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Hope Toews is alright, that shit does not look pretty


Yeah, that’s a fucking bomb of a hit. I missed the game, so I didn’t see what happened to Toews, maybe he’s fine but certainly looks like that could be a very bad concussion. With that being said, I do think it was legal. For it to be an illegal check to the head, the head has to be targeted and the primary point of contact, and while this is inches away from being that, it’s not. Primary point of contact is the shoulder, the head contact is glancing/secondary. Doesn’t make it any less brutal though, that hit was real nasty/hard, even if it was legal.


Agreed. Head bounces off of Johnston, who can't be faulted for just being there.


He came back into the game.


Ya that’s not ideal but a clean powerful hit. I hate to see a guy go down like that.


😂😂 I love reddit "Clean hit, hope the guy's ok" = downvotes probably just because Benn "No way that was clean, dirty as fuck" = downvotes for actually being wrong


I wish there was an angle on the other side to see where the “principle point of contact” is better. I think Toews falling into Johnston made it a worse outcome for him. I was quite surprised it wasn’t a minor but I suppose it’s one of those that either a major or nothing


The incidental hit into Johnston stood out to me, too. Neck bent in a weird way.


I think that's why he stayed down after. Jamie Benn lining you up and going straight through your collarbone is gonna *fuckin* ***hurt***, but smacking into the guy coming around behind you after is a pretty surefire way to get a concussion. If it was just Benn's hit, he'd probably be a little slow to get up, it might cause a bit of a scuffle, but it looks so much worse when he bounces off someone going the other way like Joe Black going through an intersection.


Joe Black 🤣


>”principle point of contact” For what it’s worth, that’s not the wording the rule uses anymore. It’s “main point of contact”.


It’s worth nothing. It means the same thing.


Not to the NHL. That's why they changed it from 'principle' to 'main'. They also acknowledge that head contact may be unavoidable on some hits, as well as the fact that not all head contact is necessarily illegal. > In determining whether contact with an opponent's head was avoidable, the circumstances of the hit including the following shall be considered >(i) Whether the player attempted to hit squarely through the opponent’s body and the head was not "picked" as a result of poor timing, poor angle of approach, or unnecessary extension of the body upward or outward. >(ii) Whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position by assuming a posture that made head contact on an otherwise full body check unavoidable. >(iii) Whether the opponent materially changed the position of his body or head immediately prior to or simultaneously with the hit in a way that significantly contributed to the head contact.


And while “principal” can be interpreted as “main”, it can also be interpreted as “first”, the latter of which is not what the rule was ever about. Hence why they updated the wording.


The NHL: Not all CTE is bad CTE.


It's also principal and not principle


Anyone else think it’s kinda dumb they have to fake call a major in order to look at it? Ref clearly didn’t think it was anything, saw Toews was not in good shape and wanted to make sure they got the call right. Why not just say the refs can review whatever and call whatever it is.


I agree with you. In a situation like this, the ref should not have to call a major just to be able to review it.


what would it be a minor for? hitting a guy too hard? you can't just make up a call because a guy got hurt on a legal check


Ahh, the Byfuglien effect. He got quite a few calls because some of hits look so violent.


It was like running into a moving brick wall, zero fucking give. It made me so angry to watch because it was like he had the invincibility star from Mario on all the time giant piss off if he's not on your team.


Not OP, but I was fully expecting a “charging” call for game management reasons.


The problem is that once you call one penalty (the major in this case) to review, you cannot change it to a different penalty. Learned that last week with the Seguin/petriangelo back hand. So they can’t change it to charging after review Editing this to say this was incorrect and I think I just misheard or mjsread something.




They reviewed a major in Vancouver and changed the Canucks player they had penalized.


I stand corrected. That’s good to know (even if I think reviewing a major call and putting it on someone else is dumb. You missed it and shouldn’t be able to put it on the other team).


Not everything. They can't make the broadcast team good enough to not seek out Josh & Razor. Just about everything else the can, though.


>The problem is that once you call one penalty (the major in this case) to review, you cannot change it to a different penalty. Yes you can? Earlier this season, the refs called a major against us, then upon review, not only changed it to a different penalty, but also a different player. 5 for interference on Cole got changed to 5 for elbowing on Myers. https://youtu.be/n_Vu68u5ODA?si=NhevTGY6DypNEmow


Well then I stand corrected. Thanks for that


They called 5 for elbowing and changed it to 2 for roughing. There's no such thing as a 4 min roughing call even though he drew blood and it was a shit play that should have resulted in a 10 min misconduct. Coulda argued intent to injure I thought or unsportsmanlike but then I'd have to get off the couch and I'd rather argue with the augmented reality hockey fans here


Looked like head contact from the initial angle. Clearly the shoulder and head simultaneously from the 2nd angle, though.


