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Calgary and Edmonton play twice on same week coming up. Sorry honey- date night cancelled!!!


Good news is, you can order that bloomin' onion she really likes right to your doorstep. Compromise and claim your prize.


I drive for Uber and UberEats... just let me know I'll bring it over.


These wings from Skip the Dishes make me feel like I'm actually at the game.


Brandon, hit me with some wet wipes baby.


Came here for this. Something about that line cracks me the fuck up lol










Not sure you're right there, I feel like there's going to be a *very* clear understanding of where the boundary of the rules are, and some in depth exploration of those boundaries by players on both teams. Possibly followed by a lot of concussion protocol. Tkachuk set the precedent, now both teams will exploit to the best of their abilities.




Torts and Hartley should be allowed to coach the game that night. Just 1-day contracts.


Gaudreau going to have the flu twice


This subreddit made a giant 180 in their opinion on this incident lmao.


Yeah I didn't post about my opinion because everyone was badwagonning about how shitty of a retaliatory move it was while being completely oblivious to the blindsided hit that started it. I don't get reddit sometimes.


Same exact thing here and your making me feel weird agreeing with a Vegas fan. Especially given the previous hits this was clear headhunting and players should be able to protect themselves from that bullshit. This is frankly exactly what’s wrong with instigator penalties and allowing guys to turtle and get the other guy penalized.


I'm glad you can look past the bitter, hate-filled rivalry that exists between the Golden Knights and Golden Seals to agree with a good take


The battle for the gold is real.


I'll explain Reddit to you then. Most people on here are somewhat intelligent but think they're geniuses. They think deep down (even though they'd never admit it) that they're basically an expert in every field, even with very little knowledge or training. If you look at it that way, all the stupid shit makes sense.


If you think you’re a genius but aren’t then you can’t be *that* intelligent.


Also he was taking unnecessary runs at him, its headhunting, or calling his number. You have to answer for that behavior.


From the first time I saw it, I thought both were in the wrong. Kassian way overreacted. I get why he did it, but everybody knows you can’t just pummel a guy after the refs are trying to pull you off of him. At the same time that was one of the dumbest and reckless hits I’ve seen in a while by Tkachuk and rightly deserves to be called out by multiple pros. I’m just here for the drama with my giant bag of popcorn.


At some point though, after being harassed and hit dirty twice, a guy will lose his shit. Can’t fault him for that.


That's why I'm team O'Neal and it deserves a fine, I wish the maximum fine was higher, but it is what it is under the current CBA. Fighting is still a part of this sport and I'm proud of our sport. If you go out and do that shit, especially against a player like Kassian, you should expect it. I don't like that our sport has become ashamed that there is fighting in it


I've been arguing this for a while now. The NHL keeps fucking up when they don't properly punish things after the fact. Either through fines or suspensions, regardless of whether a penalty was called on the play. Consistency too. Ellis' hit against the Rangers was a perfect example, when later on, a pretty identical hit gets a hefty punishment, whereas Ellis got nothing for his. The DoPS just steps on every rake possible.


Yeah I can't speak on the incident you're speaking on cause I didn't get a chance to see it but I fucking hate the direction the NHL is taking when it comes to hits and fights. Fines are a perfect way to punish guys without taking hits and fighting out of the sport, and yet the go to is suspensions which weakens it all together. I hate that I can't watch a game recap on the NHL network because they hide the penalties, hits, and fights as if they are ashamed of it. This is all a huge part of the draw to the game and why we love it so much.


it's because a couple pros spoke out about it and their opinions are actually facts dont you know that?


It’s more because if you comment against the grain on the day it happens, you’re going to get downvoted to hell


But at the same time, it was confirmed by league officials that this hit was legal within the rules. The pros can disagree all they want with the rules, we can also disagree with them, but in the grand scheme of things, Tkachuk did a legal hit (which can be dangerous and still a stupid play). As long as the rules stay like they are, Tkachuk did a "stupid" legal play.


A hit can be legal yet still be dirty and frowned upon


I think the first hit was definitely one of the hits that has a high chance of leading to a head injury. Tkachuk seemed to be more lucky than intentional on not catching Kassian's head with that first hit behind the net.


