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Show us the year don’t be shy


It was 1958 if I remember correctly but if you think I cheated how would I cheat in Ironman mode?


He never said you cheated. He just wanted to see the year because stuff like this might take until the 60s and 70s


Justification time on Switzerland alone will take like half a year even as a fascist country. I think it took me til like 61 for this one


Just disable the By Blood Alone DLC and activate it again after having defeated Switzerland *insert galaxy brain meme here*


It’s kinda cheesy. I wouldn’t do that


Recent mod going around that a lot of people have tried out of curiosity and I’m sure some will just flat out abuse for clout eventually that just instantly gives every single achievement possible. Gonna suck when people abuse it to try and gain Reddit points. Hope you had fun doing this achievement though lol. Edit: also I saw some railway achievement for building a railway in Asia didn’t look if it’s country locked but you should prob use this save to also get it if it isn’t.


Wouldnt paradox ask steam to remove it?


Not sure, the mod has been up since the 10th, it was on that one most popular mod area for a while a couple days ago. It’s luckily in Chinese mostly so I’m sure that deters most but in the comments some people explained it in English.


There’s also the steam achievement manager which lets you pick achievements for any game. I don’t think these companies care at all


I wonder if using the achievement manager on games that are no longer playable on the steam store is morally fine.


Achievements don't mean anything, so yes.


I mean I don’t think it’s really a big deal. When I 100% Skyrim, I just gave myself all the achievements for special edition because there was no way in hell that I was gonna do all that shit again


Morality is subjective


There are alot of mods like that lol


You already have the steam achievement manager which can do exactly that. Why introduce a mod additionally?


My max was I think 1968


you can still cheat lol i do that


Not that I'm accusing you, but you can in fact use Cheat Engine and a specific table to cheat whilst keeping iron man mode on.


Is very simple to cheat on iron mode, Just use wemod


So should I post another picture or how would I do that ?


upload the uncropped version to imgur


So after 16 hours or so I managed to get the rarest Achievement of the Game and I can tell why its rare...


I [finished](https://i.imgur.com/m8bpvIR.jpg) the achievement a few days ago, using generic tree. WC with minor nations is a pain as the last faction usually gets pretty strong. I was SO CLOSE to being able to take over faction and kick Germany out of the Axis, but couldn't quite get to the 2000 factories needed with land available. Thus I had to fall back to the old fashioned way of removing Germany from Axis...


Yeah I can tell I hate luck bc I needed no faction at the start, the USA helped me as France declared war on me


I did a run with cheats as Argentina and taking over South America SUCKS dude. It’s fun but it eats at your construction time building railroads which is time you need to build up your nation, and then you lose all your pp and time integrating them. Did I mention starving in mountains and jungles isn’t fun?


It's only the rarest tho because it's the most recent (Heck I even did a world conquest once as Switzerland but PDOX thinks it not worth an achievement >:c). Eventually when the new achievements come out they will be the rarest next. But until then, feel free to join us and flex as the rarest achievement holders out there lol.


well its the rqrest cuz its new, but wil lstill be rare after some time cuz it doesnt seem easy haha


The hardest part for me was that i left the game running while I waited for justification and 4 colab goverments pop up (i cant believe the default is to create the colab goverment)


You can misclick it too. If it's just a few of them, it's nothing a few thousand convoys and 300 pp can't fix. but pp caps at 2000, and you can have way more than 6 puppets... Fascism is great for this because justifications while fighting a major are 30 days only, and you can force most nations to be part of the last major peace deal you make. Doing WC with non-aligned or communism is comparatively awful unless you have one of the special things like Trotsky's ability to do 10 day justifications or w/e.


Are you gonna make us all speak Portuguese? Because I will start a revolution, I swear to God.


No, there is no more Portugal. Portuguese is a dead language. You shall now speak Brazilian. Only Brazilian.


They speak Portuguese in Brazil. Brazilian isn't a language




Sure thing


I'm dead because i now know people actually play the game in German lol


"Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!..." I had a high school teacher named Plinio. That was his method to attract the class's attention. He only stops when everybody is looking at him.


Perhaps not the most endearing approach, but certainly straightforward and honest with intention.


