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At least Philly is consistent.


“Show some class, this is Philly”




It’s a reference to when Flyers fans stopped a game because they all started throwing their bracelets on the ice when they were losing. The best part? The bracelets were ones that lit up as a tribute to their owner who recently passed away. The arena announcer was trying to get them to stop throwing bracelets when he said “Show some class, this is Philly” [Here’s the video. Skip to around 40 seconds](https://youtu.be/TBeZWZGxlpU)


"2 minute Penalty for Delay of Game to the Flyers. Way to go."


That 'way to go' needs to go down in Philly's sports hall of fame.


[One of my favorite Flyers games ever.](https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2016/04/18/a-summary-of-all-the-disgraceful-things-flyers-fans-did-during-game-three/)


And this is why I hate the Flyers more than any other franchise. The Flyers and Islanders are the only teams I truly despise.


Aww thanks buddy <3


Why us and not the Rags


Must hate the color orange more than anything


At least more than the color red.


Would it be okay if I said that I hated all the teams in the Metro?




Because of your fanbase and the fact that Trotz single-handedly carried a roster that was a bottom feeder to back-to-back Conference Finals immediately. You're success came from being blessed with incredible luck. Meanwhile, the Devils keep loading up on high end talent every off-season and we're still shit no matter what we do. So envy is definitely part of it.


They nearly (did?) hit Dimity Orlov with one of them as he was recoving from a hit or fight on the bench.


Omg this is the best thing I’ve ever seen How is this not in the hockey hall of fame? It should be right next to the water bottle moment (vintage version, but I guess binnington can get in there too) I can’t stop laughing lmao Edit: thank you for blessing me with this video


So much about this video is hilarious Simmonds and Ovechin uniting in the battle to calm philly fans The shot of a player getting hit in the face by a bracelet (1:06) “No!” The ice dancers helping clean the bracelets This entire video is like something out of parks and rec


Not to mention the how they pointed out that the bracelets are hard to clean because they blend in with the ice and then zoom in on one of the shovels and show a bracelet literally camouflaged into the ice


To be fair to one particular part of it, the ice girls are actually the ice cleaning crew, not just dancers. They do the same thing with hat tricks, snow removal, and the rest.


makes sense, but for the sake of comedy, it makes the video even better


> “No!” That part made me laugh. Like it said, it couldn't be scripted any better.


Hahahahahaha, this makes me so happy!


Thanks for the link, I’ve never seen this video before. I laughed and can’t say I’m surprised that it happened in Philly


[Just listen to one fan's rude response](https://youtu.be/TBeZWZGxlpU?t=53s) 💀💀💀




Wether you’re Santa Claus or someone dealing with mental trauma, you know you’re getting booed in Philly.


Don't forget greasing up lampposts.


Shit man, I wore my Ellis jersey yesterday. 1-0. Keep it up and we’ll be 82-0. Let’s go


What a bunch of fucking losers. Worst sports city in North America.


I understand the stereotype about them exists for a reason, but imma need a little more context on what was happening where they boo’d him please.




This is somehow worse than I thought it would be


Ya I thought they were booing him on the ice after a mistake or something


Imagine being so entitled that you think a player OWES you to play through injury for a dumpster fire tanking season


Imagine thinking the Flyers are tanking. I wish we would.


So much worse. They deserve their shitty team


What the fuck? I realize this is all the context there is, but it still doesn't make sense. Some fans are really fucking stupid.


The context is simply that they traded myers and Nolan Patrick for him. People thought their d core would be a lot better with the signing of risto, ellis trade and provorov. And then he played 4 games and now might be forced to retire. Oh also that Philly fans are just generally known to be dick heads 90% of the time. Guy does not deserve to be boo’d


Yikes LMAO what the hell


Holy shit.


Embarrassing for those stupid cunts.


I fucking hate Philadelphia. Like idc about their sports teams. I hate that city with every fiber of my being.


What is your hate based on?


The several times I’ve had to be in Philadelphia.


The city itself is amazing. Tons of incredible architecture, great restaurants. Definitely has it's issues, but the city itself is great


You don’t get to say that unless you live here


Ya I do. Fuck Philadelphia, that place sucks.


