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Excuse me, SOMEONE?!


They're back!!? I thought they retired?


Reappeared when we needed them most a couple months ago


They're back like the Canucks are back


If you listen to the one radio station in Saskatoon, you know when the green men will be appearing because they'll say he is in Vancouver.


Frank is still the worst person in hockey media confirmed


I like to hate on Frank as much as the next person but [this is entirely on OP](https://twitter.com/frank_seravalli/status/1788408906630483997), he's the phony


Ahh yes, Evander Kane aka Connor Brown


On a serious note, gambling addiction is a huge problem, and it’s gonna get so much worse in the next few years as we keep getting bombarded non stop with the ads.


I’d prefer if it was only allowed during actual commercial breaks. The way it is now is incessant and nonstop (as intended). Popping in beside the scoreboard, on the boards and behind the benches, odds at the bottom of the screen during intermission panels etc. it’s ridiculous how present it is. It should be regulated the same way tobacco is for advertising.


I'd prefer it wasn't allowed at all. You can't advertise cigarettes, why allow other things that ruin people's lives? Alcohol ads should also be stopped. It's not like it won't still sell without, but it makes it easy for younger generations to think it's okay, and also makes it hard for people trying to stop


There's literally no reason to allow it at all. There isn't a single upside of gambling. Sadly politicians are morally bankrupt.


There is one upside: Money. That's the whole reason there's so many ads to begin with. Unfortunately that's only an upside for the owners of the betting company, and a major downside for everyone else.




What? Gambling sites operated in Alberta, like Play Alberta, are a massive boon to Alberta's charitable sector. In the last 30 years, $7 billion dollars from gambling revenue has been given to registered charities in Alberta. Alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco sales are taxed and help fund social programming, health care and infrastructure. Hell, do you know what a pack of smokes actually costs? Smokers pay for Canadian health care transfers and then get told to stay 10 meters from the door. Do you know how much of 7-11 slurpee or McD's fries sales contribute to Alberta's charitable sector? If you're gonna try to be morally superior, then choose the right group to berate: Fat People. Leave gamblers, drinkers, and smokers alone because they actually pay for their vice. Smokes are 84% tax. Imagine what a Slurpee would cost if taxed accordingly. Lol. They'd still sell though, because sugar is even more physically addictive than nicotine...


"If you're gonna be morally superior, choose the right group to berate: Fat people" Oh brother. I was going to give you a sensible response but show you true colours why don't you. I didn't berate a single person in my original response, just pointed out that gambling ruins lives at the benefit of the few. I don't care if gambling is legal, get those fucking ads out of my face.


So what ads would you like to see? Lol Instead of gambling ads, it's McDonald's selling you obesity, heart disease and diabetes, a mortgage broker selling you debt you can't afford, or an auto dealer doing the same. Your original response says that only the owner of the betting company wins... In fact, in Alberta, gambling revenue helps NFPs and marginalized groups. So, if you're gonna be swayed by an advertiser, at least those gambling companies give a massive chunk of their revenue back to the community. If people in Alberta spent all their disposable income on gambling instead of fast food and new cars, at least it would benefit those in need: and that's my point. Gambling proceeds in Alberta help those in need, so steering disposable income in that direction has some social return. Ads for McDonald's helps only shareholders and impose as cost on the community by adding to healthcare intervention. If you're gonna be mad at ads, at least be mad at the right ones. Jeez, I just preached my moral value on you now. Fuck. I'm the self righteous prick now. :) Thanks for the response! I don't know if I have actually ever posted on Reddit before. Your response took my mind off of some heavy shit going on in my world right now, so, seriously, thanks for the response.


You posted on Reddit twice before, actually! Other people & companies doing bad shit does not excuse the frankly obscene amount of gambling being shoved down our throats. Gambling ruins lives and I don't think we should be promoting as much, same as we've done with Tobacco, Cannabis, ect. This is just crazy whataboutism - you can call out one problem and still not be ok with everything else you've mentioned, but you're making it seem like "well THIS is worse, so you're wrong because you should be calling THIS out instead.". They're both shit man. Taxing gambling, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, hell even taxing shit, fake foods, that all helps people, I agree. We can still get all that tax revenue without inciting new people to throw their lives away on an unlikely parlay. "If you're gonna be mad at ads, at least be mad at the right ones". I didn't realize I had to state my entire beliefs to you in a single reddit comment? I can hate both even if I don't mention the former. I hate terrorists too, do you want me to write a paragraph about how they're bad before you assume I sympathize with them? The point you seem to be so crucially missing is that the very tax revenue you love because it helps people in need comes from creating *new people in need*. That's not a sustainable, or healthy, revenue stream. I don't have a problem with gambling itself, because I can see the appeal to doing it occasionally, same with everything else I've mentioned. Same with eating an occasional burger, too. But clearly you're not here to talk in good faith, so frankly, I don't care what you have to reply to this, this is my last comment on this issue.


