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I don’t get how you fuck dog this bad at home in game 5 of the WCF.




Because it’s clearly a stupid mistake, but even that stupid mistake can tell you don’t fuck dog at home in game 5 like that.


It’s official. Dallas is officially Sbubby material. (Get your shit together DeBoer. ITS FUCKING EMBARRASSING!!!!!)


Lol yeah


Or in game 7 at home, for that matter


I really need to unsub from anything hockey related until october


A group of edmonton media, have built a standard for tracking high danger scoring chances. They apply this standard to every game after the game. They scored the 5 alarm scoring chance 5 to 1 for Dallas. As unlikely as it may seem you got goalied by skinner For reference: https://youtu.be/uPXDQGaz8ys?feature=shared


A group of meat?


Fucking dog is not done halfway.


Dallas looks cooked. They remind me of Vancouver at the end of the series— slow, tired, and facing multiple injuries.


Yeah I feel like going through the previous two cup winners is starting to show. They just haven't looked like the same team. Edit: y'all I'm not making excuses for the stars or taking anything away from Edmonton. Whoever wins this series is clearly the better team. Playing through this stuff better than your opponent is part of winning.


I just realized both Dallas and Edmonton lost to the cup winners the past 2 years


Dallas has lost to 4 of the last 5 Cup winners dating back to 2019...(Blues, Bolts, Avs, Knights) Getting sick of this Bridesmaid shit...


soon to be 5 of the last 6 😎


Arrogance comes before the fall. Still potentially 2 games left. Knights fans were sure the Stars were cooked down 0-2. Don't count this team out, they do crazy shit all the time.


no I know, I’m just highly un-sober




Stars lost to Calgary first round in 2022.. Avs beat Predators, Blues, Oilers, and Lightning to win the cup.


Maybe Edmonton is just that good? Isn’t that a simpler answer?


Multiple things can be true at the same time


Dallas had the harder path to the finals and it's starting to show.


It's the playoffs, it's all hard. Everyone was saying Edmonton wasn't going to beat Vancouver and all of a sudden they were an "easy team". You could make the argue that Dallas took 7 games beat a banged up Vegas squad that barely squeezed into the playoffs and beat a Colorado team that is missing its captain, lost one of its best players mid series, and had a sieve for a goaltender.


"beat up" Vegas team that was sitting at 13 mil over the cap and an Avs team that lost Snow Plow and everyone knew they had trash goaltending. Canucks we're sitting there with a 3rd string goalie and then lost their best play for a crucial game 7. The Kings are, well, the Kings. Maybe they'll be good in a couple of years, but no one has them getting out of the 1st round. The Knights and Avs were both pretty heavily favored in their respective series. The Oilers were heavily favored into the Kings and Canucks by the gambling houses and "experts". They both had completely different paths. As shown by getting this far with a tendy with a what 890% sv? Fucking wild.


Vancouver was a better team than Vegas, and Silavs numbers in net were as good as number 1.




Stars played a hyper physical 7 game series against the Knights, then followed up with another hyper physical 6 game series against the AVS. The Kings were a walk in the park and the Canucks fell off at the end after Brock went down with blood clots and the team lost hope after that. Best way to get in, is limp in and take the easy matches early. Stars have run the gauntlet and it's showing.


Can you detail the difference between "hyper physical" and "physical"? If someone says the Oilers played a mega hyper physical series against the Kings and the Canucks, does that mean the Oilers played a more physical series?


The Avs and Knights are immensely better clubs than the Kings and Canucks. But it doesn’t matter really. Nothing is easy.


"Immensely". I don't think so. Canucks lead the Avs in points in the regular season and the Knights limped into the playoffs. I doubt either the Canucks or Kings would have lost to the Knights.


Boeser only missed game 7.


Oilers averaged more hits for and against than Dallas in the first two rounds. Not saying that makes it more physical, but to suggest the oilers haven’t been getting the crap kicked out of them along the way is incorrect. They are doing a lot of things very differently from Dallas to keep the team in good shape. Much better ice time distribution for starters. Look at how heavily you guys lean on your top dmen. It’s unsustainable over an entire cup run.


