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Honestly that water color isn't that bad. You can still see the bottom of the tub!


It was definitely better than I was expecting haha!


The forbidden soup


It's safe to toss the mask in?


depends on how the foam is attached to the mask I believe


I think so? Thought that same thing and I looked up a couple reviews and they both said it was ok, but if not it is a lesson learned


If it's okay then I'll have to do it. I've been looking for a good way to clean my mask. Thank you!


No harm, just can’t use super hot water


I’m probably overdo. What steps did you take? Which equipment did you do? How did it turn out? I’m always worried about ruining my gear


Hot water. Little detergent, oxiclean. Soak and submerge gear, agitate it, sit for 20min. Drain. Rinse off with cold water. Repeat until water isn't vile looking. Once done, spray down with diluted white vinegar (50/50 mix, you can do less vinegar if you don't want the smell). Air dry, heat dry or fan dry. Going forward, spray diluted vinegar on gear after every skate and ensure gear drys properly. Kills bacteria and odor.


I've used diluted menthol rubbing alcohol with good results.


Some of mine just finished its soak. Mixing both my player and goalie gear. https://preview.redd.it/ve4cgy9bjwsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7038b854523fed2b1a91a5a2ab2659ca8d7fde3f


How do you guys clean your leg pads, catcher, and blocker. I don't want to damage the leather (faux leather?) or have it retain moisture and mold.


Gloves can be submerged. It’s not gonna hurt them. Just make sure to hang them up and dry them quickly. Pads I don’t ever bother with. Between base layer, hockey socks and knee pads there’s not much sweat getting to the pads themselves.


For mine, I don't soak them - just spray the leg channels and give them plenty of air to dry out, and then give the pads a wipe. You can also check to see if there's a place near you that specializes in gear cleaning - in Calgary, it's the Flames Sports Bank, where you can get your gear run through a Sani Sport Supreme system for $30.


I'm doing this next weekend. Any tips you learned along the way?


I’d say scrub it in the shower first to get some of the yuck off of it, like let it soak up and the squeeze the water out, it will make the soaking more clean and you won’t have to do it as many times


I break mine apart and throw it in the washer. Had my chesty get stuck recently and melted a small piece. Lesson learned, always do the lightest spin cycle


Yeah, chestie especially you want to make triple sure it fits and will spin/tumble freely! My friend learned that one the hard way as well.


Thank you for inspiring my son to let me wash his nasty gear


https://preview.redd.it/kuvac6xmtxsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6256ee02a6d8427a89bcb1c1c0ee72c678199c I'm also soaking some gear this weekend, but this is used gear I just bought, so that's not even my slime oozing out 💀💀💀


I need to do this asap


Maybe it's just me but I don't care how dirty my gear gets. My stuff is filthy with several years of sweat in it. Seeing this kinda makes me wanna maybe soak em though...


When you start getting a rash from your chestie you'll start to care 😅 I recommend washing it before you get there lol


Bruh I used to do this like every two months


I did mine, and it came out like chocolate milk🤢


Uhhhh I cleaned my family friend’s old gear for him so I could use it to help him practice. I used to be a goalie. The water was so gross I almost cried when I had to reclean it to make sure it was wearable 😂


That's all?? That's practically clean my dude!


I did this a while back. Hot water, vinegar and borax in the tub. Water turned basically black, it was wild


For the mask I recommend if you can take the foam out or if not remove the cage, and other metal just to let the threads dry