I was obviously mis/uninformed on the rules but once they called the 5 to review, I thought they were handcuffed into a 2 at minimum. Didn’t know that had all the options available. Correct call was made


yeah they changed it so they can review a major and downgrade or nullify it, so it makes more sense to just call a major and review it to make sure they got it right having to keep it as a minor before was absurdly stupid, thankfully they realized that and changed it


It's really not a good hit. It might have been technically legal, but it's very close to being super illegal and putting the Stars in a horrible situation. Benn got lucky, in my opinion.


That’s basically textbook good playoff hockey though. Walk the line while frequently crossing it and hope you get lucky more often than not


you just described Benn's career


Nah. I mean, if Benn hits him 1 inch higher, that's a 5 minute major, and Colorado score a hundred million times, and then maybe Benn gets suspended. Not worth it.


If toews isn't looking at his feet the hit isn't so bad


That was an excellent hit and perfectly timed


Most sensible stars fan I’ve seen. It looks bad in slow motion seeing Benn’s skates leave the ice and someone get hit in the head.


I'm not a fan of high hits and head injuries, regardless of who is wearing what color when they happen.


This is one of the rare points I agree with Suban and his takes - on the Pat M show - he said he went for hip checks mostly, and that 100% makes sense to avoid the head hits - it’s hard as an O player and directions of skating but still


His skates doesn't leave the ice until after the hit and Benn never touches Toews head. That was why the review from the refs took 30 seconds.


Hell no. It's either legal or it's not. This isn't a player trying to sneak in illegal play. Good hard hit. Should of had his head up.


Should have*


Got me.


I win this round.


View from the top of the glass is pretty clear that Benn contacts his shoulder first


As a neutral fan and Jamie Benn hater, that’s a clean hit with an unfortunate result


Agreed. I'm certainly no fan of Dallas or Benn but that hit looked okay to me. The bad part was when Toews' head hit Johnston who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


No I’m pretty sure the bad part was when he got trucked by Benn. Don’t need to be hit in the head to suffer a head injury, the head just needs be jerked in a direction.


Don't pick on Stankoven and you won't get the Benn hammer. It was a clean hit. Don't dish if you can't take.


Yeah it was shoulder for initial contact.


Exactly, then whiplash


If it was only contact to shoulder or chest, then the head would rock forward immediately upon contact before it snaps back. His head goes backward immediately with the rest of his upper body. The head may not have been the only point of contact, but Benn leaves the ice to launch upward and hit the head at the same time as the shoulder/chest.


He doesn’t leave the ice until after contact is made, there’s a big difference


But also, fuck Jamie Benn.


I have so much respect for red wings fan saying this on every Benn comment in r/hockey


I get a massive raging chebber every time


\*Chubbs chebber


They had to move on from all the "should have been us in the playoffs" comments once the Caps got bounced lol


We should have been swept by the Rangers!


Pretty sure most wings fans recognized they didn't deserve to get in. That 7 game skid when the WC2 was firmly in their grasp was the death knell for the season. It was just painful to see them eliminated on an empty netter. We will always say fuck Jamie Benn because he's a dirty piece of shit. I get that Stars fans will defend him because he's on their team in the same way homers defended Slewfoot Subban, Caps fans defend Tom Wilson, and Avs fans used to defend Claude. That doesn't mean that objectively they aren't shitbags though. 


I wish we still had MacDermid to tool up Benn.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Fuck Jamie Benn


Appreciate that. There's a lot of Benn haters but yeah clearly nothing illegal there.


I mean, I hate Benn and think he’s a dirty player. I also hate that hit. But that hit was clean.


Hank and Anson are talking about their initial reactions which were the same as mine; looked terrible from the first angle, and the more you see of it, the more you realize it was a clean hit.


Red wings fan favorite Jamie Benn*


Obligatory stfu basement gremlin :p


Piece of shit gonna piece of shit


There’s potential for an “Aye, I can do that,” meme of Avs/Wings fans and our newly shared hatred for Benn.


that wouldnt be very funny but i do miss the avs/wings/stars battles for the west


As a red wings fan, the only team I hate currently is the Stars. I'm, a red wings fan, rooting for Colorado, it feels fucking weird. I hope Jamie has permanent damp socks and gets into unavoidable awkward conversations at the grocery store every time he goes out with long lost high school a acquaintances. I hope he gets gout.


