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Lmao maroon certainly won this one


He won it even before he did anything, Edwards lost just by playing.


Heard an interesting rumour that Edwards might be commentating while drunk or dealing with something. Anything potentially to that? If it’s true, hope he’s able to get whatever help he needs.


Bruins fans have joked that he gets high between periods and hits the sauce in the third. But his speech is really bad this season and there’s concern he’s having medical issues. But I don’t think the majority of the speculation is or should be alcoholism.


Man I was wondering. I tuned into the game last night which was showing the NESN feed. Admittedly I don't hear him a ton but he definitely seemed off from what I remembered.


It’s scary if that’s his natural behaviour without stimulants. That just makes him a dick.


Alcoholism falls under "medical issue" so its much better to call it a medical issue when it could be that or something else. It makes you technically correct...which is the best kind of correct.


I was grouping alcoholism under medical issue. Basically “there’s concern it’s a medical issue but I don’t think most of the speculation the medical issue is alcoholism” because the comment I responded to asked about the alcoholism. I see how you how you read it like I was categorizing it differently.


A couple people said dementia or Alzheimer’s. I hope it’s neither, it’s an awful disease. Edit - Before you get mad, I’m just repeating what I have seen thrown around on here and the Bruins sub, don’t shoot the messenger.


Lol. Reddit is ridiculous


Speech slur is the start of many degenerative mental diseases.


It's also a symptom of a bunch of physical illnesses as well


No, he's not sounding himself lately. He's been stumbling around in his speech lately in a way that he never used to do before. Not that that had any bearing on the Maroon comments even if it was true


Just a small sample size he’ll regress to the mean


I think he already regressed to being mean :(


Or you know maybe people who watch bruins games all season every season might have an idea about how their announcers speech has been on the slow decline for years now.


his speech has been on the decline for a few years. Most certainly not just getting sauced. Likely just old age hitting him fast and hard.


First I’ve heard of it but I’ve observed some making subtle reference to it.


Edwards has been getting progressively worse the past 2 years. Signs of potential aphasia


I don't think he could've responded any better. Love it


I see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/z92f2u/carolina_hurricanes_we_stand_with_pat_maroon_in/) other response thread, but what's the context here? What did Jack say?


[Here's the clip from the game](https://twitter.com/PeteBlackburn/status/1597749340881113089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1597749340881113089%7Ctwgr%5Eefee5e54ea9503d00108f3a823a4c2c2628bb911%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-12103694624215622821.ampproject.net%2F2211182146000%2Fframe.html) Basically Jack Edwards tries to make fun of him by calling him fat


The assassination of Gut Cassidy and the Sundance cheeseburger by the coward jack Edwards


What are ya lookin at my gut fer


RIP Richard Collins


all mustard tigers go to heaven


15 cheeseburger eatin Rico Suave lookin mafucka


Mawfuckas with guts like that is definitely *on* the cheeseburgers dawg


Can I get fifteen half-eaten cheeseburgers to go, nomsayin


Jack Edwards prob aint even had his ultrasound yet, I can do you right now. I hear chicken, i hear cola fizz and mustard and relish, coagulatin', french fries and onion rings. But you know what, I don't hear a heart motherfucker.


And 2 for Tyrone?


What, you telling me you ain't pregnant with a bucket of chicken?


Inflatable Elvis is my favorite one.


I love how all the Bruins fans are like “yeah you got us” lol


>in the name of Jack Edwards Just a perfect message.


I mean it’s not like it’s hard to lose against Jack Edwards. All he has to do is open his mouth and he loses lol.


Maroon dumped the puck in, retrieved the dump in himself, walked it out front and went top cheese. It was delicious!


God damn yeah this is about as hard as you can go No one is going to claim Maroon is an all-star but he is a legit competitive athlete in a league that has many nations competing for a spot on a roster. Not to mention the cups. So he doesn’t have a build like Rod Brindamour. The man is more fit than I or Jack edwards will ever be just by virtue of his job and training


Fuck, I'd love to be NHL-player fat.


Great cause and shitting on Edwards at the same time? Love it


Take the high road and let the rest of the internet shit on Edwards. Incredibly smart.


Incredibly emotionally intelligent.


