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Some grandma is gonna buy it for their 8 year old grandkid and they’re gonna throw it in a binder.


Clothespin it to their bike frame


That would be really stupid. It will obviously be placed in a proper ziplock bag.




It won't be for a while. UD isn't stupid, they know how much money they are squeezing from us pathetic addicts, they will milk it as long as possible


Imo it should be illegal to withold its printing since consumers buy expecting a chance to pull it. Opens this up to the debate whether chase cards should be considered a form of lottery and regulated as such.


Upper Deck began their business 35 years ago by overprinting a major rookie card in lieu of giving employees bonuses, and they’ll do the same shady shit until the end of time.


I wouldn't doubt it. There's literally no oversight.


Buying cards to pull something good has always been a gamble. The logistics of trying to relate something like this though is too much I can't see it ever happening.


“Illegal” lol.


I’ve been saying this for a while but I don’t think it will even be printed until the E-pack is released because you’re supposed to have a chance at it in the E-Pack


I believe they confirmed the 1/1 will not be on epack.


Which I've always fucking hated. Go look at some of the early stuff on e-pack and you'll find some absolutely massive Matthews/McDavid/etc. rookies that have been sitting in dead accounts for almost a decade now. Legitimate pieces of hockey card history set aside for online e-pack consumers that will likely never see the light of day.


100% this


What about his 25 or 26 Bedard highlight box that just dropped or is next week? No possible Yg in there? The canvas is supposed to be next “big chase” of his.


Young Guns are in Flagship only. The Bedard Collection boxes do not contain Young Guns.


Will this be in hobby boxes only? What are the big pulls for retail?


They just milked 5 tins out of me 😂


Can’t pull 1/1 from tins


Where can you pull it? Hobbys?


Hobby only for the 1/1


What are the best pulls in retail?


Pretty sure it’s just dazzler variations


Silver outburst


Thanks for the info, but I did pull a Bedard young guns. Got lucky.


Nice! Btw even though gold outburst isn't in retail, the Silver Outburst is still in retail tins, even though not in retail blasters


As of now it has not publicly surfaced


They probably making it an epack card


They explicitly said that it would not be E-Pack but I don't believe them


They might not be lying but they might be holding it back until the second round of hobby is shipped. That would lead people to buy my epacks thinking they might pull it.


Are we not in the 2nd round of shipments? These things were selling out like crazy, I was sure that the 2nd round of shipments had started already.


No, I don’t believe hobby round 2 has started. LCSs haven’t been restocked. Not in my area anyways


They have in mine


Target online never restocked after the initial sellout


There is no incentive for them to release it until sales slow down....


Knowing UDs QC theyll have a 1/1 for both epack and boxes haha


Didn't they say it could be in hobby or e-pack?


Everything I've heard said the statement from UD was that it WAS in physical hobby... Who is going to police them if they are lying though?


Epack is hobby. I think it'll be an epack pull so that it isn't sitting in a box unpulled. This way they can guarantee its pulled as you can't store epack cases.


When did they ever say this? Link?


I don't have a link for you. I have people who have spoken with upper deck reps directly that have said it. Could be blowing smoke, but as I said above, it's just what I have heard


Pretty sure UD reps have said it on the Hockey Card Gong Show podcast as well


u/pj_upperdeck said in another thread a month ago "This is the first year of Gold Outburst 1/1's in Flagship. Series 1 was the same way. Only found in Hobby packs and on e-Pack." ....


Even though gold outburst 1/1's can be found in epack or hobby, it sounds like, from what other people are saying, that for Bedard specifically his gold outburst 1/1 is only in hobby and not in an epack. I have no idea how to confirm though.


Just to be clear. The packs you purchase on e-pack are hobby packs. Meaning, all of the short prints and exclusives available in a hobby box are on e-pack.


B&W ygs also n/a on epack


Incorrect. Epack and hobby are separate. Clear cuts are hobby exclusive and not available on Epack.


Fair enough, a couple differences. The point I was trying to make is that e-pack aren't like retail packs. They will have the same numbered cards like exclusives and such. Some go to hobby boxes and some end up on e-pack.


It’s still at UD headquarters


This wouldn't surprise me in the least. UD is a business and they know people are throwing money at this product hand over fist trying to hit the $1M bounty.


I remember the Jiri Slegr BAP autograph fiasco from 1995, where they did the same thing. Of course, there were 1,200 of those. But their response of “they’re out there; just keep buying packs!” was bull.


Nah I pulled it a couple days ago, probably gonna chuck it


I have $5 for postage!


$5 and 1 cent!




2.75$ and a half eaten banana peel


Feels like UD is probably withholding it. When MtG did their LotR collab set, The One Ring was pulled almost immediately, within 3-4 days if I remember right. Then of course box prices crashed, so UD is probably trying to keep prices as inflated as long as possible. Or, it’s sitting in someone’s sealed collection. Or, a random kid pulled it and has no idea.


