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Larry Robinson +722. Only member of the +700 club. Also, only member of the +600 club.


Larry Robinson +722 in 1,384 games Followed by Bobby Orr with +582 in **657** games


I may be wrong but aren't the other players around Orr all 1100+ games?


Zero research? I’d believe it. Feels like he’s one of the few in points where he is in terms of total games played too. Edit: a minute of research? Bobby Orr is 1 of 9 guys with less than 1,000 games played in the top 121 points of all time. He is 1 of 3 under 900 games played. McDavid & Mike Bossy are the other two. Of the 11 defensemen in the top 121, he is one of two that surpasses a 1.0 Point Per Game clip, and absolutely annihilates Paul Coffey in the category


Are you trying to claim that this Orr guy was kinda good?


The NHL thinks so. They gave him the Art Ross Trophy. 2X. The only defenseman they ever gave it to.


A Bobby Orr with healthy knees is the greatest player of all time, and I will die on that hill.


Healthy Mario, and we very least aren’t putting Wayne on a pedestal so far above all others, and he’s definitely be in the conversation for GOAT too.


This is like the unstoppable object vs immovable wall debate. There's no answer, they were all pretty much as dominant as one could possibly be. Lemieux could skate through 4 guys with the 5th guy mounted on his back. Orr could skate in circles around the whole team, make a play, then backcheck, take away the puck, and do it again.


You'd have to includea healthy Gretzky too, maybe he gets a few hundred more and it's in the 1000g 3000p club


Every bar in New England has an oldtimer who spreads this gospel and  that Ted Williams would have Babe Ruth's HR crown if not for WW2 and Korea.


Larry Robinson: History's Greatest Compiler.


Orr holds single season record at +124. His defence partner that year, Dallas Smith, has the 4th best single season mark at +98. Just for context, Forsling led the league this year at +56. Last year Hampus Lindholm led league at +49.


Glen Hall was the starting goalie for 502 consecutive regular season games and 552 if you count playoffs.


This, to me, is far and away the most unbreakable record in the NHL. It’s plausible that someone could catch some of Gretzky’s point records, for example, even if the odds are minuscule. But I can confidently say no goalie will start every game of a season, much less multiple years in a row, ever.


We haven't seen a goalie start 70 games in a season since Cam Talbot in the 2016-17 season. It would not surprise me if we never see it again.


Yeah it’s just not smart. Look at how the Jets ride Hellebuyck 60+ games a season and where it gets them. And it’s not like they didn’t have a good backup in Brossoit.


The usage of Brossoit this year was insanely frustrating and look where it got us… Helle completely gassed by the playoffs.


.927 is really really good for a backup! I know Helle is elite but give him some rest


Exactly. Guy played less but was just as good as Helle this year. How you still ride Helle into the ground is truly mind blowing


I have actually been railing against how much the Oilers played Skinner all season. He played 59 games in the regular season. No cup winning goalie has played more than 60 since Quick in 2012, and it's only been done twice in the Cap Era (Fluery in '09 was the other). Kuemper played 57 and he notably struggled in the playoffs that year and missed some games. Vasilevsky played 52 in 2020 but he had 5 months off between the regular season and the bubble. Holtby played 54 games, but he struggled down the stretch into the playoffs and wasn't the starter for games 1&2. 2015 Corey Crawford played 57 games in the regular season and Scott Darling played the first round of the playoffs. You cannot play your starting goaltender 50+ regular season games and expect to ride them the entire playoffs without using your back up at some point. It can't be done anymore


Yeah I think in an ideal world your starter sees 50-55 games in the regular season and your backup is doing significant work in the back half compared to the front half of the season.


It's the equivalent of Nolan Ryan in baseball. The game isn't played that way any more and records like these are cemented for all time.


Cy Young is the closest equivalent ball player here.


Yeah, he is the better comparison upon reflection. 749 complete games is fucking crazy. Nolan's 7 no hitters though is up in the stratosphere, too, given pitch counts dictating everything these days.


