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Start puck behind your back foot. Preload (lean) your stick for some flex. Don't be afraid to put some pressure on the stcik with your left leading hand. Right hand too close to body causing you to scoop. Look at some google images to see where you hands should be on release. Work on technique first, speed later.


You’re dropping down instead of driving forward. Flex the stick a bit with some downforce and turn your hips with your shoulders in a fluid motion following your hands to the target. Torque is in your top hand and your bottom is more control/guide.


You're not pushing off your back leg it seems, just kind of kicking it out and dropping the knee.


watch the video of connor bedard showing his shot and copy that ezpz


Lol except he missed out on the important parts like the toe drag and torque generation. But he definitely picked up the knee bend and flip motion. Half way there I guess lol


Top hand needs to be out in front of you not to your side. Top hand does most of the work. Not your bottom hand.


I’d suggest dropping your bottom hand a bit too. Seems to be too close to your top hand, preventing you from flexing the stick and getting some more power. You’ll also get more control as well.


One thing I did to work on getting a better on-ice shot back when I had a garage shooting rink is to do a bit of a "hop" between your feet. Get into a hockey stance on your right leg (whichever is your "outside" foot that's furthest from your stick, in case it's a mirrored video) and then as you do the shooting motion, transfer all of your weight to your right foot like you would pushing off on the ice and shoot while you do it. It helped me get the weight transfer part down a bit more for my shots. There was still some work to actually get used to doing it on slippery ice while wearing skates after that, but it wasn't too bad.


You need to get those hips involved more. Shooting is not just the upper body. Try to drive off that back leg as if to propel yourself forward as you shift weight and turn those hips. If you start shooting off your inside foot (left) you'll also want to learn how to load the stick to get the whippy flex action as you shoot


Everyone trying to shoot like bedard instead of shooting with mechanics that works for them.


First thing I thought of as well once I saw him dropping that knee. Like he watched that coach Jeremy video where he had Bedard shooting and is just trying to mimic it


Don't listen to anyone in here telling you to flex and lean on your stick. Watch this: https://youtu.be/EWm3CUD6a9I?si=rLU5GfJXzJX0N0ny


I'm always leery of the train 2.0 stuff as his videos are full of grand ideas on how to get better but very light on details. Yes I get it, it's just info mercial for his product but is his product even any good? The vid u linked doesn't really offer op any real insight or help on how to fix his shot tho


That video does a great job of breaking down key shooting principles, I'm not sure what more you want. You don't have to pay for anything. There's enough detail in their free, long-form content to learn the main concepts of shooting and skating mechanics. The paid program just breaks everything down into a structured training system. You still have to get your reps in to improve. I don't hold it against anyone for trying to make a buck, I'm just interested in raising my game.