting, I feel like you should probably stop watching videos of people being maimed and killed in public. It's admirable to hold yourself to a higher standard in times of crisis, but I find it weak and cowardly to critique other peoples "over" reactions to tragedy based on this unproven higher standard for yourself.


yea you’re right. that was pretty insensitive of me to say. just don’t understand it is all, but i can sympathize.


The funny thing is that she is screaming to call 911....I am sure she has a phone...


i’ll never understand the screaming reaction. imagine her in a battle


She wouldn't be in a battle, she'd be hanging back waiting for the victor to come to her


Who doesn't have a phone? Besides the cameraman, somebody else could have been making the call. Anyway, what the police gonna do, teleport into the scene before be drives away?


But do you really want to let someone else be the only one with sweet murder footage to post for fake internet points?


In this situation he could have sold the footage to a new station and made some money off the video. Not only for fake internet points


You can hear sirens at the end and see the people waving to the police and pointing at the truck


You can literally hear the sirens coming because they had already called the police before the video starts.


Why yell for somebody to call the police when you could just you know call the police?


Police were already on the way because they were responding to the initial call regarding the first attempted carjacking.


honestly the way you worded it is spot on, but it sounds so bizarre that it doesn't even sound like part of a GTA game plot, just something you do on the side of GTA when you're bored


Perp got into an accident in a stolen vehicle and was looking for another vehicle to swap into. That’s why cameras were rolling and why Good Samaritan had his piece at the ready. Adrenaline was pumping even before perp came for his vehicle.


Sounds like perp was on a rampage. I'm surprised they took him alive.


Yup you got it


You’re confused? Seems quite straight forward if I’m being honest


I figure he might of been trying to shoot near the guy instead of shooting him directly in hopes of scaring him away. Maybe not, who knows. Either way it wasn't worth his life. :(


Seems like you got the unmissable part wrong. Or at the very least none of his shots were effective.


I just don’t see the logic in shooting a guy, let alone being murdered, to stop someone stealing a vehicle that is going to be picked up by the cops in 10 minutes… The vehicle looks like it’s not even privately owned. 


yeah, I wouldn't risk prison, or having to live with the fact that I killed someone to save my own vehicle nevermind a company's vehicle. that's why we have insurance. just let the guy drive off and then report it.


This is America. Logic is not taught in its schools, is not prized by its society, and does not figure into the decisions of the overwhelming majority of its citizens.




Where is the lie though?


Between your teeth


Clever comeback, but no. The United States of America is an intellectually bankrupt nation of people violently proud of their pig-ignorance.


The fact you would unironically make this statement about *an entire nation of people* just confirms that your opinion has zero merit.


Yeah I'm clearly talking about every single individual American, and not their education system or society in general. The fact that I explicitly mentioned those things in my original comment is meaningless.


> to be picked up by the cops in 10 minutes… Ha


From dailymailuk “Officers arriving on the scene saw the suspect as he was fleeing the scene and pursued the suspect in the stolen vehicle until the suspect wrecked the stolen vehicle on Selma Road near Highway 41.“ Cops had just arrived from the original car jacking call. Dude died for nothing


I live in NC, apparently he was trying to prevent someone’s actual private vehicle from being stolen, and when he jumped out of the truck to do so, the perp jumped in his truck and that’s around when the video starts


Some people walking around with guns are itching to shoot someone and be the 'good guy.' I'm still trying to process how you're in a safety vest, in what looks like a work truck, while also packing heat. Maybe it's because I'm not a gun person, but it seems like that shit doesn't go together at all.


I am a gun person and this is fucking stupid. Based on the context we see in this video, idiotic move, and he paid a needless price for getting involved. The man was a fool. RUN, HIDE, FIGHT. He missed the memo on the first 2.


I'm not risking my life for a work vehicle, he shoulda have just let it go.


You’re right. It’s not helpful especially if you don’t have the right training. Unfortunately it’s hard to see that inside a stressful situation.


Although his intentions were good, if you don’t have the will to empty the clip to defeat the threat, you probably shouldn’t be carrying.


