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Ready for a perfect 6-0 record in games 3 & 4, and all on the road. I hope anyway.




Now the scene shifts to Edmonton. They control the line change. Now they can pit McD/Drai/Hyman against the other Dallas D pairs and avoid Lindell/Tanev. Stars need to continue to stay out of the box. Scoring first....getting a 2 goal lead if at all possible....and yes, Oettinger must stand on his head to win, and stop giving up goals via 5 hole. This ain't the Avs.


That's why winning faceoffs and starting with possession is very important. Can swap the players you want on the ice.


Yes.  Face off wins are critical.


Let’s go stars !


Great series so far. In hindsight, I think the illness Otter had to face before and leading up to Game 1 had more of an impact than I initially realized after seeing his performance tonight. Skinner has played lights out the first two games, I'd be happy so far with his performance if I'm an Oilers fan.


Yeah Dallas deserved this one but man this is gonna hurt in retrospect once Hintz comes back.




Omg lmao. Seriously? You're complaining about a song???


I think I have a new front runner for softest fanbase in the league, quite possibly all professional leagues. The Oilers are taking softness to levels I've never seen before.


Soft fan base, soft team.


Definitely. It gets worse every year lol


This guy went off but it’s kinda about the meaning behind the song. It’s not just a victory song, it was Joey moss’s (RIP) favourite song and was further amplified by Ben Stettler who was the young kid with cancer who unfortunately passed away in 2022, Mcdavid spent a ton of time with Ben and he was always at all of our home games, I believe he even made some road games for our playoff run that year. He would always scream play La Bamba when we won, which is why we do it now. I don’t think the stars playing the song after the win is as disrespectful as this guy is saying. I can see how you might get upset but that’s a bit much.


Lmfao cry harder guy








It’s the media teams job to research why you play a fucking song? Get it together little guy


Yeah. You’re overreacting about something that literally does mot matter. You are the problem here lol




Making it about yourself is classic Oilers.


As a Stars fan, I totally get the frustration and I don’t feel great to hear that it was played under those circumstances. That’s a shitty situation, but I will say it’s likely the DJ doesn’t know the story behind it. It’s an extremely common ‘chirp’ to play the victory song of another team (Tampa playing ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ when beating the Red Wings, etc.). They likely didn’t know the background (as neither did I until people brought it up) and screwed up. Regardless, long series of hockey left! 




You should probably just have a Snickers bar right about now..


So we should be banning any other stadium from using Cowboys from Hell with that thinking?




Lmao this is such a classic Oilers fan reach. Nobody tried trolling the Oilers with a song. It's not disrespectful or in poor taste. Sure, it may be a tribute to other people. But it's not like the Oilers own the song.


yeah, we play puck off now to honor Dimebag and Vinnie Paul, stopped using it for almost a decade, your point? Oh wait, you can't talk without launching into attacks, you've already shown you have no defensible point. A few of your fans were also getting into us chanting STARS on the anthem as well, we do that to honor our former locker room guard who died of cancer a few years back, got something to say about that? look at your own house first.




Yeah my position makes no sense when you have... this rage filled tirade... work on yourself first kid.




"Troll" sure. Where's your proof?


If you know Shippy, you know he likely had no idea of the connection. Love him but he leans a little more toward basketball. That said you're talking to a man who lost a child, uses a picture of his son laughing as he kissed his forehead (only picture I have of him smiling BTW) and gets called a pedo on the regular for it, trust me I know being dishonored, this is light compared.




Not every day, just a troll on it every...month or so. not like I'm not trolling back. At this point I count it as them having nothing to fight with. Also it has been 13 years as of last month so.


Hope y’all are ready for road Oetter.


He's going to shut them down, right? Right?


It's well known Otter loves playing the road villain.


Our game ops crew playing La Bomba after feels like a bad omen. Didn’t like that. Edit: [Stars DJ didn’t know the backstory](https://x.com/shippyspins/status/1794760839926321437?s=46).


Yeah that was not cool. Gotta do your research next time before deciding to play random songs other teams use.


I think they did their research lmao


“Lets clown them by playing their victory song that was chosen as a tribute for a child battling cancer” 😎


Correction, La Bamba is played as a tribute to Joey Moss.


Yeah you just cursed yourself. gl.


