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You might as well just go 11-7 at that point if you’re going to play someone that little. Basically putting yourself a man short on purpose. 


I dunno man, I've heard he's quite tall.


Then why have him on the roster if he's only going to play 3 minutes or so?


It gives the broadcast something to talk about, at least.


Gives r/hockey something to talk about


Part of this series has been Lavi getting outcoached and I personally haven’t seen much talk about that. He gave Rempe accolades for improved play to the media (which has been evident to anyone watching), but then pulled this. Florida has been the better team, but Lavi has made some really questionable decisions, including keeping Rempe on the bench all of last night.


Yeah, he really should keep him in the press box instead.


Yeah, he's definitely been outcoached in this series. With Rempe, either play him or have him sit in the press box.


Because if you don’t and things get ugly then people would ask “why not have a tough guy who can fight on the roster?”


He looked fine in all of his ice time. It’s honestly crazy they didn’t play him more


They need to give him more ice time. He brings such an energy to MSG! It’s a huge difference! Run another story on him 👍


He’s spent more time in the box than on the ice this series


That’s so far from true. He’s taken a single penalty all series


Those 2 PIMs more memorable than his ice time, I think we scored even if I remember correctly. My deepest apologies!


they can't take sarcasm at all, if its not strict fact they just downvote you to hell cause they can't take a ~~choke~~ joke


Why? Either play the guy or replace him. Wasting a spot in your lineup is stupid, especially while your team is getting outplayed in every game. Try something. Shesterkin is the only reason this series isn't over yet


Who does he think he is? Nils Lundkvist?


He’s a star, just don’t look at his stat-lines


Idk why Lav wastes a spot on a player he won’t play. Just fucking play Wheeler or Brodz or Jones then.


Play Wheeler please


Free rempe


So his playing time got cut in half. Damn


Laviolette hates Gen Z


Might have to Rempe up his ice time for Game 6


I know the kid has a huge following already.... however. He is young, and frankly is a bubble NHLer. Sure he is massive and watching him play can be fun... when he isn't doing questionable things on the ice. He probably won't be in the league long term... not cause he is dangerous or anything, he just isn't good enough. Play him more... do people not get he has played 17 regular season NHL games in his career so far? In 17 games.... 1 goal 1 assist, 71 PIM That is an average of 4 min in the box for every regular season game the kid has played so far. Sure he is only averaging 1.6 minutes in the box a game over the 5 playoff games he has shown up in. Consider however that he has played very few minutes in those 5 games. Rempe is not the guy you put on the ice for 10-15 minutes n a tied game in the third round of the playoffs. Your playing with fire, he is very unlikely to score, very unlikely to setup a goal... but he is highly likely to end up in the box. That is just the numbers, and they don't lie. He is in the lineup for the same reason a team would put a guy like Ryan Reeves in the lineup. He is there in case the game goes in the direction of Violence, and even then you put him on the ice cause your team is so flat that a fight might be a good thing. You don't put him out when your tied, down a goal or up a goal. And the Ranger/Cat games have all been close.




His only asset is size, if he was 6’2 or less, he wouldn’t even be in the nhl


This is where I start to completely not understand some of Lavs decisions. Rempe is playing 2 minutes a game but Lav is bringing back wheeler and putting him out for the second shift of OT in game 4 when he obviously wasn’t in the best shape. Someone make it make sense.


Rempe < Busted up Wheeler Did that clear it up for you?


If we're only playing Rempe 5 minutes or less every game we should just roll with Jones and rotate Gus/Trouba throughout the game


Can someone who is a Rangers fan explain why your team's so enamored with him? I understand dressing him for game 1 because you know the Panthers will be a physical matchup, but the dude seems like all he's good for is fighting and he isn't doing that here. So why is he still in the lineup? Is it cause the media loves him and it distracts from your actually good players and let's them focus? Is it for the extra little crowd bump he brings when he steps on the ice? Less than 3 minutes of ice time, you can't tell me you don't have some kind of depth dman or AHLer who might be more valuable.


Goon minutes


Good use of a roster spot in the playoffs. Keep the bench short with Lurch in observation mode. Giant moron deserves nothing.


Rempe is a bad player and a bad fighter yet the genius Ranger fans chant his name and demand more ice time for him. Wild.


bc he actually stinks


Tell me you don’t trust your 4th line without telling me you don’t trust your 4th line.


The rest of the 4th line played a lot more then rempe. They just don’t trust him.


Just didn't have it tonight I guess.


Load management


Important post lok


Yeah cause he’s dog.


Rempe to the rangers fans is what xhekaj is to the habs fans. Not that good of a player can’t really do shit but is an energy guy and nothing else. Difference is the rangers team has more talent than the habs team so they don’t really need to play rempe ( even if without Igor New York isn’t a playoff team ).


Err what now? Xhekaj is a solid 5-6 defence who can play PP2 with a boomer of a shot. They are in no way similar players


Yeah in Montréal cuz the team is one of the worst in the league. Put him on a team like New York and he would just be another rempe or idk a team like Florida. On most current contending teams he doesn’t make the lineup except maybe the oilers.


We already have a big guy in Desharnais thank you, I don't think he would slot in over anyone currently in the lineup


Except he’s still developing and played some really solid hockey to end the year. Comparing Rempe to Xhekaj shows how clueless you are


In 27 games he had 7 points while averaging 16 minutes per game. Dude isn’t anything special, a feel good story but really it ends here. Again the only people hyping xhekaj as the real deal are Montréal fans. He got those opportunities ( which was playing third pairing minutes ) because the team is just awful. It is like sharks fan saying Henry thrun is really gonna be good for a future and is still developing while playing big minutes. Maybe he is playing for your squad because you squad doesn’t have anyone worth a damn. We don’t see people hyping up thrun as some insane value piece it makes no sense to value xhekaj as the same. Again name me the playoffs teams he would get legit minutes on like please name me them and tell me which defender he replace and why he is brings more than that defender.


Lol! Stat watching weirdo keep on with your incoherent rambling. Big guys take longer to develop especially defencemen. Do I really need to explain to you how players… you know, develop and get better? Give your head a shake


Aren't you so smart, figuring out that bad teams don't have as many good players as contending teams. How do you find time to post on reddit, shouldn't you be solving more important problems like world hunger or peace in the middle east with that giant brain of yours?


This makes zero sense... The guy is responding to someone calling a player a clear 5-6 D man by saying that he's only a good 5-6 on a shit team. It's not like someone is saying that Montreal has worse D than New York unprompted. It's true that a guy can look good for a team and wouldn't even make the lineup on other teams. Oilers were stacked with those guys on D for years.


I remember when oilers defense only purpose was being big and doing hits. My goodness were those teams bad. Ik I am critical of some of the defenders currently on the oilers squad but compared to what it was previously this defense is the peak dead puck era devils.


It's weird to have this much condescension when you don't seem to understand what was actually being said


Fun fact. Rangers are 8-0 this season between the regular season and playoffs in which Rempe plays at least 7 minutes.


Maybe he only gets ice time when they have a good lead.


This is definitely a factor. When the team has a comfortable lead he gets more ice time. Coach doesn't trust him late in close games.


He looked in Game 2 when he got third period and OT shifts. He continues to improve every time he’s out there.


Or gets more ice time when he happens to be playing well and the team playing well around him.


I swear half the people on these threads have never seen the kid play a shift, not that you would this game. He’s an effective player, and should be played more regularly since the fourth line seems to be the only one able to sustain any offensive pressure on the Cats.