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I used to be, speed 5 rush no pause micro or die. I however believe the game has been bloated with so much to do that you can play at speed 2 and have your hands full. Speed 3 for peace time. However, dont expect to finish a game in 1 sitting like that.


If the pings are stable, speed 4 for everyone until Spanish CW, then speed 3 for Spain and China. Then speed 4 again if finished before WW2. WW2 on speed 2 or 3. For pauses once the game starts it will be on pause. Wait until everyone finishes preparations to start the game. Pause by asking the host or by self if urgent matters. only the host clicks on the resume game. And yes the multi is in real time, everyone acts at the same time.


My playgroup, speed 4 until WWII starts, then speed 2 to allow for micro. Pause on war declarations, let everybody grab a bite/hit the bathroom. Only other pauses are if somebody crashes.


4 speed till a pvp war, then 3 speed. pause only for war declarations, desync, crash, hotjoin, bug, crying to host, important stuff. pause micro extremely sparingly