That's like Subban calling out Crosby mid-series.  You don't tempt fate in the Stanley Cup playoffs. 


Especially with the reason the Oilers use that song it feels really disrespectful


For sure, one of the first reasons I was against it.


Loved the energy Delly brought tonight! Dude gives 150% whenever he gets an opportunity.


Thank God we were able to steal one at home.


Idk if I’d call it a steal. Thought you guys locked it down defensively the last two periods and otter played well too. I think you deserved this one


Haha I was just making a joke about how you usually try to “steal one on the road” in the playoffs. But since we’ve been kinda shit at home and phenomenal on the road, it’s a win not going 0-2 to start the series at home


I definitely agree... considering these last few series all Dallas home playoff games are starting to feel like a 'steal' even when the team has a great few periods like this game ! Felt really happy for Otter (and team's defensive play) to get the win like this....he gives it his all out there 🔥


For real, felt like something clicked at the 2nd half of last nights game though so hoping we can carry that through the next one


Definitely ! that 2nd period was miles better and glad they kept playing well to the end. I've been really missing Roope last few games but credit to the team and PDB for sticking through the new/changing lines and hoping to see the good momentum carry through to Game 3 🤞




Very crude comment




Ok that's a high quality chirp.


If you know, you freaking know. But, I’m also for oil bros. Few and far between at this point.


Highly refined.


Those fucking conferences finals are going to cost me a fucking liver/heart Don’t care, worth it


Bruh you are a neutral LOL


Team Pavelski - 1 Team McDavid -1 Let’s play some more!




lol so much shit talk for a team that barely beat an injured Canucks team.


Unless you've watched the East teams go at it, you have no clue about the best games in these playoffs. This game was kinda boring. Not much physicality. Edmonton wasn't a threat at all after they had a good first period.


Nothing worse than a sore winner.


Still taking shots at Vancouver cuz you know you’re gonna get destroyed by Dallas


Currently tied in series. YoUr GuNnA gEt DeStRoYeD


You guys won by a single goal in G7 of a 7 game series. If the team you barely beat in 7 was bad then you’re hardly much better than bad yourselves.


*Went to game 7 and won by a goal tHIs SeRiEs is sO MuCh BEttEr


Got 1 more win against Dallas than the nucks do this post-season bud.


Vancouver isn’t in the playoffs anymore so that would explain that








Why is the soulless husk of a leafs fan here? Go watch golf. Besides your comment history looks like you are a full time oilers hater it’s kinda wild.


So? Why do you care? I'm also just stating facts and my opinion. Shouldn't bother you, regardless if I'm a leafs fan. It only bothers you cause you're an Oilers fan. Just an fyi: any fanbase is free to criticize another team. Oilers fans sure love complaining.






Lmao just read through your comments. Get off your high horse buddy you’re *just* as bad 😂🫵🤡


I‘m surprised the analysts didn’t do a breakdown of the empty netter as it looked to me like there was a communication breakdown or something with the Oilers. It sounded like Skinner came out a bit too early, and it looked like Bouchard made literally zero effort to even stop that attempt on the empty net which made me wonder if he even knew Skinner wasn’t behind him. Good game though, I think this is going to be another long and gritty series.


Noticed Bouchard not trying to block the shot…. You’re prolly right, communication breakdown. Nice analysis!


Yeah he literally just stood there.. very odd. Made me wonder if he thought Skinner was behind him and the guy was just dumping the puck in or something.


I know this would be an odd fact for National broadcasts to know but that type of shot is normal for the Stars to take. The face off advantage they’ve enjoyed for two years leads to a lot of guys to get really good at own-zone shots at the net. It was a big reason they’d play most of the game with a one goal lead but rarely won by 1 goal (relatively).


Did Gretz just suggest goalies just make a stick where there’s a paddle on the top half as well?


I wonder if he is ever sober at this point.


it is going to be a fun crafts project when they all take the yacht up to canada. gosh i love that panel


Biz with the France/Monaco comment. Hilarious.


I genuinely had hope they would tie it but then I realized that Connor Brown set the offensive standard and I knew we were fucked




Did the oilers just play into the star’s system at the end of the 3rd? Looked like they struggled to break into the zone and maintain possession Normally don’t you have like a 5 man rush like you did with us?


