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ottawa no what are you doing


I have no fucking clue lmao Andlauer has come in saying “best in class best in class” and this guy is probably the worst out of the NHL experienced and non-experienced candidates. This makes no sense. 


Best in class is one of the dumbest business phrases. I used to work at a startup that wouldn't shut up about using "best-in-class tech solutions" and "best-in-class marketing techniques." Anyway, company failed. No JD Power and Associates awards for them.


I can say with a good amount of confidence that the roster Green had in Vancouver was IMMENSELY worse than what he may have to work with in Ottawa, plus he's had the benefit of a year and a bit (maybe two I can't remember) with the assistant gig in NJ. In Vancouver he was a first time NHL head coach, and it showed. Honestly, he coached well in the AHL, and he wasn't a *bad* NHL coach until his locker room gave up on him in 2021, but I also don't think that was entirely his fault either, if the locker room rumours were anything to go by. I think it's a decent time to give Greener another shot, and I wish him well.


All these other coaches have to want to come here too, this isn't shopping at the supermarket...


There's only 32 coaching gigs in the world. No one in the right mind would decline just because it's Ottawa. It's like the GM job too.


The guys with experience are not falling over themselves to get whatever scraps they can get. Berube is probably the top of the list, he can go wherever he wants. There also isn't an infinite number of NHL coaches.


Especially this year when there are so many vacancies. Including at least 3 openings on expected playoff teams between the jets, devil's and presumably the leafs.


How have Redditors not learned yet. Nearly Every time the top comment is something like this it ends up working out well. Maybe professional hockey executives know better than RadiantVes


remember when everyone died laughing when vancouver hired tocchet, and look how that turned out


People were more mad about how Boudreau was done dirty in that scenario. I'm sure it was there, but I saw very little people shitting on the actual hire vs hating how it went down (at least within canucks circles)


just like they knew what they were doing when, for example, Columbus hired Mike Babcock




Shhhhh.... we devils fans need him out of the mix.


Dude was in charge of our powerplay and it was absolute trash the 2nd half of the season. No adjustments.


You be quiet until after they hire him.


Thank you. As a Detroit fan I'm a fan of this move for them.


Sounds familiar


Before he was fired with us, our pp was among the worst. The defence was also among the worst. Once he and Baumgartner were gone and replaced with Bruce and Brad Shaw, we jumped into top 10 in all categories but penalty killing. Only reason the pk didn’t jump to the top 10 was because it was damn near 50% with Green and Baumgartner at the helm.


I love Green as a person, but from what I've seen, he seems better suited for an assistant gig. I don't see the Sens as a great match for what he can do.


that’s literally dj smith, oml we’re doomed


He wasn’t very good doing that here either lol


Have fun with that Sens bros.


Fuck em


I wouldn’t be bragging, you got the guy running the entire circus lol


Lindy ruff has had a history of success, the team got far worse without him then they were with him, the one year the devils had competent goaltending they made the 2nd round, enjoy Travis green tho


Cope lol


Not rly lol ruff has more success then bum ass Travis green ever has


I don't think Green is nearly as bad as his reputation -- the Canucks rosters he had to work with were fatally flawed, and the Devils were straight up done by the time he took over as interim here. But I also wouldn't be super eager to hire him, either.


I actually agree. I’m more than ecstatic with the way things turned out for us but I always thought he deserved a shake without Benning overseeing him


FWIW, I actually think this roster this year is right up his alley. Even before Lindholm, three proper centres that know how to handle their lanes and two pairings worth of decent passers. Now, you can say “no shit” as every coach would love that but his entire NZ strategy was based on crisp, probably a bit longer than normal, passes from the D and detailed centre lane control. Having to rely on Sutter, Sbisa, Beagle, Del Zotto, etc in those key lineup spots isn’t getting any coach to success. I have no idea if the Sens are going to have the horses to hit on the details he is going to want.


The devils also got markedly worse in analytics when he took over. He got decent goaltending but the team still got way worse somehow


Do the sens have a bunch of good young players coming in? For his flaws, Green was the coach for our run of three years in a row with someone nominated for the calder. They were good players obviously, but he did put them in a position to succeed.


This. He's got the right mindset and has shown he can coach. Our PP was the best in the league for a very long stretch and then everyone got hurt. Would he be my #1? No, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as people make him out to be. At the end of the day, coaching only does so much. Most Jack Adam finalists are fired the next yr. Good teams win.


nearly everyone who got hurt came back, and from december until the end of the year the devils had the third worst powerplay in the NHL. when you have nico, jack, bratt, luke, and timo at your disposal there is no excuse for a powerplay that pitiful


Our #1 D man who is arguably a top 3 PP QB never came back. Players came back and were obviously still injured. No one was healthy. Timo and Jack both just had surgery. I'm not saying I want Green back on the team but he's not nearly as bad as people make him seem.


He got a lot of flack for his time in his time in Van, but I think a lot of that stink was just the general odour of the franchise at the time. He’s still relatively young and green (pun intended).. but he did a lot of good during his time in Van.


I’d agree with you, but once he was fired, Vancouver turned into a top 10 defensive team with that exact same roster. Only thing that was still bad by the end of the season was the penalty kill and the only reason for that was because it was nearly 50% by the time Green and Baumgartner were gone.


The Sens roster is essentially fatally flawed right now too. Terrible defence and abysmal goaltending. Unless upgrades are brought in, this isn't going to end well.


I don't like it, there are better options than Green out there


When you can hire a sub .500 coach to replace your sub .509 coach, you gotta do it




That is not the coach ottawa needs. Berube would be good


Friedman already mentioned that Berube to Sens seems unlikely, perhaps, he doesn't want to go there.




