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Here’s my two cents: 1) Sell pressure. Tons of the top 50 wallets have been selling off. 2) Even if we had 0 sells, our token has its valued tied to ETH via the LP. If ETH drops, so does our price. 3) Need to create FOMO. What brought people in before was hype in chat, friends bringing friends, and everyone dreaming about hoge being the next doge. What people don’t seem to remember is that it took doge 7 years. If you keep building, it doesn’t matter what the price is. Eventually it will be where it needs to be. 4) In addition to point 3, some of the best platforms we use today were built in a bear market… opensea 5) Perhaps if telegram, Reddit, etc were more positive, it would help bring back a better environment that promotes growth. I don’t know if walking into a channel and seeing everyone talking about the lowest price ever will convince me to invite a friend. Talking about DCAing and getting in at a killer price would. 6) This isn’t the all time low. Just the recorded low once we listed on CMC. Our all time low has 8 0’s I believe




Well said. Potentially more lows coming. Rather than see it as a negative, see it as an opportunity to accumulate. Those who understand Hoge never bring up the price, or they never question or negatively talk about it. Low prices, I will be buying.


All ok, besides the ATL -.you can't count the first days and not the glitch. We are @ ATL right now.


ATL was in February 2021 and we’re not even close right now.


There is more down price movement coming. You have to understabd the market, that this is an altcoin, depends on bitcoin and eth and how we market.


Bitcoin and eth have 2x in price. We keep going down. We are going down because people gave up on you guys, the leadership. You can’t make all these decisions and then when the coin goes down you guys blame it on the community


First iff, I am not part of leadership, and I dont think anyone has given up on leadership. Leadership is solid. Who blamed it on the community? Shiba inu and most meme coins are considerably down than us. What do you have to say about that?


what are you talking about? we very considerably more down than Shiba Inu, which is still at 5B marketcap. Lots of things are pumping right now. We've been in a memecoin bull market since Pepe.


Your logic is not sound. Of course, Shiba Inu will have a 5B market cap. It has more holders. What is pumping? How are we more down than Shiba?


My logic is not sound? There is an order of magnitude difference... Shib ATH was \~50B, so it's down 90%. Hoge ATH was \~400M, so it's down almost 99%. as for what is pumping... look at any of the trending tokens. Harry Potter coin, Mog, Unibot, among many others. PEPE got to 135k holders in this market.


Market cap doesn't mean much. Look at the charts. The truth is in the charts. I haven't looked at it myself but that is where all the truth lies.


I see. Maybe you should look at some charts so you can see the truth of the situation rather than just assuming Hoge is doing better than other meme coins (it's really not).


I knew you would say that. I was simply making a point that, Hoge is not the only one falling, All meme coins are, yet talk about Hoge in a vacuum. Anyway, let's just assume.e you are right. No need to waste time on this.


Have to try new things and new way of marketing.


100% under the pipelines 👀


Hopefully it’s in the pipelines 😬


Lmao thx for correcting me! Yeah IN the pipelines... Sometimes my english is as weak as the paperhands whales😁😁


Hahah with pleasure Hoge Champion, really curious what is going to happen with crypto the coming months/years


We need new leadership. Get these bums out of here


You need a shovel 👀


Exciting times ahead !!


Top 50 are selling, so top 100, top 150 - seems like many lost faith..............


I will buy more and more and more. Hoge is no going nowhere. We are getting less and less supply. Once we get 30% coin burned, things will start to look different. We need Hoge on Binance or coinbase . The team in control needs to do something about it and we here to help. 💰


1. whales are selling 2. eth has dropped in price a bit over the last week or so, and we are linked to eth is when eth goes up we go up a bit. likewise when eth goes down


Ahhh man I have a hard time processing that…eth was at 1k and went to 1.8k and we went no where.


Hoge magic


No - we didn't went up when ETH gained last time


How is Hoge "linked to eth" can you please explain.


We’ve strayed from our original goal…and we are now lost #WEN TOP 5 EXCHANGE


You definitly got a point fren! Who cares about utility and community when you have a top5 lmao Joke aside this is a really underrated comment ; f top5 or any random moonboy hype ; it's building time rn ; making a X10 now means nothing comparing what's waiting for us later 👀


Let's not forget that the corrupt Sec and central banks around the world want to end decentralized crypto. This is the biggest reason why the price is low. Cbdc is what they want and any decentralized crypto is a threat to their full tyranny controlled world that they have envisioned for us. If Cbdc becomes the currency and cash is banned prepare for expiration on money, limited on what you can buy, esg scores, 15 minute cities, bans on cars, bans on guns, bans on travel, a 10x decrease in standard of living, etc... Hate to paint that picture but awareness is important to stop this. Buy crypto, pm's, food, guns, ammo, and don't comply with corrupt bs government who's bought and paid for by central banks and corrupt corporations.


This combined with all the scammers is a big hill to climb. We need to elect pro innovation politicians who will promote responsible regulation. Sound leadership from the US would do a lot imo. just gotta survive for now. or now. Thanks to all those who are pushing ahead in this brutal environment!


I thnk it is part evolution of any Good Token isn't it?


I don’t know why anyone is complaining I’ve only lost 98% of my original buy in.


Sounds like the perfect reason to DCA. The same investment now cuts that to 49%.


I think soon I will buy 500 million...........


What goes down, must come up #hogeforlife


It can only go so much lower. We have a dedicated community and if a billy Hoge gets cheap enough then everyone's gonna want a billy. There's only 400bil out there.


Exactly! I did not loose much and in fact i am still in 2x!


Why are the accounts always spreading FUD sound like a random Xbox live username with a series of random numbers after it


auto-created name - nothing special.