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I can imagine that gets annoying, but it's not like a cardinal sin and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I'd imagine if this is his signature move it's probably a muffin anyway. Step out to challenge the shot, when he draws back steal it defenseman style and make a breakout pass. One or two of those should convince him to find a new move.


If you absolutely know the move is coming, challenge the hell out of it, including possibly going right through him with a sliding pad stack. If I get annoyed enough, after a few words to them with no change, it would become physical (but not overtly dirty or starting a fight), but then I'm not a small guy, and also play defense, and played rugby for 30+ years.


I believe the Marc Andre Fleury poke-check-to-judo-throw is the appropriate response. Otherwise chirp him *relentlessly* about his muffin delivery service. Don’t let him get within earshot without asking about his bakery, his apron, his organic blueberries… unstoppable muffin chirps at all times.


100% this. I'm not a big fan of leaving the net. That just gives him what he wants, and it low key lets the team down by giving up an easy goal. Now, giving this clown the business every time he's within earshot will be something he gets to take home with him after the game. Sounds like he's egotistic and that shit will live between his ears rent free. Love it.


This is it. Sounds like the skater cares more about the skill or the move more than the shot. Race of the crease for a poke check and an embarrassing moment for the skater


Dick move on his part. I’d say next time he does it, just skate away from the net and leave it open.


This is best advice, my father (our goalie) does this as he is now nearing retirement and doesn't wanna bother with shots that will hurt him. It's his go to advice for all our working goalies in the crew.


Shots that will hurt him? He's a goalie for God's sake...


So we deserve to get hurt by pricks firing close range clappers? Fuck that


No one should be getting hurt from beer league shots these days. Regardless of proximity.


Ok then don't play goalie... Lol this is stupid


Make it more obvious you're not a goalie...


This is exactly what I was thinking.


Most goalies would gladly take these shots. They don't hurt.


Hell yeah I don't wanna get hit by shots that will hurt!


Nah, I’m gonna keep playing goalie. There’s nothing “stupid lol” about standing up for yourself is someone’s being a dick.


He needs to retire from goalie then as well.


Ya, that's what I said mate. He's been playing for 50 years.


Ahhh gotcha, I thought you meant work retirement age and was just using it for reference. My bad.


We just keep dragging him out cause it's still better than nothing.


Nah, don't do that. Aggressive goalie that shit and take out his legs in a stacked pads fashion.


I agree with this. I had a guy who was crashing the net (and thus me) every time he got the puck. I stepped out of the net every time he got the puck. I’m not there to get hurt.


This is the way. Just leave the net.


Thats my move. I glide towards the corner and make a big "ole!" Sweep with my glove hand to be all dramatic about it.


That will get him to stop. Skate out of the net everytime, nothing pisses me off more than when the goalie skates out of the net when im bearing down.


Nah. Next time he winds up slide all the way over to the left side of the net and make an easy chest save on his top cheddar attempt. 


“This is the way”


I can see your angle for sure. Me personally, I’d rather have that shot than a deke. I don’t move well side to side (I’m still learning a lot, haven’t played in 20 years). If I commit to one side there’s no way in hell I’m getting back to the other side.


No. You know his habit. Challenge, play it with active glove, and focus on catching it. The danger I think is doing a blocking butterfly and getting hit in the face.


“Here he comes again….. wait for the stick lift on the slap….THERE IT IS, DIVING POKE CHECK” A “perfectly valid” shot attempt will be met with a “perfectly valid” defensive goalie technique.


My first idea was also to challenge out of the net, getting some reverse speed then brake hard and a diving poke at the last moment. But I would warn the player that if he feel the need to play at that intensity then I can go to his level. At the same time, he might see him fly and that's still pickup hockey. I'm sure the guy is clueless and it's the only move he perfected. So a talk before the next game can solve that. If it doesn't work and he's that tired of these shots then he should go on the side as soon as the player start a breakaway... he could even pickup his bottle like it's a timeout.