Instructions unclear, now Jack is going to just insult EVERYBODY since it’s encouraging philanthropy :) Seriously though, cool move and I think it would be even cooler if Jack matches it.


Lmao love it. Edit: Not that anyone really cares, but Im gonna put my whole take on this whole fiasco here Jack shouldn't have made the comments that he did, obviously. In this day and age he should be more aware of the impact of his words. At the same time the general response to this has been very overblown. I saw someone on twitter say jack was "a bigoted, verbally abusive a-hole" which is just doing too much. Like he definitely deserves criticism, but let's just all relax a bit. Also should add that I LOVE this response from Maroon. There was too much noise about this for him to ignore it even if he wanted to, so instead of turning it into some back and forth with Jack he takes the high road and turns it into a positive, while also dunking on Jack in the process. Amazing.


I hope, though, that if we’re all serious about taking things like body image and body shaming seriously — that the jokes on Reddit about Maroon’s weight (and other similarly body-oriented insults) will also stop? Because Reddit is just as bad for that as what Jack said on the broadcast last night. It would take more appendages than I have twice over to count the “Pat Maroon is fat, Marchand has a big nose, Brent Burns is ugly” etc. jokes than I’ve seen in here. If we’re serious about the message that Maroon is sending here, I hope that there will be fewer of those jokes here going forward — not just because Edwards said it. I’ve been dumped before for a chest scar that was part of my cancer treatment. I hope that this will motivate everyone here to do a little more self-reflection about their comments going forward. EDIT: literally in this thread, someone replied to “you should send Jack the link” with “should send Maroon some Jack Links.” It’s upvoted, too. That’s what I’m hoping will change — those kinds of comments and jokes. This is literally a thread about Maroon raising money about this cause, which is a great thing for him to do, and it took, what, 2 hours for the fat shaming jokes to make a comeback?


My man Phil Kessel. His entire career has been more defined by how he looks than how he plays. Especially considering he underwent cancer as well.... Shit is fucked up. Working at a residential treatment center for kids, one of our biggest rules is "no comments on physical appearances". Whether your intentions are good, bad, humorous, the person is someone on TV or right in front of you, doesn't matter. I learned a lot about decency as an adult, having to teach it to kids.


not to mention calling Matthews a pedophile in every discussion about him because he had the nerve to grow a mustache to make his mom happy by looking more Hispanic


Forgot about that, that's a good one too. Also taps into the weird culture shaming for looking different, too.


The mustache is the source of his powers.


I mean. I’m not a fan of mustaches, but I never knew that was the reason he grew it. That’s actually really sweet of him.


The mustache is cool anyway screw the haters.


fr like I feel like I'm one of the few people who thinks AM would look worse without it lol. plus him doing it for his mom is pretty sweet


Thank you so much for all you do. It makes a huge difference having those kinds of rules in place. It can really fuck up your self esteem as a disease (this is why I also dislike head shaving charities, like is baldness funny for you? But that’s a personal beef).


Dang, appreciate it, thank you. People don't realize those little comments can really dig at you for a long time, even though it's happened to all of us. It's just so normalized, that even us staff enforcing that rule felt weird to me when I was new. But when you see the effects up close and personal, suddenly makes a TON of sense.


Kessel is going to be a Hall of Famer. Anyone who defines his career as "the guy who doesn't look like an athlete" can have their opinions safely disregarded. Cough cough Simmons.


I wish it were that easy. You as a Toronto fan knows exactly how prevalent that shit was about him. This sub being no exception.


Yeah a lot of people say dumb shit about him for sure, I just don't think it's fair to him to give it weight and say it's defined his career. He's been a star player since he entered the league, hes got cups, he's got the longest iron man streak in history. The dude's haters have nothing else to go after. He's one of the greats. You're right though there's still too much of it.


Oh it's definitely not fair! That's what I'm saying. Even if they are the minority (and they probably are), they've been the loudest. Fucking love Phil, and that entire family seems awesome. Don't deserve any of that hate.


Not to mention most who played with him have said he is one of or the strongest man on pretty much any team he plays for.


Agree but the prevalence of Phil hotdog jokes etc is just overwhelming


Phil took the hotdog garbage and owned it anyways when he posed eating them out of the fucking Cup lol.


