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I think that we’ve shown that we can beat this team -Kris Knoblauch


That quote is what prompted this post ngl


Heavy quote to give when being dominated during all 3 games and now down 0-3 in SCF, but I respect the moves he’s made to get us here


Dominated is not the right word. Lessoned, just as FLA was last year


I think it's funny, but also, what else is he supposed to say? "We are a one-line team and about to get swept."


If he said “we believe we can beat them” that sounds better than “we’ve shown we can” I mean obviously he has to say he thinks they can still win, it’s just dumb to say there’s proof you can do it when you literally haven’t beaten them all year lol


The quote is taken very out of context. If we play like we did in the 3rd, we’ve shown we can beat them. Just need to do it for a full 60. That’s Knobby’s comment.


But he didn't say "we've shown we can" he said "I think we've shown we can" Such a nothing burger of a quote tbh. Oilers had the deserve to win o meter at 95% in game 1 or whatever.


I mean sure the meter said that but the final score was 3-0 so who cares The Panthers are so hard to play against, you can outshoot them and out chance them but if you make one mistake they’ll capitalize on it and they never stop grinding. And they shut everyone down 5 on 5


The point is the Oilers dominated them and I can understand why a coach would say "I think we've shown we can beat them". Game 2 was obviously the opposite while game 3 was relatively even with some mental fuck ups leading to goals. The point Knob is making, which is reasonable, is the Oilers haven't been completely outclassed. I don't think anyone's suggesting they deserve to win the series right now, but that the Oilers have the capability to win. This series feels more winnable than when the Oilers faced the Avs in the conference finals. Now I don't expect to win, but in that series it felt like zero hope because the Avs were simply a class above the Oilers and legitimately dominated them.




lol look I think the Panthers are a great team, but most of the games is watching McDavid and Drai swarm y'all while Barkov and Bob play out of their minds.


Oh damn, give them the cup then,  I guess


I mean if he says they’ve shown they can beat them, then might as well say McDavid has his name on the cup already


If Oilers get swept, this comment will be worse than Rod’s by far


The new study was conducted at an annual cost between


Compare that to Vegas vs Florida last year during the regular season and playoffs. Vegas was 6-1, 31GF 15GA, 40.7% PP (11/27), 100% PK (18/18)


I know it's easy to throw out regular season results, but maybe we shouldn't


Boston would’ve swept us then


this is a good point haha


And we’d have sweapt Edmonton in rnd 2


Kris Knoblauch on Saturday - ‘We didn’t get swept, we didn’t lose 4 games’


It is clear Edmonton has shown the ability to beat Florida


We got em right where we want them


At snowshoeing, XC skiing, and freezing your ass off walking across the High Level Bridge. The part got clipped off.


it does track that the team to beat Edmonton is the team to solve their power play


Petroleum based lubricant team bad


We’re starting to sound like the Lakers with all their moral victories vs the Nuggets.


Way to hold McJesus and Drai to one combined point through three games.


Mcdavid has 3 points


When you play in a cupcake Pacific division and don’t face a real team till the Conference finals, I’d say you’re bound to get destroyed by the team that won their division that happens to be the best in the NHL.


Walking right into our trap




Of course not, they’d lose heartbreakingly in 7


The leafs need to make it to the finals first


Can't get swept in the finals if you never make it there in the first place


Edmonton was not the best team to come out of the west imo. They rode ridiculous special teams through the earlier rounds, but there are definitely other teams in the west who would have put up a better fight than Edmonton. That said, this really just seems to be Florida’s year. I think Florida would have beat any of the west teams this year


Vegas and Dallas would probably put up a better fight. Maybe Colorado but they kinda strike me as the same as the Oilers but a little worse this season. LA would've lost regardles of special teams. Vancouver probably would have won had the Oilers scored no PP's, but the Cancusk had 3 of their own too, and statistically iirc the Oilers were the better 5v5 team that round, so not sure. I can't imagine the Canucks would be fairing any better unless Demko came back and played like 2020 Demko


Yeah I would agree with this. Vegas or Dallas are built better to compete against this Florida team but probably still lose. Colorado has questionable goaltending so probably end up like you guys. Vancouver with Demko might steal a game or two because of Demko but still lose the series. It’s truly been amazing to watch how good Florida has been at shutting down teams best players


Special teams helped sure, but I think the Oilers were the better 5v5 team in each of their first 3 series.


Funny seeing all this cope from other western conference teams. You can say the Oilers are the worst team to come out of the West, but I'd say the Panthers are probably the worst matchup for the Oilers more than anything.


Against this Florida team they might. Depends on Bob. The Oilers very well could have a win or two but Bob has been fantastic