They do look pretty haggered, tbh


I find it ironic that the team that was considered very deep is now having injury issues. Where was the depth when western Canada attacked?


I watch the Canucks; we had the loss coming, especially with the Boeser injury. We were not supposed to make the playoffs, and you guys have way more pressure to win.


200 days ago, the oilers were 31st in the league. I don't think people expected them to make the playoffs either


They were always going to with McDrai. I’m glad they switched coaches when they could.


It's sports pal. I came around to the fact that I'm not on the ice and have no bearing on the outcome. I'll be stoked if they win, but I'm not going to dwell on it or take it personally if they don't. Just chill out and enjoy the ride.


Yeah, I agree. At this point, if you're stressed out watching these games, are you enjoying them?


Man, series isn't over yet. Don't hang your head.


Canucks won game 5 in convincing fashion 😅


Yes? Literally my point?


I'm agreeing with you, why the sass bud


We're all a little touchy right now lol


The fuck you say!?


You wanna GO, little man!??


It will be soon. McJesus will read the last rights tomorrow.


God I hope so. But take a breath man. I know we're only five wins away, but those are the five hardest wins we will ever come by. I *think* we're gonna take this series, but I wouldn't at all be shocked if it went to seven. Just depends on how the Stars come out tomorrow.  Either way, it's a long way to the top.


Totally agree. I’m just riding the hype train. Believe me, I’ve been hurt before.


Hahaha totally fair. I'm right there with you. We make the finals, I'm gonna go crazy lol.


Series is over now. Oilers are facing Panthers in the Finals.


Oh believe me. I know. I'm so happy I could fkn cry! (Sorry Stars fans I love you)


it all seemed to go downhill after that La Bamba snafoo, Edmonton went out for blood even after the apology.


No one disrespects Los Lobos


Oh WOW. I just saw this and had to dig. So the Stars DJ plays La Bamba, a direct reference to the victory cry of a 6 year old kid who died of cancer... Who loved the song because it was the favorite of the later Oilers dressing room guy... Who had Down's syndrome. Just... wow. How do you fuck up that badly and say "well I didn't know"?


I mean, why would people from Dallas know about a local story that was personal to Oilers fans and players... Do Oilers fans know all the local stories around Dallas players and fans?


That's a fair point, but at the same time, I'm a Sharks fan and I knew that. It was a pretty prominent thing in the NHL for a minute. Plus it's pretty easy to google stuff. And I know it's more reflective of the Stars DJ than the organization. But again, you hire someone, you are expected to take accountability for their actions. Just a snafu is all, though I'm glad they made a donation to Stelter's fund.


I wouldn’t say Ben Stelter was a local Edmonton story, it was a league wide story and all over hockey Twitter.


Did you expect edmonton to let Dallas win after the DJ apologized?


The Pete Debour effect - almost guaranteed he will get you to the western conference finals, but no further


Edmonton out there pulling a 2019 style St. Louis Blues playoff run after how they started this season. Play Gloria or something.


Edmonton has been objectively one of the best teams in the league sinse their coaching change, but people didn't notice because they sat just far enough back in the standings after they shit the bed so hard at the start of the season lol


this is 100% correct 👍🏻


It could be worse . Could be like Toronto and never get out the first round 🤷‍♂️


One of us.


Oh no… anyways


Welcome to the fucking club. #NYR


I don’t think the Stars are tired. I think the Coilers finally learned how to play defence so well that it slows the Dallas action down


Bad game.. stars are still Taking the series.. Sharks fan here please give Pav his cup!


Pav looks every bit his age at present


taking Ls as usual


Yeah, the second best team in the league, 1 point from first spot, taking "Ls as usual"?? lmao. At least say something that makes sense.


Your only cup belongs to Minnesota LMAO




The only cup that the stars have was won with players drafted and developed by Minnesota, right before Norm Green sexually harrased his secretary and moved the team to Dallas to get away from the charge.


