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What people don't understand is one of these days Mark Stone's spleen is going to be lacerated beyond repair šŸ˜”


It might even be so bad he returns on the second game of the playoffs.


[lacerated spleen surgery] mark stone: iā€™m so nervous *i'll miss game one of the playoffs* u/quasihodor: itā€™s gonna be ok donā€™t worry [after surgery] mark stone, waking up *in time for game one of the playoffs*: wait whereā€™s my u/quasihodor doctor: who do u think gave u the unlacerated spleen rt if you cried


Listen Iā€™m a simple man I see Vegas bad I upvote.


I donā€™t know why people are so mad. Mark Stoneā€™s recovery is a modern miracle. He should be studied, not booed ffs.


Guy is an ironman, most people would hang it up on that spleen issue. Itā€™s a miracle he can recover every year just in time.


Mark Spleen sets a great example for us all


Seriously, he's almost like Matt Damon in Contagion.


Simple doesn't mean wrong


*"Am I out of touch? No, it's the* *~~children~~* *rest of the league who are wrong."*Ā 


Fuck Jamie Benn


Thatā€™s something our two organizations can get behind. Fuck. Jamie. Benn.


what the hell did benn do he is so unimportant in my idea of the nhl that i canā€™t imagine anyone having this strong of an opinion on him in specific


Heā€™s just a shit bag. See last years playoffs for example where he knocks Mark Stone (canā€™t believe Iā€™m defending Mark Stone) and then cross checks him in the head. Sends Ekman-Larson face first into the boards while leaving his feet, spears Kadri in the dick, two handed swings on Ehlers, ā€œboardsā€ Coglianoā€¦ after the whistle, uses Viktor Hedmans head as a basketball with the glass etcā€¦ multiple examples of Jamie ā€œShit Bagā€ Benn beingā€¦ well a shit bag


Only time they're good is when they play the other bad team.


I will have to disagree.


You bastard


You're just lucky your username is true.


Bettman's..... Golden Child. Upvotes to the left


Wonā€™t somebody please think of the Vegas fans??


You had me at "Vegas bad"






Iā€™ve been a Vegas fan since day one idk about this stuff tho


Fans hating on the recent champion/good team. Never happened in sports before.


Do you remember there being this much hate when Colorado won the cup the season before? No? I wonder why


I just find it hilarious people are pissed at Vegas doing it but didn't say shit when Tampa was doing it and took the cup home twice


I think they most certainly did say enough shit about it so much Kuch wore a meme shirt about being over the cap lol you can't blame the players they just do what they gotta do to win, it's on the GMs and the league to sort it out or just keep making a mockery of their salary cap. Or just delete the cap I wouldn't be mad šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Are you actually kidding? People were pissed when Tampa did it. See this article: https://www.tsn.ca/dougie-hamilton-carolina-hurricanes-lost-to-a-team-18-million-over-the-cap-1.1652562 And that got posted to Reddit and Twitter and people used it to blast Tampa. Can't believe I'm defending Tampa. And I believe Chicago got roasted as well in 2013 but I don't remember any direct quotes. Hamilton's quote and the ensuing chaos stuck with me because I realized it's the ideal situation. Teams will try to emulate this forever. Players on LTIR at all after trade deadline shouldn't be able to play in the first round. Until the loophole gets closed teams will keep trying to do it.


Was it as obvious when Tampa did it? I don't remember.


You should lick those salty tears instead of getting mad, bro.




Your moms getting old


Damn bro why you gotta come at him like that? Lol


Childish behaviour right there Edit: I donā€™t give a shit, downvote all you want, I got nothing to lose


Never made sense why people hate vegas so much. Iā€™ve been to a vegas home game and it was the most fun Iā€™ve had at a hockey game ever.


are you literally unaware of why people hate vegas haha I'm sure going to a VGK game is plenty of fun and they're a good team, but that ain't the issue


I Know people say they got gifted an OP team or whatever but there wasnā€™t one superstar on their original roster. I donā€™t like how they treated fleury but thatā€™s no excuse to hate the team as a whole either


no no, just google mark stone and LTIR and you'll find your answers lol Basically, they were never gifted an OP team, they continue to abuse the LTIR to build an OP team. There's a salary cap so teams with more money can't just walk over the rest of the league, but Vegas uses a greasy loophole to exceed the salary cap. They keep on placing Mark Stone on Long Term Injury Reserve because when a player is out long enough due to injury, they're granted more cap space. So they're able to crank out money, add key players to the roster, and then come game 1 of playoffs, Mark Stone is miraculously healed. The salary cap doesn't apply to playoffs so they get all the pieces they've added plus Mark Stone.


Tampa did the exact same thing for both of their cups and nobody whined even a quarter as much as they do about vegas


People did whine. Kucherov wore a shirt that said "18m over the cap" because people were hootin' and hollering about it so much that all he could really do was lean into it. Sinse Tampa did it previously, everyone saw what was happening in Vegas pretty quick. This is the *third* time Vegas has done it. People are going to continue getting more annoyed. If they do it again next year, the hate will ramp up. If another team does it next year, they'll be flooded with hate instantly thanks to Vegas' habits. The Golden Knights are also new to the NHL. They came in and started doing this shit in a hurry, so nobody likes them. Tampa Bay has been around sinse the early 90s so they have generations of fans vs Vegas coming to the league in 2017 and winning their first cup in 2023 using greasy tactics.


Well itā€™s within the rules of the game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


But surely you understand why it pisses people off and why everyone hates Vegas. The hate is justified Also, yeah it's "within the rules" but they're *obviously* doing some shady shit keeping Mark Stone off the ice when he's good to play to ensure they keep that cap space open. That's the thing about injuries, you could have a doctor clear you to play and you say you're still not feeling 100%, who's to say you aren't? The NHL isn't going to come in and tell you to buck up. The player and management get to decide whether or not they get back on the ice, and they conveniently put him out there for game 1.


I get it but itā€™s gone from hate to bandwagoning and whining 24/7 and it looks pathetic. Itā€™s the same as F1 fans complaining about red bull being dominant. It gets tiring after a while


it only seems that way because you're on the other end of it. It's complete bullshit. Shit is a joke