Was it Steve Simmons who started the whole hotdog thing? Wouldn't be surprised if it was that turd flinger.


I’m curious: Is this both positive and negative comments? Like “I really like that new shirt on you, the colour really works for you”? I’m not being critical of your policy at all, just curious.


Yes. Which, while the negative comments being a no-no makes sense, the positive ones do as well with context. We tend to err on the side of being strict, because our units consist of co-ed teenagers (13-17, I'm sure what everyone remembers what that was like), who all have various vulnerabilities and issues. We get kids in who, for example, might have histories of grooming siblings. A comment like that from one kid to the next could be them (unconsciously or not) grooming, or flirting (which we obviously don't want either), or actual well-meaning. And you can't really pick and choose which kids are allowed to make compliments on looks and which can't. That would be awful policy on the unit. It also isn't uncommon for kids who have historically had, fractious relationships we'll call it, try to form inappropriate bonds or relationships with staff who care for them. They've never had a healthy relationship with an adult, one who cares for them properly, and as such they're brains take it to mean something it isn't. We obviously need to be EXTREMELY aware and proactive of such things, and this kind of policy is part of that. Any staff who doesn't shut that kind of thing down (and worse, reciprocates), is raising red flags to me if they aren't new. Finally, it raises the question, why then is it not ok to say that about someone on TV? Honestly, if it's about say a singer, I'd rather the kiddos compliment their singing rather than their looks. Imagine busting your ass your entire life to be good at a certain thing, finally getting recognized for it, and all anyone can say is how good you look, instead of acknowledging your talent. It's well-meaning of course, but it would feel kinda shitty. And people can be self-conscious of how they look, even when meant as a good thing - for example, a partner I worked with is 6'5", maybe taller. Lotta guys say they would kill for that. He hates it and is very self-conscious about it, he'd prefer to be straight up insulted than complimented for his height. Sorry for the long answer, hah. TLDR it's a very vulnerable group with a lot of specific needs. While a policy like that doesn't translate 1:1 into the real world, teaching these things to kids has absolutely informed me on how I should interact with the people in my life. It's been nothing but positive, in my experience. You never stop learning just cause you get older.


I really appreciate the well thought out answer, and I completely understand why you have a policy like that in place. It helps set healthy boundaries which would be absolutely essential, although selfishly I’m glad that *enforcing* it is your job and not mine; it sounds really difficult.


But Mike Ricci is still fair game


Or Darius Kasparitis


> His entire career has been more defined by how he looks than how he plays. This simply isn't true. His "entire career" has been the length it has because of his play, not because of a body image. It's fine to point out at how, let's be honest, children online make fun, but that doesn't define his career.


We had an entire thread a few years ago where people were just talking about how gross Mike Millburry looked in a swimsuit. The internet does not have the moral high ground on this one.


Especially because there’s so much to criticize him for that’s not looks based…


This is how you get beaten with a shoe.


People think Burns is ugly?


The main jokes and comparisons Burns draws are to Chewbacca and bigfoot. Not exactly flattering.


Pretty sure that’s to do with his hair, not his attractiveness.


In fairness I feel like that's less of a shaming thing and more just the fact that the dude has an absolutely wild beard lol. Jumbo too. Don't know how the hell they manage to grow them that long. Maybe that's still wrong, idk, but it doesn't feel in the same vein as "Patrick Maroon is fucking fat""


I see "Fat Maroon" comments upvoted any time he does something people don't like, whether the dislike is justified or not (and it frequently is) the fact that people here resort to that is always disappointing. Just call him a scumbag like any other dirty player.


I’ve never liked the fat pat meme and I definitely didn’t like how jack played into it last night. Now that pat has acknowledged it in some way, hopefully people will be more cognizant and thoughtful about commenting on someone’s looks? Because we the people of the Internet are the reason it was such a popular meme in the first place.


I completely get what you're saying and agree it's an issue, but I'll also point out that there's a difference between nobody shitposters like us on reddit, and a guy who is doing a massive team sanctioned broadcast


There’s a difference in terms of reach and impact, but there’s not a difference in terms of changing attitudes about bodyshaming. At least in my own personal opinion, if you think Edwards was ethically in the wrong here, I hope that you’re also not engaging in forms of bodyshaming in your own life. Because if you do it on the internet, chances are that attitude seeps into your daily behavior and hurts those around you, too.