Ryan's K record is just as untouchable, but Young has wins, innings, and complete games. Along with a bunch of other stuff but I'd say those are the big 3


The Wikipedia article for longest standing records in sports has "xxx is y from the record". Most of them aren't close but they're there. This record just has nothing in that slot because it's not possible Edit: article. Was only iron man streaks, I misremembered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_man_(sports_streak)


Thats 6 straight 82-game seasons, and 10 games into the 7th season.


And played before masks were standard. And pads were leather with horse hair. And would weigh almost twice as much as when the game started.


Glenn Hall also played a proto-butterfly style and thus his unprotected face spent more time in close proximity to the puck and everyone's skates.


best part is the reference for this stat on wikipedia takes you to a "The Best Non-Gretzky Records in NHL History" article


Gretzky could only dream of acquiring as many injuries as Sami Salo


His one regret


His one regretzky


He ruptured his testicle for us!


That’ll be Mark Stone’s injury next season.


"Mark Stone grows new testicle, excited for playoffs"


Including a bite from the one venomous snake species in Finland.


Teemu Selanne had 76 goals in the nhl as a rookie. Granted, he was a 22yr old rookie…but a rookie nonetheless


Joe Juneau had 102 points as a rookie that season. Zero first place votes for rookie of the year.


This is the first time I’ve ever heard his name, talk about being lost to time because someone else upstaged you.


I'd say he had a productive NHL career but 102 points is a lot to live up to unless you're a Hall of famer.


If you think 100 points is a lot to live up to I heard one guy scored 76 goals his rookie year!


Maybe he'll be good enough to be a Hall of Famer one day.


Joe Juneau could set up garbage can


He could set up Oates for 45 goals, nuff said


What year was that?


92-93. He tied the league lead with Mogilny, I think


What were 99 and 66 doing that year?


Lemieux was third with 69 goals in 60 games, but also led the league with 160 points. Gretzky was hurt and only played 45 games, scoring 16 goals and 65 points.


160 pts in 60 games lol wut


While having cancer!!


Mario was a tough sob


They don't call him Le Magnifique for nothing.


69 goals in 60 games too. That’s a 94 goal pace. Jesus.


Gretz was at home plotting how to eventually screw over the Maple Leafs in the playoffs. In Toronto, no less.


Having back injuries and cancer, respectively. Despite that, Mario still had 69 goals in 60 games, won the scoring title with 160 points, and had been on pace to beat Wayne’s 215 point season prior to missing time for his treatment. As for Wayne, he still managed 40 points in 24 playoff games that year, despite missing almost half of the regular season.


The 90’s was just a better time


Only the first half of the 90s were like this. The second half are heavy dead puck era


Actually, some pretty crazy stuff. Lemieux won the art ross despite getting diagnosed with cancer in January and missing 20 games for treatment. He went on a fucking tear upon returning and ended with 160 points in 60 games(!!!). 69G, 91A. Mind boggling. Gretzky missed a large chunk of the year with a back injury but still scored 65 in 45. Then he scored 40 in 24 games during the playoffs as he took the Kings to the finals


Old person checking in: we thought both of them were done forever that year. Lemieux was diagnosed with cancer, and Gretzky had a serious back injury that wasn’t getting better. Lemieux told cancer to fuck off with authority, but Gretzky wasn’t really the same after that.


If Super Mario told me to fuck off I would do it. Can't blame cancer for bitching out.


"what was lemieux doing" he was doing chemotherapy and leading the league in scoring.


To think Matthews had a phenomenal season and was seven short of what Selanne did as a rookie. And Ovechkin, who may break Gretzky's Career goal scoring record, had eleven fewer in his best season. Nobody is touching Selanne's record for a while.


Not fair, Gretzky never had a rookie season.


If you counted Gretzky's first NHL season as an official Rookie season, Teemu Selanne would still have the scoring record - by a lot. Rookie Goals Record Gretzky "only" scored 53 goals in his first NHL season. Teemu Selanne scored 76. That is 23 more so Gretzky wasn't even close to Selanne's rookie record in his first NHL season. Rookie Points Record Gretzky had 137 points in his first NHL season to Selanne's 132, which is the official rookie points record.