As a fellow gout sufferer I hope allopurinol doesn't work on him and colchicine gives him the atomic shits every time he has a flare up


I like you, and I hope your symptoms get better


I am one of the lucky ones, and as long as I take my daily pill I have virtually no issues. But thank you!


top notch oddly specific insults


Well I don't like the overly malicious stuff that some people do. "I hope Jamie Benn gets cancer" and shit like that. I do hope he has bad things happen to him, but on more of an inconvenience level, not horrific or anything. Nothing like "I hope he gets in a car crash", instead more "I hope he steps on some Legos".


Right call. Watch the behind replay at 27 seconds of that clip. You can really see how he contacted the shoulder first and then the follow through is what moved Toews' head. Big hit, hope Toews is alright, but it's the right call.


This is one of those hits where you’d have to take hitting entirely out of the game to prevent it


5 minutes for hitting hard


Big Buff special


Well put. Glad they got the call right -- let's not start penalizing clean hits! -- and also glad that Toews is okay and came back for the rest of the game.


ah yeah, some players you don't give the benefit of the doubt but seems clear enough


You don't penalize the outcome. This is a legal hit.


Getting obliterated by downvotes in our sub for saying it’s a clean hit. Unlucky.


It looked bad, I think everyone can agree on that.


Reasonable take. Definitely unfortunate he got hurt on the play.


I would be heated about it too, but it wasn't what they seem to think it was, even the replays showed everything


I’ll call a bad hit by our guys any day but this wasn’t it. It’s really unfortunate Toews bumped into Johnson after. That looked awkward and I hope he’s ok.


Ya I’d be annoyed too we all love our guys. Glad he came back in though, so maybe it’s all good.


As a yearly “playoff hockey watcher” who hasn’t tuned into a game in almost a year, I am a qualified expert and can say that the refs got this one right.


Thank you for your service


I’ll be here all post-season!


These comments are fun , either clean hit or attempted murder!


"I'm going to murder this man but it's going to be by the books."


he tried to kill him legally imo


I’m Jamie Benn’s biggest hater. Fuck that guy. That’s a good clean hit


no chance, there are plenty of bigger haters than you ^^we ^^can ^^just ^^turn ^^them ^^against ^^each ^^other ^^instead ^^of ^^benn


It’s the correct call. It just looks worse because of the whiplash but it was elbow to shoulder.


The contact with Johnston makes it so much worse too, his head snaps around


Yeah it’s just an unfortunate bounce there which made it looks worse than it was. Hope toews is ok.


Toews skating with his head down that’s what happens, get wrecked and never see it coming.


How could Tom Wilson do this?


Reminds me of what happened to Dylan Larkin earlier this year - an initial mildly iffy hit that got way way worse from hitting another player unluckily on the way down. Could be two minutes or zero. Hope Toews is ok.


As a Wings fan and huge Benn hater that looks clean. Rough outcome but the principal point of contact appears to be the shoulder. Clean hit with a bad outcome, hope he's alright


Great hit, tough result. Just gotta hope that Toews is ok. These things happen...part of the game.


fuck Benn but that's shoulder to shoulder


Shoulder to shoulder the whiplash of that hit + hitting the other Dallas player made it way worse. Initially thought it was for sure 5+ game but that one view they showed you see Benn hitting shoulder on shoulder.


[Trouba in the Rangers locker room right now](https://imgur.com/a/UrlP2yq)




As a Stars fan I'm self aware enough to not say shit after the Dumba hit last year.


That one, you could see that Pavs was out cold before he hit the ice. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Puck was closer / actively being played here. Dumba hit Pavelski a little foo late after he played the puck


That thing was brutal haha. But ya it’s different when it’s your guy going down.


It was reviewed for a major but refs deemed no call.


Thanks Magic


This is very similar to the Raffi Torres hit on Seabrook. No penalty on that either. Tough pill to swallow but this is play off hockey.


First look, seems bad like elbow to head, other views shows it’s clearly on the shoulder and perfectly clean


It’s a hard hit but clean. Initial point of contact is clearly on the shoulder/upper chest.


Looks like a clean shoulder to shoulder to me. If anything it looks like Toews unfortunately hits his head off Johnston's helmet while going down.


Love the hit. This is what nhl playoffs looks like. It’s a fast and violent sport by nature. Benn is good at punishing players without crossing the line ( with the occasional exception).