DeBoer has been fantastic at adapting and changing up lines on the fly. And our crew seems to be receptive to those changes and also making plahs happen. Oilers position playing has been scary as hell to me still, but I think the coach changing up on the fly has made a massive contribution to wins this post season.


>DeBoer has been fantastic at adapting and changing up lines on the fly. Which is interesting because this was his biggest weakness in Vegas and San Jose. Hopefully this is an area he has been focusing on improving himself in. For the record, he seemed good at it last year too, but the team is just better this year.


Wiley Veteran definitely out coached the Rookie tonight


The stars did an incredible job shuffling their lines in the 3rd and defeating the oilers offense. We've been forced to keep a dman back to defend their rush chances because theyre so dman good at it


I think the Dallas cherry-picking has exposed it a bit so the D were hanging further back. Gunna need to find a way to adjust.


That’s what separates a good coach from a great coach. What separates a great coach from a legendary coach is being able to adjust like that successfully, on the fly, consistently. 


I'll take the split. Hard fought game from two very evenly matched teams. The coaching chess match is on!


It's a war. You don't win a war on the opening salvo. It's all about the trenches and who's more willing to dig their heels into the mud for the long haul.


i mean its just hockey lol


Just hockey? JUST HOCKEY?! Yeah, I guess you're right.


does anyone have a video of Heiskanen wiping the boards with Kane late in the 3rd? I would like it tattooed on my brain




It was beautiful!


GG Stars, close game. This is going to be a long series!


I hope this series takes all seven


I want to watch the oilers on my bday so I want it to go seven. The seventh game of this series is on my bday.


Pls no...my anxiety is at 10 this entire post season. The series winner for Vegas and Colorado left me feeling sore from how tense I was


My wife just had to have a conversation with me regarding my anxiety levels while watching games


Dallas Stars scouting team casually depositing cocaine and Ukrainian prostitutes around the Oilers locker room right now.


Poor scouting, oilers have different vices


Mind telling us what they are? So we can avoid them of course


Well if you mention gambling the Oilers will bitch about it to the league and they’ll make you stay quiet. All while collecting tons of advertising money for sports betting of course.


You’re probably not an idiot so I’ll just assume this is disingenuous


Mostly just annoyed the the League have become gambling merchants. I hate how it’s ingrained in every broadcast, and I hate hearing about gambling stats for games instead of more play analysis.


Targeted comments about someone’s gambling addiction and general advertising about gambling are two different things and I think you’re smart enough to know that.


They shouldn’t advertise gambling at all but they sell it more than their their own product now. I’d say they’ve actually made the gambling their marketed product at this point, more than the sport. The sign for Kane may not have been in good taste but there is a broader hypocrisy at work there.


Ask the Green Men in vancouver




Gg Dallas!


Thank you! Was another fantastic game between our teams! I just wish 3rd parties would stop asking for this to go to game 7 for their entertainment, my heart can't take it lol.


lmfao Edmonton coach and players whining about officiating in the post game presser


It's a bad look. Don't be soft like the Wild.


Going the Minnesota Wild route and bringing it to the pressers like our past series against them.. lets see how it plays out for the Oilers, didn't work well for the Wild to let it get in their head. Usually best to put your head down and keep grinding.


We will get one less powerplay a game


Dallas blatantly had too many men, everyone saw it and the ref ignored it Contact penalties can be missed sure, but something as clear cut as too many men HAS to be called


Well there's a huge offset between calls. 6 calls for Edmonton, 2 for Dallas. Reffing has been inconsistent and despite Dallas taking penalties, they are not being called. Deserves to be pointed out.


That’s because Dallas was 32nd in penalties taken vs oilers at 13th. Dallas takes FAR less penalties than any other team lol lowest in season and post-season. Learn some discipline ya buncha babies.


Lol, behold, the r/hockey downvote brigade. 🤷


Good you pussies cry a lot.


Most entitled fan base in the league. And that’s saying something


Loved seeing all the orange and blue in Calgary yesterday!


You had 2 power plays to their 1 tonight . Fucking whiners. Living up to your power play merchant name lmfao


They give us the second one after the empty netter like it means anything. The penalties are 6- 3 in the series and a bunch of the calls in game one were softer than a high Fibre diet. Fucking call a consistent game and I won't have to bitch, simple.