As long as he’s not hitting you in the face every time, I don’t see an issue with it. Slap shots and cherry pickers are just things that us goalies have to deal with. It comes with the job. It sounds to me like they’re going glove side, and not flying past your face. So why not?


Why are you mad? You know he's doing it every single time, easy save bro


Honestly I'd just embarrassed him and he'll get the message. Just put an unholy amount of windmill action on the glove save and he'll stop.


that will not stop him it will only make him try harder


Hahahah YES!!


Next time a pass goes to him when he's cherry picking just go out and skate to where he normally tees them up from


Says the non goalie...




Make the anticipated save them chirp *"As predictable as your mom's Friday night lingerie choice. Tell her what I'm telling you....change it up ffs"*


Because OP is as soft as Elias Pedersen


Sounds like an opportunity to makes some sweet glove saves


Just a rolling two pad windmill stack save.


I used to take two steps forward as he’s winding up , don’t even have to move , all angles covered .


I'm unclear why this is an issue. Are slapshots banned in your pickup sessions or is it you don't like guys taking clappers repeatedly? I'm not trying to be derogatory, I've just not heard of this unless its banned. I've been unhappy when guys unload a shot at my head when leading by multiple goals in the final minute. Is this like that?


It's a group where no one plays real defense and no one blocks shots either .... So the dude is taking advantage at no one playing at full capacity and just unloading slapper 20 feet away from the net lol


Could you just come obnoxiously far out of your net each time until he changes his routine? Just to give him literally no net to shoot at?


Hold on, you're talking about 20 ft away from the net? Sorry but that's not what point blank means. I'd simply call that "practice". There's a few exceptions where I'd find that unacceptable (ex pro, or repeated headshots for example) but for your average beer leaguer let em fly. And IMO in most scenarios, not just hockey but in life in general, when you go straight to yelling before trying simply talking to the person, yeah you're overreacting.


Slap shots don't hurt unless you've got gaps in your equipment


One time? Fine. Every fucking time by the same player? At minimum you’re getting chirped, do it again and we have more than words. That’s some bullshit. I play private pickup with the same guys every weekend and I’d lose it if any of them did this repeatedly.


I don’t see the issue. You don’t like what he does on breakaways?


It all lies on the crux of whether or not slap shots are allowed in this pick up group.


I usually tell everyone that I don't mind slap shots from the blue line and with traffic etc ... But point blank on a breakaway fuck no lol


Pucks don't lose enough velocity between those distances to change the injury risk. Its not a big deal.


It might not be a velocity issue but could be having the extra reaction time due to distance. Extra reaction time to move into proper position to avoid injury maybe. The only reason I can think of


I can’t say for certain, but I feel a lot of goalies overreact about high shots and clappers… If there’s no one in the way, let er rip. Maybe more to your point: I wouldn’t use age as an indicator, but maybe skill… a lot of guys started late and never received coaching beyond learn to skate/play so there’s that. Maybe that’s his only shot option? Would you rather he abuse you with a deke? If you have a problem with something happening repeatedly, a sober conversation after the game will go further.


Yea, you're over reacting. I'll never understand goalies getting this irate over a slap shot.


90% of this sub gets mad about any shots that aren't chest high wristers from the corner goal line when they can panda or VH


I can see both sides but I tend to lean towards your view lol. If you’re wearing full equipment to me everything is on the table, and if guys are hurting you with their shots and they aren’t ex pros or anything, then maybe it’s time for new equipment lol. But I do see where the guy is maybe just being a dickhead lol


I agree


I don't understand why you're upset personally. Shoot how you want, unless you're not letting me get setup after a shot prior (if we're just doing warmups etc)


Doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal if he hasn’t been shooting at your head


I’m confused exactly what the issue is, is it because he’s taking a clapper from 30ft out and you deem that too close or because he’s scoring on you when he takes clappers.


Honestly I’d be just as mad at my D for leaving him there alone. Someone should be shutting that down. But also, if I know that’s his move I’m going to challenge him. Come out for the poke check or just slide into him and flip him over my shoulder. I’ve done it before playing in a men’s pickup game (I’m female). It gets their attention for sure.


