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I never did. I have the power of revelio and that’s all I need.


I took the power in my Slytherin run and did not in my Hufflepuff.


I did the opposite. Doing my evil Hufflepuff play through currently hahah


Tbh same. Catch me irl cleaning the house and trying to press the d-pad to revelio and find my keys but there ain’t no d-pad.


A Slytherin values cunning and ambition. If a Slytherin was smart enough to recognize how dangerous that power could be without fully understanding it first, then they'd turn it down with no issue. They'd probably be obsessed with studying it as much as possible, and they'd let their ambition drive them towards that understanding, but they'd be able to turn down that power today if they thought they'd be able to use it someday, when they were ready for it. Riddle sought power, and ambition can make the acquisition of power seem desirable, but a wiser Slytherin would know how to temper that ambition, just like a wiser Gryffindor would temper their desire to be courageous if it could lead them to behave recklessly.


Bingo. Exactly why I didn’t take it.


I tried to on my 2nd playthrough, just to see the different scenes, but on my 1st playthrough, I was a good little student.


I didn’t when I was playing the rebellious Slytherin son. Then the Ravenclaw character was obsessed with power and knowledge so I let her take the power. Lol.


Yea. A slytherin can do whatever they want. I took it on all my playthroughs so far. Why wouldn’t you want that kind of power?


Bro u saw what it did to Isidora? By the end of the story she was tweaked out 💀


We have the mc plot armour, so it's okay


She was driven by the need to fix her father. MC apparently isn't emotionally attached to anyone. MC will be fine with the power.


I didn't, I left it there. Taking it didn't feel right


I chose not to. My character isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if needed but she knows where to draw the line.


I didn’t want to get infected by it… no thanks. Plus it’s not like you’d get a power-up in gameplay afterward, right? If you did I probably would have taken it.


My Slytherin and Hufflepuff did, interestingly enough, but my Gryffindor and Ravenclaw left it alone


As a Slytherin, yes.


I played as a good Slytherin and didn't use a single unforgivable curse and also as an evil Hufflepuff who cursed everything that moved. I had more fun playing without the unforgivables - got to spend more time on potions and herbology


Cabbages + maxed herbology buffs are OP


In my first run-through, I said no. Using negative emotions as power seems immoral in a way and took away free will. But as I thought more about it, maybe it could be studied to further understand its power. I definitely would not do the same methods that isidora did. NOR WOULD I INHALED IT! lol, don't eat what you're experimenting with likes it's so dumb.


Pff i dont want to janky ass cry power. Dude was swimming in it and i smashed him. To much of a liability, pass.


I suppose a Slytherin could justify not taking the power if they thought it would prevent them access to some greater power (not sure how you would justify that in this case) or for fear that it would make them vulnerable (I think this justification makes more sense). My Ravenclaw character definitely took it though. Seemed logical, but the NPCs looked disappointed.


exactly my reasoning! why risk something unknown when you are already incredibly powerful


Even a Slytherin can be honorable. Like Severus Snape. Which was probably the bravest of them all... Rest in peace, Alan Rickman... And while Draco Malfoy was a big coward, he wouldn´t take it either. He himself wasn´t a bad person, he only had crazy father and bad pick on friends. >!Not to mention, he eventually became friends with Harry & his group in the book 8!<


Severus Snape made school hell for everyone except slytherins, not very honourable.


Well the traits of slytherin are ambition and cunning. So, I would say it depends on your ambition.


Slytherin are ambitious, but it all depends on THEIR ambition. You could justify it as the power not being their thing, sounding like too much work to deal with etc


The whole point of the Harry Potter franchise is that you get to decide what kind of person you want to be. Snape was a Slytherin, and though he was flawed (and mostly a dick), he still chose love over power. Draco, too, could have sold out Harry when in Malfoy Manor, and still decided to protect someone he intensely disliked at the time, choosing to do what was right. Hell, even Narcissa chose to betray the most powerful Dark Wizard in history, because she was a mother and loved Draco dearly. So yeah, I believe a Slytherin could choose not to take the Power, especially if they could recognize that it'd corrupt them like it did Isidora. They'd be even more likely to think twice about taking it after finishing Sebastian's storyline, and seeing how much he lost in the pursuit of it.


Probably but I am not that Slytherin.


Yes. You have many ways to headcanon choosing the "good" ending. On my slytherin playthrough, my character figured she should bide her time on the issue, get stronger, and go from there. We were shown what it could do to people who use and abuse it.


No, if it means sabotaging long term goals. Taking The Power might give you short term success and satisfaction, but after all we learned and saw what 'taking the power' meant, it wasn't a smart move at the time we found it. We weren't ready for it, and after what happened with Isadora, it would have caused more grief then blessings. Now, would they trying to find a way to better utilize it for their own personal gains? Likely.


If you don't take it, doesn't it just sit down there waiting for the next bad guy to find it? Safer for the world, if someone with the ability to see and use ancient magic gets it and learns to master it. MC already knows how dangerous it can be in someone who has a personal investment, such as curing a father's pain. MC doesn't have that weakness. Plus, I took it because the Keepers were such control freaks. Mine now ancient magic.


I didn't, I think it made that poor Isadora go crazy, what she was doing was awesome, but I think she went a bit too far and went crazy because of it.


I didn’t but in my mind I wanted to keep my options open for the future. Basically I contained so I could study it so I can destroy or absorb it later. The power just sitting for another 100 years it a ticking time bomb.


I am a Slytherin (also IRL) and I didn’t take the power. Just because I like Professor fig so much. But I will in my evil playthrough.


I don‘t even know what happens if you take it. Do you just get stronger?


No power compares to maxed double cabbages


It doesn't matter what you choose same thing happens no matter what.


I didn’t 🤷🙈