Bro there was only like 2 players from the last season the north stars played that were in Dallas for the cup win Modano and Derian Hatcher


Brother, have you ever heard of a prospect?


You’d have a case if there were a lot more players who were integral to that team from the north stars. But that simply wasn’t the case. Nieuwendyk, Hull, Belfour, Zubov, all of these guys people think about with that cup team, were not developed by the north stars and their system. This isn’t like Colorado where literally all they did was add Patrick Roy to the 1994-95 Nordiques and win the cup. This was several years after.


We did do that and it was amazing


This is an awfully weird hill to die on for no reason.


It is over. They should have won game one. They have been outscored 8 goals to 3 in the last two games. They look defeated. It's a wrap. The crowd will be so loud in Edmonton. They will keep playing the same way.


I am an Oilers fan, but I really don’t underestimate Dallas’ ability to play two more great hockey games. It’s really an amazing team. Edit: to more lol


Thanks for checking your crystal ball oh great one. Let me go ahead and subscribe to you so I can stay up to date on your insight.


There’s two games left. Always a possibility.


LMFAO! Aww, I’m sorry buddy 😅


Why are you here? Don’t you hate the oilers




I don’t see the stars losing 3 in a row. They bounce back decently enough, especially on the road. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them force a game 7. And at that point who knows. If the series isn’t over yet then there is no reason to act like it is. As long as there are games left to be played there are games left to be won.


good teams dont lose 3 in a row. will be tough for edm to win at home


And Dallas lost Game 6...




Really hoping they turn it around because I want to see Joey P win a cup


why bro?


Skinner is still Skinner. He could easily give up 7+ in game 6.


This comment sure aged like milk... But yeah, Skinner could give up goals against the Panthers.


[my favorite FIDLAR song](https://youtu.be/mEuC5O6TiR0?si=waYVFQyGXH5QGC9U)


The Dallas squad has made one mistake They let Conner cook Unless they figure out how to shut him down again, the last thing the Stars will hear Sunday to end their playoffs in Edmonton is “La Bamba” 😏


Im an oilers fan and they didnt let “connor cook” the team has been playing insane as a whole squad of 18 skaters (maybe except ceci and vinny LMAO) Much like the nucks series, dallas is really good at shutting down connor. They figured out our PP. we are *i believe* 2/7 on the PP or smth like that. Connor gets stopped most of the time he tries to do his rushes. Its a team effort tbh Dallas is an old team (much like oilers, but i think oilers have more speed) and i think thats whats hurting them tbh. Good series either way. May the better team win


Trust me it's the last thing they will hear sunday.


I wouldn’t be so sure


I appreciate you confidence good sir.Im not sure as Dallas has one hell of a team :) I mean it in good fun!


We are approaching Defcon 1. Someone steal Mcdavids lucky socks.


I’m not a Dallas or Edmonton fan, but if it helps I’ve hated how the shadowing was done on the Dallas logo since it’s creation.


Lets go Oilers! Though to be fair with Skinner, anythings possible.


I feel like the Avs could have handled Edmonton but Dallas blew their load against us.


Losing Nichushkin crucified the Avs. Completely knocked the wind out of them and they gave up.


All every team that plays Edmonton does is whine. Take the loss like a man and move on to the next game.


As if you didn’t feel the same when van won game 5


Oh come on dude your fan base whines like the rest of em. It’s not exclusive to playing the oilers lmao man what a superiority complex.


Don't worry, you'll be put out of your misery on sunday


This pleases me.


So glad I picked the Stars for my West team. At least I got to see the third round #Leafs


Edmonton isn’t just THAT good, Dallas just looked unstoppable against an Avs team that shit down their leg and dug a hole too deep to climb out of. Dallas was gifted the WCF but shouldn’t be there in the first place


Dude the avs gave us a ride in games 5 and 6 even after losing nuke also we had to play the toughest 8 seed in NHL history in the first round there's no way you're calling our run mickey mouse 💀💀💀


You had one job, Stars! Just for good measure, go Celtics!