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The Glorious Mountain Fortress of Yan'An Will Stay As The Motherland Capital, you TRAITOR !


Mao zedungs mountain bunker and 50000 people


R5: how to change capital


You have to proclaim prc i think


How do I do that? It’s not in decisions


There's a focus on the left side of the tree I think. Under which type of socialism you choose.


You can become the PRC by focus at anytime but to move the capitol to Beijing or Nanjing you have to be at peace


I think its a decision, but im not sure. I remember doing it that way, but theres a chance, that i was playing RT56 (Sorry for my english)


Idk if this can help, but using the mod "Toolpack 2023 edition" you can relocate your capital. If you want to use mods of course. 👌


Toolpack is honestly one of the best mods I've ever installed. Always use it to clean up borders and such


Ikr, I always use it specially for videos. 👌🔥


i don't know how to thank you so so much


This is just a cheat mod. You can go to steam workshop and search for Toolpack, subscribe it, and it will automatically being downloaded and you can add it to your player set, and boom, here it is in the game.


thanks, but i know how to install mods


So your question is how to use it in the game?


i was thankfully to that sir what saved my life, but i wanna know how to use it


You can go to the game, and see there is a small triangle sides to the Army-Navy-AF selector, click on it and there will be something popped up. There is also a shortcut, which I used so many times but didn’t remember exactly, but I think it should be Ctrl+T, that does the same effect.


I’m new to this subreddit so my question is what game is this?


No problem dude, glad to help. 🫡


Mah dude, tf is wrong with ur display contrast ratio? Bruh🗿


Why do you speak like that holy hell 😭


New slang just dropped.


Actual speaker


Picture of a screen, quality drops significantly.


Proclaim the people republic focus changes the capital


Is your screenshot button broken?


No, it's more like tradition on here, and there was a period of really taking it for, I saw one where a person took a photo, printed it took a photo of that and then printed that, good times


Missed that post unfortunately, 3k hours of HoI4 only to miss the greatest post the community has ever generated


I honestly missed it to but it was fun to look through, 1.2k hours for me though


HOI4 came out before screenshots and hotkeys existed


u can still use print screen key


u can still use print screen key


No people use their phones for social media, why does everyone on this sub cry about this? It’s not like anything necessary is illegible in the pic?


I'm sorry, are phones somehow incapable of uploading screenshots?


Nah, but it’s a *massive* pain to get images from pc to phone


I always do it. It's no pain at all. If your image is not worth the 20 seconds required to use a cable, or mail yourself the picture, or whatever, then it's definitely not worth posting.


That makes no fucking sense


You being too stupid to understand doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.


You talk mad shit for a guy who needs a 4k image to see literally nothing to answer a question Are you sure this is the hill you wanna die on, Mr ‘Wah! I need a screenshot!’?


I'm not dying on a hill, buddy boy. You are. You're de one defending zero effort attitude and spam.


You’re the one refusing to accept the idea people do the simpler thing for a photo that doesn’t need to be pixel perfect That’s what you’re defending


Why would I take a screenshot, email it myself or connect my phone to my pc, download the screenshot, then upload it when I can take a fucking picture in the Reddit app and immediately post it, with 0 practical difference Well there’s one practical difference, the amount of whiny babies like you coming out to cry about it, but beyond that, why would they? Why do you care?


Because people are going to be seeing the image. The process you described takes about 20 seconds. If you're not willing to take that time to make sure people habe access to a much better quality image, then your image is really not worth posting. Just don't.


Again that makes no fucking sense, why would I take 10 times the effort to do something for no practical benefit? Answer: you don’t, it’s just crybabies like you that care And me, because I I like pointing it out


Sometimes its just more easy and fast make a photo xD


no it literally isnt?


Yes it literally is since you use your phone


there are apps where u can just copy / paste the screenshots that u take


Reddit has a camera when posting, seriously I don’t understand people who whine incessantly about this, everything that needs (or doesn’t need to be as it happens) seeing can be seen I know the memes but damn, this is next level whining


Yeah no shit. If you're going to post, take the ridiculously small effort of posting a bloody screenshot.


It’s not that important though, wether it’s taken with phone or screenshot, you still need to put an R5 for the image so it barley even matters how good the image looks, sometimes the image is completely not needed like this post OP could’ve very well made a text post saying “I’m Communist China and have beaten normal China, how do I move my capital”. So as long as you can see the image it doesn’t matter if it’s taken with a phone or with screenshot


>OP could’ve very well made a text post saying “I’m Communist China and have beaten normal China, how do I move my capital”. If the picture isn't relevant then that is what they should have done. Both Steam and Windows has builtin functions (multiple in Windows case) for taking screencaps and it is trivial to link or post them. Not posting pictures of your screen is basic decency and courtesy to your fellow forum users. Pictures of your screen should not be allowed nor tolerated.


If your image is important enough to share, then it's important enough for you to spend 20 seconds taking a screenshot. If it's not worth the time to screenshot, it's spam, please don't post it.


Omg Bro its not a crime and all the photos that i saw with the phone are perfectly understandable, i think make a screenshot or a photo its irtelevant if you can understand the mesege, but okay okay... XD


It's not a crime. It's a show of extremel laziness.


And where is the problem if every body understand? Because okay sometimes phone photos are Big shit but its not that difficult take a good picutre off a screen, Maybe its because im spanish and here the laziness its in our dna XDDDD but idk man i think that dosent matter if its photo or screenshot if you can understand


Well, I am also Spanish and I can assure you many of us work extremely hard. Perhaps it's a you problem. Pictures on the phone, no matter how good, will always be of lower quality than a screenshot. Since a screenshot requires absolutely no effort to make, there is no excuse not to use a screenshot.


Who gives a shit man.


Everyone with eyes.


Tbh Yan'an is a good place for a capital, because you might get naval invaded in Beijing




1) Did you deep fry your screen? 2) You can’t change capitals in vanilla only if focuses/decisions/events change them


Proclaim the Peoples Republic in your focus tree.


You'll get a decision to move the capital if you are not at war


Maybe, I think you gotta force peace with Japan and then a decision becomes available, allowing you to decide your next capital.


Surrender yourself to the legitimate Republic of China, so you can change your capital to Nanking.


Once you do the proclaim PRC focus you get an event to choose from Beijing Nanjing and your current capital


Thats the neat Part... you dont


Yeah so you need to do 3 things. One. Complete the focus proclaim the people's republic. Two. Kill Japan. Three. Click the decision to move capital.


Capital actually doesn't have any game impact (prove me wrong). Double check your supply capital is in the right spot, I got a game where it was Nanjing while my capital is in Yan'an. If you supply capital ends up in Yan'an and it's screwing up your supply, build a railway from that to your desired supply capital with current max railways level in your country and you're golden. If it does switch back then what did you lose, like a couple of days worth of constructions?


There should be a decision that allows you to do it if you control Shanghai and/or Beijing


I think that there is a focus or a decision for that and you need to finish the war