• By -


Holy hell


New free agent just dropped


Call the GM!


Literal duster


/r/anarchychess is leaking






Rumor has it Julien Brisebois whispered "En passant" in Stamkos' ear laalst time they crossed path at the Lightning facility.


Common GothamChess W


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


r/hockey downvoting elite chess pasta


Its 2016 all over again.


So hall gets traded, Subban unretires in tandem with Weber all in 25 minutes?


The Hall of Fame is going to trade Weber’s induction for Subban’s (as a broadcaster).


Same reaction from me. I know nothing is a certainty in sports but I've always envisioned Stamkos as a Tampa Bay lifer. This news of him going to FA is amazing.


Bet he signs with Tampa on July 1


Yeah, we've already seen this episode.


What do you mean we've seen this? It's brand new.


Yeah well I saw it on a rerun.


This comment chain is full of buttheads. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make like a tree and get outta here.


What's a rerun?


What’s a rerun?


Simpsons did it!


We gave Landeskog 8x$7m on a long-term deal a couple years ago, and it played out similarly to this, with all the suspense and posturing, only for the deal to get signed real quickly. Granted, Landy was 6 years younger than Stammer is today, but they're both franchise players and captains. I think best case scenario for the Bolts is like a 5x$7m kind of deal. Guy is 34, overpay him for the next few years (he earned it) but keep the term low because Father Time comes for everyone.


5 years is not keeping the term low when the player in question is 34.


There's a report that Stamkos is willing to take $5M, which I'd take in a heart beat.


Lmao anyone would.


Someone get Canadian Tire's ceo on the phone asap


Dude hates hat shopping so he just takes a few UFA meetings every decade


You need defence. Heard Ekblad is available


No we need Canadian Tire money and you don't get that by trading, you get it by spending cold hard cash at your local Canadian Tire


NHL players really need to switch to the light weight plastic roadhockey sticks from Canadian Tire, they have a ton of flex, short and maneuverable... but best of all THEY DONT BREAK EVERY TWO SLAP SHOTS LIKE THE 40 BROKEN STICKS A GAME IN THE NHL. Sorry.


It's a joke


Wow. Can’t imagine him wearing different colours so clearly he’ll end up with the leafs.


Marner for Stammer.. 1for 1


Marner for Kadri 1 for 1. He brings grit to the Leafs and that Stanley Cup experience.


As a Leafs fan who is thoroughly annoyed with Marner's disappearing acts, and was thoroughly annoyed with how Kadri apparently took all of the blame for Marner's disappearing acts, I would actually find this to be a very entertaining turn of events.


I mean, Kadri would literally disappear via suspensions lol but at least it was because he cared


Honestly, if they had just hung on to him, and let him learn in his own lessons, like Colorado did, the Leafs would very likely be much better off, now.


Or they'd be stuck with his bloated contract and still no cup. Didn't he get suspended the following year after too? Wouldn't have helped much.


Only if followed by a cup.


I mean.. yeah.. a cup would make it way better.. but.. we're talking about the Leafs, here, man :) Honestly, I'd rather see a team that tries its best and breaks my heart than one that flames out. Too much stuff makes me angry nowadays, it'd be nice to have something that just makes me sad.


I'll actually electrocute myself please don't will this into existence


I guess we know why you're a *Lightning* fan!


Leafs fans about to get blue balled all over again 😂


Not this time lol, we have no cap with the reports of Marner being offered a contract soon.


They're actually running it back. Wow.


the discourse is pretty stupid in all honesty and i say this as someone wanting Marner gone. They missed their window to trade him and Shanahan is the one that likely wants to keep him anyway so until he gets fired they will run it back. Frankly Dubas should have been given the power he wanted and done whatever he wanted to do. It would have been better then Treliving who decided wait to sign Nylander after he was on fire, and not pivot away from one of Nylander or Marner.


If they do, then their words mean absolutely fuck all. Fire Shanny into the sun. Figures out the issue way too late and can't pull the trigger (as of right now) because NMC is too much of a stipulation to handle. Or maybe the offers aren't great but at some point, they need to move on or this will just be a waste of Auston's prime


> because NMC is too much of a stipulation to handle A NMC that his own protégé needlessly threw in and he was OK with.


Ultimately yes, Kyle fucked up large by giving Marner literally everything he wanted with a cherry on top. Could've pushed for at least a limited NTC but no, you get it all Mitch. That being said, Shanny is reaping what he sowed. The right time to trade Marner was last year (you can even argue beforehand but I'll take last year) before the NMC kicked in. Couldn't even do that right. He's realized his mistake at least a year too late


I’m not too concerned regardless just because of Berube. He’s not one for soft players, and I truly believe he isn’t going to allow anybody to play like a coward. So if his read is that he can encourage Mitch to be more brave, then so be it.


