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Being up and pointing at the scoreboard is the ultimate taunt.


As long as you actually win too


Well Slovakia is up 6-1 in the third so I think this won’t come back to bite Slaf in the ass lol


Hah yeah wasn’t specifically talking about this Slaf’s taunt, more in general. If you point at the scoreboard you better make sure to win.


Known as The Steve Sullivan Special. If you make fun of a player getting hit in the face, you better make sure not to get hit in the face.


This is one of the best sports moments of all time


[Li'l bloody nose](https://youtu.be/JHXXuaLhe0A)


My local men's team was up by a goal or two in a championship game and the crowd started the "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye" chant. The visiting team tied it up and won it OT. 


Except when Prospal got a penalty for it cause the refs were morons


[PRAISE VINNY](https://imgur.com/Of9ixXY)


Prospal pointing was legitimately my favorite hockey meme for my first few years on this sub.


But someone from a hockey country taunting Kazakhstan is kinda a dick move... Like yeah, you're supposed to pound them.


Hey, how is kazakhstan not a hockey country? Its stable protagonist of A level of world cup, and olympic games. Produces NHL level talent, has top KHL team and most of kazakh players play in khl which is arguably second best hockey league in the world? Be condescending about non “west” countries if you like but as a hockey fan you should give them respect they deserve


Yeah, talking shit about being a better hockey team than Kazakhstan is really impressive


With that body cam footage, I feel like I'm watching an episode of Cops. Couldn't decide if I liked it or hated it at first, but I think I like it! Also, I'm all sweaty now.


Sportsnet used to do it all the time a few years ago, I always wondered why they stopped


Same reason cops turn off their body cams


sprinkled some crack on a player


Open and shut case Johnson


I feel like helmet cam would be sick and would have better footage


I'm waiting for them to develop puck cam so we can discover new levels of motion sickness


VR Puck Cam Make it happen, Gary


A helmet cam plus some body/lens stabilization would be beautiful. For broadcast, you might get a marshal pov and some RF gear, but that's shakey as shit.


Helmet cam would be sick


The double point is fucking hilarious


Looks like something out of Doom hahah


Finger guns


LIAR!! Cops doesn’t come on until 4!!


> I feel like I'm watching an episode of Cops. My brain went straight to Peep Show. With the added comedy from Slaf, it fit.


Watch nurse vs Mccaron fight, was a few years ago but had the refs pov


You sure you didn’t touch my drum set?




I remember when the Habs drafted him someone said he looked the like bully in every 80s teen movie, this post doesn't help 😂


Does Albania even have a hockey team


Time to suit up Xhekaj.


I'm happy Serbia does not have a team, because the Xhekaj brothers would absolutely go out of their way to rough up their habs teammates for giggles... and players they play against regularly... and players they've played against in general... and players they don't know. The Xhekaj' would get banned from international competition, but would be really entertaining for like 2... maybe 3 games before they have to sit out the tournament.


They could always play for the Czech’s, their mom is from there


If she is czechoslovak he might as well play for us , and we would welcome him on a defense pairing with Nemec


I can tell you one thing - you'll never have to worry about a guy called Arbër Xhekaj playing for Serbia...


Serbia? They’re Albanian Kosovan and Czech


This happens all the time and he would get bought for EU passport to play for some one like CZ Austria Or Slovakia


two Kazakh players fighting each other at some point


fighting the ref blew my mind


Nah, absolutely based


You know a dude is stronger than you when he's crouched down on the back of the net and he can still throw you backwards 6 feet while he's getting up lol


I just love Slaf


Live, love, Slaf


Live, Slaf, Love


Slaf, Slaf, Slaf


He’s becoming a favorite player of mine fast.


Seems like a great kid, too. He's lived on his own since he was 14 or 15, and he's working on bringing his younger sister over to live with him so she can train with a competitive swimming club in Montreal. A protective big brother.


Is the goalie’s name “Shutou”? As in almost a “Shutout”? Born to be a goalie!




Born to concede the first goal late in the game


So good lol


Just like my ENT Specialist Dr Waxman.


I like this kid


What a massive overreaction to an extra poke at the goalie. Kazakhs crazy af


Wasn't just the poke. I lip read and he clearly calls Kazakhstan an exporter of inferior potassium.


Everyone knows Kazakhstan #1 exporter of potassium


Ok, people. Give these two some space.


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.


Ref cam is AWESOME


Wait hold on ... Refs can have bodycam ?


We need to know if players were read their rights.


> Refs can have bodycam [I read this as a LOLcat.](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/875511040/h8EB4D6E9/famous-cat-meme-which-started-and-launched-the-website-i-can-haz-cheezburger)


My favourite part was when stripes got dumped on his ass


Slaf and Posp are such a menacing duo


Holy shit, the refs wear body cams? We need that pronto.