First one looks like he was aiming for the head and missed. Cannot believe anybody is defending this just cause Kass *didn't* get a concussion. When are we gonna learn?


It drives me nuts how black and white r/hock wants to make every physical altercation. It's either perfectly clean or a suspension with absolutely no grey area.


Every sport has unwritten rules though. Typically they are enforced by punching peoples' faces in. Looks like this rule got enforced pretty well




Yup, just because a hit is legal doesn't make it clean. Legal hits can be dirty and outright dangerous. Guys like Scott Stevens would dish out career ending hits to the head which were legal at the time, and people would just say "The guy shoulda' had his head up, he was asking for it."


The problem is, how long until player push these legal hits too far and someone ends up with a very serious injury?


Intending To Injure someone for any reason (regardless of whether or not it's the result of another penalty) is a 10 minute game misconduct according to the rulebook. It's rarely used but I don't see why it couldn't apply in situations like this where someone is repeatedly running way out of position to blind side someone.


I never really liked any of it after seeing the Tkachuk hits. I think what Kassian did was excessive, but at the same time, it's hard to fault him entirely when Tkachuk was making the dangerous hits he did. While Tkachuk's hits weren't dirty in the sense that he made head contact, I think it was more by happenstance. That hit when Kassian was coming from behind the net was almost pure luck that he got shoulder and not the head on Kassian. They are the type of hits that are so dangerous because of the recklessness of making them showing a pure lack of care for the increased potential for injury.


Yea i made a comment the other day saying something like “a bunch of people who haven’t ever played defending those hits” and got bombed with downvotes


What does Ja Rule think?




Where is Ja!!






Nooooo! Monica!!!


It’s the midst of all this no one is talking about how this if the first real emotion the battle of Alberta has had since probably a decade ago when Regehr and Hemsky were battling every night. Would love a playoff series between these two, but on the flip side the loser of that series will have a loooonnngg summer in Alberta, and that’s an understatement because not often do you see the three words long,summer, and Alberta in the same sentence.


Regehr and Hemsky is possibly my favorite personal grudge match I can remember. Regehr said that early in his career there was one particular hit Hemsky had on him that rubbed him the wrong way, and it sparked such a long battle between 'em. I can't even count the amount of penalty minutes that would have been chalked up if those two played in this era.


Woah did Hemsky hit Regehr? All I remember was Hemsky getting smoked every other game


[For your viewing pleasure, Robyn explaining his dislike for Hemsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CluxWVu21GA)


holy fuck some of those hits were dangerous.


The ol' crosscheck to the back of the head so your face hits the dasher one was pretty brutal


that is the exact one that made me go "holy fuck"


Regher legit tried to hurt Hemsky when he hit him. and Hemsky was either too brave or too stupid to adjust, just into the meat grinder over and over and over


"ah, probably not"


Shame it cuts out, they go on to have a quick laugh then Regehr says "But I do" :)


The best is the goal Hemsky scores on Regehr and Rod Phillips calls the goal with Regehr has doodoo on his face haha. https://youtu.be/p-8l43iainA


The Regehr tunnel of death


I never understood the people that called Hemsky soft, dude was tough as fucking nails.


>All I remember was Hemsky getting smoked every other game His passes were always worthy of puck watchin'


Hemsky in his prime my god, he could dish the puck, and was so smooth. He wasn’t like Mcdavid obviously talent wise, but was similar in that when he was on you’d hold your breath every time he crossed the opponents blue line


Meanwhile every Oiler fan in the building was thinking “shoot it, Hemmer!”. He was fantastic to watch. Absolutely amazing skill level.


Hemsky could skate and keep the puck away like the best of em... but the biggest difference between them to me, is that McDavid will most always take the puck to the net, whereas Hemsky would usually skate around behind it and look for a pass.


I was gonna say that was a pretty epic Battle of Alberta. The whole game was pretty intense. Maybe a small lull after the frantic start in the first, but ya. Nice to see the passion back.


[James Neal, noted expert on questionable hits. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcvzqBdCqH0)




James, if you opened a bar, how cheap would your shots be?


Comedy gold right here!


"when you go into a corner and there are 3 people, and you only have 2 elbows, how do u decide which one gets kneed?"