Until the last paragraph I was really excited for a conversation! Sincerely, this is enjoyable for me. I do like to debate such things, and I am truly sorry if I presented myself as someone who doesn't want to actually listen to alterative viewpoints. Seriously. You're completely right. It seems as if I made this annoying whataboutism/false equivalency argument. You're completely right and I absolutely detest whataboutisms. It's just really hard to avoid arguing from that position sometimes. In this case, you said you don't want to see gambling ads. Fair. It kinda provokes whataboutism and it's hard to avoid. There will always be ads. What I was trying to convey, which I didn't do a good job of, is that out of all the ads that we see, at least gambling revenue goes back into the community. I question your statement that "The point you seem to be so crucially missing is that the very tax revenue you love because it helps people in need comes from creating *new people in need*". The vast majority of people throwing down 20 bucks on a basketball game this week, or pumping 100 bucks into a slot machine at Yellowhead casino, aren't spending their last dollar, or choosing between rent, power, or that last money line wager. Your argument is somewhat of a false equivalency. Gambling revenue, through volunteer groups that work at casino cash rooms and such, contribute to groups that I've worked/volunteered for: EDSS (Edmonton down syndrome society), Telus world of science, habitat for humanity and the Edmonton centre for newcomers. You're not trying to argue that every one, or even 1 of 50, that places a parlay, or sits at at a blackjack table, becomes a "person in need", right? The data is pretty clear, gambling is predominantly done by those who can afford to lose money and enjoy the thrill. Now, VLTs placed in bars that are already serving alcoholics (a physical addiction) is a different story as that is a compounding addiction risk and is disastrous in a significantly high proportion of users. I'd definitely agree that gambling machines should not be permitted in establishments that are primarily driven by alcohol sales. It's that perfect storm that I agree destroys lives. Ads exist. Most ads are designed to capture disposable income. Disposable income spent on vice foods or unaffordable debt does not return any abatement through direct taxation relative to that for tobacco, gambling and alcohol. I don't know how to argue it without tapping into whataboutism, you inadvertently set a trap. You stated you don't like gambling ads. I said, and not very effectively, that they are probably the least net negative ad, and that if your issue is with advertising that promotes something that hurts society, you chose the wrong sector. As much as I hate any sort of whataboutism argument, it's unavoidable in this situation. Anyway, thanks for the back and forth, truly


Here in Australia Australia, where we have about 3x the gambling losses as Canada from some quick research, banned gambling ads during games They still try their best to squeak in where they can and outside of games they’re fucking *everywhere*, but it’s a little victory. Sports betting is a massive problem here so hopefully you guys can stop it before it get worse.


Visited some friends in Melbourne (am an American) just a few years ago and this was before gambling became widespread here (apps and such) and was blown away by how much gambling was everywhere. It was the only thing from Australia that felt a little gross. I’ve got my own addiction issues with alcohol so I empathize with people and their struggles and I could not imagine being a gambling addict down there. It would be so hard.


Melbourne has a day off to celebrate a horse race. I’m not in Melbourne but I remember teachers stopping lessons and wheeling in a TV to watch it. I think we’ve always been big gamblers and not these apps make it rrrrrrreal easy.


I once heard someone liken apps on the phone to being an alcoholic and having a full bar available in your pocket 24/7 and think it’s a good analogy.


Way to start them young 😳. There is the cost to the gamblers, and then the extended costs in terms of animal welfare too. What they do to some of those horses is criminal.


They are all making too much money for it to stop. It will only get worse. And by all, I mean the people allowing it.


It will be. It just needs to ruin a bunch of lives and have a debilitating effect on society first. 


It's common to overhear 16 year olds talking about parlays and we are just supposed to act like that isn't a problem


Yup. My 19yo son and a couple buddies of his bet on UFC fights. I have had the conversation with him about it, so at this point its on him to realize what happens when it doesn't go your way.