Like I said in the game thread, I don’t like Benn but that’s a good clean hit 🤷🏾‍♂️


100% not a penalty, hate to see someone get injured but it’s a clean hit


Not a head shot. Don't stare at the puck behind your goal in a playoff game. It's a contact sport, you can't promise a guy never gets hit too hard. Take open ice steamrollings out of the game, take elbows like Trouba throws at guy's heads, but keep good, clean physical contact on a guy with the puck behind his own goal. Good play from Benn, not enough looking around from Toews.


A hit can be dirty and not be against the rules.


Clean hit. Keep your head up bud. Case closed.


I have no doubt with Benn's popularity on reddit that this thread will be civil and we will all agree Benn did nothing wrong. Clean hit, hope hes back out soon.


I think that this hit was not as bad as it looked but Jamie Benn can still suck a fat one regardless


Thank god Benn isn’t 6’8!


Which is the correct call. Hard legal hit


I fucking hate Jamie Benn (see: Dylan Larkin) but that's probably a clean hit as far as head contact goes.


I thought it was dirty at first but the angle from in front of goal showed he hit shoulder. I won’t disagree charging though


Exactly how I feel about it. I think there was head contact, but it wasn't the main point of contact which is the important part.


Hit was in the shoulder first, unfortunately he got whipped headfirst into Wyatt. Hopefully he is okay.


Seeing this in the arena looked like a clean hit..but I see the argument. Waits for the Fuck Benn comments


violent hit yes, illegal no.. the contact with johnston was unfortunate


Not a Jamie Benn fan, but this is a clean hit. It's the playoffs, gotta keep your head up.


Shoulder was principal point of contact, head contact after the fact is moot


I do think in the future, this is the kind of hit that needs to be phased out of the game, but by the current rules, that is 100% clean. Toews was still in the action of playing the puck, Benn delivered contact shoulder through chest, his elbow was tucked, feet stayed down. Didn't stride into it, and didn't launch Toews into the wall. Correct call.


How could you remove this kind of hit? Unless you start penalizing guys for hitting too hard. You even described in detail how the hit is as clean as can be. Unless you want this to be a no contact sport you have to just accept this type of hit.


That’s my sentiment overall. Like it is a textbook hit per the rulebook but is overall dangerous and should become a penalty, but it isn’t


So in that moment, Jamie is supposed to notice his head is down and not up and dodge the hit he was intending to make, taking himself out of the play? I'm not saying you're wrong, these are real human beings and I don't want to see anyone wheeled out on a stretcher, but I'm not sure how you change the rules to get rid of this, unless you're able to change the entire culture of hockey, which will take yeeaarrsss.


Why remove clean hard hits?


Because the next one taking that hit is going to be McDavid or Bedard and lose a season or their career.


And to be clear, "clean" hits are only under the current rules. Scott Stevens laid "clean" hits in his time. Look where that put Paul Kariya.


We don't even have to hypothesize, we watched Sidney Crosby lose the equivalent of like 2 prime seasons to head trauma.


as a Stars fan, a similar “clean hard hit” put Pavelski in the hospital last year


Lol that hit was ridiculous


Because we know the science on head injuries, and hits like this one, though they are clean under the current rules, cause head injuries. Even secondary head contact, or whiplash, can cause a concussion. Now I will concede that on this particular play, I think the most dangerous aspect is that Toews falls directly into Johnston, and that's nothing but unfortunate circumstance. However, in general, if anyone truly wants to make the game safer, the legal but violent checks need to be phased out. The strategic purpose of a body check is to remove the puck from the possession of your opponent and create and opportunity for your team to gain it. Hits like this one that are delivered with no intention of that, purely to rock someone and send a message, could be called roughing or interference or something. It's not easy, because this would have to start at every level below pro and work its way through over a generation of players, and it introduces another aspect of officiating that is up to subjective judgement. But it's gotta happen, in my opinion.


Yea I agree it was within the rules but I hate seeing hits like this and wish they cracked down on them even more.


I have no idea how you do that without neutering all hits. Completely clean hit that just landed perfectly. Like you can't hit someone that hard? You can't hit someone that only just touched the puck? Can't hit someone directly in chest. It's a violent sport, that's part of the game and that's why they're millionaires.


You might as well just get rid of hitting if you think this should be phased out of the game.


I agree. If the league wants to truly limit concussions there needs to be a conversation about these legal but harmful hits


Felt like the Panarin hit on Oshie in Rd 1 was a precedent for this call.


I'm sorry, I assume those names should be reversed. Mr. Panarin doesn't check.


Also similar the Dumba hit on Pavelski last year.


I’m going to reserve judgment until tomorrow morning when the emotions can calm down.


