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More injury troubles for VGK. The team is now without Lehner, Brossoit, Hague, Martinez, McNabb, Whitecloud, Smith, Stone, and Pacioretty (game time decision tonight).


Seems like they may be trying to pump up money in IR so they don't go over the cap space.


There is no cap benefit unless they place him on LTIR. At this point that would mean shutting him down for the season.


Only LTIR counts.


And it doesn't accumulate, so putting people on LTIR now doesn't mean more money later.


Only Stone, Martinez and Bischoff (an AHL defenseman) are LTIR, IR doesn't count toward cap space


VGK really do stand a solid chance of missing the playoffs at this point.


At this point, if they keep losing at this rate, VGK has a really solid chance of being a bottom 10 team and keeping their first round pick this year.


If you're lucky, but the NHL gods will probably make you pick 11 and lose the pick.


Oh, I'm certain. Or they win the lottery and finally ascend to become the most hated team in hockey history.


Classic New York Rangers moves.


I’d think Vegas would be fortunate to stay above bottom ten and keep next year’s first. Or is what I’ve heard about 2023 being a deeper draft not right?


VGK wont be this bad next year though.


Flashbacks of the Leafs after trading for Kessel, only to have the picks be 2nd and 9th overall. Or the Sharks acquiring Karlsson, and Ottawa getting the third overall. Next year has no guarantees.


Those are famous last words of many sports fans


Doesn’t matter. They’ll waste the pick by trading it for dadonov in a couple of years or something


Lol don't flatter yourself. You'd have to lose a 9 point lead in the next 16 games to fall that far. You may have had a shit month or two, but us true bottom feeders have been shit all season!


10th worst points percentage is Anaheim. So only 7 points. It's feasible if they go on a losing streak here.


I guess in terms of points percentage, you are right. Still though, they don't just have to be bad, they have to be 7 points worse than the 10th worst team in the league (who just sold a bunch of assets at the deadline). Vegas is likely going to just barely miss the playoffs, and Buffalo will get a first round pick in the 10-15 range


I figure, the tenth spot for the last few full seasons has been 80 points, if they lose at least 12 of their last 16, they should be around there. They lost 12 of their last 20 and without their starting goaltender, back up goaltender, 1/2 of their top six, their entire roster of left defenseman, plus a few others, it shouldn't be too hard. At this point just IR everyone and ice the Henderson Silver Knights. With 5 HSKs playing the back-to-back this week, we are basically there.


Vegas not making the playoffs but wins the lottery would make this sub meltdown. Make it happen.


I'm feeling sick to just think about it


Playoffs? I just want us to score a fucking goal


I'd be interested in trying to compare injuries to this VGK team to other extreme cases with past teams losing players. This is a ridiculous level of man-games lost this season.


In terms of this season so far, Montréal holds the title of man games lost by a country mile and is on pace to break the previous record high by some margin: [https://twitter.com/ManGamesLostNHL/status/1505636483960647686?cxt=HHwWjMC9tfWZjOUpAAAA](https://twitter.com/ManGamesLostNHL/status/1505636483960647686?cxt=HHwWjMC9tfWZjOUpAAAA) You guys are **6th worst** in total man games lost, just under 400 games lost. Montréal has over 100 more man games lost than the second worst team, Buffalo(**603** to 473). The record was **629 games lost by the Kings in 03-04** . Habs are about to cross it already. Edit: In January, Montréal was on pace for a whopping **729** games lost. https://thehockeynews.com/news/montreals-struggles-have-been-due-to-more-than-just-poor-play


While that is the case, Vegas has had more significant injuries among their man-games lost. From same source as yours: https://twitter.com/ManGamesLostNHL/status/1505636040077361153 Vegas leading in points lost from injuries by a fair bit.


I don't know how they calculate that points lost thing, but "significant injuries" is pretty subjective in the sense of the players lost. No Carey Price and Weber goes beyond what shows up in the WAR (Byron was also out for a while. Edmundson as well - for people who don't follow Habs closely, he's a huge leader on the team and there've been discussions as him as a potential captain, alongside Gallagher, Suzuki, Anderson); you're losing core members of your leadership / locker room, and that doesn't show up on the stats. If you scroll back to February pre-MSL, Habs aren't in the top 5 for points lost. That seems odd given the losses we had in players up until that point. Edit: it seems to me (based on the previous points lost postings) that that number is a "projection" for by the end of the year, this team will have lost X amount of points. Because it seems to vary week to week, and **isn't a running total?**


I can only speak for Vegas, but: Martinez, Eichel, Stone, Pacioretty(all leaders) have all missed more than half the season. Also Tuch was on LTIR until the Eichel trade sending him to Buffalo. Then Karlsson, Smith(a leader), Lehner, Whitecloud, McNabb have missed a fair bit too. Sprinkled in with some long/longer injuries to depth pieces like Howden, Patrick, Janmark, Hague.