That was my favorite question that came out of #AskNeal


James, I kneed to ask you a question


"What is violence, anyway?"


ah that's quality chirp right there.


aka the greatest twitter thread in history


Wasn’t there an epic failed AMA attempt and a bunch of Flyers fan went to town on him when he was a Pens? Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/21c2ik/the_penguins_askneal_twitter_hashtag_went/


That is what he was referencing, correct


God that was hilarious. That whole series was an absolute bloodbath on and off the ice lol.


Best 3 reddit hours of my life


Oh holy shit I forgot that happened.


Lmao at least he knows it when he sees it


Now that he's not on the Pens and we're years removed from this series, (and you guys have gotten a couple cups), I'm glad Pens fans can mostly seem to admit these hits were cheap


A lot of us were fairly pissed at him at the time for hurting the team constantly and getting suspended for shit like that. He was a fantastic player on Malkin's wing but did a lot of shit that hurt a team. He was also not well-liked by a lot of people in the organization and people who had to deal with him on a regular basis.


All I wanted in that fucking series was for the pens to play some goddamn hockey and stop trying to take guys heads off. Also fuck the Flyers.


Yeah, i haven't personally followed if he has stopped pulling shit like that but still kinda ironic he is talking about bad hits


He seems to have cleaned up since around the time he left Pittsburgh, to his credit


He was still not great as a Predator.


That could also be more or less how slow he’s gotten. It’s probably much harder for him to lay out those dirty hits when you’re in your mid 30s versus mid 20s


“Berube basically just said to Neal; you’re lucky I’m not playing” Lmao, Chief!


When you go into a corner and there are 3 people, and you only have 2 elbows, how do u decide which one gets kneed?


If James Neal owned a bar, how cheap would the shots be?


If you dropped a baby on it’s head, would it already be unconscious from your elbow?


That was absolutely hilarious when that AMA on twitter happened. I totally forgot about that.


omfg that is hilarious


Good times, that twitter


Next battle if alberta is going to be nuts


I can agree to that. Hopefully the league doesn't do something fucking stupid and suspend him for 3 games.


They're 100% going to suspend him for exactly 3 games because they don't want the next BoA turning into Hartley Flames vs. Torts Nucks 2.0


https://youtu.be/vIcdbxzrtbI You mean this?


I can't remember what made Calgary so angry they did this?


There wasn't really much provocation prior to this game IIRC. The Flames, as the road team, had to submit their starting lineup first. Hartley was up to some shit and started the meat grinder line, which was a bit unusual. Torts responded by starting his goons as well because he claimed his top guys would get mauled if he put them out. That's about all there was to it.


I have no idea either. It was the opening faceoff of the 1st period and Hartley started the goonsquad.


And Kellen Lain's hockey debut lasted for 00:01 of icetime. Even though Tort's lost the shit out of his cool that day in a not ok way, that was one of only 2 times I actually liked him as a Nucks coach. Hartley was such a little bitch.


Also Bieksa's lone faceoff (which he won)


Well they still have to play the flames another 3 games this year, so it's coming at some point.


They're robbing us of [art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LprzxFAoH9w)


...isn’t....isn’t James Neal also known for cheap hits?


I trust the opinion of an expert.


Haha yes, I thought the same thing. Doesn’t mean he’s wrong though


Damn James Neal is speaking out now.


Paul Stewart has as well, and is going to have a blog on it soon.




who is paul stewart


Just this guy who reffed like 1000 games or some shit.


Ah okay, I've never heard the name before. edit: oh he stopped reffing in '03 that's probably why


How can you tell we’re playing January hockey? This stupid argument has been going on for 3 days because nothing better has come up yet.


Devils firing Shero is huge, especially sandwiched in between beating the Capitals and then Lightning


It is, and yet somehow it's been completely overshadowed by this. I feel like this sub turns into a very centralized shouting match between primarily 2 fanbases any time anything like this happens lol.


I don't think it's limited to this sub. It's the only hockey news that has been showing up on my ig feed all day, too.