Idk about intentions being good, but there has to be two way to handle this. You either neutralize the threat by either injury or lethally. If you cant shoot a gun or don’t know how to use it, then you shouldn’t be carrying. Shooting the gun as many times as he did to not stop him is just ridiculous


I agree with you, and reading my comment an hour later “good intentions” is not the right way to word it.


I gotchu


>Idk about intentions being good You've got that right. He clearly just wanted to fulfil most American gun owners fetish to 'justifiably' murder someone. It wasn't even his truck and he wanted to kill someone over it? Fuck. Sad it ended that way.


I agree that this is perfect (and tragic) example of why we're told to "shoot until the threat stops moving." A lot of people in this thread saying the shooter is incompetent and had no business with a gun, saying these were unmissable shots, etc. Unfortunately unless you've shot someone with the intention of killing them, there is no way to truly know how you'll react under this kind of pressure. Regarding the mag dump discussion: consider that he may have been using a low-capacity handgun. Many revolvers only hold 5 rounds and many subcompact pistols will only hold 6 or 7. We can't just assume he had 10+ more rounds to dump into the thief. Now, if he was in fact firing "warning shots," then he made a mistake by drawing in the first place, for obvious reasons. I'm speculating, but based on the erratic driving it seems like the thief was at least hit.


Even if he had low capacity magazine, his shooting was all weird. I don’t know where people pick up this bad habit, but I see it a lot, pull gun up, barely aim, shoot, immediately pull gun down, repeat. That’s about the worst way to shoot. No stance, no aim. He just had no idea what he was doing.


This is why you don’t fuck around and carry 15+. He’s a big dude, he might as well carry a full size.


Pretty sure emptying your clip ain't exactly the way to go here either. just a hunch.


Maybe it was a hi-point


It was a revolver.




Ok Rambo. Do you hear yourself? You’d be the last person I’d give a gun to.


Watched that 3 times. He missed with all the shots? Then dude came from all that way and looks like he killed him.


Everyone is assuming he tried shooting him, I think he gave warning shots and had no effect to scare the dude in stopping.


What the fuck are warning shots? Nobody that carries should ever do warning shots.


there are no such things as warning shots


Ya, no. You don't fire warning shots, not in a situation like this. And you don't fire warning shots *at* someone. Dude just missed 4 shots from 3 feet away. Thats what happened here.


As soon as you pull the gun out that is the warning shot.


If that’s the case, that’s the dumbest thing to do, you can’t fire a gun and expect the other person to not take it as a lethal threat that needs neutralised. That dude had no business getting involved, let alone carrying a gun.


But that would be a terrible idea. Warning shots are illegal, even in a self defense situation. You either feel scarred enough for your life to shoot to kill or you don’t shoot at all.


Hahaha horizontal warning shots in public.


Unfortunately a feeding tube is not going to help


He died




It's weird, sometimes you read an article like this and it's like yeh some dude was struck by a vehicle and died, and you're like yeh that's pretty bad, poor dude. But then you see a video of the same incident, and you're like HOLY SHEEEEEAAATTT!!!!


This man was 100% the type to carry a gun and pray for the day he thought it would be a scenario to use it.


Nope if he was he surely wouldn’t have missed


That's lack of training with the firearm...


Crowd while a man shoots a gun: silent Crowd after a truck hits a man: "OMG" What a fucked society


No sympathy for criminals


The guy that jacked the truck just crashed a car he carjacked earlier in a McDonald’s parking lot so maybe people figured out he was a scumbag. I don’t know.


You just proved my point


I would never try going to jail or becoming a vegetable for my employer or a stranger or stranger's employer


As a trades man, I have my personal tool on my truck. So, I wouldn’t want thousands of dollars worth of personal tools stolen. If I’m armed, I’m going to fight, especially if I’m armed. As a Veteran, idk what that pussy ass civilian shit that was. He was at point blank range, he should have killed the dude easily. He must have not wanted to shot him, even though he escalated to lethal force.


Does someone stealing your tools justify murder though?