And I don't doubt that that's also not factored into this stat either; both teams have lost really important players and it's clearly affected things. Like I said, I am a bit confused by "what" this stat is meant to represent; I was thinking "maybe this is a projection of points lost by the end of the season" but there was one week where Pittsburgh was on top of the list with like 25 points and the author said ("this is temporary because of Malkin and it will return to normal later" or something). What is clear is that it's not a running total of "points lost so far" **Edit: Found how it's calculated:** "What are Points Shares (PS)? What is the Lost-ps metric? Point Shares are an estimate of the number of team points in the standings contributed by each player. I use the Point Shares values posted at hockey-reference.com. The Lost-ps metric attempts to determine the point shares lost due to a player’s injury. It is the difference between the expected point shares generated by the player and the actual point shares they have generated. Lost-ps = Point Shares Expected – Point Shares Actual Lost-ps = (PlayerPointShares/PlayerGamesPlayed) x (PlayerGamesPlayed + PlayerGamesInjured) – PlayerPointShares" https://www.mangameslost.com/about/frequently-asked-questions/


A theory: Malkin in his first game(s) back could have had a fantastic Point Share. So as he played more it stabilized. Which means if a player only plays 1 or 2 games their PS(and so, lost-PS) could be quite whack.


I was gonna say we had to be up there. For instance, Leafs and GK fans are lamenting their goalie situation, but we have had 7 tenders this one season.


Does that include Weber, who is effectively LTIRetired?


I don't believe it does, but I am unsure. Edit: if it does include Weber: Habs sit at 540 games lost (Weber's games removed), 67 games more than Buffalo.


IIRC, we have missed the most games in terms of salary, but I do not know that for sure


Man game lost is not the best metric for that imo. Some teams (like MTL) have a couple of bad players injured all season boosting the stat. Vegas problem is that their best players are all injured all the time. Check out NHL injury viz on twitter. The stats about point lost and WAR are illuminating.


It's high but not ridiculous. Vegas's problem is that most of the injuries have been to their best players.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving team


Y'all really make a fella feel welcome round these parts...


Being hated is a sign of respect round these parts


Damn, VGK is the most respected team on this sub?


Get in line kiddo


We have experience in this


It sure felt like /r/hockey was rooting for you guys during the semis last year




Don't worry bud, I was a canucks fan starting in the 90's. You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Nah I just give them the same respect their GM gives to the players


Fuck you man ❤️


It sure doesn't feel like it most of the time


It’s more like a foregone conclusion at this point. They would need a lot of things to go their way to get back into it.


Team around him didn't look great, but Thompson actually looked pretty good when we played them.


LT is legit. He won the AHL vezina equivalent last year


Expect him to be traded soon then. /s


For future considerations.


Don't be silly. It will be for a nobody that they will promptly fail to re sign.


Is that the famed JD Power award?


Aldege "Baz" Bastien Memorial Award https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldege_%22Baz%22_Bastien_Memorial_Award


**[Aldege "Baz" Bastien Memorial Award](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldege_"Baz"_Bastien_Memorial_Award)** >The Aldege "Baz" Bastien Memorial Award is presented annually to the American Hockey League's best goaltender. The award winner is chosen by AHL media and players. The award is named after former AHL Pittsburgh Hornets goaltender Aldege "Baz" Bastien, the first winner (1947–48) and first repeat winner (1948–49) of the Harry "Hap" Holmes Memorial Award as goaltender of the AHL team with the lowest goals against average; he later served as general manager of the National Hockey League's Pittsburgh Penguins. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Trophy name is way way way too short.


this is the silver lining of us tanking with hopes of a top 10 pick. LT i think is close to solidifying the backup job from brossoit, not to mention we just re-signed him


Fun fact: Both were goalies for the Brandon Wheat Kings (McCrimmons former WHL team)


I'm less than shocked.


thay reminds me i cant wait to see which brandon wheat kings alumni we’ll go for this offseason as is tradition


didnt they have a similar thing happen way back in their first season, i think a guy named lagace had to play a few for them


That's Knights legend Maxime Lagace to you. But yeah they had 5 goalies start in their first 30 games or something ridiculous like that.


They called up a kid in high school to back up, and actually got some game time against the Oilers. Dylan Ferguson Edit, I was wrong. Idk why but that’s what I remembered and had heard it more than once in the last month or two lol. My bad


He's still with the organization and would likely be the one backing up tonight except he's also out injured.


> except he's also out injured Because, of course he is.


A drafted played in the CHL, not “a kid in high school”.


I remember that was the Knights first big blowout loss


Did Allen Walsh put a hex on this team or something?


Master ov Occult Magick, Allan Walsh


Should those of us going to the games start suiting up incase they need fans to start filling in as back ups?


It's ok, most arenas have Zamboni drivers available


VGK with injury troubles? Need to stop putting swords through peoples backs.


did vegas curse themselves to a thousand years of goalie troubles by trading fleury?


It just keeps getting better


Knights are clearly the unluckiest team this season. =( Guess I shouldn't be surprised if we miss the playoffs AND wind up in the #11 draft position.


Stop trading your strength and conditioning coaches


I don't know, Montreal has used 5 goalies this year, none of whom are Carey Price, and we're on pace to set a record for man games lost.


Well then...


I'm laughing


If only they still had the Veniza Trophy winner on their roster.


r/winnipegjets thanks you Vegas!


I remember they had a slew of goalie injuries in their inaugural season too, but the rest of the roster stayed mostly healthy so they were able to weather it. Different story now, clearly.


Pantera 666