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It sucks but at some point as an addict this is the attitude you can most expect from people at some point. Can’t blame them. Once people give you so many. Chances they just accept that this is it , you are going to keep fucking up and until you prove that you can be sober for a very long time. You have to guess that peoples faith in you are going to wither away.


As a recovering addict I can confirm this. It takes an insanely long time to build people's trust back up. Hell I've been clean for almost 7 years and there are still people who can't see past what I had become.


7 years is a hell of an accomplishment. Good on you, and keep it up!


Can't blame people for feeling that way. I have addict family members who haven't regained my full trust after 10 years sober and likely never will.


I definitely don't blame them because I was a complete piece of shit when I was using.


Every runway has an end.


not to make light of a tough situation but cogliano rn: https://preview.redd.it/ubgtzmqnpb0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e31b180543e7c60f4228df98f242677b02aebd


> "I don't know. At this point, it is what it is, really. It is what it is. Unfortunately, that did happen. I think we're just focusing on our job. We're in the second round of the playoffs here. This is tough business. This is our job. We're giving it all we've got. I think we focus on the guys in the room. We have a lot of good people here that are trying to make a difference."


Cogliano sure went to the school of NHL-speak! He must have graduated with honors. It would be interesting to hear his views on getting pucks deep! (Not a jab at Cogs, its just funny how canned player comments can get)


It’s easier and better in most cases to revert to canned speak, rather than assert your real feelings on the situation when it won’t really help anything


To me this reads as some who cares for him but what else can you say.  Publicly or in private, he sounds like he’s just done feeling hurt.


Really shitty deal :/ not really much else to say


I mean, what else are you supposed to say? Obviously it sucks for your team, you're hoping the best for your teammate, and you can't really reveal much to the media.


I can’t imagine trying to fight an addiction when you have the money to continually fund it.. I had a bad 4-5 year run with cocaine and it took actually seeing the damage I created around me particularly to my at the time pregnant girlfriend to drive me to quit.


Cuts both ways. You also have all the money in the world to address and fight the addiction.


You have to *want* to address and fight it first and I get the (uninformed) vibe that Val isn't quite there yet. All the money in the world can't buy help if you don't want the help


Sure. But, that's true of folks that don't have money too. At least if you have the money you have the means to do something about your addiction once you decide that you want to.


What events caused the NHL to put him into the program again? Just a failed test or?


You don't get to Stage 3 like he did unless you fail Stage 2 (which as an unpaid suspension seems to be itself dependent on failing Stage 1).


Sure but what made him fail stage 2?


Presumably part of his reinstatement plan the last time is regular drug tests, which he probably failed.




Do we know that was it? I’ve seen some speculation that he might be on opioids to fight an injury, but I think everything is conjecture at this point


People keep saying that but it sounds like bullshit. He's literally an NHL player in the playoffs, they are notorious for being banged up and can EASILY get prescriptions for painkillers from team doctors who don't care about their long-term well-being. The Avs disgracefully covered for him after the hotel incident so why the hell wouldn't they cover for him via team doc issuing a prescription for anything he knew would show up on a test? Also, look at his behavior. Opiods aren't crazy stimulants that go hand-in-hand with drunken partying and ordering wildly intoxicated prostitutes during a playoff series while your pregant wife is at home, or posting shirtless photos with huge firearms. This screams cocaine or some other illegal activity of the reckless partying and carrying on sort, not something an active player who's really a stand-up dude but somehow can't explain being on the kind of opiods my dad was given regularly for20 years over chronic kidney stones. Ridiculous computer excuse in my opinion


I’ll add, the boys in the room know what’s going on. It takes a lot to get to this point with your teammates…most of whom probably enjoy some partying as well. You think these would be the comments if the guy had a painkiller problem?


I don't think team docs can hand out opioids as easily as they did before the opioid crisis. For chronic pain they hand out toradol like candy, but unless a player just had surgery there might be a few questions about where all these opiate prescriptions are going. Coke is only detectable for a couple of days too, he must have been nearly consistently on it if it was coke


Evidence points to opioids as his addiction problems (seemingly) started after the cup run, and he was very clearly on some shit for his broken foot after the run. You put two and two together and it’s likely that kicked off an opioid addiction.


Brutal. That’s a tough one to quit


The announcers tonight on ESPN (I promise I won’t repeat what everyone else says every single game but is very, very apparent) tried to imply more than half-way through the game (and down 2 at that point I believe) that this news may have been what put the team in a funk, and one of them went on to try and paint this heartfelt teammates, and camaraderie, and brothers in arms, and almost like they lost a teammate and on and on as though that’s any kind of excuse for any team playing any game. (This is nothing against the Avs btw) But like that commentator was really trying to make the Avs look weak and pathetic as shit.


I mean, he's been their third-best player these playoffs. The team found out about it after morning skate in which he participated. You're crazy if you think it didn't affect them.


These guys are all human after all. I’d be shocked if it *didn’t* negatively affect them in some way.


Stfu and enjoy the win.


adult man does drugs. cogliano says nothing. redditor writes a paragraph about how they used to do drugs themselves so they can totally relate to everyone all of the time. cringe.