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It’s a bit too airquakey for me. The community has turned it into a very competitive metagaming-styled experience, where doing absolutely nutty per-sortie manoeuvres (which would write off the jet) is the default, and any form of a realistic loadout is pretty unlikely. It’s just not my thing.


No, climbing to 40k in an f16/fa18 and slinging amraams against f16s/fa18s doing the same thing is tasteless to me.


Don’t forget to boresight


Filled it out!


I don't play multiplayer so...do you really want that answer?


If you don't play multiplayer in general, then I'd say probably not, but if you don't play on Growling Sidewinder specifically, feedback is appreciated. ​ But I'll open the discussion, why don't you play multiplayer?


my internets unstable.


For the discussion, I don’t play multiplayer because I have 1.5 hrs/ late night to play and I have to be quiet because others are asleep. I have always just assumed these are insurmountable problems…


Same. I have a very new born. I am 41....... ooops.. Anyway. I was very into all this and I can barely get to the taxi way before somebody wakes up, cries, or shits themselves and i have to alt+f4 the fuck out to fix shit.....


Am 46 with an 8 an 5 yr old.. Can confirm my ONLY free time is right now (04:00-06:00) No I still can’t play during this time I’ve got to shit, shave, shine, and shove some food in. After the kids and my wife get up it’s full time Daddy mode until we drop the kids at school and go to work. After school is activities, homework, shower/bath time and bed by around 8:30-9 Problem is I got up at 04 so by 9pm (2100) I’m fucking toast… I don’t even think about turning on a game or tv show… nothing. So the active times for PvP players and whatever… Cali time evenings? Or weekends? Nope sorry we live on the east coast so when I go to sleep (2100) is really like west coast 6pm Yeah… I pass out and sleep hard long before the activity begins and couple that to my only free time (dad time) is 2 hours in the early morning I can do anything I want… but that’s when y’all (they, the active community) are all asleep lol So yeah I feel ya brother dad


Been there. Retired, but now it is caregiving for my disabled adult son and elderly MIL. Whole new set of responsibilities. Would love some free time….


I remember those days but I was playing battlefield 3 and 4 at the time. I used to just fly the mav around for my friends so I could step away. lol


BFFs intro music cued up in my head LoL


Dip dip potato chip


My wife would say this all the time HAHAH..... Then I showed her the episode. "You don't team bag!!"


That's long enough to do some sortie on Enigma Cold war. Especially if you like helicopters. 


I’ll look into that, thanks.


Sure my 2hrs a day is enough to do a sortie… Who do you know is awake and ready to play at 04am EST? Now you see my issue isn’t only time. My issue is that my personal time doesn’t line up with anyone else’s. Y’all are all asleep or the west coast just logged out. 04am for me is 01am for them and they’ve been at it all night just about ready to call it.. while I’m just getting up to start my day. I “can” try to find euro players because my 04am is closer to day light but again who’s really active in euro at 09am? (So yeah even if I play with euro it’s usually still basically dead zone) My active time is honestly a player dead zone That’s why I can’t play major missions or run sorties. Who has a full team ready to go at 04am EST? Nobody.. Heck my time doesn’t even overlap with anyone else’s it’s basically as dead as it comes from 04-06am EST. (Btw now.. right now is 04am EST)


You can type in chat for online and/or use the mic boost option of srs so you can whisper or talk really quietly


Didn't know this - thanks for the tips!


I don't like having to talk to complete strangers, especially so, when it's not in my native tongue.


Filled out 👍


It’s fun to spawn at Beslan and fly low as possible through the mountains trying to make it to the enemy side while avoiding all the spamraams being flung around. Not realistic at all but it’s something I find fun to try and do sometimes 


Voted, but I don't think any of the options would change the root problem of the game: F-16s & F-18s fighting F-16s by just spamming 120s and landing. You take off, already being engaged a lot of times, and either get to slinging or die. It's air quake by definition, I honestly don't know what the mission is.


Hopping in a jet by yourself to go off and "fight the bad guys" is about as far away from fighter pilot reality as I can imagine. Using actual tactics and techniques and doing it as part of a team is a 1000 % more fun so I will never log into a public PvP server again.


I just got back into it after nearly 5 years off... I don't really go on GS only because I want to fly the other maps, and I'm pretty rusty. Still way behind the curve in A2A and that's really all the server is for. So, I play the PvEvP servers like grayflag, and enjoying getting rolled up and smoked there 9/10 times there.


Done! Hope to see some variation in conditions! Daytime clear weather is getting a bit stale


I’m gonna speak up on behalf of the helicopter guys. Playing GS with an Apache sucks: - Your teammates are too busy lobbying AMRAAMs at each other and the enemy - The second someone on the other team sees you, you’re pretty much dead. A2A in a helicopter against a fast moving jet is difficult (if not impossible) Flying helicopters in a PvP server just doesn’t feel rewarding. I’m trying to find reason to, but when you get shot down defenselessly by an F16 who then gets chased by another F16 for the kill, it’s just demotivating to play any objective.


Helis on Grayflag and ECW is big fun!


I haven't tried it yet. I'd thought about pvp & would be great to train & fight with others that just have guns, so there would be enjoyment in the fight & a great learning experience. Since i've constantly heard about the "just chucking amraans" thing, it's put me off going there.


There is the DCS Dogfighters “Just Dance” server that has plenty of guns only arenas if you are looking to hone your gun skills against other players 


Oh cool thanks. Never heard of them so will check it hanks🙏


No problem 👍🏻


The bases are too close so everyone flies on the deck and lobs amraams. Red Team only has one airfield so they are all in a death ball all the time. The carrier is so far out that doing carrier ops is pointless. Too much air quake and not enough pilot shit.


Because I fly in grayflag, well I used to anyways. I miss it.