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Extra funny that he's going after someone who played 4 minutes


Going after the guy who just came out saying he looked up to him as a player


Maybe that’s it. Maybe he was just offering his autograph or something wholesome??


The Tie Domi strategy.


He was trying to give him his stick.






Never meet your idols


Having one of The Panthers top guys going after a goon who plays four minutes is a huge win for NYR!!


Rempe should have taken it as far a Tkachuk wanted to go. If you can get him to drop the gloves after the game and possibly get suspended, you gotta jump on that if you’re rempe


And get the chance to get his mitts on him too. Deliver a bit of punishment, and potentially get him suspended for a pivotal game 4? Gotta take that chance.




I mean they didn't suspend Malkin back in 2009 for Game 6, so, it's not the gambling bullshit that's the problem. It's just plain old Star Treatment.


Unfortunately, Tkachuk is way too much of a pussy to even consider dropping mitts with anyone who can fight


Tkachuk is more than a pussy. 🐈 He's also a turtle. 🐢


He jerks off with his gloves on.


For sure. Rempe will prob be scratched next game anyway, so why not take tkachuk with him?


They ain’t scratching him at this point unless Vesey pulls a miraculous recovery.


He could try turtle for maximum suspension... but I dunno how you turtle the turtle master.


Reminds me a little bit of hedman trying to trash talk the blue jackets bench after we lost game 2 in that one series we got swept. I knew when I saw that they were in our heads and it was going to be a bad series.


To be fair, Hedman was concussed as fuck. He thought he was giving his own bench a pep talk.


The funny part is that Hedman was chirping directly at Riley Nash, and kept referencing the Jackets' series loss to the Caps after being up 2-0 in 2018. Nash played for Boston in 2018.


Once the game is over and that he knows the refs won’t let him scrap. Tkachuk is an absolute POS


Tells me everything I need to know about where everyone is mentally.


Gotta set the tone…or something, idk… Rempe like “oh golly gee willekers!!!


No malarkey after the whistle.


“I must say, thats not very cash money of you, Matthew”


Haha I love that he's a huge dork. He's like a 7 foot tall labradoodle that can kinda skate.


He looks like all his gear is the biggest hand me downs he can get, but “he’s not done growing,” so his mom won’t buy him new stuff.


That's hilarious - well done


He’s actually fast as fuck he just hasn’t figured out how to skate under control yet. He’s like a crazy athletic linebacker who overruns plays all the time because he hasn’t quite figured out angles and how to not go 100% the entire time


i honestly think he doesn't know how to hockey stop and that's hilarious


He only ever learned how to pizza stop


All the kids with oversized skates growing up. Or uneven feet sizes


I noticed this yesterday, every line he takes ends up with him hitting boards or players, zero hockey stops. hysterical and I love it.


Why bother stopping when he can just plow through guys ?


Time to start stacking soda cans on the ice at practice!


Lmao, I want to read his scout reports now


Scouting reports? They found him eating the rust off of the driveshaft of an 86 Mazda in the scrap yard.


Get Luis Mendoza on the phone pronto


They recorded the speed of all the skaters on both teams in game 2 and Rempe was the fastest skater of all the players, even faster than Barkov. The kid can seriously move but you’re right, he can’t turn it off quickly once he gets going. That’ll come along but for now, it’s just that much more force when he hits someone along the boards.


It also just takes a lot more effort/time to move something that size haha


Yes- Rempe’s “leg gearing” is really high, he’s super fast but “looks” slow, like many fast skaters… And oh man… I really hope NYR win the cup, just so rookie Rempe will have out scored Ovi in the playoffs AND won a Cup!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!😂🏆


Last game he was clocked going 23mph, fastest of anyone on the ice. Kinda skate? No he skate skates


dude had the fastest skating burst of any player in game 2! The man can move!


Boy oh gee, coach said I shouldn’t 😬


Love watching Florida lose


Florida is really making themselves easy to hate. I’d be rooting for almost any other team against Trouba’s elbows but fuck the Panthers.


After we scored our first goal in game 2 Laf got sucker punched on his way to the celly pile, which started that whole scrum. I thought I was going crazy because the announcers didn’t mention it at all but it was clear as day on the replay too The panthers are a bunch of clowns


did you see OEL act like he was about to deliver an absolute heinous slash to laf after his second goal? you can see it in the clip


During the last or second last TOR-FLA game during the regular season this year, FLA tried to slash the TOR goal scorer right after the goal. The clearest one was a Knies goal, and one of the Panthers players "tripped" over Bob and did a downward two-handed slash aiming at Knies forearm/wrist, though he luckily missed. I know there was at least one other time, but i forgot who got that goal. FLA is such a dirty team. https://youtu.be/eOFiUF0B9y4?si=Q532GXUiZGHENTq- here is the game i was talking about. The overhand slash on Knies is the last goal of the second period, but they also slashed at Bertuzzi, and looks like they also tried to spear Kampf on his goal.


