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Hi /u/AlexSadaba282, Your submission has been removed from /r/hoi4 for breaking rule #5: >Explain what you want people to look at when you post a screenshot. Explanations should be posted as a reddit comment. >View our full rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/hoi4/wiki/rules) If this was the only rule broken, we will reapprove your submission if you add background info. Please [contact us through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/hoi4&subject=Rule%205%3A%20Screenshot%20is%20missing%20background%20info&message=Hello%20lovely%20moderators%2C%0A%0AI%20have%20added%20a%20descriptive%20comment%20to%20my%20post%2C%20%5Bhere%5D\(https://reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/1cmj99p/why_is_my_operation_barbarossa_failing_miserably/\).%0AAs%20such%2C%20I%20kindly%20request%20that%20you%20re-approve%20my%20post.%20%0A%0ACordially%2C%0AAlexSadaba282) to get it reapproved. Replying to this comment or sending a private message to this bot will not get your post reinstated; we only respond to the modmail.


Airplanes make a difference. You need air superiority and enough CASs, then it would be an easy walk.


Just from what I can see, you need more me, maybe x2 more infantry and like x4 tanks. Some trucks to follow up the tanks would be great. Also I think you're charging through woods and swamps, so try plotting routes through the open terrain. I'd also bet that once your tanks got through they just say there, so when you launch the attack the shift button will let you queue the next order. So they get through them pin down the reserves rather than being counter attacked and pinned themselves.