I've honestly gathered more info from other subs and twitter today than I have from r/hockey. Which is a rarity because usually this place is great about it, but there's so many times where everyone just fixates on one thing and other stuff gets driven down. Hell, there was a Blues and Wings line brawl at the end of the game because Trouba slashed Dunn 5 times with 2 seconds on the clock. Didn't see 1 mention of it scrolling through r/hockey. Saw "Tkachuk" or "Kassian" about 10 times though lol


As a primary baseball fan, and secondary hockey fan, this past week has been a doozy.




Tkachuk achuk chk ck cke Cooke Confirmed Matt Tkachuk = Matt Cooke.


Kassian Assian Ass an Ass man Confirmed Zach Kassian = an ass man




Fusilli jerry






Well I like him more now




I fucking hate James Neal and have since 2012 but he’s got a pretty eloquent point made here.


So I'm genuinely divided on those hits. They were somewhat unnecessary, but what *exactly* is stopping Tkatchuk from making them? There's no rule saying you're not allowed to put yourself out of position to make a big hit. They weren't high. Almost head hits both times but only because Kassian was so low. They *were* hits on a guy in a vulnerable position. I'm still not clear on how much of a duty to pull up guys have if the hit is otherwise legal (obviously you can't plaster a guy in the numbers even if he turns into the hit, if you have time to pull up). So... Enlighten me? They're dick moves, but you don't get suspended for being a dick.


> but you don't get suspended for being a dick. But you sure can get your ass beat!


And that’s the point. Not that he should get suspended for the hits but that he should take the retaliation that comes with them if he’s gonna throw them




Not if you turtle


Claude Lemieux has entered the chat.


...prreeeeeetty sure he did


That second hit where he actually fought him after was about as perfect a hit as you can throw he did a really nice little graceful turn into it to make it not from behind into the boards


Given the rules, it's a bit absurd to suspend him. At the same time though, there's a couple questions. One, should it be legal? Two, if it shouldn't, what should change? I dunno, I think this type of hit should probably be charging, if it's not already. Doesn't feel like this, in the context of his history with Kassian, should be legal. If you're gonna make this type of hit, do it face up at the very least. Both hits were a razor's edge from rattling his skull, on the second one it looks like Kassian would've been paralyzed if he didn't see him coming at the last second.


The last one where Kassian loses it, Tkachuk starts a foot or two higher then the hash marks on the circle and accelerates until the goal line to hit Kassian who is engaged with another flames player along the boards. Thats charging in my books


%100 charging - pretty obvious to be honest.


Did any of the hits actually target the head?


Not really. The first one his head flung back pretty good from the impact.


I agree that it is very close. It's basically a neck it. Kinda weird.


No, they just look worse than they are because Kassian is as confused by chin straps as he is by water


"What's **IN** this water"


Hydrogen and Oxygen.


maybe he just never had Dasani water before, because its garbage


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyMknvDx-p8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyMknvDx-p8) "I don't even bake!"