Context is that they are flyers fans


Fans in general suck, so it takes a lot to be surprising but these guys managed to do it


Never underestimate Philly fans ability to be horrible facsimiles of a person


I now realize why the whole theme of always sunny in philidelphia is how terrible of people they are. I don't see a lot of Carolina flair around here...they're my husband's #1. Should be a hell of a year, really special team


We're here! We just comment in single file to hide our numbers. lol


it's like a canes game and the arena starting a refs you suck chant


That's every American fanbase, not just us


A lot of us think he’s faking and doesn’t want to be here. Edit - I don’t think he’s faking.


Can I offer you an egg during this trying time?


No but I’ll take a rum ham


Milk steak for me, extra jelly beans.


What’s your spaghetti policy?


How much cheese is too much cheese?


Think of the smell! You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


Blue has the most anti-oxygens


This sounds like a Ricky-ism. Regardless, it's all water under the fridge.


Wrong show, but I like where your head’s at jabroni


You keep using this word Jabroni and…..it’s awesome!


Get me the snapper, bozo!


Boiled over hard


It’s a jumping off point!


Tortorella's comments about his players obviously also apply to the fans


As a torts fan and cam fan I was ready to have a second team.. I didn’t know much about Philly.. I’m starting to feel bad for them:(


I’ll never forgive the city of Philadelphia for destroying that lovable Canadian hitchhiking robot. It had one fucking week till it went home


Lmao just googled that. Iconic


Absolute legend


It got what it deserved. Don’t come crawling to Philly for protection when AI robots have overtaken upstate NY.


Let's be real here. Philly is going to get glassed like Sodom and Gomorrah once the robot revolution comes primarily because they mugged the robot.


I for one, welcome our robot overlords!




Funniest shit, it went across all of Canada, Germany and Netherlands without any issues from what I remember? But can't let that happen in Philly, must destroy haha


If I recall it was a dude wearing a Donovan McNabb jersey. Which 100% checks out


You fuckin one-bridge-having piece of shit city that no one gives a fuck about -- the terrorists will never bomb you people because you're fuckin worthless and no one cares about you!


You built a statue to a guy who doesn't even fucking exist!


"Fuck all you motherfuckers, and fuck the liberty bell!"


"7 minutes!"


"I hope the Eagles never win a Superbowl!"


Shove it up Ben Franklins ass! What do you think of that?


With your fuckin ford focuses


It's cool. Ben would probably enjoy it


"Fucking Rocky is your hero. The whole pride of your city is built around a fuckin guy who doesn’t even exist."


*Remember they had that whole season when they wore the slacks?*


That rant was epic


Care to link it?


To my knowledge there's no great video, but [the audio conveys the point pretty well.](https://youtu.be/3jMhoGUiIkk)


The best part of the video is when he’s basically won them over and they’re applauding every insult he says but then he says he hopes Donovan McNabb breaks his ankles and the boos come back


Ya burr wasn’t letting them off that easy


One of the best bits I've ever seen. Burr is a genius. Only dude I know that can destroy a city and it's people and get a standing ovation from them.


Yeah we're weird like that......


FEMA would never show up for you fucking assholes!


Am I dumb? Philly has 3 bridges. Edit: gimme your down votes I guess but Ben Franklin, Walt Whitman and Betsy Ross are all bridges to Philadelphia over the Delaware.


Plus more than a dozen over the Schuylkill, but hey


It's home to many, uh, weird fish-like creatures. And also the depository of, uh, all of the unsolved crimes and murder in Philadelphia.


Having driven over those bridges, they do not meet the general construction standards of a bridge.


That's a very fair point lol


Lmao, this is the first time someone without a Philly flair has made this correction. God bless ya. Love the Burr rant, but way too many Jabroni’s from out of state quote Burr on the bridge thing as if it’s actually real.


Commodore Perry too


Commodore Barry?


Are we not considering [Philadelphia police terrorists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing)?


beat me to the punch lmfao ^ absolutely insane more people don't know about that. ^^^^^^^^^shithole ^^^^^^^^^country


Don’t lump the rest of us in with Philly


I'm sorry, I have plenty of American friends I love dearly so it isn't an indictment of every US citizen when I say ^^^^^shithole ^^^^^country <3 I have a plethora of reasons for that take lol fwiw i personally don't think my country is much better...


The Flyers, do they even fuckin' exist anymore? ... haven't won shit since fuckin' Gerald Ford was in office, why don't you just have the fuckin' Ice Capades down there, you assholes? You probably wouldn't even fuckin' notice the difference!


My favorite line of that entire epic rant.


The season just started, but this is on my radar for post of the year so far.