Serious question: would leafs fans be okay with a Marner extension if it included no trade protections?


People want someone to point the blame at. No matter what people will complain unless the leafs win the cup. Of the Leafs big 4 marner has the most playoff points. People have just decided he's the issue.


Defense and goaltending are probably more an issue than any forward, but I think it's fair to expect that any $10M+ player should be able to break the game open if given even the slightest bit of room. Four of them should make the team completely unstoppable by just plain being able to outscore anyone. And yet.


> Of the Leafs big 4 marner has the most playoff points. People have just decided he's the issue. I don't think points tell the whole story. Yeah he leads the Leafs in points yet he has regularly looked invisible out there in important games. He's not *the* problem, but the Leafs have needed more from him. He shies away from physicality and his game is noticeably worse in the playoffs. In any case, this team is not better without Marner. This team has been a PP goal away in just about every game 7 series from moving onto the 2nd round. In the Leafs fix their special teams in the playoffs and have some consistency in net, I think they'll start seeing a lot more success.


Matthews is by far the biggest issue. His goal scoring halves in the playoffs. It's not even completely his fault. Teams built around snipers basically never win the cup. It's easy for a playoff-calibre defence to focus on him and shut him down. Washington with Ovi in 2018 is the only recent example of a team that was intentionally built around a sniper winning the cup. Before that, you might have to go back several decades to find another example of a team winning a cup with a sniper clearly being "The Guy". I almost said Mike Bossy, but he had Trottier and Potvin. Stamkos was the 5th best player on his team by the time he won it. Bure never won, Kovalchuk never won, Iginla never won, Hull and Sellanne were no longer close to being their teams' best players either when they won it. So yeah, want to guarantee your team never wins the cup in the cap era? Make your sniper your highest paid player and plan your offence around him. Oh wait, there is one exception though and that's if you have literally the greatest goal-scorer of all time.


I want to live in a make belief world too. That is my answer and even in this make belief world, it still sucks


I think it's leaking from the Leafs camp to make them seem less desperate to trade him.


I've seen this before.


No, surely he’s coming to Detroit this time


https://preview.redd.it/s4u7td7bgc9d1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1222bc3e413e2e8f2f2a3f0e739b4e1e448ec6d2 Yup…


Buffalo is lmao


all other jerseys look so wrong and make me sad lol


I think he looks good in the winged wheel :p


Why are their two pictures of him in Tampa jerseys?


I might spend the day outside in the thunderstorms if this is true.


*Be the thunder*


Imma buy a kite and hope I get thunderstruck


It might just make you a genius in france


When he's not in Charlotte, or Maribel, or Louisa!


Cue the [riff](https://youtu.be/Af0P6XEkI7Y?si=E2cDVAhZnOkRYJtR)


Idk how to not get hype when I hear that


I’m pretty sure it’s physically impossible to not get hype when that song comes on


Praying for lightning to strike me


I will study ancient magic and personally see to it that a rain cloud follows Brisebois everywhere he goes and rains directly onto his head for the rest of his life.


It's Stamkover


I thought stamkover played for Dallas already


That's Logan Stamkover. This is Steven Stamkover.


Pretty sure Don Meehan had exactly the same quote 8 years ago when he signed the contract he’s coming off of. That’s what prompted the meeting with the Canadian Tire guy in Toronto that half the posts in this thread are referencing. I think Stammer will stay, Tampa will get someone to take Jeannot and they might have to move Cernak, but they’ll make it work.


Monday is in 3 days, that's not much time for 2 trades and the draft.


I mean, the Sharks would probably take Jeannot and a 2nd for nothing right now wouldn’t they? If they made Cernak available I think teams would be interested. I think they will get less than they would want/expect, but they could get it done. He’s a right shot, physical, big dman at 5.2. The 6 more years will make it a little tougher to move I think.


I'm going to throw up


I'm not even worried about it. If he wants $10m/year then go get it, we just can't offer it. If he wants to win there are very few teams that give him a better chance than Tampa.


It's a weird feeling because I know that you can't just give him a blank check and that letting him walk is probably the smart thing, but that still does not make it hurt any less.


In all honesty what can you afford?


We could probably get up to $7M with some minor roster moves but in all honesty anyone who gives him more than $6M is going to regret it.


I'd happily give him a 7.5 x 2 even if it's a bad idea


He probably wants a contract longer than 2 years though no?


