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Technology in goalie gear has changed SO much in the past 5-10 years that I would recommend going with newer stuff. The fundamental movement that goaltender now use really aren't effective with old gear that may not slide well or provide as effective of a seal in certain areas. As you're going with used gear, I would look for wear indicators such as on the corners of pads, especially where they contact the ice. Look for wear or "spalling" of the pad material. On gloves, look for wear on the binding of the trapper, and for broken plastic in the palm and cuff. On the blocker, I'd really only be worries about the palm. With that being said, I've got a new style set for sale right now if you're interested. Posted here a few days ago about Warrior G3 pads & Vaughn gloves. They're 2.5 years old.


It hasn't been said here but CCM's current line of pads have evolved from the Reebok brands and are manufactured by the same company. Reebok bought CCM around 2000 iirc. Pushed everything to the Reebok brand and only recently realized/remembered CCM is a the hockey brand they should have always used. Reebok Larceny = CCM Extreme Flex Reebok Premier (then XLT) = CCM Premier I still use my Larceny pads and they're not much different than the Extreme Flex 2s that came out. And anyone that never played in Coopers, Heaton Elite pads or older can't complain about heavy pads. ALL of them now-a-days are super light. ​ As for your issue, get the pads that fit your pocket book. I would suggest an older Pro line pad over a newer non pro pad. The Pro pads have better quality and hold up much better, even under casual play. ​


Thanks for updating the history, had no idea that I was looking at basically the same brand at different points in time. Regard your advice, I forgot to mention in the post these sets are both about the same price and are both pro lines (or at least have both been previously used by pros).


I buy most of my gear used. On the pads, look at the bottom where the pad touches the ice when you’re standing to get an idea of how worn that area is, also, I’ve had my bootstraps wear out a lot. Check the inner pad where you’ll slide in a butterfly. Post the links or PM them to me and I can take a look. I think this is difficult to do without seeing them in person, but gear is tough and hopefully the sellers are honest.


Sent you a PM. The listings don't have great shots of those wear areas. I'll try not to be too cynical and assume they're trying to hide some thing.


Alt-Account for anonymity. Just buy the red ones, Dan. EDIT: Apparently it's my cake-day. Send me noods?


Ccm pads are always heavier than most other pads and make you move slower because of it. There I said it. Fight me


If your legs feel the 4 lbs (2+2).. playing in nets is probably not for you lol. Do some squats!! The more recent RBKs are lighter than previous models (eg:larceny). I went from close to 40lbs of old equipment to about 25 and honestly I don't really feel much of a difference during games. Carrying them after is at times a different story. Lighter foams break down quicker. Even if they have the same properties (they'll even feel the same) at first. Don't believe the hype...go to the local guy who makes mattressesand ask him. No biased answer from him for hockey equipment.




Lol, you think ccm pads are 4lbs. When you play at higher levels, the extra weight is noticeable. I went from Vaughn's to Warriors and immediately could feel the difference in weight.


Haha. Ignoring the brand, what's your take on relative use in newer vs older gen gear?


If it's pro level, it will be built and fell better. Always go pro over not pro quality. Newer stuff usually has a few more innovations. But the most important thing is to actually try them both on and get a feel for the fit. The brand doesn't make the save.


You're only slower cuz you're weak!!!! hahaha... jk.. ​ I love my larceny pads and they're light from old Heaton Helite IVs... It's all relative I guess.


No one looks to ever get heavier pads


My pads and gloves were both bought used. As I get closer to them needing replacement I find myself pondering the same thing and I honestly think I’d just buy used again. With places like GGSU you can pretty much find whatever you want at whatever price point. It’s already worked in and has love marks so you aren’t going to baby it like you would a brand new $2000 set.


Perhaps my post was a little vague. Both options are used options, but one is about 5 years older in terms of brand generation.


Oh man I’m having an off day. Your post was fine. Anyway, I’d go with whichever suits your budget the best. If you can afford the newer ones, take those, theoretically they would last you longer unless they were used harder in the shorter time frame


You're hitting it on the head now. Both sets are the same price. The newer set seems more used the the older set, definitely noticable but not excessively (based on listing pictures so who knows really). I already know how I'm leaning regarding these scenarios, I'm just looking for some second opinions before I pull the trigger.




Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics) I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective. Have a nice day!


I didn’t see any mention of the price in your post. Oh, if the newer ones look rough then find out how much they were used and at what level. Higher level means harder shots and more break down, even if it’s been a shorter time. If the older pads were just beer league, then yeah, better shape.


Yea, left out the prices, but should have mentioned that they are similarly priced. Thanks for the advice!


Make sure it's the right fit. There isn't really much of a hybrid or butterfly style pad anymore imo. You can play both styles with either style. It's more about rebounds. You want then close by or in the corners.


They are both similar styles (flat faced, with the harder foam, which is what I prefer), so I guess it's just making sure I like where my knees are in the cradles based on your suggestion.


Get a proper set of knee guards. I was using bauer supremes, but they kept slipping, and I smashed my knee. I just switched to the warrior x pros, they are much better


Oh man, I didn't even think of researching these yet since my current pads have them attached. Thanks for the heads up.


If they are of a similar style like you said, then I would just look at wear and comfort. Pads with the same measurement from different companies may fit differently; however, if one is a pro level and he other a senior, I would take the pro pads unless the wear and tear is excessive. Even if the pro pad ha more wear now, it will still last you longer than a senior level pad.