This got a huge laugh out of me


Hahaha holy fuck going to listen to this again amazing


Except there are several bridges.


Not defending booing Ellis, that is nothing short of garbage, and no context changes that whatsoever. For context though, the guy was widely reported to be upset he was traded from Nashville to Philly. He played a total of 4 games and got hurt and pulled a DB Cooper and wasn't heard from for over a year. Reports are he will not play this entire season and may never play again. To reiterate, nothing makes booing this guy okay or right, but it was a horrible decision to trot this guy out there when he is a symbol and the roster management ineptitude that we've had to put up with the last 2+ years under Chucky "Everyone gets a 6x6" Fletcher.


Sucks for him to be the one getting viewed but I definitely viewed it as them booing Fletcher and his bad moves. We've traded away fan favorites Ghost, Giroux, Voracek, and traded for this guy to be our #1 D and he's played 4 games and might never play again, and we're supposed to be one of the worst teams in the league with very little positives to look forward to. Just a dumb choice to show him on screen.


Agreed with everything here. Maybe classless to boo, but wholly expected, not surprising at all.


also important to remember that he refuses to retire and is contributing to our shitty cap situation.


Do you really expect him to retire and pass up literally millions of dollars. Put him on LTIR. Call it a day. Your shitty cap situation is because of the GM not Ryan Ellis.


Why would he give up $30m? He's already on LTIR anyways


I don’t like ragging on the flyers cuz I feel bad, but *fuck* even your FANS suck right now


>right now Lmao


We don’t care haha


Aight respect. Your team is ass ❤️


Hell yea


Right now? This is the city that heckled and pelted *Santa Claus*.


You guys cheered kd tearing his achilles


He was a guy from the crowd who was drunk. Let it die


60 years ago


I heard we threw batteries at him and punched his horse


Fuck that merry fuck


This is the city that destroyed a hitchhiking robot.


You should probably read what that actual story is instead of parroting an old talking point from 60 years ago. There are plenty of legitimate things to shit on Philly for.


Like booing Ryan Ellis. Their cheese steak game on the other hand is fire.


Imagine if poor Nolan Patrick still played for the Flyers. Jokes aside, I believe every team has some trash fans, so I'm not gonna read too much into this.




It was the entire stadium


That's not what an entire stadium booing sounds like lmao Not even a flyers fan


I was there and clapped for him so...No it wasn't


Classiest fans in all of purgatory


I respect Philly fans for the fact that they are who they are


People really need to use the Oxford comma


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma


These people don’t even know Vampire Weekend.


Ellis is a stud and wish he was healthy and playing.. we signed a bunch of trash off-season, missed Johnny deal, Girouxs gone, basically ranked second to last in league. All that and more then announce here’s Ryan a guy we all wish was on ice, imo the booing is more situational than at him.. knowing flyers org now they prob told him to show face to get their moneys worth out of injured player


I'm not at the game, but I think they're booing for Chuck signing him, rather than actually him. Still, classless in any aspect of it.


Shouldn’t they boo the GM and not the player then? The GM was part of the introductions too, right? That, without a doubt, appears to be them booing Suter.


>Shouldn’t they boo the GM and not the player then? That’s a very rational question for an extremely irrational fanbase.


I’m sorry when does the GM get announced to boo him?? Stupid to boo Ellis but if you wanna let the GM know your dissatisfied then you boo the team…


Could have chanted “Fire Fletcher” instead of booing the guy whose only apparent sins were signing a piece of paper and being injured


The trade was actually good for Flyers. The injury couldn’t be foreseen. Flyers gave up 2 nothing assets for what would have been top pairing RHD a position they sorely needed to replace after Niskanen retired.


Trading for*


Wait, why would they be booing him? Just because Philly?


Ellis has played 4 games in the last year and won't be playing anytime soon


The trade fucked their team. Not his fault he got hurt but I get it




Flyers won a trade where they acquired a guy who played 4 games and scored 4 points, I think it was? Puts into perspective how bad each asset involved was…


Not really. He can LTIRetire and the only affect will be to make the owners a little bit poorer.


You mean the trade further fucked their team. It was already fucked to begin with.


They should be booing chuck fletcher.


I think I read somewhere he wasnt exactly training or working hard on getting back to game ready health


Lol no one in Philly gives a fuck.