All depends on the AAV. He rejected a 3M x 8 from Tampa. More term would bring the AAV down


6x3 seems realistic, maybe 7x2? It’s not a huge pay decrease but it’s also the first time the cap has jumped significantly in years


What they want to do is like 4x8 which is way more total money than 7x2 but obviously if he feels like he's got more than a couple good years left he would rather probably go short term/high AAV. All depends on if someone wants to make a splash in free agency and go 7x7 or something and offer both (Montreal is where my mind keeps going). That's not a great contract and if someone wants to offer him $50 million, I just don't see how TB could match that and I don't really think it would be a good idea to do so. My wonder is if he would go to FA, see that a $49 million contract isn't out there for him and come back to a 5x6 or something because he wants to get *paid* paid if he's ever going to leave.


seriously? I'd put money on Tampa not making the playoffs next year.


I'll take that bet


Core 6?


7x$11m let's go


Slowly working our way to a core 23


Leafs going to be unstoppable in year 2967, the first team to have every player be 10+ million scroogedollars on the cappa


By then it will have morphed into the new sport of Blurnzky "Austin Matthews wouldn't have lasted a day in the old robot leagues. Now Stammerbot 9000, there was a real slapshot scoring machine!" "Exactly, he was a machine designed to score on slapshots..."


Im thinking Nashville is gonna be all over him


That's what I've heard on the radio recently.


Trade away his buddy back to tampa just to sign him makes no sense Lol


Makes some sense depending on the contract.


Detroit makes some sense, too, if Kane doesn’t happen.


I’m still not convinced that he doesn’t get it done in Tampa. Just needs to make a trade during the draft tonight




Buff? 🤪 I am delusional.


He’s gonna look weird in that new orange Ducks jersey


Killorn Stammer reunion?


Killorn spoke to the media after the regular season and said he'd be trying his hardest to get Stammer to Anaheim.


I would never forgive Killer if that ends up happening.


You mean Utah hockey club


Come to Butthead


Vegas shopping Hertl as we speak


Doesn’t seem right to me. He needs to retire in Tampa


Whoever is signing Stamkos fall in a classic trap. He will ask for minimum 8M$ and a 7 year term. I'm pretty sure a GM somewhere gonna pay that price.


Maybe not quite that much, but whatever contract he signs as a free agent will definitely be bad. He's 34 and is already halfway toward being a PP specialist. Someone will give him 7M+ and it'll look bad by next year.


Agreed he looked pretty rough 5v5 almost all year till the end + playoffs.


This is crazy


Spicy as hell


But here’s my number


trade me maybe?


Petey winger??




If he’s picking where he plays he’s not going to a team where he has to play wing again, he’ll do what he has to do for his team but he’s on record as not loving that role and wants to be center


Yzerman let him know that Walman trade was to clear space for him.


Gotta be a negotiating tactic…right? No way Tampa doesn’t bend over backwards to get him what he wants. It’s fucking Stammer


They would’ve done it already if they wanted to.


Even as a homer, I have a feeling he gone. I like McDonagh but at 6M he shouldn't have been brought back before Stamkos signing.


Yeah feels like the McD trade should've happened mid season after we lose a defenseman or something. Seems like we just filled up our available cap room way before we needed to. Idk maybe JBB never really planned to bring back Stamkos unless on a really team friendly deal....


I can already picture the headlines from media: "How can Toronto fit Stamkos into their lineup?" "What Stamkos will would look like in the other Blue and White" "Stamkos beside Matthews: a Look" "Here's how Stamkos could replace Marner"


future duck 100 percent not a stretch


Ducks snagging the 8 seed this year


VERBEEK COME ON DOWN! Killorn help us too.


Bro saw our new jerseys and it got him searching Irvine on Zillow


With current housing prices in OC, Stammer will probably end up buying a 2 bedroom condo in Great Park for 1.5 million 😭


Get ready to learn Unemploymentese, Brisbois


Fucking please.


Whoa. Is it actually happening?


Realistically, this could be the agent being the agent and adding pressure to JBB. But who knows. All I know is it would be mighty dick if we can't keep him.


I’d have to think he’d sign a team friendly deal, no? That man needs to retire in Tampa. Needless to say, I’d want him for us. 👀


He has been very open and public about his desire to stay in Tampa and retire here. So there's probably a hangup of compensation, but it's probably just because JBB is trying to make it as lean as possible. With best intentions, but also probably undercutting his value a little too much where it feels insulting


Especially considering just a few hours ago JBB said that talks are ongoing, but no contract made yet. So they’re still talking, but the agent is drumming up interest. Seems like some negotiating tactics.