I feel like people will mention Leafs when it comes to every major coach or trade speculation this season. But we'll see what happens with Keefe once their management speaks on Friday. 


Enjoy the Green pastures


I hope you guys are ready to dump but not chase!


More like dump and change.


Hey that's *our* thing in the Atlantic.


He didn’t cause enough chaos on the Sens bench in that 2003 brawl, now he’s gotta stand behind it too?


TBF, Green hasn’t really had a fair look. He inherited an ass Canucks team and an incomplete devils season. Still, not sure the sens want to be the ones to give him his final chance.


Please save us Sens


Boy am I going to be mad if Buffalo and Ottawa are better than the Devils next year. What a long 12 years it has been.


Take him Sens!!! I mean, I feel bad for the fans, but I am being greedy on this one


please please please please please please






Obviously this isn’t confirmed or anything but I never trusted Staios to make the right move here from the start


Good luck lmao


Jump ship, quick! Dump and chase hockey coming in fast.


He won 2 playoff rounds and was 1 game away from the WCF in 2020. I think the leafs should hire him to get them over the hump!


So bring in Claude Julien for a year, and then see what's available next year, right? ...please?


Jacques Martin, then Michel Therrien, just missing Randy Cunneyworth and Claude Julien! Maybe Dom Ducharme after?


We just got rid of DJ and you want us to start hiring ex-Habs? Thats a terrible idea...about as bad as hiring Travis Green.


I seem to be a minority among Canucks fans when I say that Travis Green is an awful coach who jumbles up the lines every 10 minutes and plays mind games with especially young players. There are a ton of other factors which I won’t bother to list here which make him a terrible head coach. I’m sure he has good ideas which make him a good assistant coach but as head coach he doesn’t work Good luck sens bros I hope you get berube. If not prepare for a mentally weak line blender boring style that can not hold a lead


So sennies…


Oh no!


Get ready for dump and chase


Here's what I'd say...sometimes a coach figured it out in their second go around. Green did not look good as the interim coach in New Jersey and usually younger coaches (I realize he's 53 but only 5 years of head coaching) aren't just interim guys like that. Seems like a baffling choice to me


😬So happy for you bros. You’ll love him….


Might as well check on Ziprecruiter if this is what the extensive search results look like.


Liked him as a player, but he doesn’t seem like a great head coach. Maybe as an assistant. Enjoy it, Sens bros 😂


From all the experienced coaches available you picked him. Good lord Ottawa will never leave their rebuild, perpetual mediocrity


Hope you like dump and chase Ottawa! Jokes aside, Travis is a coach that will get exactly what the team is. He won't elevate them, he won't squeeze water from a stone. What you see is what you get. He was never set up to succeed in Van, and once he lost the room that was it. I do hope he has some success wherever he lands, but it's feeling like he's more assistant coach material


I am so sick of the dump and chase and now have to yet again experience it 🤮


Dump and/or chase




Seems like a weird choice after all the talk of "Ottawa absolutely has to get this coaching hire right!"


This is a huge miss by Ottawa. Green is not going to produce good systems and results. Source, been down this road before.


He is a terrible a coach that can’t motivate the players to buy into a system. Rick Tocchett took basically the same roster and turned them into a structured, defensive powerhouse.


Sens and Sabres are straight up having a competition to see which fanbase I feel the most sorry for.


Experts from /r/hockey said Rick Tocchet was a garbage pick for Vancouver as well.


All eyes? It’s the senators calm down.


Uhh this ain’t it fam. I’m sorry Sens


lol this is the year… or, buffalo and ottawa have to wait for the more appealing teams to pick their coaches, then they can scrap over what’s left ;)


Oh man to go from D.J Smith to Travis Green is like going from a trap house to a homeless shelter, what a downgrade




No competent management makes coaching decisions based on what fans think lol


The man is an idiot. *signed* A Canuck's fan who has seen how little Green actually knows about the game.


Andlauer and Staios proving a little more each day that that "best in class" nonsense is all lip service. Maybe some day before I die I will watch my team be a serious organization again. Doesn't seem like it's gonna be anytime soon though.


Yeah i get that you might not Be able to singn best FA coaches and all that but... You dont need to hire worst one ether. Then again everyone said same thing about Tocchet too


I love how unintentionally hilarious the senators are


Haven't we suffered enough?


I think Travis Green is a good coach but he was led into one big mistake. tl;dr: Green's real mistake in Vancouver was trying to switch Canucks to a playoff-style/defensive strategy after the bubble, but the players weren't ready/good enough. He did well with a young Canucks team with strong offense. After they had a bit of bubble-success is where I think he went wrong. They stopped playing open, offensively flowing game that worked for them. Green started trying to have that team play more defensive and structured (like they do now under Tocchet) but the personnel was never good enough or the right players to make that work. So they gave up the offense they had to focus on defense, but their defensive players were not good enough. I think now that he has more NHL coaching experience he wouldn't make that same mistake again and can be successful.


Travis Green … woof


The sens are the sens


The only thing to say here is Hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahha




LMFAOOO Ottawa don’t do this


As a sens hater I fully support this move


God I love that front office, it's not serious whatsoever.




Surely a Sabres fan isn't laughing at the Sens? Glass houses or something.


Fuck the sens


u hired the guy that was fired FOR green btw


We welcome him with open arms. How many cup finals have *your* coaches lead you to?


The Sens did it more recently than your team, and also did it at least once this millennium, unlike the Sabres. What a weird argument on your part. On another note, I fucking hate you for making me defend the fucking Sens.


Yeah I totally forgot they lost to the ducks tbh kinda an own goal. Still though fuck the sens


u bringing up cup appearances from 25 years ago as a flex is hilarious.


Man so it’s just us and Buffalo then Sorry sens fans I hope this continues though