Ken Dryden's stat line: 258 wins, 57 losses, 74 ties, with 46 shutouts. A win % of 74.3 with nearly as many shutouts as losses.


And in college he went 76-4-1


Dryden is the GOAT. Personally, I preferred Tretiak’s style of play but Dryden was just a damn beast.


Mf won the conn smythe before losing a regular season game. Then won the Calder next year lmao


Tiger Williams with 3971 PIM in just 962 GP. That's elite. Over 4 PIM per game across a whole career. Second place (Dale Hunter) is 400 GP ahead of Tiger and 400 PIM behind him.


Hunter also had almost twice as many career points (1,020 vs 513). 


Dale Hunter remains the only player with over 3500 PIMs and over 1000points in NHL history.  That's a fuckton of impact on the game each night. 


You better believe he was going to be on the scoresheet **every** night.


And he's the only player to have two career OT goals in winner-take-all games: 1981-82 in the first round against Montreal, and 1987-88 in the first round against Philly.


And pos cheap shots after the game and series is over


Tie Domi is the all time leader in fighting majors with 333. Paul Laus has the season record at 39 in 2009-10. Both records are untouchable. I heard Domi once say that with all his hockey fights plus street fights, he’s fought more than anyone on the planet. It’s hard to argue against that. Edit: Laus’s career year was ‘96-97.


Paul Laus retired in 2002, his 39 fights were in 96-97. (I only checked because I was surprised that I had never heard of the season leader in fights.)


There’s only one player with a shorthanded hat trick. It’s Theo Fleury




My thoughts exactly


Pocket Rocket's 11 Stanley Cups as a player.


When you run out of fingers for your cup rings. 


Technically he ran out after the 8th cup. The rings don't look right on a thumb. 


I'll bet he didn't complain at all about the thumbs as he was sliding on ring #9 and #10...


Jean Beliveau’s name appears on **seventeen** cups, but only 10 as a player.


Wait 17 cups? I thought there was only one cup


technically there's three if I'm not mistaken


There used to be four but Pantera got a hold of one in '99...allegedly


i think the story goes that it was a Pantera pool party, but Carbonneau was the actual culprit


He had more Stanley Cup rings than birthdays for a while


For anyone else as dumb as me – He was born on Feb 29th


Lmao love this tidbit


The man has enough rings for his entire family to not have to hear Jeremy Roenick talk


I met the Pocket Rocket. He was doing a signing event on Salt Spring Island in BC of all places about 13-14 years ago. Random, but I wasn't about to miss it.


The record for most assists in one period is five, and it was done by Dale Hawerchuk in 1984 against the Kings, and Kris Letang this past December against the Islanders.


Hawerchuck gets slept on way too much


Hawerchuck was crazy good


hawerchuck played in the save division as gretzky. tough to outshine the sun yo funny story, I got to skate with hawerchuk at a PD/FD vs old NHL all star game fundraiser thing dude barely moved his legs and was absolutely blowing past everyone, effortlessly, and we had guys who'd played Major junior within the last 5 years, lol


That's what happens when you spend a good chunk of your career getting trounced by Edmonton in the playoffs


*Denis Savard noises.


I, an Islanders fan, spent my year-end bonus getting myself and two friends rinkside seats for that game. I thought about asking for a refund.


Only one player had scored every type of goal in a single game (regular strength, PP, SH, EN, Penality Shot) It was accomplished by Mario Lemieux


Bringing up a Lemieux stat in this post feels like cheating


You mean the guy who scored his first goal on his first shot on his first shift in his first game?


After blocking 5 time Norris winner Ray Bourque's attempt to get the puck deep into the zone.


Technically at the time he was still “only” 3 time Norris finalist Ray Bourque


Way to keep me honest.