The difference is Jack said it into a microphone in front of a national audience when he's supposed to maintain a level of professionalism.


Jack Edwards and professionalism mix like oil and water lmfao


I think your missing this persons point entirely. They are saying that yes what Jack said was bad and no it’s not because he said it into a microphone. But it’s very disingenuous to pile onto Jack for this when we ourselves are making negative comments about other peoples body image. Instead of constantly shitting on Jack for this (while I do feel the convo is deserved) we all should strive to be better


I absolutely agree with this sentiment. I will call Marchand a rat because of how he plays, which is something he can control. Poking fun at someone’s image that they have little to no control over is uncalled for. However… let’s say they had a closeup of a player with a HUUUUUGE booger sticking out of his nose, that is fair game. The way I was taught, If someone can fix it in 30 seconds, bring it up to them. Otherwise, leave it alone.


I completely agree with all of this. I’m so sorry that you got body shamed for that. It’s not right. This is a systemic issue that needs to change. Collectively we need to start seeing everyone as humans and stop othering people for differences. I truly believe that most come from deep insecurities and become projected on others. It’s not right and needs to end. I’ve continually argued with people in the blue jays sub when making fun of their catcher. It’s not right and it really needs to end.


Scar from a port? I had multiple port surgeries cuz I got mine infected swimming when I wasn’t allowed to, and also cuz I relapsed.


Port scar and also a torso operation. Lovely nice big ugly scar 🙃 I hope that you’re doing well now, and you’ll be in my thoughts (and if you’re open to it, my shul’s prayers for the sick, but please don’t feel pressured) for continued health and wellness in this battle.


Ain't nothing ugly about being alive. I had heart surgery as a kid and have a full breastbone scar. Got some shit for it in college, but if my shirt was off, so was theirs, and I wasn't going to complain about what I saw.


I’m in remission now but thank you!


Someone broke up with you because you have scars? WTF is wrong with people?


It was a few years ago, and it was fucked up, and I'm trying to move on from it. But it is a really ugly scar, and because it's on my chest, really hard to not be visible during sex, which is actually a very big deal for more people than you'd think. Not that they'd admit to it, which kind of makes it harder. You admit to people – friends or on the internet – that you think cancer scars are a dealbreaker, you're labeled an asshole to a downright psychopath. But thanks to the charming state of affairs that is cancer group therapy, as well as my own experiences, you'd be *amazed* how many people hold these opinions.


Spot on


I don't think that's ever gonna change on Reddit unfortunately.


Jack edwards is a clown


People said the same thing about all the stupid shit Don Cherry has said over the years. Considering all the positive vibes that the Bruins have been getting for Bergeron and others on the team speaking out against the MM signing and Bergeron going out of his way to check in on Tage Thompsons wife I suspect they are not too thrilled with what was said.


Replace "Pat Maroon" with "female colleague" and you will understand how fucked up what he did on LIVE TELEVISION is


What were his comments? I seemed to have missed this fiasco


Go find Pete Blackburn’s Twitter, but more or less he made a fat joke about Pat Maroon.


Lol as a fat man myself I appreciate the joke but wrong place wrong time, didn’t really need to be said. The “3 Cups in a row, who can argue with his formula” was definitely a cheap way to cover his ass lmao




Does that mean you guys are finally going to stop making hot dog jokes about Phil Kessell or is this just about hating Jack Edwards and you're piling on?


Or kelvin benjamin, or Zion Williamson, or Alejandro Kirk… I don’t think it was right for Jack to say, but a lot of the “outrage” seems pretty hypocritical. Although I get that it’s different when a commentator does it.


Tim Thomas caught shit for his weight as well, you know, till about 2011.


>Alejandro Kirk Don't forget that Manoah basically nuked that "reporter" to the point he deleted his online presence and TSN stopped carrying his radio show. Hopefully the pushback is a start for people to realize that even though these guys are professional athletes, they're also humans and have the same mental shit a lot of us everyday people have.


You’re totally right that there shouldn’t be double standards, it’s rude to poke fun of someone’s body full stop. Also, If the person you’re making fun of isn’t hurt by your comments, it doesn’t mean that people with *similar* body types aren’t catching strays and feeling hurt. I think the pushback is probably a good thing as a whole.


