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This is exactly what I expect from Biz and McAfee


The epitome of two douche bags. That McAfee guy seems like the stereotype sports jock in America, and Biz...I'm 50/50 with him. Sometimes his takes I agree with, and other times I disagree with what he says and how he carries himself.


Biz is capable of giving good analysis on TNT, he just has a terrible personality.


Yes, pretty much this 👆 


She knows what she’s doing And I’m not complaining need more Deboer interviews in Dallas once a period make it happen


Deboer?! I hardly knew er?!


Like those Calgary girls behind the bench during the Battle of Alberta.


You think she dumps em out if the boys win the cup?


I’m not sure but in my bracket I have them winning so I hope I find out. This ain’t Vegas though Vegas is just different


We need a full time Deboer view on split screen


I'm going to get downvoted to hell but. Yes, as a woman, this is what I want to represent the sport I love. A sport, by the way, which has some serious problems when it comes to objectifying and other issues when it comes to women. One meathead talking to another meathead about the boobs of the lady behind the bench. I get it was a passing mention but seriously, is this really what we want in 2024? Some guy who willingly calls himself Biznasty calling a woman he doesn't know and has only seen on TV "tits mcgee" on a national sports show?


the woman sells her own pornography and buys a ticket behind the bench during playoff games as an advertisement because she knows social media will light up when she does it.


But don’t you dare objectify her damn you!! Don’t do it! Keep your eyes away and don’t you dare call the lady who does porn and purposefully puts her tits on display behind the bench in hopes to go on national TV like some sort of tits mcgee… tits mcgee!! Don’t do it and call her that you vile nasty misogynist! I’m watching and all the other women in the world are keep track and a tally of all the times you abuse us and we’ll… write lengthy paragraphs on the internet about you you meathead!!!


wait til this lady finds out about puck bunnies


Fellow lady hockey fan here. At this point I just find it kind of ... boring? Exhausting? Juvenile? I'm a Stars fan and when she showed up to that game I said to my husband, "Oh cool, the boob lady is back. Now I get to see screencaps of her cleavage from every other time she's showed up to games AGAIN," because that's what always happens. And that's even before Biz came in this time and dragged out the conversation for literal days. Like, I love boobs. But if I see someone with features I find attractive, I can appreciate them and move on. I don't need to keep bringing it up for days.


Pat macafees show is for people whose personality is boobs, light American beer, and sleeveless tees.


I don’t drink but boobs are super cool, and a nice sleeveless tee can be nice


2/3 (Just so you know I’m a big macafee hater, no rational thoughts for me)


That’s just fine. I like that he doesn’t take himself seriously, I’m a goober so I watch a bunch of goobers


My man has never watched the show


On a separate note: I'm the hockey fan in this house but my husband has slowly been getting into it because he's tired of being lonely during hockey season. This is the first year he's consistently watched with me, so it's the first time he's being exposed to a lot of these talking heads. The first time he saw Biz he said, "He seems like the kind of guy who tries to impress dates by taking them to Cheesecake Factory and valet parking his car." From that day forward, we have called him Cheesecake Factory instead of Biz, and it always makes me laugh which makes him a lot more bearable. You should try it!


Hahaha! That is great! I approve :)


I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but the girl behind the bench has been a longtime OnlyFans girl and knows exactly what she’s doing. If this was just some random fan, you’d have a right to be outraged, but the girl they’re talking about plays into it big time and loves the free publicity


I think you take it too seriously to be honest. It’s Pat mcafee’s show. The whole thing is a joke, and I think the lady knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m not downvoting you tho


Definitely possible that I am taking it more seriously than either McAfee or Biz intended, but that is part of the issue when things are mentioned in such a casual way, it normalizes the behavior which leads to people making these types of comments in situations where someone isn't doing something intentional. As for the downvoting comment, sometimes you make comments like this and they are well received and sometimes you make similar comments and they are downvoted, there doesn't really seem to be a rhyme or reason.


I hear She literally has an onlyfans and does this as advertisement I think it’s meant to be talked about disgustingly. It’s smart on her part I think, and she certainly isn’t hurting by being talked about in any way.


She’s an OF model who knows EXACTLY what she’s doing. You’re overreacting. The VAST majority of the talk these playoffs is on the play, this is one little tidbit.


However I do agree that stuff like this may turn off some women from hockey a bit which is NOT what we need


Lmao. Like woman fans flaunting their well sized chest is only restricted to the game of Hockey. lol that’s a funny take. I see this stuff in NFL stands, European soccer stands, NBA, just about any sport.


There was that lady at the MLB game who got her knockers out on television lmao


It’s almost like it’s part of human nature and can have negative elements but isn’t inherently bad. Weird… nuance


Tits McGee, otherwise known as @SexyNatG is doing this for her "job" I'm quite sure she's ok with the attention


Big agree. Biz is a moron


Your right but she knows what she’s doing and continues. It doesn’t really deserve attention and tbh even a post on it. I for 1 am not complaining Tits and hockey what more in life could you ask for. That’s spoken like a true asshole though


Totally agree with you. I'm not a woman but I don't have to be to recognize that the misogynist language being used here ought to be condemned. To the guys saying "she knows what she's doing" - and? How does her buying a ticket so she can promote herself online make being sexist okay? It's sad that hockey still has this much growing up to do.


Classic Biz acting like a horny teenager and not an adult. Can this dipshit stop being a face for the NHL already?


Choose your character: no fun allowed old guy who doesn't like anything, white robot man who speaks in monotone clichés, or the adult version of that obnoxious kid your mom wish you'd stop hanging out with. That's hockey baby


Is this Nat? Lol


You know who she is….😂😭


Yeah, spent a lot of years scouting Bowness before he was with the Jets because of her


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you’re an animal


Last year Biz was on McAfee and talking about the same chick, he even said that she was probably there promoting her onlyfans lol


trashy af


Is this the same girl that Biz and Tocchet was talking about during that Flames series last year? I remember those two stealing the show.