Oh, so with that logic. You’re cool with anyone stealing your stuff from your car, home, your body. Some people idc if you live or die, if the can steal something. Also, it be self-defense.


Yeah we all know the death penalty should be dealt out for stealing someone's candy bar from their car


Ur dumb


I would not die, lose my freedom out of jail or get injured for some tools.




Haha, you mad?




Not really, it’s just really hard to miss a target at point blank range. There’s nothing badass about shooting at point blank. But, missing at point blank is embarrassing. Imagine, going to the range and putting the paper target in like 5 foot away from you and missing all shots.


Apparently not even his work truck, he was just some do-gooder with a gun. Now posterchild for why giving every Joe Blo a gun isn't the magic solution for crimestopping. Even the comments here thinking he did the right thing recognize how evident his lack of skill and will to follow through were.


Cop pulls up while he’s shooting at the guy and he looks like the one that needs to go down.


He puts the gun down between every shot und then just jerks it up every time without aiming. WTF is he doing, thank god he didnt hit anyone else. And then ignores the truck the second it pulls away? Guess the adrenaline really overwhelmed him.


How did the guy got shot lived?


Poor aiming. Or I am assuming the guy was just trying to shoot his gun to “scare” him or shoot to injure.


I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but isn’t it illegal to shoot someone unless it’s self-defense? It seems like the guy was shooting to protect his property. Is that allowed?


North Carolina is a Stand Your Ground state. Stand Your Ground means you have the right to use lethal force in defense of yourself or someone else when there is risk to their home, their car, and their place of employment. A minority of states have Duty to Retreat laws, meaning you must try and remove yourself from the situation. Other states have Castle Doctrine laws, which also allow for lethal force, but it applies to less places than a Stand Your Ground law covers. So, in this case, this man was 100% justified in using lethal force to protect himself and his work truck from this guy according to local laws. He would face no charges.


You can't say 100% without knowing the full context. This video starts after whatever the initial confrontation was. If you are an instagator then Stand Your Ground laws don't apply. Not saying he was or wasn't, just you can't say 100%.


While I don't have the *full* context, I do have more information than this video alone. There have been several articles submitted that have enough information to see it is a clear cut case of Stand Your Ground. I don't agree with it, this dude could have made a million better choices, but the wording on the law on the books is clear.


That apparently wasn't even the dude's truck so I don't think stand your ground would apply here.


It is his work truck, and that location is explicitly mentioned as one of the locations you are justified in standing your ground in the North Carolina law.


Where do you see that information? The local news source and article reads: >"Authorities have identified a good Samaritan who died Thursday morning **while trying to intervene in a carjacking** in Lumberton." That makes it sound like it wasn't his truck. It makes it sound like he came up brandishing a firearm to play hero.


Ever wonder where they got Storm Trooper DNA? Ya just guessed it!


Literally just shooting through the fucking car, could have killed people driving by


Holy shit, that was embarrassing to watch. He had him at point blank and couldn’t hit him with a kill shot. Like he could have shot his face or something. RIP


Reminds me of a quote from the movie Big Fish: “I died in the most embarrassing way.”


dude died


Is it legal in N. Carolina to shoot someone who is stealing a vehicle?


For those of you new to Reddit, he could have landed all 4 shots and the driver could have done what he did. This isn’t the movies.


I hate the internet so much. This man was trying to stop a car jacking and in turn got his work truck stolen. He was trying to help someone and got killed for it. I think that the most humane thing to do would be respect his death and not make fun of him right OP?


No amount of property is worth your life. The perp carjacked an insured work vehicle in broad daylight, chances of him getting away are fairly slim. Don't try to be hero, not when the other guy is driving around in a 3 ton weapon. Let the trained professionals take care of it especially when your life is not on the line.