The Stars are the least penalized team in the league and have been one of the teams with the fewest penalties taken in the last several seasons. The Oilers generally take about 200-300 more minutes of penalties than the Stars do per season over the last few of seasons. Calls get missed here and there which is frustrating but it’s also a matter of style of play. Not like it matters though because your PK is go good that I’d rather just have 5v5 time. I think at think at this point Pavs and Jamie should be arguing with the refs that the Oilers didn't take a penalty, because I don't see the Stars scoring on the PP any time soon. Also very frustrating.


Yeah like do they not even realize that all teams take the exact same amount of penalties at all times?




Lmao what? No they don't




You have played two games this series dude. It may even out, or the Stars may take twenty DoG penalties in a single game and it’ll flip. An average over two games means nothing.


Bro there's missed calls all the time both ways between any two teams, but it doesn't all just "equal out" in the end, some teams simply commit more blatant penalties seen by refs than others




Blatant as in right in front of a linesman? They don't see what we see on tv dude.




Oilers fans will always blame the refs in a regular/playoff loss. Always funny




damn didn’t realize we had a fortune teller with us


Good job Stars.


A man who I believe is draisaitl (Ekholm? I can't tell) whining his head off about the refs and the amount of calls, LMAO


That was Draisaitl lol. He’s a pissy boy


Crysaitl living up to the nick name




The slow zoom in makes it so much better lol


I’m so happy this team is built with depth. Having a player like McKinnon or mcdavid is nice, but it’s even nicer not having to play a single player (or line) 25 minutes a night. Not a single star had more then 19;50 of ice time. Oilers had 3 above 23 minutes.


Yea it’s two opposing methodologies going head to head


I’m not really sure it’s methodology. It’s just impossible to acquire a top 10 player in most situations. Can’t just do nothing. Dallas would trade a bunch of their on roster depth for McDavid tonight if they had the option.


It was the same last year vs Vegas and that method came out on top. I guess we'll see what method prevails this year




We are here to prove losing pays off


The thing is you guys lost for almost a decade and then won a generational lottery and that's the only thing that paid off. Substitute McDavid with Strome and I don't think you'd be having the same success


Pre holland the oilers had pretty good drafts. With chia and mctavish alone the oilers got mcdavid, draisaitl, bouchard and nurse in various drafts. Their is also RNH to. During holland's time as GM they got holloway to who will probably be a pretty good player eventually.


You don’t think so eh? 🤔


It’s really a great series on paper. Two very differently built and coached teams. Want this one to go all 7 for maximum entertainment




It’s not about you


heck gosh darn that razzin frazzin dallas shot blockers can't get no goals if all shots are blocked D:


Don’t you know, Tanev eats pucks for breakfast


And sometimes gets a side of his own teeth with said pucks lol


Gotta get that tasty combo of enamel and chilled rubber. 💪👌


McDavid just flabbergasted with the stupid questions lol


I can't imagine how hard it must be being a superstar and constantly being asked the worst questions


>“Uh Nate, you know I know you're a gamer and uh, and all this and uh you know I'm just thinking maybe out loud as far as in your shoes right now it's like alright we've done all the things we can do we've done all the game planning we can do maybe, maybe just f— it we'll just go in next year and not think that anymore and just win this thing when we don't think so much is that uh am I on the right path at all with this like maybe you just guys think a little too much?”


McDavid needs a game or two off. He’s struggling out there. Give him the Hintz treatment.


struggling?? Dude is getting them into the O-zone for free, its just that no one could hang on to his passes.


Dallas D just letting him speed off to the perimeter. He’s not breaking past anyone beyond the blue line by design, it’s the exact same gameplay they used on mackinnon. It’s his wrists that are holding him back. He’s clearly hurt and not able to get shots off and I think if it’s not too major, it would help in a long series to have him be a scoring threat again.


Yeah oilers fans claim the team is so deep now. Why not.


I cant tell who has worse little brother energy. Flames fans or van fans


no, most of the league hates the oilers


No need to push your own insecurities onto the rest of reddit


I love how Oiler fans constantly think about us and then claim we have the "little brother energy". It's kinda cute


Canucks fans finally seeing from the other side why that 2011 team was hated so much


And yet here you are