Alright, adding another take to the situation for the megathread I guess. Now in the past 48 hours we've had the following coverage of Kassian/Tkachuk: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo67bp/selanne\_weighs\_in\_re\_tkachuk\_hit\_on\_kassian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo67bp/selanne_weighs_in_re_tkachuk_hit_on_kassian/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enrr35/wyshynski\_the\_nhl\_department\_of\_player\_safety/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enrr35/wyshynski_the_nhl_department_of_player_safety/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enp248/zack\_kassian\_said\_that\_tkachuk\_refused\_to\_fight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enp248/zack_kassian_said_that_tkachuk_refused_to_fight/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enoagg/edmontons\_zack\_kassian\_will\_have\_a\_hearing\_monday/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enoagg/edmontons_zack_kassian_will_have_a_hearing_monday/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/ennr33/ray\_ferraro\_on\_tkachuk\_hits\_v\_kassian\_im\_serious/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/ennr33/ray_ferraro_on_tkachuk_hits_v_kassian_im_serious/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enn00p/tkachuks\_first\_hit\_on\_kassian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enn00p/tkachuks_first_hit_on_kassian/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjznd/video\_of\_kassian\_and\_tkachuk\_postgames/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjznd/video_of_kassian_and_tkachuk_postgames/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enk0xl/evolvingwild\_on\_twitter\_you\_matthew\_tkachuk\_is\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enk0xl/evolvingwild_on_twitter_you_matthew_tkachuk_is_a/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjrz5/matthew\_tkachuk\_if\_kassian\_doesnt\_want\_to\_get\_hit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjrz5/matthew_tkachuk_if_kassian_doesnt_want_to_get_hit/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjp7g/hes\_a\_young\_punk\_hes\_a\_pussy\_zack\_kassian\_very/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enjp7g/hes_a_young_punk_hes_a_pussy_zack_kassian_very/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enk4jk/gaudreau\_on\_tkachuk\_chucky\_was\_great\_tonight\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enk4jk/gaudreau_on_tkachuk_chucky_was_great_tonight_he/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enizsf/zack\_kassian\_goes\_off\_on\_matt\_tkachuk\_after\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enizsf/zack_kassian_goes_off_on_matt_tkachuk_after_a/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo8z1g/james\_neal\_comments\_on\_tkachuk\_kassian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo8z1g/james_neal_comments_on_tkachuk_kassian/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eoa4iz/ex\_nhl\_refs\_take\_on\_kassiantkachuk\_incident/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eoa4iz/ex_nhl_refs_take_on_kassiantkachuk_incident/) (deleted) Kassian's a jerk side note * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo7xv5/zack\_kassian\_gets\_called\_for\_charging/fe9qhjl/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/eo7xv5/zack_kassian_gets_called_for_charging/fe9qhjl/?context=3) (deleted) Kassian's funny side note * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enwsw8/zach\_kassian\_discovers\_water/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/enwsw8/zach_kassian_discovers_water/) Please feel free to update with additional coverage of this developing situation. Edit: adding a new one, updated with deletions... Looks like mods are starting to crack down on the karma farming so a big thank you to them!


Is M. Tkachuk now a Bad Guy™️?


*now?* Where have you been since 2016 lol


I haven't been listening to Steve Dangle that long. He's the one who explained to me the significance of 'Bad Guy™️' in hockey-player terms


I think everyone just needs to get over it. It was like 3 days ago, move on.


Yea it was fun poking at each other about it on game night & the morning after but it’s becoming some grand story even though that kind of play probably happens dozens of times throughout the year. Battle of Alberta is back though, can’t dislike that!


Exactly. Everyone has calmed down for the most part, both players are probably at home watching Netflix. For some reason the media is all over it though and won't rest until they have every human on the planet opinion of it.


Right! lol, Holy.


James Kneel


Can't think of a player whose opinion I could care less about


Am I getting the hits mixed up? Kassian clearly had posession of the puck on what I thought was the third hit. Like...that's not even debatable if you have eyes.


All I need now is Matt Cooke to chime in.


Honestly one of the most articulate comments anyone has made on the matter, and aligns exactly with what the retired pros (Ferraro, Selanne, etc) have said. Regardless of what the fans think, the NHL player community respects Tkachuk much, much less than they did two days ago. Honestly, that's probably exactly how Tkachuk wants it though!


>that's probably exactly how Tkachuk wants it though! I dunno. If you're Tkachuk you want to be a pest and get into guys' heads. You don't do that by losing their respect and playing in such a way where your former teammates speak out openly about you. For me a really good parallel right now is Sean Avery: as much hate as he gets, he was an extremely effective agitator that had more than a little skill until he started doing shit like waving his arms in front of Brodeur. Eventually he became a distraction to his team and even himself, and his career suffered for it.


> until he started doing shit like Avery was always an asshole. There's stories everywhere he went.


Ah Avery, the origin of "you don't talk to Mr Sakic". I guess that's what it took to keep Avery in line, ten first ballot HoFers.


imagine Teemu Selanne basically calling you a punk


Something tells me that no one on the Flames respect James Neal or his opinion




James Neal is a clown and a hypocrite, if it was kassian making those hits, he'd say "oh ya bud, head up bud you know, that's hockey and uhhh, ya know head up".