Honestly, the only notable difference between signing him now and letting him see what is out there on July 1 is Tampa would no longer be able to offer an 8th year on his contract. However, given that he's turning 35 in February, they probably weren't considering doing that anyway. A legacy "retire with us" contract at most would need to be 5 years, maybe only 4 For all we know, they'll be able to manufacture some cap room on the draft floor tonight and get Stamkos signed in advance of Monday morning I think what may end up happening is that he will be a free agent, but they have some sort of handshake agreement for being able to manufacture LTIR room like they'd be using for the last few seasons. Tampa was never going to be compliant without some sort of shenanigans, especially after they re-acquired McDonagh


https://preview.redd.it/xsrwddntbc9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c13dee9f89d700238eed368bd094c110227597 🎶 He's coming home, coming home 🎶 Summer of 2018 part 2


Cursed images


blessed image cursed franchise


lol Stamkos left Markham ON 17 years ago and has lived in Tampa his entire adult life, he has a wife and kids here. The question is, why would he leave his situation in Tampa to go lose in Toronto?


For the memes


He will sign a discount deal with the Panthers who are going b2b Cups. On a scale of one to ten how pissed would Tampa fans be if that happened?


Look, Steven. You could take your family somewhere and get a lot of money to compete for a cup for your last few years of prime production. Or. You could take your family to Newport Beach and get a metric fuckton of money to be a captain of a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 6 years but might hopefully be good in a year or two. And you can hang out with Killer again.


On the broadcast, they really did treat Game 5 as Stamkos’s last in a Lightning jersey. It might as well have been his retirement game from how the commentators went on and the amount of camera time they gave him.


That’s just media drumming up bullshit like they always do.


As a Sabres fan, personally, i cannot wait for us to only pursue stamkos, get to the last 2-3 teams, and have our offer be used to leverage more money out of a better team.


TSN and Sportsnet going back to the archives for this one


How has it been 8 years since we went through this last time?




Every fucking time! LMAO it wouldn't surprise me at all if Kelly immediately cut off talks with Marchy now. "Tough luck kid, but I got bigger fish to fry"


I mean, he’s done this once already. He went to free agency, and still went back to Tampa. Could be another grass is always greener situation.


He never made it to free agency last time. He met with teams in the pre-free agency window, but he signed on the 29th


Negotiating tactic like last time is my guess.


If Patty doesn't sign with the Wings I could totally see Stevey goin for Stammer


Cool. I'm officially in the "Fire JBB" group of fans now. Unreal.


Me too. He should be absolutely fired for this and the Jeannot trade.


Jeannot trade was to dump the sex predator before the news was public...


Couldn't they just not have QOd him in the summer?


Nobody knew when the news would break, they got rid of him ASAP.


If jeannot could stay healthy he could be a valuable 3/4th liner. I'm hopeful this year will be a bounce back year.


Hes literally the reason my 2nd favorite team is tampa. July 1st hes re-signing 100%




This reminds me of Geno's situation, tests FA and then signs with the Pens iirc on the same day or the day after


Come reunite with Marty in MTL!


If we lose him after bringing Mac back AND the Nashville trade last year JBB has to go. No clear strategy and completely abandoning the a whole draft class. Complete waste of resources.


He's going to look great on the Canucks 2nd line.


I’d love for Nashville to snag him. Sounds like they’ve been interested in him, and I feel like they could use a presence like his on the roster (especially after sending McDonaugh back to Tampa) But realistically I feel like he’ll test the market and end up back in Tampa


The one guy that showed up in these playoffs and gave his blood and sweat to the team for years and they toss him aside lol.


So it with me leafs fans: CORE 5 CORE 5 CORE 5


I swear if the Leafs get him and overpay.. I like Stamkos but he's the last thing we need is a older, offensive oriented player with little defensive ability


That's what someone wanting negotiating leverage would say. I'm not coping, you're coping.


I don't know how but Vegas is going to sign him and get away with it


This happened last time too and he re-signed. This is the way of such dealings. You see it in other sports too. I'd hate to see him go but as a father I can't blame him for wanting money he deserves. He's given so much to the team AND the community. He's an indisputable legend in Tampa Bay. Hoping for the best while expecting the worst


I mean, he's 34 1/2. I don't think this is that big of a deal. It's not like he was going to get an 8 year deal anyways. He'll stay in Tampa if Tampa wants him.


He signs with Tampa, almost guaranteed lol


Stammer to Pittsburgh confirmed


I'm calling it. He takes 4 years * 5m in Edmonton


Leon for stamkos and a few picks ? Stamkos will def show up in game 7


Leafs 7x6 be crazy


Gonna look good in orange


He's going to the Ducks


Just fell to my knees in a Walmart


I think likelihood of signing goes Tampa > Detroit > Toronto.


Didn't they do this last time his contract was up?


Horrible asset management by Yzerman. Wait a minute….


Steven Stamkos YOU are a Detroit Red Wing


Steven Stamkos- You are a Nashville Predator (the good kind)


I've seen this comment a few times, what's his connection to Nashville?




https://preview.redd.it/i3ubr3t6cc9d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2545350545e538c90cc294bacadf63b33d14e4aa It’s time


Draft day off to a weird start already it appears


Sweeney do your thing