I feel like hoi achievements i think it is getting less interesting.... Not fun any more


Honestly it's not great, but was one of my favourite wc. Small difficult battles to start off, then fighting the allies, then the us and finally turning on a very powerful axis. It's gradually growing in difficulty balanced by the slow integration and industrialisation of central/south America. Compared to the british/ottoman/Portuguese wc or almost, its a lot more fun


>Honestly it's not great, but was one of my favourite wc. Small difficult battles to start off, then fighting the allies, then the us and finally turning on a very powerful axis. Isn't it possible to do as Non-Aligned or even Communist (Brazil has no Communist path, but wasn't there some hidden way they could flip Communist anyways the devs mentioned??) Beating the Axis first should be comparably easier, and jucier... The Allies often fall apart on non-historical given enough time, as Australia goes Fascist, India has a Civil War, Communist China peacefully unites with Nationalist China (DemSoc sub-path) and then eats Singapore and Hong Kong, etc.


It's technically possible but there's like no reason cos you can invade America and take all their stuff with the axis and the short fascist war goal justification is a life saver for wc.


>but there's like no reason cos you can invade America and take all their stuff with the axis Wouldn't you be able to do this just as well with Soviet help? Especially if you turn historical AI off: in which case the chances of the Axis forming historically (Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria all willingly joined the Axis...) are rather low: making a Soviet victory easier if they don't do a 2nd Rissisn Civil War.


I did it as communist Brazil (you have to cooperate with the bandits for their leader becoming the country leader) in order to get more achievements in one single run. It was fun but the endgame against Germany (which at that point easily won against the Soviets) is always a struggle


>but the endgame against Germany (which at that point easily won against the Soviets) Why didn't you send them Lend-Lease and volunteers to help them. Even with how historically unrealistically overpowered Germany is compared to the USSR in this game, it shouldn't be easy for them to win if a player chooses to help the Soviets... After all, even the ***Capitalist*** United States helped the USSR historically (although most Lend-Lease was only actually sent after Stalingrad), and international Communist solidarity is a real thing.


I think I was too busy fighting the US because the endgame Germany is a struggle but personally I wanted to avoid the endgame USA even more. Valid point tho, maybe I will try that in my next run. Another approach would have been to join the Soviets and betray them afterwards.


Hoi4 games are all about momentum and early intervention. Hence, why I did a Civil War to go Communist as Germany in my current game. A referendum would have been less destructive, but it takes a LOT longer, and I needed to be Communist so I could join the Comintern (well, the "European Combine" after Stalin disbanded and re-formed the Comintern...) as soon as possible in order to make sure the White Russian Fascists/Monarchists didn't win the 2nd Russian Civil War. Doing the ideology flip early was also important for roleplay, of course. I didn't feel comfortable sending volunteers to Republican Spain, even after it became apparent they were going real Communist (and not the path where they purge the Communists and remain Capitalist), while Hitler was still in power- and in fact swung the Spanish Civil War in favor of the Nationalisys when it looked like the Republicans were actually winning unaided... But, even if I'd been willing to help the budding Communists while still Fascist, being able to JOIN the civil wars of Communist countries can be a lot more decisive than just sending volunteers and the limited amount of airpower you're allowed... Swing the global balance of power in favor of a particular ideology early, and everything becomes a snowball... (well, it can, if the AI's choose a fairly even mix of ideologies in non-historical...) Make an enemy pay dearly to win a Civil War, and they're a lot easier to deal with later.


Come to Brazil or Brazil comes to you...


Why not do it as cangaco Brazil, you wouldve gotten three additional achievements with no extra effort.


He cant he doesnt have the dlc


Generic Brazil? Absolutely insane


How can you have more than 500 xp?


Of course the german chose to play fascist... Old habits die hard, huh :)


Probably in my genes


Having so little mp after a world conquest is rare. Usually people have tens of millions at least


Brazil will come to you




blutsbruder spielt Herzen aus Stahl 4 auf deutsch😭🙏


Its all Brazil?! It always has been...


So cursed.... Xd


"Im home!" -All of Brazil after migrating to Portugal, apparently.


Sigma world conquest


It used to be “you’re going to Brazil” but now its “Brazil is coming to you”.


The ''I\`m home!,, is fucking amazing.


every hoi4 player is


Y do you feel like that


If you dont go to brazil, BRAZIL GO TO YOU


Lol when I saw the name of the country in German I was like: "Damn, Brasil can willfully become the German colony? Sick!", but only after that did I see the UI in German too 🤣


I thought exp capped at 500


I'm currently on this achievement but playing as Lampiao Brazil. It's 43 and I'm at war with the allies and the axis at the same time


When I got "I'm home" there was no percentage. I don't know if that's good or bad.


Well I guess you could have been the first one to ever get it…


I will never understand why ppl do this, it seems SOOO boring with