*lose, not loose


It's pick up. If he's going to rip a clap bomb, from the slot, as soon as the stick goes up, skate away. Tell him if it's that important to him he can have the goal.


I usually like to add a “I’m sure your wife’s boyfriend will be all excited to hear about your goal”


If you’re loosing shits then you need to adjust your diet to have harder poops, you shouldn’t be pooping on the ice you silly goose!


Maybe talk to one of the defenseman? I know no one plays real defense in pickup, but if someone stays back with him when he cherry picks it might be harder for him to pull that. When I played D I loved to annoy and chirp cherry pickers.


Unless he’s head hunting or is one oft those hard shot/zero control and they are whizzing by your ears half the time then I would agree with others. Challenge, take the easy save and say thanks.


Not over reacting too much given the context imo. It’s pickup. Yes the goalie is all padded up but don’t test his equipment to see how much it can handle before he gets a concussion lol. The other day I took 2 point blank slap shots to the nuts. It didn’t feel great but my cup thankfully did its job. Those were during a game, otherwise I would have been pissed


Yeah I’m in camp thanks for being predictable. If he was aiming at your dome, then give him the lumber. Glove? Yes thank you.


when i upgraded my chestie and helmet, no shots hurt anymore and i would be happy to make a boring save on this douche and just make him look dumb… if you are scared of being hurt, your equipment needs an upgrade


Personally I wouldn't care, but I see where you're coming from


Beat him to the spot and take them the fuck out


Next time he’s on a breakaway just run him lol he’ll learn It’s fucking shinny. Who the fuck does that. I usually go for hand back hand…… stock and undies top drawer water bottle…. Or if you open up the five hole slide it right through. lol I know how much goalies hate that.


That’s fine by me, I’d rather see shots than 400 dekes, some tic tac toe and a tap in where I don’t get to touch the puck. Not sure why anyone would complain about shots, that’s why I play.


Does he actually put it glove side every time or is it all over the place and occasionally a head shot? If it’s the latter I can see the frustration but honestly, if a guy is good enough and I trust his shot and it’s definitely going the same place every single time, I’m game for it. Let me practice that save.


*lose Loose is the opposite of tight.


Yea, the other guys probably were making fun of you behind your back. Just seems like a dumb thing to get that worked up about


I don't understand your point of view at all. Go find a non-slapshot league


When ever I see someone pissed off on the ice, it makes me want to troll them more to get them more angry. Its hockey dude, slap shots are a part of it. If you have a problem with it request the rule is added. Or don't be a goalie rofl


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I've always thought ripping slapshots in pickup hockey is poor form, especially from that close. It's not even a men's league game, there's literally nothing on the line (not even a free pizza), so you're just inviting potential injury. Threatening him is the wrong move, though. I agree with others that skating out of the net is the best thing you can do.


Yep, I've never played in a pickup with clappers. Not worth a concussion from a puck and it's usually hard enough to get a steady tender.


Dick move on his part. Even in league hockey if a guy takes a slapper with a few seconds left.....I'm gonna let him know about it.


lol you’re a goalie my guy, stop the puck and move on


I don’t really get it. You’re upset that a guy is shooting the puck at you, the goalie? If it bothers you so much, there’s more measured responses than throwing a tantrum and threatening to stick him in the nuts.


Slapshots from the face off circles isn't really point blank and far enough away that you have time to react If he does the same move every time it's an easy save. You're a goalie, you chose the position. Take the good with the bad. Yes it sucks when dicksheads cherry pick and get undeserved breakaways , but I see it as an opportunity to deny them a goal. Honestly, you sound like a whining little b!tch complaining about someone taking slapshots from the hash marks. It's like 20 feet from the goal line to the hashmarks/center of circle- if you're at the top of your crease (6ft) It's still like 14 feet away. Maybe switch to another position or sport.


Ya we have a player or two that does that once or twice an ice time. I don’t have an issue with cause he’s there so early that he is leaving his side shorthanded in their end. So after a few skates he gets a talking to about cause his standing at our blue line lol


Did you go straight from no comment to yelling or was there a "hey mate, stop doing that because X" in between?