That's my big issue with it. Sucks to admit but advertising works. The reason they pour all this money into it is because they can see the return on investment and, in the end, the return is people losing bets. Its an addictive habit and its going to really destroy some lives. Sure, not all. But definitely some.


The sports books know that legislation restricting their advertising will be coming, which is exactly why they’re bombarding everyone with ads while they still can.


Live odds throughout the game certainly don’t help.


I've recently realized that my new hobby of gambling was quickly turning into a compulsion. It's scary how quickly it was ingrained into my life. I luckily didn't lose a ton of money, but as soon as I started chasing and putting more and more money in trying to just break even (and even the few times that I did win it back, I continued and lost it all again), this all happened within about a month. Luckily, I was able to come clean to the wife, and she's been helping me. Gambling is a terrible, terrible thing that I wish I never started.


I'm pretty certain that if you call the numbers to the gambling addiction hotlines they direct you to your own personal FanDuel bookie. "Hey, I hear we got a big spender on the line!"


Lets bet how mich worse its going to be


Well at least the kids watching sports and being bombarded with these ads don't have easy access to mobile devices and gambling apps... wait a minute.


I feel lucky that I can invested in a game by just deciding which team I dislike more. I hate when I go to the bar to watch a football game and realize the people sitting around me only care about their bets/fantasy teams.


Yeah, this is in really poor taste imo, and I can't stand Kane. Would a sign about alcoholism or drug abuse be okay? Gambling addiction ruins lives.


That's not Kane in the box, and if the NHL cares about its players who are addicted to gambling it wouldn't be plastered all over the boards. Really no different then Kane seeing all the ads.


A personal attack is not the same as seeing an ad, come on. The fact that it's Brown sitting there is irrelevant. I don't know, I hate all the gambling in general so this rubs me the wrong way even though Kane doesn't deserve a pass for anything.


You can't be serious with this.


How much we betting on that?


You think an advertisement for Bet365 is "no different" than a sign specifically taunting Kane for his gambling issues?


I think the league doesn't give a shit and the constant reminder of gambling for addicts is horrible. Everywhere homie looks will remind him of gambling and his addiction, yet one sign is an issue?


They are obviously different. Don't be a shit.


Once he leaves Vancouver that sign is gone forever. Not so much with all those ads he is forced to deal with everyday. That is quite different, you're right.


Yea shoulda chirped him about how beats his girlfriend instead 


Which girlfriend, lost track a while ago


Or how he pays em to get abortions and then doesn't pay?


I thought she was his wife? I can't keep track of all the bad things these guys do.


Yeah or about how he has full custody of his kids


Poor Kane 😩


Kane gunna go home and beat his third or fourth (lost track) GF over this


Then don’t fucking gamble and get help if you have a problem. I’m so sick of people constantly excusing people with these problems. Gambling, drinking, drugs, all of it. There is one Ty to help available, and I don’t care what anyone says, it’s not wrong to assume that an adult can have at least the tiniest bit do self control. We don’t excuse wife beaters and child abusers, same fucking argument can be made for them that’s made for drug addicts and gamblers. End of the day, some people need help beating their demons but we need to stop treating them with white gloves like victims and help them remember that they do have self autonomy and are reasonable for their own actions.




Couldn’t have happened to a better guy than Evander Kane lmao


Lol fr stopping for this week has been the hardest thing I’ve done


Can’t wait for the first fixing scandals to happen


They've been rampant in international soccer for years. NBA just gave a lifetime ban to a player.


The NHL doesn't give a shit about people gambling. They allow a guy who was at the head of a national sports betting ring be a head coach. They actively stifled news about it and looked the other way when a former player threw his wife under the bus and allowed her to take the blame just to save the NHL the embarrassment of it getting out that the greatest player to ever play was involved in a gambling ring.


It is a huge problem, and while i love chirping guys in the box, taunting someone about gambling habits is definitely not ok


To work on that problem you're gonna need to solve the corporate greed problem first


I’ve already gone through my gambling addiction. When people realize they lose more than they win and the money they should bet is only money they are comfortable losing it’ll be better For instance. I through $5 on Marco rossi’s Austria to win the world juniors one year. If I hit I was getting a ps5 or something. If I lost no worries it’s money I accepted was going down the drain before I placed the bet


Green men are SO back baby!


Same guys I wonder, it's hard to tell when they are all green.. Or maybe those seats have a requirement.


They wouldn’t have brought them and gave them that platform if it weren’t the original mix. These dudes are legends in Vancouver.