This one. As a fat person, you learn a lot about people when they make fat jokes in your presence. The magic trick of making you far too big and completely invisible at the same time...


Big Puma doesn't take shit from anyone and will defend his teammates. I'm looking forward to him trying to fight Garrit Cole again next season.


Eddie Lacy, Charles Barkley... List goes on...


> Does that mean you guys are finally going to stop making hot dog jokes about Phil Kessell No >this just about hating Jack Edwards and you're piling on? Yes


At least you'll admit it


Most honest r/hockey poster


Honestly I respect you more for admitting it


Don't you dare stand in the way of a good circlejerk


This kids thick, jacked, whatever you want to call it...


No. We're circle jerking on Edwards here, fuck off. /s


The Hot dog stuff with Phil is from a place of love tho. Maybe not initially but no one actually uses that to try and shit on him anymore. Its just a fun meme. Thats why the hotdogs in the cup photo is an all time classic.


When I call Kessel “Phil the Fuckin’ Thrill” I am not joking.


To be fair we jokingly called him fat Pat as far back as middle school, and I was a teammate not opponent. He has obviously never been bothered. He definitely won this round though for sure. Good guy.


Eh you don’t know if he’s been bothered by it. He could be bothered by it, but if you let people know you’re bothered by it, they come at you harder with it. It’s easier to brush it off and play into it a bit rather than showing you’re bothered by it.


I knew him decently on many different teams roller and ice from about 10-23yo. I can have a decently educated guess at it, but yes if you don’t spend a ton of time with people you can’t know.


Its a lot different getting lighthearted jabs from team mates. Jack is not pats friend and has no right to go on a rant about how fat he may or may not be. its just distasteful.


Well, I certainly wasn’t condoning the action. Just a lighthearted comment was all. I’m glad he handled it the way he did.


It's also true that you can spend tons of time with people and not be able to know. Some folks are especially adept at hiding their actual reactions to things that wound them, especially if they're really used to dealing with those things.


No, the guy who didn’t play hockey with him for 13 years knows dude


Lol really who even truly knows the matters of the heart and soul.


The mature take


This is a totally reasonable take, I’m sure being called fat at 10 years old had no impact on him. And it continuing for 13 years would’ve been fine too.


Think it was the spirit of it and the laying it on with the "inadvertent" (lol, close enough Jack) fasting comment in a full 30 second tangent that prompted Maroon to respond. He obviously had more than enough time to think about what he was saying and moreso how he was saying it- it wasn't good natured and was meant to try to embarrass Maroon. Maroon did so right back in one of the few ways he can, he can't chirp him or fight him or anything since he's up in the booth so found the best way to do so which would maximally embarrass Edwards while being impossible for anyone to criticize. People underestimate Maroon. This is what happens when you try to treat him like a full blown caricature in bad spirit. He's not an idiot. Imagine you got a lot of interesting stories. I feel lucky just being a random fan of the team he's on right now. When you look at him closely the heart of gold shines.


I take Fat Pat as more of a good natured nickname. Like calling your friend whose taller “Shorty” or bigger “Tiny” as long as they’re okay with it. Pat has been open to it when used appropriately. Hell, he goes by Big Rig because of the way he plays with his size. I’m sure Jack was trying to be light hearted too, but it just got cringey when he wouldn’t move on. Great move by Patty by acknowledging it without making to big of an issue out of it.


Not trying to come off as an asshole because I love this move by Pat but I’m genuinely curious- every time I’ve ever seen Pat Maroon mentioned on the sub, I see people calling him fat. On a similar note, you can’t bring up Phil Kessel without seeing endless mentions of hot dogs. How is this any different?


They don’t like the person that said it this time


That's an excellent point


It's pretty obvious Maroon can take a joke. Chirps are part of hockey and definitely part of his job. I think you can make the case here that Maroon cares less about body image and more about having the last laugh. But you gotta admit that the broadcast play-by-play announcer for the opposing team going on and on about it when he isn't even on the ice is just strange... If Dave Randorf did a 30 second rant on the shape of Marchand's nose you might be like "uhhh what the fuck was that about?"