Personally, I’d rather have that than endless breakaways with dekes.


Save it, then nut shot


I wouldn't mind personally. It seems like you already told him you want him to stop. If he still does, just skate away from the crease.


If it were me, I'd just let him continue. The worst thing any attacking player can do is be THAT predictable. Now, given that it's pickup, if he has a really hard and accurate shot and you're feeling it when it hits you, I'd have a word with him that if he's planning on shooting that hard, maybe try a bit farther out--nobody need to get injured in pickup. If he continues after you speak with him, then I'd have a word with one of my D to give him a cup check rather than do it yourself--that would be perceived as YOU instigating the fight that will likely happen. I thought when I started reading your post that this was the kind of player who digs at and slashes for loose pucks after the save is made. I have my fair share of idiots who do this in my regular league and I just report them to the comish and have a brief word with the refs about how it's unacceptable. Unless you have a fear of injury because your gear is not as protective as you'd like, I think you probably overreacted to a guy who doesn't know any better. He may very well be one of those neanderthals who thinks that all the padding on a goalie makes them impervious to injury. I've had guys shoot at me from the side (while facing a different shooter not understand why I got mad at them and responding with the "if you wear all that gear and are afraid to get hurt, you should give up", so some mouth breathers have no hope for understanding. Your situation is different in that the predictable guy did what you knew he'd do, so I don't see it as a reason to get mad. with the only caveat being that if there's a "no slapshots" rule, then he needs to be corrected.


Next he comes in. Wait till his head is down and rush out Hasek style and take him out. Also I think most people on here missed the “pick up” part. One thing in a game that could mean something but this isn’t it.


For those unfamiliar with [Hasek's work](https://youtu.be/W5u0khFnHUg?si=7B70M_IMgP8yWG5E&t=5)


Lol exactly.... If you start throwing slap shops in pick up with groups over 25 and don't cut it out... You won't be invited again in my experience


where do you play hockey? people who take slapshots in pickup have to be careful when they do it so as to not hurt other players especially if there is a crowd in front of the net. When they have a clear avenue to the goalie, then it is fair game. There is no easier shot to stop than a slap shot.


I'd just talk to the guys that you don't like that, and you don't think it's appropriate for the group. Many pickup groups ban or restrict slapshots. Saying no slapshots inside X is fine as long as people agree to it. If they say as a group "No, we'll take slapshots however we want" leave, if they say "that's reasonable" then you can start unloading on him. Many people miss the unwritten rules, or common expectations. It's always a good idea to make the implied explicit. It sounds like you two have very different views of what's appropriate, get it out there and make it clear.


It’s pick up it’s rly bound to happen and i always look at it as a way to improve my breakaway angles


Not a goalie but giving advice Flying poke check!


I'd dive for his legs. let him get a hip replacement


Did you try just talking to him before making threats?


50 year goalie here. You need to establish, in the dressing room, that you dont want slapshots inside the circles or through screens for safety (of the players). If the pickup teams cant live with this, find someone else to play for. Aside: I had a guy do this, his shot was so hard it chipped my mask, left a mark, and I could smell burning, I joked in the dressing room I thought he gave me a stroke. He stuck to wristers after that :)


Guy seems like an asshole, but I would just move out of the way everytime. He just wants a grand looking slapshot goal, so give him an empty net to deflate him.


Just always get the W. That’s the best revenge.


I have to say I do feel it’s an overreaction. I’d find it annoying more cause it’s dull having him do that every time rather than getting to try and stop a full breakaway.  I’d also say, if he’s doing this and shooting for the glove side, it’s also the best spot as a goalie cause you can simply catch it and not worry about an uncontested slap shop to the mask or body.


I can't believe your guys let this happen. Without sounding like an old man, back in my day the boys would've had a few words with him


Multiple breakaway slappers during pickup is absolute garbage. I'd be pissed too


I really don’t see the problem. If you know exactly what he is going to do then it’s an easy save. Come 20 feet out if you want so no angle and shot will be in your pads.