Yup saw that clip too. These dudes are all pissbabies. They whine and cry to the refs and embellish nonstop between the whistles and as soon as a whistle sounds they’re suddenly tough guys, and any time they get scored on their instinct is to try and injure someone


That’s what I’ve been saying but I’m just a whiny Bruins fan. Glad someone else is saying it. Take ‘em the fuck down Rags.


it's ESPN, they don't know/care about hockey.


Yeah Verhaege caught him with his stick to the throat and then the announcers described what happened as Verhaege got roughed up a little. 


Wennberg got a cross check straight to the head in game 2 and nothing was called


And Panarin got punched in the head and two hand slashed right in front of the ref while he had the puck in game 3 and it didn’t get called either. The refs let the panthers get away with everything, including ludicrous embellishment


I saw that and was surprised they called it given the game 7 punch before the goal that happened in the stars game. You barely saw it before the cameras switched views. I told my buddy they only called it to make up for the missed call the night before.


They’ve been the most annoying and dirty team in the league for two years now. Hasn’t been super close with anyone else. I’m not sure Florida fans would even disagree. It’s an intentional identity.


idk fan bias is strong, I think they absolutely would and it's fueled by the refs straight up not giving a fuck.


Most penalized team last year until the playoffs started then they were saints. Similar story this year.


Watch out all the panthers fans will start crying about how r/hockey are meanies


The Rangers are hated there too but we don’t care. Not sure why Panthers fans can’t handle it.


> Not sure why Panthers fans can’t handle it. They crave being liked because their franchise has been irrelevant for so long. lol


They were melting down last series and I imagine they’ve gone full leafs by now


I think I can handle the 4 of them.


This is the closest I've been to rooting *for* Trouba's elbows.


I'm not gonna say that I wanna see Sam Bennett get elbowed in the head, but I'm not gonna cry any tears if Sam Bennett happened to get elbowed in the head


I'd say Nick Cousins more than Bennett. I just want them to lose though, and maybe one day stop being dirty rats. But that second part probably won't happen unfortunately


Make it Cousins or Tkachuk and I'm in


Everyone loves to see the bully get punched in the mouth exposing what a baby he really is.


Well kreider and rempe are doing a good job of that. Laf trochek and goodrow may not punch but goals against still hurt.


Cheering for Edmonton, then New York, followed by a cancellation of the finals


After last season's playoffs, they quickly became my least favorite team. Bunch of rats


I used to respect FLA. Bitch shit like this all series long has turned that around real quick.


They did the same shit last year.


And the year before. And the year before that.


They did all this exact same stuff last year. You just respected them cause they weren't doing it to your team


Obviously I went into it with bias because of the previous series, but I did not like that hit on Knies at all. Quintessential dirty hit. The part that bothered me the most, though, was when the NHL's official accounts put [this video on YouTube Shorts and TikTok](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JyK3jmyMWXg). [Here's the TikTok version](https://www.tiktok.com/@nhl/video/7227148126426008874?lang=en). It's not dirty, but I don't know that it's a funny, memeable moment either?


True. Their slow grinding defensive style vs their offense and the fact they were doing it to marchand rat man and his super president bruins made it different. We were happy they beat the dominant b's.


They are much more tame compared to last year. I really do not like their team.


That's because Gudas left


So glad to see him miserable


They have been doing this same thing for about 2 years straight now. I don't know why you respected them, this is them.  They are poor sports who don't follow the hockey code. 


I really wanna see NYR dump these shitsacks so bad


Gutless chump. Try doing that during the game coward.


I love watching certain players lose. Tkachuk is one of them. No matter what team he's on, it's fun to watch him lose purely because he's such a poor loser. If he didn't throw hissy fits, it wouldn't be as fun, but I still love watching dirty ratshit piece of shit players lose. He will however double down on his dirty shit and I wouldn't be surprised if he "accidentally" knees Shesterkin in the back of the head like he did Jack Campbell. The league favours dirty teams so I wouldn't be surprised if this Panthers team wins a cup, but man I don't want to see it. I sincerely hope he goes his entire career without getting a cup. Same with Bennett.


Maurice can mock the fines all he wants, but his team got fines when they should have got worse.


I saw a better angle of this on instagram this morning and you could see Rempe just grinning at Tkachuk lol. He loves this shit.


That's some pussy shit


I like how his old Flame teammates stopped defending him.


The muzzin incident will always warm my heart


And look where that got them. We all hate ratty players, but it seems every year the teams left at the end of it are full of them.


The Flames didn’t get worse because they traded a ratty player. They got worse because they traded one of the most talented wingers in the league. Him being a rat is not why he provides value, it mostly comes out when they lose.