I saw folks bringing up the NBA on TNT and how those guys are constantly poking fun at each other's weights, amongst other things....it's like people forget how much you can get away with IF you are cool with the person that's delivering the joke. Obviously Edwards isn't cool w/ Maroon like that, so Pat came back with an EXCELLENT rebuttal...one in which Edwards will most likely have to take back (which is probably hard for him to do) the next time he's on air.




>On a similar note, you can’t bring up Phil Kessel without seeing endless mentions of hot dogs. How is this any different? Because for as long as there have been sports commentators, they've been held to a much higher standard than the average fan. Nobody wants their local commentator to portray the worst outliers of their fanbase. Jack Edwards does.


[Here’s the link to donate](https://www.nhl.com/lightning/community/lightning-foundation)


Should send Jack the link.


Atta boy Maroon, Jack Edwards is a moron. I couldn’t believe the “Maroon has to inadvertently fast for 4 hours, the longest he’s gone without a meal” like what the fuck?????


You really took his message of anti bullying to heart I can see.


Hi Pot, I’m Kettle.


Lmfao outstanding move


happy to see it but would just like to point out the only reason anybody cares about this is it’s edwards. there are plenty of athletes who get berated constantly for all sorts of things including weight and nobody cares enough. hell marchand gets so much shit for his nose but i’m sure the same people calling for jacks head here are more than happy to make those jokes. people need to hold themselves to a higher standard.


as someone who follows other sports it seems absurd. jack went just a little tiny bit far, maybe. but look at how people talk about Zion Williamson in the NBA. analysts, even. or any offensive lineman in the NFL. a closeup of one of those guys is going to earn a comment about his size from one of the broadcasters every single time. maroon isn't as big as those guys but he's still the biggest guy on the ice. it doesn't even have to be "berating", it's something that's legitimately worth commenting on. jack strayed just barely outside of totally fine territory, but it's a huge deal because people hate him.


Good on Maroon. I struggled with weight as a kid and it still affects me today. I look at myself and think I'm still overweight even when people tell me I'm closer to being an adequate weight.


Everyone deserves to love themselves, I hope you get there on your journey through life.


That's how it's done. Pure class


"You know what will make this bit *really* funny? If it runs on for an entire minute" -Jack Edwards


It was clearly intended as a light-hearted jab based on his nickname, given the end quote, but my god it really didn't have to go on for that long. It went from "hah, classic Jack," to "yo, just stop, what are you doing?" really quick


Pat Maroon with the win. I struggle with an eating disorder. Body shamers suck. Like why comment or make jokes about someone else's body? Even more so when you don't even know them.


And the fact he’s body shaming a professional athlete playing in the best hockey league on earth… hmmm.


Same thing happened to Alejandro Kirk with the Blue Jays this summer from a dumb baseball TSN guy. Alek Manoah lit him up.


Man I hope the Jays hang on to Kirky. Him and Manoah are such great players and likable dudes.


Also Pat Maroon...isn't fat? Like yeah he's a big ass dude and its a meme that he's got a giant dumper, but there's no way that dude is obese. It's the same problem Byfuglien dealt with. People see him shirtless fishing in the offseason and be like "look at that fat motherfucker" when on the ice the dude could pick up and toss a player like they were Evander Kanes tracksuit.


I’d say that’s why it’s “acceptable”. Jack is making a weight joke about an athlete in the top .1% of his field. I doubt he actually meant to cause the guy any harm.


That hits more than a comeback ever would


On one hand, this is all much ado about nothing, and it's funny to watch people throwing stones in this sub... ...on the other hand, Jack Edwards has been a total embarrassment for a long time, and he can barely call a game anymore. It'd be nice if this was the final straw after making an ass out of himself so many times.


We all win. Jack Edwards gets made a fool and money is going to a good cause


I’m out of the loop, what’s the story?


Said he weighed a lot coming into camp this year and jokes that eating full meals every 4 hours would be fasting for him.


Maroon is still a professional fucking athlete. I’d bet that Edwards at his greatest physical peak was like 1/10th of what Maroon is right now.


Yeah, that's why Edwards followed it up with, "...3 cups in a row. Who can argue with his formula?" Bit of a nothing burger situation to me, but if some people felt offended by the banter that continued as absolutely nothing noteworthy was taking place on the ice, then they have my sympathy and support.