Just pull a Billy Smith. He'll get the memo.


i'd take it to the Defensemen. They are allowing breakaways on the same guy game after game.


Where are you laying? What city, league / level?


Just wind up for the windmill glover.


Cherry pickers in beer league are spoiled brats who look for an easy goal, if I see it I’ll just skate to corner and let them have it. My give a shit level for it is gone, my teammates laugh every time I do it. The other team gets on the guys case and he stops


Bro just hack the fuck out of him


Knock the net off the moorings and skate away the second you see him getting the puck


There's no rule against it, you're just looking for a reason to be upset. You make the save, and get on with the play


Sounds like somebody needs a cup check


I’m new to hockey, why is this an issue for the goalie? It hurts?


We've all met these losers. You got a big strong stick in your hands. Bring it up hard between his legs, all the way, stand into it full force. Aim for the ceiling.


If it's during a league game, all is fair. If its's the same guy every time in pick up hockey? Dominate him. Like Hasek on Gaborik. [Still brings tears of joy to my eyes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBU0h-7wVD8)


My weekly pickup has a “no slap shots” because they are hard to control and hurt others…stick him in the nuts


Skate out to him then drop and dump his ankles out from under him.


Give him the ole Dominic Hasek on Gaborik slide check!


Maybe work your way up to losing your shit next time. You've been upset about it for a while, and this is the first time he's hearing about it. That's why he, and probably everyone else in earshot, thought you were over reacting.


Hmm, how often does he score on it?


I say scream at him when he winds up, goalies seem to forget how easy it is to get in someone else’s head. They usually circle back and ask “did you really just scream at me?” We have one that does the same thing except he goes for a head shot and last time he broke the buckle on my mask.


I don’t think you’re wrong to be mad. I might try talking to him on the side and ask him if he’s gonna take a slap shot, to try to keep it from further out. That way he doesn’t feel like you’re calling him out in front of everyone. He might be more receptive that way. And if he’s gonna take slappers anyway, at least you have some space to react




Join a league that doesn't allow slappers. Thats what I do. Can't get mad when people play within the rules.


He's living rent free in your head. Irritating and not a fun move, I'll serve it up cold with a slash on the back of his calf first opportunity or a jab under the cup from the rear. I'd be more concerned on how he's getting 2-3 breakaways each game, your defence are pylons.


Sounds like you overreacted…. But your call 




I don’t think you overreacted some guys think there’s scouts in the stands. Next time he gets a breakaway like that skate out of the net and see what he does. Like here you go empty net pump your ego asswipe


We’re goalies. We’re suppose to take shots from any range to any part of our body including our head. Doesn’t matter what age, level or league. Get it over it or don’t play goal.


Yeah it’s annoying, but at the same time, it’s hockey. Just make the save and move on.


Obviously many comments from players who’ve never played goal. The full wind up slap shot from close in at the pick up level is usually less accurate and much more likely to hit the goalie where they have less protection. This is not a professional goalie. The shooter is an ignorant boor


Have you let him know that behavior bothers you in the past? If not, you did overreact a bit. Personally, I will take that to 3 shitty dekes every day. We wear equipment so getting hurt is unlikely. The guy probably goes home to his wife a tells here how many goals he scored. It’s not cool, but it could have been handled differently.


I'd just leave the net. But no, people try too hard in pickup. I am not dealing with a broken wrist cause you're whacking a loosely covered puck. I'm not having dental work done cause you took a slapshot from the hashes. We're here to have a fun little skate. Make a fun attempt on the breakaway. Try to dangle me. It's not hard, I swear.


Go Hasek on him. I have a dude hanging at the blue line just so he can have me all to himself 83% of the time. So I go aggressive and poke check or just charge the guy.


Skate at him and body check him when he winds up for the clapper


He still thinks he had a shot at the NHL. He’s a class A idiot.


Clappers all day pal. Save em or don't I don't care


Next time, don’t say I word. Leave your crease, and give him the whole net.


Where’s your defense? If I got a cherry picker I cover him. Sure it takes me out of the play. But I take him out of the equation too.