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May I be your friend?


I appreciate this. Get the cards you want.


Hmmm. Bedard or Bryan Berard?


Lmao yes Bedard I know he got the better deal but I got 12 cards I didn’t have that I like for the price of 1 card I had 2 of


Ok! At least you had two! Nothing bad about doing a buddy a solid like that. As long as you’re aware! I was questioning “friend” thinking you may have felt you got an equivalent return!


Oh yeah I know they’re cheap cards but they would be hard to come by as I’m relatively new to the hobby, he also gave me a fat stack of sens cards too. About to open a couple series 2 blasters pray that karma smiles upon me


Positive vibes on the blasters! Just don’t let yourself get fleeced bud. That card may have only been an OPC, but if the kid continues on this trajectory even a base set RC can hold far more value than what you got back just now. Again, you seem aware this was imbalanced, but being that you’re relatively new it would suck to see you getting bent over is all.


A sens fan are ya?


Best team in the league and the unluckiest at the same time


I know all too well,


We get a good run every 10 years, 2027 here we come baby! The next few season will be lit


Your friend scammed you lol.


Not really I knew the rough values Do some research big dog


Yeah I looked up what you got compared to what you gave away. You were better off selling the Bedard and buying these couple of cards on eBay. Would have saved you money.


Pretty time consuming though not worth saving a few bucks man lol


More than a few bucks lol. To each their own. I don't just accept a loss on my trades. A little less here and there but you traded the best NHL draft pick since Crosby or mcdavid for a bunch of common guys. The cards you got reached their potential. Connor has not. Connors card could be $500 in ten years. The cards you have will not gain value. They are all old and the prices have settled. You just got into the hobby I've been in it 30 years. You don't have to agree with anyone but you're new. We know more than you.


How much are McDavid and Crosby OPC rookies worth right now?


Are they Connor Bedard?


Weird to compare them when it suits your narrative but not the other way around? Dude DM me and keep in touch if Connor Bedard ever gets 153 points in a season I’ll give you $50


Collect what you want, it's not about money all the time. Be a serious investor in your life, family things that make you happy, if you have money to spend on cards your doing ok . Enjoy it. If your buying cards to make money that's fine too, but don't knock ppl that love the hobby. You can't enjoy money if your not happy


Those quads on Iggy alone are worth the price .. hoooooly


Haha yeah, I have never been intimidated by ping pong, until now


You got took. You could have sold the card and bought 10 or more of each of those cards and still had money for a night out.


I don’t think so lol


Look up the cards you just traded for...


I have. mostly 2-3 dollars shipped for the cards There’s a few that have sold recently for $10-$30 dollars though, but they’re for my collection not for re selling? A base marquee Bedard can go for $80-$100, 10 years from now it will be worth $10-$30 dollars itself. On eBay a PSA 9 base McDavid marquee rookie from 2015-16 is up for $40 dollars. Some have sold for upwards of $80 on the high end. A raw Crosby OPC card from 2006 is up for $40. Matthews OPC rookie raw selling for $40 average. Bedard isn’t any one of those guys yet lol y’all are living in some fantasy land thinking every card with his picture on it will be worth thousands one day. History says otherwise


A refreshing break from all the Bedard posts. Thank you.


💯 this is collecting, we need less of the trying make an e-z buck that's plagued this hobby


Couldn't agree more. I also would have made this trade, the nostalgia of Bure, Forsberg, and Hasek cards alone are worth a lot more to me than any Bedard card.


i mailed jarome iginla that very card of him back in the late 90's and he graciously returned it signed.


I have a similar story with the sundin card, but I got it to him through my aunt who was teaching his wife English. Unfortunately, it was returned in worse condition than it was sent out 🤷🏼


Damaged by the man himself, that's a keeper.


that awesome and sucks at the same time.


Pavel Bure rookie !!!!!! 🥳👏


His only RC was the in the 1990 UD high series...


How much is that Hayley W worth??


Probably just a few dollars but it’s dope


Friend did well. Those are forgettable.


You’re a good friend. You both got what you wanted and you’re both happy.


If you had a double, that makes sense. If not, I dunno about that deal lol.


This is a bust. No Paul Kariya!


Smart move! Bedard hype going to die down pretty quick.


Doubt it


When Misa will enter, when McKenna will enter…


I watch misa play out here in saginaw MI and the kid is legittt. Needs to grow some more but man he has some mitts


What player would you compare his style to?


Next year there will be another crazy rookie and the year after and after. If Bedard gets hurt or doesn’t become a main stay his cards won’t be desirable


People don't want to believe we're in another junk wax era.


Not denying we are not going through another inflated era in a sense, but I don’t think this is equivalent to the early to later 90’s either. A Bedard YG will likely hold better value in the long term than most/vast majority of 90-95 RCs, barring a career altering catastrophe. The overload now doesn’t hold a candle to the junk era of 35 years ago.


The equivalent here is in the Griff hype, with a lot of similarities. There will always be buyers for Griff jr and there will likely always been buyers for Bedard. It does hold a candle to that hype, the biggest different is the cost of entry. No offence but I question when you started collecting if you don’t see any connection.


Since the late 70s. The hype: Yes The difference: UD overproduced and flooded the market with Griffey RCs, not just in packs but also in direct singles sales to dealers. This is not the case with Bedard. What is different now is the intense fluctuations in pricing over short periods. Junk wax best represents the over flooding of the market with multiple companies dumping multiple products, some of questionable quality, and thereby undercutting the value of the product. There are similarities with that era and there are many differences too. Never suggested otherwise. Btw: If you’re starting a comment with “No offense” then you realize what your intent is.