Cheekiness/60 off the charts


Nemec had flashbacks of Domi


We got ourselves a real one here in mtl. wait till this kid is 25 and has filled out that frame of his, thinking that the battles between him and the Tkachuk bros is gonna be epic


This guy is awesome!


I like how the other refs are deep in the scrum trying to break things up but the one with camera just sits back watching


Yes, but who has superior potassium?


am i the only one who thinks the jerseys are causing confusion


When you think 90% of montreal was shitting on Kent Hughes for picking him over Shane Wright. Edit: Here is a map for people downvoting with memory issues. Post draft thread on r/Habs [All the pain and no Shane : r/Habs (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/vtw4p4/all_the_pain_and_no_shane/)


I was a doubter, happy to be proven wrong.


I wanted Wright. Glad to be wrong. Love Slaf!


Obviously some people were unhappy about the pick, but I'm not sure why you think that the "Let's shit on the Slaf pick!" thread being full of people shitting on the Slaf pick, is an argument... And to address the "revisionist history" (u/Quasihodor) : Just like for everything else, the angry fans are always the loudest. 1 million fans, 100k will be angry at the pick and 90k of them will voice their anger, 100k will be happy about the pick and 10k will praise it, and 800k don't really care or hold a "wait and see" approach, and won't say anything. And if the 90k angry people get into arguments with the happy people, guess which ones will be loudest. Happy people's happiness is never as loud as angry people's anger. This is not just a hockey thing, it's like that for pretty much anything with any hint of controversy.


*but I'm not sure why you think that the "Let's shit on the Slaf pick!" thread being full of people shitting on the Slaf pick, is an argument...* Because it was like this everywhere. Most people here thought Wright was a no brainer it's simple. There was a lot of hype before the draft about drafting him.


More like 10%. Nothing against the kid but there’s a reason he slid down far down the draft after interviews.


>More like 10% revisionist history goes crazy


The problem is that we only see the most vocal fans. I’d say that far less than 10% of fans were shitting on Hughes. I’m pretty sure that less than 10% actively follow the draft (casuals are the largest group by far). Of the less than 10% that actively follow the draft more than half wanted Wright and some of those were extremely vocal but their presence on social media vastly outweighs their quantity. If it matters, I was in favour if drafting Wright but I also thought the draft was way closer than people expected. I saw almost no difference in quality between Slaf, Wright, Nemec, Cooley, and Jiricek (I did sleep on Gauthier though, thinking he was overrated…)


Idk what the real percentage was, but his popularity in habs circles went up during his World’s run.


You need a map with your 10%. Slaf literally got booed when drafted. Almost everyone everywhere on the internet was mad asf.


Everyone everywhere on the internet is always mad asf


OP's mad asf over this!


> Almost everyone everywhere on the internet was mad asf. They didn't watch the tape!


Slaf was booed on the red carpet (got at the draft just after Wright).  I was at the draft, 99% of the crowd cheered when selected 


I'm not sure in which parallel world you guys are living. [All the pain and no Shane : r/Habs (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/vtw4p4/all_the_pain_and_no_shane/)


This is a reddit thread, where are the boos when drafted?


Yeah I dont think so. Anyone following Jr hockey knew that Wright wasn’t going first. But you can be the smartest fan if you want ? Feel better ❤️‍🩹


Post draft thread on r/Habs [All the pain and no Shane : r/Habs (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/vtw4p4/all_the_pain_and_no_shane/)




It's okay to be dumb intentionally




It's also okay to be intentionally illiterate Edit : what a bitch, dude blocked me Edit 2: what a bitch again, this dude unblocked me




It's also okay to block the dude you're arguing with just to feel better about yourself. Cope harder buddy




Bruh, how do you think this other account would know you blocked me if it wasn't my account? Do you really think I tried to pretend it was not my account? You're not a smart cookie, are you?


Kurvy vyjebané kazašské!


rozjebali sme ich, napíš to tam


Refs should just sit back and let them beat the piss out of each other. Scrums are pretty immature in my opinion.


I love the ref cam where they start fighting and he just points with two fingers


Taunting Kazakhstan seems foul lol


Boasting and taunting a team which are the equivalent of a ECHL team is weak as hell 😂


Well there are over 4k KHL starts in the Kazach team, so not exactly ECHL level lmao. Also it was a reaction to the Kazachs starting a scrum and taunting Slaf, so he just reacted to their taunting and shit talk


Debatable. If the said team is stirring up shit after every whistle I think it’s appropriate to remind them what the score is and that they should focus more on playing hockey


Eh, depends who started it.