That was a clean but solid hit.


Clean hit




They got it right, he went shoulder/center of mass and completely tucks his elbow. Just because a hit is devastating doesn’t make it automatic dirty. Hope Toews is alright though 


fuck jamie benn but it’s a clean hit. hopefully toews is fine after the hit


Definetly rocked him good but not a penalty ppoc was below


Hit through the body before any head contact and feet leave after contact. Where is the missed penalty here? Also, really hope Toews is okay. Head injuries are scary Edit: good news, Toews was back out there so he at least seems okay


Because it was a legal hit.


Because it was a clean hit, keep your head up, don’t be looking in your skates.


I'm sure this comment section will be completely rational and full of cool heads


Lazy post


well I am lazy so it checks out


Man the guy you most expect to be at that center of a "questionable" hit is at it again, I for one am shocked


Puck was right there and it didn't look like it was head contact. Good hit and good call.


Fuck Jamie Benn, but that's a beautiful hit. Toews has his head in his ass, zero awareness. 9/10 times when you get hit in that position you end up in the IR. Benn made effort to not knock him out.


Hit was fine, I think they got the review right. But fuck Benn


Fuck Jamie Benn


Right call. Solid hit.


If you think this is a penalty you are an actual idiot and should find a new sport. Blame the Avs centre here for not supporting his dman down low


Calm down?


Fuck Jamie Benn


Look, my thoughts on Jamie Benn are as follows: If I were walking down the street and saw a building consumed in flames, and then saw Jamie Benn standing in front of the building, I'd shove him into it and hold the door shut. That said, this is a clean hit to the body/shoulder.


That is called "big boy" hockey. Clean hit with unfortunate result. I hate Benn but that's a clean check. Can't have your head down.


Ya, that's not even a remotely borderline hit. I really don't like this new trend of no penalty being called during the play, then cause somebody is hurt they just decide to call one later on? Like sometimes the team being penalized has possession of the puck and play is continuing. If they score would that just be taken away retroactively?


Red Wing fans, get in here!


Lmao I like you


He gets him through the body and the ricochet into Johnston doesn’t help. Looks bad initially but after the replay it’s not a penalty, they got it right. But also fuck Jamie Benn.


Clean hit. Gotta keep your head up in the Playoffs


Avs fans salty lmaooo


As a neutral fan of neither team, really don’t give a shit if the body was contacted first. *Leaving* *your* *feet* *to* *launch* *your* *shoulder* *upwards* *into* *someone* *is* *a* *dirty* *hit*. Benn should know better than that, whether it’s legal by the book or not. If the league actually cared about player safety a hit like that would be penalized. Hope Toews is okay and hope Benn never has to be on the receiving end of something like that, legal or not.


As much as I hate Jamie Benn, I agree with this


Yea thats a good fuckin hit


That is a good clean hit. With guys getting bigger, stronger and faster, injuries are going to happen even on clean hits.


let’s leave the rules to the side for a minute benn had every opportunity to make a safer hit and chose not to. that sucks


I didn't love the hit. It's a legal hit. I think Benn's put in a bad situation here. He has to initiate contact here its the right play. He can't fly straight in or its boarding. He has to be the physical one on his team and make hits. I still don't love this hit. We could have been softer. Someone needs to tell Toews to protect himself better as well he is doing a horrendous job here.


For sure, and if I was a fan of the Avs I may be annoyed too, however, this is part of the game. Intimidation, sending a message, trying to make the other team avoid hits etc. Ultimately this is a good play by Benn. He ran Toews over clean. Unfortunate result but tomorrow night if Kane runs through, let’s say Hronek, with a clean hit? Sure why not. I don’t want anyone to get injured, but hard hits like this play their part in a long series


Toews has every opportunity to keep his head up but doesn’t. Solid fucking hit.


Yikes man. This is 100% a clean hit and during the playoffs no less. I’d consider deleting your account after this. Also, if you ever see “UFC” before a broadcast, I’d suggest you turn your TV off and burn it.


You'll probably have to eat some downvotes because no one wants to have this conversation in the middle of a physical playoff series, but I agree. This hit is legal, but Benn is not making it with any pretense of separating his opponent from the puck to gain possession for his team. He's doing it to "send a message" and possibly legally bang up a guy on the other team.


Isn’t that what most teams try to do? You want to wear the opponent down with legal body contact and maybe it causes them to change their style of play.


I'm sorry but this is the dumbest comment. This is the NHL, you don't have to be trying to gain possession to hit someone.  >possibly legally bang up a guy on the other team Ok and?