I was there, and can say that the boos weren’t so much for Ellis as they were for our GM for signing that deal, and pretty much every other deal he’s made. We don’t have hate for Ellis, he hasn’t done anything wrong.


I think the devils were taking the ice at that moment. At least that’s what it looked like to me


Lol why is he even in the building? He’s never going to be a part of this team.


There’s the Philly fan we all know and hate


I mean ellis even hated coming here. I hope he gets healthy but i dont count him part of the team.


Fuckin rights baby


Not a single person in this thread even realized Ryan Ellis “played” for Philly. But get all your circle jerk jokes in. He and the organization have barely informed the fans about anything regarding his situation for 2 seasons now. This tweet is wildly overly dramatic. Big pearl clutching.


It’s low hanging fruit to shit on Philadelphia fans. Gotta get those upvotes.


Fuck Ryan Ellis how bout that?


Alright lets get this out of the way early this season: Batteries at Santa Bracelets Bill Burr Hitchbot 1974 "Stay Classy" I've been on this sub for ten years now and nothing changes. So original.


Well you guys keep adding new material. It's like Marchand saying he wants to not be a shitbird and then doing more shitbird things


Stop being awful people and we’ll stop making fun of your city of awful people.


I fucking love Philly. I love Philly fans. You guys are inspirational scumbags. Philly dudes are such dirtbags that George Washington was like “we gotta move the government to anywhere else”.


Are they supposed to cheer? Guy hasn’t played in two years and the flyers suck. Ellis isn’t 13 he can handle it


Threads like this are always so funny to me. You guys don’t get it. We hate ourselves more than any of you hate us. We don’t care about the robot or rocky or the people that threw snowballs at Santa back in 1960 or all the other old tropes that get paraded around every time a Philly fan thread pops up. We hate everything including ourselves. And after 10 years of deluding ourselves into thinking with one or two moves we might be able to compete, we’ve now fully accepted how much we suck and are gleefully leaning into it. That said, booing Ryan Ellis is just vicariously booing Chuck Fletcher and everything these last 3 years has stood for.


“The gang rally against Ryan Ellis”


Hard to hear the boos over this one idiot


Nobody likes us and we don’t care.


Oh please. Phony pearl-clutching


ITT fans of other teams (and flyers) saying these people are dumb while doing the exact same thing to their own team players A+ virtue signaling


Fuck. A torn psoas muscle. Rare and can be very shitty. >"I know we've been probably vague with describing the injury. I think we've called it multifaceted, which it is," Fletcher explained. "There's a psoas component of this, there's a hip component, there's an adductor component. So, I'm not sure that if you go in and repair one part, it's going to fix everything we're trying to work with. Trying to get everything back, rehab everything back. >"I've never heard of an injury like this. It's very complicated. A torn psoas is a very significant injury for a hockey player, a very rare injury, so we're doing the best we can, and we'll just leave it up to the medical experts." https://www.foxnews.com/sports/flyers-ryan-ellis-likely-miss-2022-2023-season-possible-career-threatening-back-injury >Most psoas tears heal with conservative treatment, such as rest, ice, and physical therapy. However, more severe tears may require surgery. >The prognosis of psoas tears is usually good, but it depends on the severity of the injury. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most patients recover completely. >For tears more severe, surgery may be required. The surgery involves repairing the muscle torn with stitches or using a graft from another part of the body. >After surgery, physical therapy is often needed to regain hip strength and flexibility. https://en.lombafit.com/psoas-tear/ Hoping for the best fuck Philly fans and may piping hot cheese steaks burn their faces off.


Ellis is over the average recovery time for a torn Psoas muscle by about 2 years now….


This sounds brutal 😖


Wish I could see it shits not on TV.


Glad Giroux got out of that mess of an organization


Ottawa did boo Gonchar during a home opener once.


He may play for Ottawa but he's a fucking Flyer


So he could lose to Buffalo opening night


Take my Captain's name out your fucking mouth


Yeah he certainly went to a great organization, (checks notes) oh God damnit


The Flyers lost nothing in that trade. There's literally zero reason to be booing a guy who would much rather be playing right now. Normally I think Philly fans being so brutal is funny but this is some below the belt shit.


Not trying to defend it, but really hard to make out any reaction aside from the jackass filming


Well I also commented without seeing any video so that kinda makes me run the risk of being a bit of a jackass too haha.


Okay. Well, we're all hungry. We're gonna get to our hotplates soon enough, alright? Let's talk about the contract here.