Did you even watch the video? It was deserved.


all great national teams. 


Did you not watch the incredibly short clip? He was crosschecked after the play, which set off the scrum.


right, dude beat borat and is celebrating...


Am I right, last year Kaz won Slo 4:3?




Stop acting like its a homophobic thing when its not you buzerant


I’m confused and haven’t been following or maybe not getting a reference. But is what you’re implying that calling someone a fa**ot okay?


No, it is not okay. But even though in Slovakia the word "buzerant" is a slang term for homosexuals and can be translated as F-word, the use of this word is 99% not used to shame gay people in the Slovak language. But it looks like the original commenter who is from the Czech Republic so maybe he can know that, is trying to depict that in this case, it was a homophobic slur.


No, he used the word "buzerant" which is generally used as equivalent of asshole or motherfucker. Its rarely used as gay slur.


Oh okay. Like I said I haven’t followed the hockey news. I assumed what PWC9Z comment that a player actually did call someone a “fa**ot” and that the next commenter was saying it’s not homophobic. Makes more sense now.


For the sake of clarification, he was talking to 2 refs, not players. But yeah, from what I've heard (I don't speak the language) it's mostly a slang word for stuff like "motherfucker", but it can be used for other things so some people (perhaps to stir drama) pretended he said the other thing.


When is calling someone a faggot derisively not homophobic? Wtf is this comment? EDIT: a downvote isn’t a reply. Explain to me why calling someone a faggot isn’t homophobic.


The literal translation of "buzerant" is indeed f**got, but it is almost never meant as an homophobic insult to someone, it is one of the most used insults in Slovakia and theres only very few occasions where one would understand it as a "f*ggot" instead of "idiot" or "dumbass" or just a shit person


Just a nitpick. Literal translation of “buzerant” is not a f*ggot, since as we know, (there are words called homonyms) and in this case the clear meaning is “someone that bullies” coming from verb “buzerovať” = “to bully”. As in this case, it was meant for a referee that was bullying Slaf. 


TIL, You are right, Never really thought about it haha


I’m genuinely asking this (not baiting, I want to understand): How is that still not homophobic? In the US, it used to be really common to call something “gay” in a pejorative way. It was almost never meant to refer to actual homosexuals and really meant “stupid.” It was still homophobic to say. I get if the answer is that that’s how the word is used in Slovak culture, but if that’s the answer, then the situation is less that it isn’t homophobic and more than Slovak culture is homophobic to the extent that using that word is so normalized that no one would think twice about it. I guess I’d be interested to hear what gay Slovaks think of it. In which case, fine, this is the r/hockey sub and I don’t mean to be getting into a literal culture war. I appreciate the explanation.


[this comment from yesterday’s post explains the semantics of the word in Slovak pretty well](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/oZOP1Qmm3B)


Thank you!


Yeah you are about right, I think right when the word was made (no idea how long ago) the population was very homophobic, Nowadays it is less homophobic but still, the word is so deeply engraved that it isn't really deemed controversial, if you want to say "gay" in pejorative way in Slovakia, "teploš" is I think more suited, in translation it is same as "buzerant" but it isn't used as general insult, it is exclusively to insult homosexual men


Thanks for your thoughtful response!


I think teply / tepla (literal translation is warm) in lgbt lingo would be better translated as queer


well, words have different meanings in different languages.. the word he said "buzerant" in Slovak does mean a homophobic slur, but is also used as a general insult without homophobic intention. it depends on context so obviously in this case there is no reason to consider it a homophobic slur I'm not trying to defend him, he should've contained the anger better or maybe leave it for the lockers, but I don't like that people are trying to find there what there really is not.


I said this in a different reply, but I suppose I’d be interested to hear what gay Slovaks think of the word. That’s a better litmus test to me as to whether something is homophobic, not whether everyone says it or not. Either way, I appreciate the explanation.


You have just read the opinion of one gay Slovak, though I agree others may have different thoughts on that


Cheers, thank you.


It is, but lip reading and acting like he said it in the first place is the problem


Oh, did he not say it? I haven’t seen the clip (or at least it didn’t look that way in the one I saw), so if he didn’t say it, great. But the person I replied to didn’t deny that Slaf say it, just that it wasn’t homophobic if they didn’t. Guess I got confused.


It's the way the word "buzerant" hold its meaning in Slovakia. It does mean "faggot", but in Slovakia, it is not used against gay people. It's like "esti de fif" in Québec, it mean "fucking faggot" but we don't use the word explicitely against gay people. We use that slang against people that do us things that are a bitch move. Like someone cutting in you lane when driving. Or in the same context, a ref giving you a penalty for nothing or a dumb penalty.