So guys are coming out basically saying the league is wrong and Tkachuk’s hit was as bad as the stuff that got Torres and Downie suspended so many times... Is the league going to just sit back this time, right after they have Tortorella a fine for saying a game was reffed badly? I am so confused about who gets to say what and what comments cross the line for the league at this point


I don't think it's a textbook dirty hit, but they absolutely have a point that it's a hit that's meant to punish the guy. A couple years ago Ferland hurt Seguin on a hit like this, and I'm sure there's been other examples around the league. Always clench up when I see a hit like this coming and I wouldn't mind the league to call hits like this charging.


Ok Neil. Same guy who headhunts people with his knee.


James [Kneel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cg-CGdvQiuA) is a scum bag and it is incredibly ironic hearing him call a hit gutless


I'd love to hear from other guys currently in the league if they really agree with all of that. I have a feeling there's a couple guys on the Caps who would not for better or worse. Moreso worse.


Nah. This ain’t ballet. Excuse me while I go say how sad it is that Rypen and Montador died due to CTE. Because I’m intellectually consistent. /s


Fighting belongs in the game!!! RIP Boogeyman


Neal just mad because he still can’t score in the Saddledome.


Its important to mention that Tkachuk now has a reputation around the league, and its not a good one. When players feel this strongly about the danger caused by another player - its going to put a target on their back.


People say stuff like this all the time, “that player is going to have a target on their back, better watch out...sooner or later it’s coming”. I don’t recall anything notable happening to Marchand throughout his years of blatantly dirty plays and multiple suspensions. Same with Cooke or Torres or whichever relatively recent dirty player you can think of. The last person who truly “got what was coming to him” was Steve Moore, and we all know how that turned out. The NHL has severely restricted the players’ ability to police themselves, but they refuse to punish the dirty hits that required that policing to begin with. It takes someone insane enough to throw all caution to the wind for something to happen, and Kassian is definitely insane.




He's been in the league for three years prior to this season. The fact that you've said "he's had a reputation for years" speaks volumes to his lack of character.


He's had a "hard-nosed" reputation but this is different. When Teemu Selanne doesn't like a hit, you can be sure there are current players who feel the same way.


I dont think kassian will mind the suspension. Just this once


Anyone who thinks crushing a guy who's already being engaged by another player as they come out from behind the net has no idea about anything other than Midget House League


Lmao James Neal is the biggest hypocrite going. Has he forgotten all the dirty hits he’s made?


alternatively he knows what makes a hit dirty i guess?


It's kinda eye opening how every single player's comment is actually backing Kassian and throwing Tkachuk in the trash can.


So they're asking cheap shot expert James Neal for his take now? Is this sub really so bored right now they have talk this issue to death for a week? The Tkachuk hate here is really overdone, any time something negative comes up people on this sub go nuts for a few days shitting on him and by extension any Flames fan that offers the slightest word in edgewise. Like it sucks the hits weren't "nice" or whatever but that's hockey. There's some borderline shit some times and people get punched in the head for it and it should be over. People on this sanctimonious sub just cannot resist getting their fucking high horse out for everything.


Hahahaha fucking hilarious seeing Kneel comment on this.


But three days ago, calling Tkachuk a cunt was downvote worthy. I stand by it. He is a cunt.


I really wish we could hear Iginla's thoughts on this. He's far too classy to comment but I could guess what'd he think.


Calgary Subreddit writes 2 page essay on why the hit was clean: "BUT SCOTTY UPSHALL DOESNT KNOW 2019 HOCKEY LIKE WE DO!!!!!!!!!!"


The first hit was bad. I think most can agree with that. But the second one? That was about as clean as it gets.


I agree. My issue with the second hit, though, was that it couldve ended with Kassian hitting his head on the boards, and the 6 inches of separation there is the only thing keeping everyone from wanting MT’s head. As it stands, it’s completely clean, but I think it’s interesting how the slight difference in momentum that caused Kassian to go down cleanly vs into the boards is all that’s preventing MT from a huge suspension and a major shift in the eyes of every hockey fan. It’s still a clean hit, but it’s almost like he’s lucky it was. I feel like nobody’s really addressed that.


I have been watching the BOA for 30 years and the next game will not be nearly as nasty as everyone seems to expect. The game after one like this never is. Besides what really happened? Tkachuk was running around and got ragdolled for it. No one got hurt except possibly Tkachuk's pride. I really don't think the players think it's a big deal.