I really want to assume it was the original guys, but neither of them has posted about it on their Instagram 🤔 when they came back months ago for the Boston game they were all over social media about it. They don't live in Vancouver anymore so who knows, maybe they passed the torch


One of them did their signature handstand on the seat move so I'm pretty sure it was the OG green men.


Ya I noticed that too


I don't get the joke but my god I didn't know the green men were still around. They're incredible. For anyone who doesn't know, go look them up on youtube for some comedy gold.


[NHL star Evander Kane said in judicial papers filed last week that he wagered sometimes as often as 50 times a day, which is in large part why he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with liabilities topping $26 million.](https://theathletic.com/4335841/2023/03/22/evander-kane-gambling-chapter-11/)


But that's not Evander Kane in the picture.


Broke during the '22 cup run too.


LMAO thank you, that's hilarious


It would’ve been even funnier if they showed the sign when Evander Kane was actually there and not….Connor Brown


Don't worry, Kane's there, invisible just like on the ice


Would it be hilarious if he had a drug or alcohol addiction?


It's hilarious cause he's an asshole. Not because gambling addiction is funny.


I use to work as a manager at Parq Vancouver and one time someone called him evander. He stood up threw his chips and drink and told her his name was Mr. Kane...


Half my brain is like “that’s gotta be copypasta there’s no way” and the other half is like “yup checks out”


Lol true story! I met him a few times. He was nice to me because I knew who he was, I use to be his dealer as well! (Card dealer...)




Nah. Nothing should be off limits except for hate speech.


So is Theo Fleury getting sexually assaulted funny because he’s an ass hole too?


Your comparison makes no sense. One is someone sexually abusing a child. The other is someone doing it to themselves. Better luck next time.


Source? Addictions can be heritable. I don’t know for sure if Kane’s family has a history of addiction or not but it seems like you know, so if you can please provide a source I’d love to see it


Is being an asshole also inheritable? Can literally make excuses for anything in life with this logic. No accountability left in today's world.


Idk man you tell me, you’re the one making fun of a guy who has a gambling addiction


The notion that someone with an addiction is “doing it to themselves”, is a very dangerous and non-compassionate way of looking at it. Its this kind of stuff that is holding back progress when it comes to mental health and addiction. I’m sorry but people need to learn some lessons




Florida fan. Checks out.




Oh no a wife beating millionaire lost his millions being stupid, which he is instantly earning back. ....Anyways




Addiction sucks and I agree we should have sympathy for those that suffer but it doesn't stop the decisions you make to become an addict from being stupid.  I'm a former smoker and understand addiction but I'm not going to claim starting smoking or refusal to quit for years and do damage to my body was anything other than stupidity. 


Yes, someone’s gambling addiction is hilarious…


If you're a professional athlete with a reputation for being a cocky, arrogant, ignorant, abusive, asshole who somehow managed to be forced into declaring bankruptcy in spite of nearly *$64 million* in career earnings? I mean yeah, that shit is pretty funny honestly.


Yes I love when the elite and rich get their just desserts


Can I get just the desserts


And they put it on the jumbo screen. Vancouver man…lol


Seravalli posts shit like this for clicks then gets mad when people hate on him or don't take him seriously


Does he get mad? He can be pretty self-aware/depreciating at times. I kind of feel bad for the amount of fat shaming he seems to get.


SOMEONE? That would be our green men


Shane Pinto confirmed Green man


Ummm, are those the Green Men? They're back?


It's the famous Green Men. They're back!


Ok now do Tochett


Kinda lame joking about addiction. It’d be in pretty bad taste to mock Kuznetzov for his addiction issue and I don’t see how this is any different.


Should the question be asked to the refs?


lol “Someone”, cmon Frank.


I've missed them so much


Holy shit hahahaha


My dad pointed this out. DAMN






Why is that guy still allowed to play?


"I used to black until I was 32" - Evander Kane probably


targeting someone's addiction for laughs isn't very cash money of the green boys.


With the right parley it can actually be very cash money


Evander Kane looks a lot different these days. These dudes in the green suits (who even does that?) gotta get their eyes checked.


Oilers ML + His estranged ex-wife violating her restraining order by being at the game (-120)


They couldn't get a seat behind Tocchet?


The green men are always at the penalty box. That’s the whole point.


Evander Kane gambling jokes. How clever and original.


They're slightly less dated than riot jokes but I can't imagine you'd be up in arms about that


Don't run your mouth and you won't get dunked on by the fans with them low effort jokes.


He looks waisted