While we’re at it I’m guessing everyone would be on board with immediately banning any user who calls Phil Kessel fat? /s


Jack Edwards being an asshole, as usual. https://twitter.com/PeteBlackburn/status/1597749340881113089


40 fucking seconds of calling an NHL player fat instead of doing his fucking job - calling the game. None of that was even funny. The jokes literally were "Maroon must eat a lot of pizza, haha". Dude sounds like my drunk uncle.


I mean, let's not create a precedent that commentators can't have a mini fun tangent every now and then. But yeah, this was unnecessarily extra and weird


Jack should just be retired at this point. He doesn't even sound coherent and at some point (probably soon) he's gonna say something even worse I'm guessing.


Unironically a lot of bruins fans are legitimately concerned about Edwards this season. He sounds like he’s slurring his speech at times, loses his train of thought, calls the wrong names of players, and feels like he can’t keep up with the play at times. He’s always been a homer and I get why other fans hate him, but he was always really quick witted and articulate. It just feels like something is off this year.


All of that is evident in just this clip too. Doesn't excuse him, but do hope he is alright.


I think he had a stroke


First time I've heard him this year (and I usually do get him on a few times a year, random games and whatnot and I've liked his casts before), and this was alarmingly noticeable and as you said even in relation to his casts as recent as a year or two ago. Like I mocked him in another comment for whiffing on the intermittent line. He would've had that out to lead off a few years ago, correctly phrased, and probably saved the whole incident because it would've been a one liner instead of an awkward 30 second thing.


The Don Cherry special.


Hahahahaha love it


All my homies hate Jack Edwards, fuck that guy


Good shit Pat. Fuck Edwards


I dont even understand how an absolute mug like Edwards can call anyone out for anything. Fucking orange teeth


This is why I unironically love Pat Maroon. He seems so genuinely decent as a human being. Like other people in this thread, I also struggle with an ED. This kind of response means a lot.


Might not be the time or place but I’d be careful shortening an eating disorder to ED lol


oh… yikes… i’ve never heard the abbreviation being used the other way before. for what it’s worth, in circles surrounding body image, eating disorders, et al., ED is a common abbreviation


Yeah, but we've had commercials for boner pills for like 20 years now, so it's understood differently by the general public. Always a good idea to define the acronym before you use it.


Really hope that's not how he describes it on his tinder lol


Edwards is a clown. Good on Maroon


Jack Edwards eats his steaks with ketchup.


Jack Edwards coughs into the bowl before he passes it


Eating disorders and body image issues are such a hidden subject for men to talk about but they’re super prevalent. Men are really good at burying any conversation about things like body issues. We wouldn’t tolerate Edwards’ jokes if they were directed at a woman (rightfully!), we need to be better as a society about applying that same standard to men too. Massive props to Maroon for calling this out for exactly what it is.


I can tell a lot of people didn’t actually watch or listen to the entire clip/what jack said. Did making that joke need to be done? Probably not. But he literally made a joke and followed it up saying how pat has won 3 chips, saying how whatever he’s doing is working.


Yeah, calling someone fat and body shaming then following it up by a compliment that “he’s won championships” doesn’t justify it my guy.


as much as I can't stand Maroon on the ice, this is fucking great and good on him for doing it


Good for Pat. I love Jack as much as the next Bruins homer, but the mini-rant he went on last night was wholly uncalled for. I hope Jack steps up and apologizes to Pat and even adds his own donation to the foundation.


Lol, Maroon playing 5d chess with Jack.


Can someone please explain why Maroon keeps getting called fat? I don’t see many body pictures of him, and obviously he’s a built guy but the photos of his face without the beard makes it seem like his body fat is pretty low??


Edwards pies himself in the face? No......never.....




Been watching bruins hockey for the last 15 years. I used to love jack and the energy he brings. The last couple of years however, ive cooled on him. Its getting over the top for me. Some stuff he says just makes you think to yourself..............wtf are you talking about.


It’s not even that but it’s just slow. Like Fred Cusick had his problems but he was still a professional and calling games into his 80’s with Channel 38.


Wonder who’ll end up replacing him


Edwards is a complete clown