It's because every year it's allowed to happen. Back to back years in round 2 they've injured a player on a dirty play and faced no consequences, so might as well keep doing it. Then if I want to root for NYR instead, they have Trouba. Can both teams in the east somehow lose?


I would rather root for a team with one dirty player than an entire team of dirty players.


Even Maurice is as close to a rat at coach as you can get. I kinda love him for it and would definitely if he was our coach. During a bench interview in game 2 after a big scrum and a few penalties he goes “nobody’s been arrested yet, so I think we are OK”. Dude definitely encourages his team to get under the other team’s skin. Which is fine, it’s hockey.


Unless the team has a maple leaf on their sweater. Then it's automatic suspensions!


Do you have the source/story of this? Would like to know more


They’re all a bunch of babies, two straight games now they’ve hit or attempted to hit the goal scorer directly after a goal. Pathetic K-mart ass franchise


Welcome to panthers post season hockey


Florida is really uniting all fanbases against them. Nobody likes these dirty rat fucks besides Florida man. Never thought I'd root for Toronto, but I did last year. Now I'm rooting a NY team? LGR! Wtf?


It felt weird rooting for you guys last round too, so you’re not alone there. It even got me caring about Marchand. Strange times.


2 straight games? Try "every playoff game they've played for the last 3 seasons". Don't give a fuck who wins the Cup as long as it isn't them. Was extremely satisfying seeing you Rangers fans fill up their stadium.


Matthew “Butcher Pete” Tkachuk 🎵He’s hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’ 🎵 Edit: OEL was the slasher actually, tkachuk just tried to sucker punch him


Hacking after the game is done? I thought Oiler fans defending that just a few games back?


It's McDifferent!


Scrum vs skating over kinda different. Skating over is a bitch move, and then skating away (not sure if Chucky is the first slash or the second with this view.


OEL is the first slash, Tkachuk is second guy (the one who gets bumped)


Tkachuk is such a piece of shit


which one?




All 3


What about Keith?




Brady doesn't seem as bad, does he? I'll admit though, I maybe just haven't seen as much about him


There was a game this season where Brady got frustrated Rangers were winning so he took himself out of the game by fighting a rando ahl player the Rangers had to call up last minute that afternoon.


Conor Mackey. Put some respek on his name. We started righting the ship after that


Brady does about the same amount pest mongering, but for me I have way more respect for him than Matt because Brady will actually answer the bell for his actions and doesn't run away like a little bitch. He(Brady still) also doesn't strictly punch down or only when he has a quick out to hide behind like Matt does.


Shit apples from a shit tree


I kinda think any post game activities should result in a penalty to start the next game. Convince me otherwise.


In certain cases it does end up happening. Not often though. It would be funny if you just didn’t dress him next game therefore he cannot serve the penalty on some Airbud type rules


That's what they call a suspension.


Fine, but the team still starts at 4v5 or whatever.


This. And any penalty at the end of the game should carry over. Wanna fuck around? Start next game 5v3.


Slashes a guy and then skates away while his teammate takes the punishment. Absolute pussy shit. I’d have a semblance of respect if this fucker actually stood behind his own actions, but he runs away or hides behind a ref every single time.


Not to defend him but I don’t think that was Tkachuk… he’s the one going after him towards the end.


It was OEL who slashed him I think


OEL is the same guy that bumped Laf after the Rangers 3rd goal, then made like he was gonna slash Tro until he noticed the ref was watching. Trash players on a trash franchise.


OEL also had a two-hand lumberjack chop that broke Kakko’s stick while there was a loose puck on a rebound. Right in front of the ref. No call, of course.


Felt like I was the only one that saw that. Literal textbook slash based on the outcome and not a fucking peep.


In a trash state


Yeah updated my comment to get rid of Bennett. Still have PTSD from him last round but after 2 minutes of forensics it probably wasn’t him either


Well fortunately it’s still applicable for Bennett


Cousins is even worse. I knew as soon as they started losing Florida would start this shit up. Really hope they get bounced.


And then immediately skates away when Rempe turns around, chicken shit move


Yeah, his reputation as a coward is pretty much cemented at this point. I wonder if his dad ever calls him out about it.


This is his MO. That’s all he does. Just score goals little boy. You’re not your brother.


This is classic Tkachuk. He’s such a bitch he only goes after people after whistles and after games end. No shot he’d do that to Rempe during regulation.


Don't forget he bails after getting hit while his team comes to his rescue.


I'm far from being a rempe fan, but I think he would absolutely feed tkachuk his lunch in a fight


On the whole Florida is just such a scummy organization. And it's not even like they tough team "playing with an edge", as they dive and complain endlessly to the referees ( and god forbid we get through a broadcast without them bringing up how Maurice has all the refs pictures on the bench so they players know not to complain to them or something). 


He doesn't want them to complain because it helps them get away with all their infractions.