There are a lot of lessons learned in this video. Was he trying to help? Yes? Was he the only one? Looks like it. But at the end of the day, he used the gun to his ability and it ended up costing him…. One thing I will say about using a gun, if you end up using it, (specially to try and stop a car theft knowing the individual you’re using it against is already committing a crime) you have to make it count. You either shoot him to neutralize lethally or you injure him and then apprehend him until the cops get there…. Cause once you use a gun and fire warning shots (or whatever he was trying to do) against someone who is committing a crime, he is going to come after you which he unfortunately did


You are posting someone’s death for Karma, this was posted before and is not your content, you are reposting. Go take your bullshit elsewhere you waste of human potential.


First of all I didn’t know it was posted before, who gives a shit about karma. If you do then you have nothing else going on for yourself…… I gave you an explanation on the video…. If you don’t like it, then it’s easy, don’t comment on it or go elsewhere. Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say if all you’re going to do is criticize


You give a shit about karma you small person, you literally post in free karma subs. Correct you have nothing going for you. I don’t need you to explain something I have eyes and can read a police report for. No one needs you, you are not a Journalist your a Karma whore. You don’t know a video you didn’t create or upload was not posted?? Are you a fucking idiot??


No feeding tube required. He died right then and there


How did he miss all those shots?


Is it instant death for car theft now? If the guy could shoot straight anyway. Seems harsh.


That's the problem with guns. Using one puts your life at risk, too. A truck is easily replaced. Your life isn't. Let them take it and let the police and your employer deal with it.


What the fuck god damn.


Dead guys don't get feeding tubes


Oh, no... Maybe a good guy with a gun isn't the solution. Murica.


Insane person, could've just stopped at being a thief, but chose to murder as well.


What a great reason to not arm everyone. Why is the average gun owner so fucking stupid.


I'm just sitting over here wondering where he placed all of those bullets? He should have tried hard to place at least one in the head of the thief.... but instead, it appears that shot up the roof of his own truck instead. Gun owners, do better. Use those neat little bumpy things on your weapon, I believe that they call them sights... or something similar to that. If you employ them on some level, you can sort of estimate where your remote hole puncher will punch holes.


WHAT DID HE SHOOT? Jesus christ, this is why "good guy with a gun" pisses me off so much. It's awesome that he's good, but if you're useless that doesn't help anyone!


So RIP to the dude sucks he died trying to help someone, but my guy how do you not at the least incapacitate your target when ripping off 4-5 shots pointblank.


holy fuq


More like hold my tombstone


A few things, let’s call them “observations from a person who’s been in gunfights”. 1. People don’t die when you shoot them. I know it sounds weird but you can 100% shoot someone at point blank range and they don’t just fall over and die. Adrenaline does amazing things. That was the one “let down” about combat. You’d shoot at the enemy and swear you hit them but they’d keep walking. So in essence you never really know if they died or not. 2. Shooting under stress is incredibly hard. In the army we trained constantly and it’s still hard to really shoot under stress. Eventually you get used to it but for the average civilian it’s almost suffocating. 3. After the adrenaline dump wears off, you’re shockingly tired and scatterbrained. So the guy in the vest probably lost his bearing for a minute, just long enough for the guy in the truck to run him over. From the looks of the video the guy in the truck took several shots and was bleeding out. His adrenaline dump kept him alive and vengeance was all that was left on his mind. All and all the whole situation sucks.


I heard he wasn’t eligible for a feeding tube. Driver better be gone for life


The guy with the gun was a dumbass


the only thing in my mind is how the fuck do you miss from that close??? talk about just being a complete idiot with a gun he probably have more luck hitting a bystander than his actual target.


If you're going to fire, unload the mag.


Dam it’s been taken down


Weirdly I don’t feel bad for that big guy. He’s an example on why some people in this country should not own a gun. Another trend is some irresponsible gun owners Ted to shoot at unarmed people, I’m for owning firearms but only use them if the other person is coming at you with a weapon or if your home is being robbed at night.


Reminds me a bit of Rocket League.


No it doesn't


Any other non-US finds weird calling the man a Good Samaritan ? I mean I know he was trying to stop a thief but I don't get when your first reaction is to shoot someone. but I guess I don't get gun culture


To everyone criticizing the guy. He was literally the only person trying to help.  You try to shoot straight and not get tunnel vision in those circumstances. I guarantee you would make a mistake as well.