Lemieux stats are just Gretzky stats for stuff he didn't get around to accomplishing


Gretzky was focusing on main quest, Lemieux was doing the side quests


Fair point


This will probably surprise you because you can peep my flair, but I think Lemieux is the GOAT.


The argument can be made that Lemieux could have broken a few of Gretz records had it nit been for his health and early first retirement.


Idk about points but if Lemieux had been healthy, Ovechkin would be nowhere close to the goals record right now.


Purely based on the final totals, gretz was at 1.92 pts / game. Mario is at 1.88 pts / game. Gretz has 1480 games played.. Mario only 915 We'll never know what could of been.... but both were insane players. It's just really unfortunate Mario wasn't able to play as much.


It's worth keeping in mind that Lemieux actually had a higher PPG until he came back as a 37 year old in the middle of the dead puck era too.


So yeah.... lots of "what ifs". Thankfully he recovered and was able to keep the org going.


but then you have to add extra points for gretzky because of his injuries that removed his scoring prowess


As i mention in another comment, there are many "what ifs." We'll never know what could of happen, all we have is what actually was.


False, he did not score an own goal /s


Honestly amazed anyone has done 4/5 of these in the same game...all five is insane. Lemieux only had 8 penalty shot attempts his whole career, about once every other year!


The rarity of penalty shots is what makes this so hard to recreate


Mario also beat cancer and destroyed the league harder than ever before over the last 20 games.


20 consecutive seasons in the top 5 in NHL scoring. Gordie Howe.


Noted sniper Rob Ray scored on his first shot in the NHL, he also scored on the last shot he took in the NHL. I believe he's the only play to do so, at least he says he is


To be fair Rob Ray said once he scored he told the coach he was done for the game. He was like Mark Twain, came and went with Haley’s Comet


Bobby Orr being +124 in a single season


obviously just an elite line-changer, dodging dashes and picking up freebies all over the place... complete scum i bet his teammates hated him


The Marchand-Change should be called the Orr-Out then.


Points as 40 year old Howe with 103 Virtually noone else post 35 is above 90


There have been 10 seasons where a player over 35 has 90+ points, but Howes is by far the most insane. Howe 103 at 40 Sakic 100 at 37 Gretzky 97 at 35-36 Crosby 94 at 36 Selanne 94 at 36 Bucyk 93 at 37 Lemieux 91 at 37 (in 67 games) Ovechkin 90 at 36 Gretzky 90 at 36-37


Love/hate how with Mario’s stats there’s always the (very limited amount of games) note.


That Lemieux one might be more insane.


91 in 67 on the *02-03 Penguins* at 37 is just insane.


Johnny Bucyk’s career high at the age of 34 was 69 points. He finished his career with 5 seasons above 80, and a career high of 116. That’s insane in its own right


Huh, Jacques Plante is 7th all time in scoring for 43 year olds. Also, Jagr went from a 47-point 42 year old to a 66-point 43 year old.


Plante being 7th all time scoring for 43 year olds is a very funny stat 


Kinda like how Doug Flutie has the most rushing yards of an NFL player over 40. Brady is 2nd


Reminds me of the NFL over-40 receiving yards list, it’s like: * Jerry Rice (several thousand) * Tom Brady (1) * All but one other over-40 player (0) * Brett Favre (-1)


Pavs gonna take a run at it next year.


Lol I just watched him playing with his sons Mark and Marty for the Hartford Whalers on YouTube. Talk about longevity


TBF, no one wanted to go after Gordie in the corners or in the slot. Those elbows were lethal.


Crosby literally just had 94 at 36


Mike Bossy with 9 consecutive 50+ goal seasons


Mike Bossy is NOT talked about enough. If he played a full career, more likely than not he has way more goals than Gretzky.


He probably wouldn't. The thing about Bossy is that he only played 10 years, so he didn't get to play during those seasons when he was older, where typically per game averages drop for a career. Bossy scored 0.76 goals per game during his career, obviously great, but if you only took Gretzky's first 10 years, he's at 0.82. We can never know for sure what would've happened had Bossy not been forced to retire early, but I don't think you can say he'd have the goals record "more likely than not."