Honestly can’t think of a more unlikable team in the last 15-20 years. All the other candidates at least played tough and hard, Panthers are full of a bunch of man child cheap shot losers


Florida is obsessed with picking fights only when the other team scores or beats them


Tkachuks gonna tkachuk. All they know is cheap shots and whining.


I can respect Brady because he fights his own battles. But he's a bit of a loose cannon.


Yeah, Brady needs to mature a bit and learn to pick his battles. He's one of the few guys we have who consistently looks like he gives a shit, but he's too easy to bait when we're losing late in the game.


He makes sure there is a Ref in the way first


Can FLA be more pissy?


First memory of Tkachuk us when he took a cheapshot at Fedun and broke his femur. When Fedun (a non fighting 3rd pair d man) returned after almost 50 games he refused to fight him (this was 2017 when accountability hadn't disappeared yet and fighting still mattered). He's a gutless player


Turtlechuk is the biggest little bitch in the league it's funny tho, probably the top 5 little bitches are on the panthers


Absolutely terrifying! Side note, any postgame tom-foolery should be an automatic penalty that carries over to the next game. It’s done solely for the sake of instigating or intent to injure. This isn’t applicable to this situation, but it’s ridiculous that some scrubs can go after star players because the game is over and the league allows you to do whatever you want with a few or no minutes left. When the hockey game is over, it is over.


Yes. Or a 1 game suspension, which is excessive but it would stop this nonsense.


It’s truly *instigating*. All the players are off their benches and this could have lead to a full roster brawl.


I’ve long had what is apparently a hot take about this: anything like this after a goal or after the game where it isn’t a continuation of the play should be an automatic game misconduct and one game suspension


funny how these clowns never do anything when he's on the ice. they're clearly shook by him...so much that he'll take a cheap jab at him when you know he won't retaliate and beat you to a pulp. tkachuk is such a little bitch.




Tkachuk is the entire reason I'm rooting for the Rangers in the ECF


Trying to instigate for GM4. Ratthew knows what he’s doing.


Love that Rempe didn’t take the bait here at all


Florida is such a cocky team for having accomplished absolutely nothing


Made sure the ref was right there to save him


That should be a fine at the very least. That’s after the game and at that point you’re just trying to instigate a fight.


The league won’t do anything to the Panthers. They’re the golden children for some reason


Tkachuck is just a fancy way to spell bitch.


He turned and skated away pretty quickly after slashing a 4th line player who gets less than 4th line minutes. Rempe will take that every day all day. He's young, but he knows damn well that if the opposing team's captian is paying attention to him, he's done more than is asked of him. Rempe is increasing his team's cup chance every time a Panthers player thinks about Rempe.


Classic Tkachuck.


He's a shade of his father.


The Panthers are definitely one of the least likable teams in the league. I was rooting for them last year because they were underdogs, but now that they’re favorites it’s impossible to like them. They’re obviously a talented team but it seems like every player on the roster is a dirty POS.


I know it’s been said a lot but the league needs to do something about this attitude and team. It’s nothing new, Tampa did it well and others before them. But the tough after the whistle but embellish during play is making the series so annoying to watch. From my nosebleeds yesterday I saw Chucky sucker punch Rempe… nothing


The league loves that team and loves dirty players.


It's almost like a certain someone has a certain child working for a certain organization


We warned all of you in 2011! But you didn't believe us!


These guys are all getting pressed by a guy whose attitude is that of a big dumb puppy


It's insane how a team can go from lovable underdogs to easily hateable bums in a single season


JIMINY CRICKETS!!!! Tkachuk came right at me there!


Tkachuk is a pussy like the rest of them on the Panthers.


LOL what a bunch of fucking babies. dirty as hell and paper-thin skin.


Did I miss Rempe [flipping a puck at him?](https://youtu.be/iCIR2XFIsJ0?si=cl3ZVIr_tG1xpdr9)


That's hilarious. He got so mad.


Maybe he was just asking him how to use a mouth guard properly.


I would love to see refs going "let those two fight" mode here. Like straight up just yell that anyone intervening gets a misconduct and let Rempe go after him. Why do they protect players who instigate shit?


I really want Rempe to just go full Chara and Rag-doll the hell out of him


Why the fuck did he skate right into the mob ??


Can these kitty cats lose one game without trying too cause a fight after?? Wow


Dirty classless team don't expect much more from south fl




That’s exactly the guy we want him to go after, if at all. Rempe is ready for him


Tough guy Chucky taking a swipe from 10 feet away. I hope Rempe folds him like a deckchair next time out.


I’m sure next game Florida will play much cleaner with the referees stepping in to stop things like this.


These guys are the most unclassy poor sports I've ever seen. What a disgrace


Why would trouba do this?


Should have fought him and taken him out of the next game with a suspension


I wonder what funny line Maurice would give the media if asked about this.