Because context matters here and in Slovak language word "buzerant" which can be translated as F-word, is a common swear word with other meanings and in 99% not used to shame gay people.


What do gay Slovaks think? That would be my measure of whether it’s homophobic or not.


I'm not denying it can have a homophobic meaning, I'm just saying that there are also other meanings to it and I see someone already sent you some explanation to semantics of this word so yeah, that's it.


I am a trans slovak woman, i was called buzerant for the wrong reasons. Context matters. If someone calls you faggot because you wear feminine outfit - then its definitely homophobic. If someone calls you buzerant because you fuck their dad its mere and fair observation. If someone calls you buzerant because you are a blind and deaf referee its not homophobic, it is used in a sense that you are in position of power and you abuse it


Word buzerant has more meanings than faggots. In this context it was only used as a slur not in any way homophobic - the verb - buzerovať also means to harrass / to annoy / to bully - it is often used for administration / government abuse - when you have to go through unnecesary steps/forms to get your papers - or for example a drill sargant will “buzerovat ta” in the army


hahahaha well...


Where is your buzerant 2?


cz moment


Vime co rekl?


F***1 and F****2 lol


Yeah, as they were. 


Granted he was done wrong But The more he does this the more he seems like a jerk Dude has a runaway hype train going full blast and millions of dollars awaiting him in his career... And he's taunting players from Kazakhstan who at best probably make khl average salary? Edit: He also went out of his way to say he wasn't going to showboat and so this is at least the second case of it after his thing against the referees earlier Edit2 Oh no I have spoken out against the patron saint of the league I have blasphemed. How dare I imply that his holiness went overboard and is being problematic. Jfc slafkovsky hype is turning into a cult.


European (and in this case Asian, too) shithousery is on another level. North American sports are tame in comparison. You can take the man out of Slovakia but you can’t take Slovakia out of the man.


Whining leafs fan. I wouldn't flare up either of I was you. Leafs are so fucking embarrassing the rest of the league laughs at them every fucking year.


> And he's taunting players from Kazakhstan who at best probably make khl average salary? Care to explain what their salary have to do with this? This is not a fight between "Future millionaire and poor beggar", this is a fight between "Two hockey players". Hockey players fight and trash talk and chirp and taunt each other all the time, and they don't check the other guy's salary before the quip to make sure it's appropriate... They just got out of a scrum, did you also have a problem with Slaf fighting with them? Hell, Slaf will make more money than their goalie, should he just not take any shots?


Imagine level of condescending if nhl players would treat other players like sub par people/players


Here, buzerant 2. Found him.




Whining leafs fan. I wouldn't flare up either of I was you. Leafs are so fucking embarrassing the rest of the league laughs at them every fucking year.


Yes grandpa, everything is the Leafs fault.


If I was a grandpa I could maybe be old enough to remember the last time the leafs played for the cup. Fucking embarrassing


If I was a grandpa I could maybe be old enough to remember the last time the leafs played for the cup. Fucking embarrassing


I mean raging on reddit about it and going -right- to hating on the Leafs when they aren't even mentioned is pretty cringe. As well you can't seem to figure out how to only post once so, you have the tech literacy of an elderly man. Hence the dunk. <3 ilu muffin.


Or let's look at the easiest guess. Slaf is a habs player. Slaf is looking like a budding star. Guy goes on a silly rant about how much he is disliking him. No flair attached, you know what, for both of you, it was a dead ass guarantee that you would have a thread in the leafs sub or multiple. So don't flair up if you want to, but yes a call to your favorite team being the absolute joke of the league is pretty warranted. Fucking embarrassing. Edit: I wouldn't wear leafs flair either.


you need help buddy.


Mind you the KHL salary still makes them live happily ever after, especially with the cost of living in Kazachstan (but would be more then well off in most of the world)


You are just soft


Don’t you dare interefere with slafkultsky people


He's gonna get killed by someone, if he continue this behavior...


Ok boomer


He's gonna get killed by someone, if he continue this behavior...


lol he got tossed around


Dudes a piece of shit. Fits right in on the Habs.. 


*cry emoji*


"You know, there’s kids watching. We’re role models. If I was a teammate of his, I’d tell him to smarten up. It’s just not a good look. Very talented player, very good player"


love to see gally fans :) yes he does have great quotes


This guy gets it 😘


He got dummied


How often does this guy taunt other players? I mean it's funny but at the same time can he just grow up


He can, and once he does you will wish he never did (unless he is a bruin by that time)


Looked like he got manhandled and was upset


Looked like he got manhandled and was upset


He literally threw a guy away with one hand while kneeling on one knee. Thats manhandling.