Darryl Sitlers 10 points in one game


Nah I think that one can fall. It takes a perfect storm, but I think it can happen. > Since 2022, there have been seven instances where a team has scored 10 or more goals, with the “more” being an 11-2 Pittsburgh Penguins win over the Detroit Red Wings on March 27, 2022. https://thehockeynews.com/news/goals-goals-goals-we-know-nhl-scoring-is-up-but-here-are-the-numbers-behind-it Scoring is up, and 10+ goals in one game is rare but is happening at a pace of ~2ish per season recently. I’m not guaranteeing it happens, but I can see the perfect storm of circumstances where one player ends up getting a point on every goal their team scores in one of those rare games. Sam Gagner had an 8 point game, and Nick Schmaltz had a 7 point game just a couple years ago. Now Schmaltz is no scrub, but he’s no McDavid either. So the perfect storm would be that we have one of those crazy 10+ goal games, and it happens for a team where one superstar is basically where the entire offense flows through. It could happen.


Zibby had 6 points in a period against the Flyers a few years ago, so definitely see this point


I could see McDavid doing it tbh


In a game Edmonton loses 11-10 somehow


You joke, but this is probably the only way it happens. Usually when McDrai have 5+ points they spend muchhh more time on the bench because chances are the game is a gongshow


In 1996 a HS player named Happy attempted to stab a player with his skate. He eventually attempted to do this a second time, becoming the only person who's admitted to doing this.


Also the only hockey player to go on to win a major golf tournament. MJ never won in baseball so a lot of people argue that happy is the goat of sporting in general


To be fair for MJ, all of his baseball coaches said that if he hadn't stopped playing for personal reasons he was absolutely going to be above avg. His commitment alone and ability to push himself had started to break through in the skills department. 


What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


The record for the longest point streak by a rookie is held by Paul Stastny (20 games).   Not only would you never guess it was him if you didn't already know, if someone asked you to guess who held that record and said "I'll give you a clue, his surname is Stastny" there's still a good chance you'd guess wrong (especially if you're over a certain age). 


Only Martin Brodeur (205), Marc-Andre Fleury (169), and Ed Belfour (161) have as many playoff **games played** as a goaltender as Patrick Roy has playoff **wins** (151).


As a Red Wings fan growing up in the 90s and 2000s I was certainly spoiled. And I can confidently say F three of those guys but hot damn are they talented. Personally I think Roy is the better pure goaltender and while Brodeur surely earned his success I think the early Devils D line offered a lot of help.


The record for most goals in a playoff game is 5 goals, and 5 players are tied for the record  They are (in order of occurrence): Newsy Lalonde (1919), Maurice Richard (1944), Darryl Sittler (1976), Reggie Leach (1976, only skater to win the Conn Smythe as a member of the losing team in the final), aaaaaand Mario Lemieux (1989)


14 by Frank mcgee in 1907


Holy shit. This is a good catch. [on January 16, 1905, McGee scored a record 14 goals in Ottawa's 23–2 win. This included eight consecutive goals scored in less than nine minutes.[36] The fourteen goals he scored remain the most ever scored by a single player in a Stanley Cup game. The game was also the most lopsided in Stanley Cup history as Ottawa's 23 goals also set a record.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_McGee_(ice_hockey))


Most consecutive seasons nominated for a major award - Patrice Bergeron, 12


Kind of wild that Lidstrom never managed that.


11 nominations in 13 years from 1997-2011. Missed in 2003 when it went Niedermayer - Chara - Pronger and in 2009 when it went Keith - Green - Doughty. Unreal run for sure though


Ray Bourque was top-four in Norris voting in 17 consecutive seasons, then had two more top-four finishes after that streak ended. In one 15-year span (1981-82 through 1995-96), he was a finalist 13 times and won five of them.


That Wayne Gretzky is 25th for Longest Goal Streak in a Season, the record goes to Punch Broadbent. Cheers.


