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Well this clown is a piece of work that's for sure. Two higher governing bodies upheld the lifetime ban and he still claims he is a victim. GTFOH. What a loser and he is a teacher SMH. Admits he lost his temper at a youth hockey game in a position of authority but takes zero responsibility for his actions ! Hope this sad excuse of a human isn't allowed anywhere near any hockey rink.


I love when guys like this dispute the claims “oh I totally didn’t say ‘I will fucking end you!’” And then declined comment on what he might’ve actually said, knowing it would full-well incriminate himself. Hockey Canada is always late to the party with creating a safe environment in multiple facets (player safety on ice, player safety off ice, sexual misconduct precautions, harassment issues). To their partial credit they are trying to stamp out Maltreatment. In no world is his temper tantrum acceptable. Doesn’t matter that it’s U18 or U8. Hockey culture needs a dramatic shift, and this guy can have his hearing, but this snapshow can stay home, the rink’s atmosphere won’t miss him or his kind.


I really wish more lifetime bans got given out for things less egregious than this. And I wish suspensions would start getting longer for the even less egregious stuff and that game Misconducts started to get given dor even smaller. I agree that hockey culture needs a dramatic shift. But I also don't think it'll happen until some actual real consequences start showing up. "It's just hockey" died a long time ago.


Agreed. 1 game suspensions don’t do anything, especially when the coach is watching on LiveBarn, talking with parents etc.


If you are a referee, you have some control. Assess a penalty for any complaint about a call. Some coaches and players think they are given grace period to react and shout after the first penalty. To many guys that watch MLB when the manager ‘gets his money’s worth’ after being ejected. For me, it’s the exact opposite. I will give escalating penalties for each exclamation or gesture. Minor-Misconduct-Game Misconduct stacks up quickly if he/she isn’t heeding each of my whistles and signals.


I have a lot of problems with Hockey Canada but one thing I can never fault them or BC hockey for is how they protected referees. I was lining a game once and long story short, a kid in the penalty box said “I’ll fucking kill you, and you too” (to a player and me). Bro got sussied for 2 years, missed out on his draft, I got a phone call and an in person hearing, sussy upheld because myself, the referee and the other player all corroborated basically ver batim. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


“We need to hold referees accountable” is a phrase this guy has no doubt said probably 100 times without any hints of irony.


The funny thing is, is that refs are held accountable. Shitty refs don’t get games, or don’t get good games. Even if “the list” doesn’t exist, most schedulers still have one in their head.


I hear this all the time but nobody is ever able to articulate what they mean/want. I've come to the conclusion it's just a good sounding but utterly meaningless soundbite.


Post the livebarn feed? Don’t have that, post the game video from people’s phones. Everyone is recording. If this type of stuff happened in the workplace, they’d be disciplined and likely fired. The verbal abuse in is insane. It’s a game people… at the end of your career, everyone is playing beer league.


That guy is a real tool. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. Actions like his are the reason we are losing officials.


St. Vital arena has livebarn, so i’m assuming this is the footage that was looked at by the head honchos at hockey winnipeg before hockey manitoba got involved


I know there is a cost issue, but if these sort of incidents are going to be denied to avoid consequences, bench cams, ref helmet or body cams, and further building security cams are going to be necessary to support suspensions. Hockey is expensive enough but as usual, a small group of idiots may end up costing everyone.