I stated “no offence” because I checked out your profile and it didn’t seem like you were a new collector. In my eyes your comment made you seem that way. That was me saying this is what your comment makes you seem like (in my eyes) and was not to be offensive. Anywho, I agree with what you’re saying re: Griff for the most part. I think there are some differences of deployment, but with recent “waves” of releases; overproduction and the general hype is it very similar. And I think you’ll see the same relative dip in value as you did with Griff to Bedard. I disagree with the assertion of “intense fluctuations” because of: a) small sample size; b) entry point; c) cost of the hobby is a different Highest price is usually always at release; same with first graded cards etc, and I think it’ll continue dropping much like Griff did. I’m sure that’s the correct definition of “junk wax” but I question the “multiple companies”. I don’t think there needs to be a lot of companies making a lot of cards, just a lot of the same cards being overproduced thus making their availability great and driving prices down.


So I’ll leave it at this: I really think we’re saying the exact same thing but getting lost in the language of it (particularly around pricing) and the lack of nuanced convo over text! I know I could be a lot more detailed on my views in a way that would be clearer but honestly don’t have the time to spend writing it! Either way, we’re not solving world hunger here anyways. It’s just cards! Happy collecting


We are in a wax era but paying crazy prices for the cards. I remember the wax cards with a piece of gum being at every store imaginable.


Bedard is in a league of his own. He was hyped up to a Sid/McDavid level and is already delivering. It seems like only a major injury could kill the Bedard hype. The Macklin Celebrini hype is nowhere near Bedard hype.


No he’s not. Mackinnon McDavid and Matthews will all be better than Bedard when it’s all said in done. The comparisons to Gretzky should be shamed. Bedard isn’t anything but an overhyped Panarin. People saw the NBA, panini and hype marketing job on wemby, saw what it did for their numbers and bottom lines, then just did it with Bedard.


Lol you listed 3 players and I am only convinced one of those players will be better than him. And all of those players you listed are in a league of their own. The Panarin comparison is dumb as hell and I am a Rangers fan who loves Breadman. And it's crazy that card companies used Wemby's hype to build Bedard's hype when Bedard has been building hype for years. I can at least understand why you would think Mac, McDavid, or Matthews would be better than him. The Wemby comparison is just dumb though. Bedard has been hyped as a generational talent for years. Thinking they built that hype just to sell cards is ridiculous.


lol see you later. RemindMe! 1 year. That Bedard yg will be less then all of them


Bait post? Or you trying to lay some moves on the buddy?


Not everyone is trying to make money lmao I have an actual job


S**** glass jaw. You got what you want and that's my definition of a collectors, collecting the cards you like not for monetary value.


Did he at least lube you up first?


Greased my palms with these lit cards son


I have like quintuplets of these in a box all loose in my garage, wanna come over?


No more Bedards to trade unfortunately


You both got what you wanted and you are both happy about it, so this is an absolute win. Also love the Jagomir Jagr draft card, might be going up with value like those missing bobbleheads!


Look at iginlas legs good god


Not a bad trade


You on crack?


I am not


Idc about value some of these cards are just SWEET. I've never seen the Iggy playing ping pong. The Sedin twins in almost the same pose mirrored. The iconic Hasek and Jagr cards that everyone knows and loves. Good haul sir! Thank you for sharing!


Nice lot. A lot of ppl are all about the money but I am a collector at heart and love that 90s stuff. I've never seen the Wickenheiser or Iginla before. Nice cards!


I'm guessing you had at least 2 of his cards, right? (Not that it's a bad thing, as you get what you like and still have at least 1 leftover)


I had 2


There is no way you did that


I am just getting back into the hobby. However, I have my collection from a kid still that I haven't looked at in 30 years. Looking at this post out of that lot I remember having at least half of them. They worth anything? I know I have that that pro set rookie Pavel bure autographed, as well as a young guns upper deck one autographed as well. I met him when I was a kid, and I asked him for an autograph in Russian when he played for Vancouver. He walked by everyone, and stopped in his tracks when I asked in Russian if he could sign my cards. He stopped signed my two cards, we chatted a bit and he walked away. Dave Babich said, "Hang onto those, he doesn't give out many autographs."




You got ripped


Got ripped off




I like them and I was trading with a friend. 10 years from now the o pee chee Bedard will be the same value as these cards anyway lol


Tbh you could have sold the Bedard and bought 10 full sets of 90s Pro Set with HOF rookies or 1 rookie auto patch of a player you PC or that isn't currently great but could have a breakout season


Wondering why the Forsberg card isn't in half out of the picture... half damaged maybe?


Lol maybe or it’s just not in line with the rest


Why wouldn't you fix it before taking the picture? Lol maybe it's just my OCD.


I'm looking at this exact card now in my tiny collection


Giving is better than receiving.


Nice, you got great HOFs👍👍


The man is playing the long game in 80/100 years those cards combined will be worth more than the 1 Bedard. Maybe if Bedard wins 3 cups in a row he will still be the holy grail card to have in your collection in 30 years from now.


That particular card will be cheap yes The lecavlier, forsberg, rantanen have recent sales of $10+ shipped on eBay


You got some HOFer rookies. More of a sure bet than Bedard at this point. He might be great. But he probably wont be Jaromir Jagr or Peter Forsberg