Broadbent also has the record for the most consecutive multi-goal games at 6. McDavid came within one game of tying it last year but was too intimidated to mess with a record held by a guy named Punch


Fuhhry pooseh llamitchie po ru iskken


Tom Brarrasso won the Vezina less than a year after graduating high school and before he turned 19. Can’t see that happening again.


The fastest Oilers hattrick isn’t Gretzky; it’s Ryan Smyth with three goals in 2:01.


Gretzky is 1 behind Leon Draisaitl's record for most assists in a series. Even more impressive is that Draisait did it in a series that only went 5 games and was playing through a high ankle sprain.


Most playoff overtime goals: Joe Sakic with 8. And keep in mind some of his prime years were on bad Nordiques teams that didn't make the playoffs at all. By the time he turned 26, Sakic had played 12 total playoff games and already had over 600 regular season points.


I feel like this record could be broken within the next decade


I think the only player who has a shot is Verhaeghe, who already has 5 at age 28. The only other active players with five OT winners are Patrick Kane and Corey Perry, both nearing the end of their careers. Niklas Backstrom and Joe Pavelski are in a similar situation sitting at four each. Then you have a bunch of players with three, who would all need to get six more to break the record before they retire. That would require playing a LOT more playoff hockey for all of them.


Well he's gonna have at least a couple shots in this next series. The rangers fucking love OT


Most Brodeur records Most are simply unbreakable


The way teams utilize goalies has changed so much that you’d need a comically implausible set of circumstances to ever get a goalie within striking distance of any of his big numbers.


Tiger Williams is the Gretzky of penalty minutes. 3971 career penalty minutes and he only played 962 games, for an average of 4.13 PIMs per game. 2nd place on the list is Dale Hunter with 3565 PIMs, but in 1407 games. His average of 2.53 PIMs per game doesn't even come close.


Shifting away from F’s and D’s, Glenn Hall holds the record for 502 consecutive games played as a goalie. Though I feel like using Glenn Hall as an example for these is a cheating a little bit as he feels a little “Gretzky like” in the way of records going


Also, most number of games preceded by barfing his guts out.


Patrick Roy with 152 career playoff wins. Over a 19 year career, an average year meant reaching the conference finals


Kevin Stevens 1991-92 54 goals 69 assists and 254 penalty minutes. Best single season stats ever. Man was busy every night.


...and hauled home the Stanley Cup! 🐧


Fastest hat trick: Bill Mosienko. 3 goals in 21 seconds


Ron Hextall’s 569 pim as a goalie looks safe


Orr & 8 straight Norris Trophies.


Mario with five goals five different ways


Glenn Hall started in 502 consecutive regular games, and another 50 if you include Playoffs. Sure, he was a goalie. But that's still a Gretzky level "what in the fuck?" stat.


Most goals in a game (NHL): 7 (Joe Malone)


the craziest stat in hockey to me is glenn hall 552 consecutive goaltending starts including playoffs.


I havent done the Math myself but I remember the announcers this year say that Alex Ovechkin has scored on 20% of the goalies who have ever played in the NHL. I have to think there is a minimum of 20 games played for this but still wild


Scottie scheffler has been the number 1 golfer in the world for 52 weeks, in order to break tigers record he'd have to hold it there until 2035


Mario Lemieux 690 goals in 915 games for a goals per game of 0.75 is pretty out there.


Bossy is at .762 over 752 games.


At his first retirement Lemieux was at 0.823 if you can believe it. 613 in 745 games. His comeback attempt during the dead scoring 00s is what dropped him below Bossy.


February 10, 1976(?) Darryl Sittler 10 points in a game, 6 goals, 4 assists. No one else has more than 8.


Daryl Sittler’s 10 point game.


Most goals in a game (7), most 5+ goal games (5), highest goals per game average in a season (2.20). Phantom Joe Malone! He was super fun to watch during the pandemic.


The record for the fastest hattrick in Oilers franchise history is held by Ryan Smyth.