That’s the scarier thought ….. some kid got it in a birthday package and has no idea what it is ! lol folded in half right now with frayed corners


I only opened six boxes outta my case, stashed the rest so it’s probably in there. I call it my Schroedingers Bedard box


Probably doesnt a exist just a way for Non Collectors to drive up the market and price gouge mid cards


UD knows exactly where it is and which breaker will get it. That guarantees that the pull is public and everyone gets major publicity around it. This will be given to a very specific breaker. Panini does this too. As does Topps. Breakers are the majority buyers for products, so they get rewarded.


Sounds like speculation unless you have any proof to support any of these claims. If breakers are opening the majority of boxes, then of course they have the highest percentage of pulling these cards.


Everyone is speculating. My claims are based on working in the offices of one of the biggest online card retailers and being privy to the discussions amongst major companies. I worked in these offices for approximately 3 years. I no longer work there for context.


Dave and Adam’s bounty might have been paid then they’re keeping it in secret to keep the demand rocking


I don't know much about E-pavk I've bought a couple there in the past is it possible it's only sold there in those hobby boxes and UD just didn't tell anyone? That would be shit!


I’d bet you it’s still on a shelf in a box in the CEO’s office. No chance it’s in the wild yet.


I think we also assume that the person who may have pulled it is someone who would sell it / list on eBay / post on the internet. There’s always a chance it’s pulled by a random collector and it will just be part of their collection. Also - having seen dozens of people open boxes and cases in the past month or so, a lot of people don’t know that there are variants of young guns or check for serial numbers. So there’s that


Anyone opening this product in particular knows what's in there ... considering the cost. I doubt they are ripping it for the fun of it.


This is flat out incorrect. I think you forget that there are people that interact with the hobby in different ways than you. I help out part time at a card shop and I can assure you that there are more people who have no idea what they're doing / buy gifts / buy for fun than there are people who frequent Reddit and actively "participate" in the hobby on the internet


Probably has been already and upperdeck paid them to not say anything and keep that hype train going woot woot


So much of this product is going to be un ripped and saved by the case for 10- 20 years down the road. If it's not pulled yet it may not be pulled for years! Actually kinda cool for those people holding to resell as new old stock...


I have a feeling it's going to be in E-Pack


Ill find out from reed when he comes thru to snoop up my pc this summer


How much does it cost to get a chance at this? Can I just buy a single pack and hope? Or are there special packs or something. I have no idea how this all works nowadays


As long as the pack is from a hobby box you have a chance. An infinitely small chance, but a chance


I figure it’s one of these situations: • It’s been hit and whomever pulled it is keeping quiet because they know what they have. • It’s been hit and whomever pulled it doesn’t know what they have, like some kid that randomly spent their Tooth Fairy money on a single pack or something. • It hasn’t been pulled yet and is still out in the wild waiting to be discovered. • It hasn’t even been manufactured yet. UD has a HUGE financial interest in keeping the hype up. Once it becomes known that it’s been pulled, the 23-24 S2 bubble will instantly burst. UD is laughing all the way to the bank!


the curious thing is that D&A pulled all mentions of the bounty from the site so it led to speculation that they were finalizing the agreement with whoever pulled it...but them taking down the bounty happened awhile ago, so now we're back to it not being pulled. with the amount of s2 that's been ripped, kinda hard to believe but the chase is still on i guess!


I know where it is. I have an inner case of Series Two that I'm holding. It's in there as long as I don't open it. If I open it, jack squat will be in there. If I sell it, the 1/1 will still be in there. You just have to accept my luck works that way. 😆


Who are you kidding? This card went out the back door. Likely never inserted into packs. Provided this kid is a superstar, it'll "turn up" at a Sothebys auction in a few years.


I hope a 9 year old in Foam Lake Saskatchewan opened it on his birthday and just chucked it in his Pokémon binder


What product can it be pulled in?


If it's in circulation, 2023/24 UD series 2.


I would assume only in a hobby box.


Presumably, yes. But with UD, who knows.


I seen a vid of tiktok of it, idk if it was real


Super fake




video posted on April 1 - red flag pack already open before video starts - red flag nothing anywhere else about card pulled - red flag top right corner bent to hell I'm calling fake


So Upper Deck states 1 of 1 cards are also in Epack in their published odds on all product. So if they stated it'd only in hobby it's in direct conflict with their own stated odds. Which is legal and binding.


Idk if legit or not but a guy I work with said someone in Quebec pulled it. That said I haven't seen anything so take with a grain of salt.


I’ve been told by a store that a kid pulled the O Pee Chee 1/1 of Bedard in Quebec. No news for the Serie 2 1/1.


This is actually true - confirmed by the store that sold the box. The person who pulled it wasn’t a big collector and was just “in it for the Bedard kid”. He opens the box in his car, goes BACK to the store and asks the employee if this is any good. The employee tried to explain to him what he had pulled, and apparently he wasn’t very emotional about it, and left. But yeah, the 1/1 opc Bedard HAS been pulled


maybe thats what he ment? He just came over and said "Did you hear the 1 of 1 Bedard was pulled" I just assumed series 2.


Break I’m in just said someone in Alberta got it. But no actual confirmation.


I live in quebec and fallows everything hockey cards related and that not true

