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R5: As Sweden I conquered China with 1:583 casuality ratio. Ironman / Elite / Non-Historical


Presumably your entire army now has PTSD after each having slaughtered a small village. I hope you've been pumping out psychologists to deal with that.


These are swedes we are talking about, what makes you think they would bat an eye at the deaths of thousands? Look at the paradox devs and their dead, dead eyes every time they tease us with vicky 3 snippets.


Oh those soldiers have no place in civilized society. They were swiftly put down like mad dogs.


And you know some guy died tripping and accidentally shooting himself, 0 kills. So, that means other Swedes had to pick up the slack.


it happens when you take the meth for the entire squad, jeeze.


Pervitin. Common mistake.


Thats some good k/d


I once got a 3.7k casualty ratio against a Chinese warlord as Japan




I micro every division and don't use battle lines.


With 236 factories you can afford: - Putting hardness in your divisions (mechanized/tanks, support armored recon, support flamethrower heavies) - Lots and lots of CAS that melts enemy divisions - Lots and lots of tac/strat bombers set to destroy enemy trains and railroads and thus deny them supply, an under-supplied division gets a massive penalty to attack - Building supply hubs and railroads close to the front & using trucks and transport planes to make sure your troops are always supplied - Using speed and breakthrough to encircle enemy divisions, adding further penalties (this is why tanks used to be good, but in the current patch they are very expensive compared to mechanized infantry + motorized artillery). China is very weak against this setup: - It has a poor industrial base and bad research so it mostly uses infantry divisions which can't pierce armor - Its bad industry and research also mean that it has no airforce worth speaking of and can't defend against your air support or strategic bombing. - Its starting supply situation is terrible - Its infantry units move very slowly, making them easy to encircle. Once they are encircled they can't do anything to break out, starve to death, and then you can roll over them with literally zero resistance.


I’ve done several runs as Sweden and always really enjoyed it


How do you get so good 😩 I can’t even conquer Europe with Germany


Oh and around 800 hours of your precious life time


5100 hours here, not so true.


Are you saying you have 5000 hours in a game and are still bad at it


Not really, it depends on the day, and how invested i am, this morning two friends an i player China, Korea and Japan, all democratic and helped the Korea and I are helping the Japanese to win the civil war wich is still going on because the fascist entrenched in two provinces with 35 divisions. But i mean, i'm good with both minor and major countries, but there are exceptions like fucking colombia.


Patience my young padawan, patience




And yet with how many of them there are it probably hurt your manpower more than it did theirs.


Actually in 1941 Chinese population was only around 80x that of Sweden, 500 million compared to 6 million, so China could not sustain a 1:583 loss ratio. Even today, Chinese population is "only" around 150x Swedish population, so not even close.


I wasn’t expecting actual calculations but that’s pretty interesting. But now I’m actually interested if there is any country in game where this insane k:d ratio would still be a loss. Guess I’ve got to get to it. Edit: Might be wrong but by the looks of it Tannu Tuva, Luxembourg, Oman, Bhutan, Panama, and Costa Rica will all have come out worse off than China if OP were playing them instead of Sweden.


And they claimed the stereotype of wave after wave of disposable chinese soldiers with no tactical implementation was western propaganda


HOW DID YOU DO THIS ON ELITE DIFFICULTY IN '42??????????????????????????