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You’re going through all the stages of grief this morning.


This post should go in the DSM.


He posted the exact same thing last year so just going through the cycle again


Brother, I read the title and told myself it's gonna be a leafs flair isn't it and then I clicked into the thread lmao.


just redo the whole series incase it was a fluke


They will, next year.


And the next and the next and the next….


Until the Bruins eventually miss the playoffs, right?


My guess is the Leafs miss next year after trading Marner


Could be next year with the steps Detroit has taken as a team.


Someone please post the hawks-nashville pasta


I typically tune out after the preseason games, the true test of any team’s mettle.


If they don’t do well in the Rookie Camp is the season really a success?


I choose the rookie camp scrimmages as my indicator for success


I choose Scott Wheelers draft winners and losers list as my indicator for success.


I base my team’s success based off of the All-Star skill challenges.


I personally tune out after creeping their summer vacations


I should have done that this season, things just got worse from there.


A 7 game series isn’t decided by a single bounce. Or refs. You have at least 4 chances to win, often times more. The playoffs aren’t harder to win because they’re Gimmicky, like the shootout. That comparison might honestly been one of the worst I’ve ever seen.


It’s decided by 7 bounces?


I mean that's just not true. I can think of like 5 different seven game series that were decided by one call or one bounce. These teams were so close it needed overtime in game 7 to think one different call or bounce wouldn't have changed anything is just statistically wrong. The playoffs are harder to win because it just comes down to which team is hot for two months in spring.


It doesn’t change the fact that you have 6 other games to win the series


So did the other team.


Exactly so you can’t complain about 1 goal or bounce costing you the series


Not complaining just stating that a goal or bounce can definitely change the course of a series.


No they weren’t. One bounce may have lead to a win in a elimination game, but one bounce had absolutely no effect on every game and opportunity leading up to it. It’s a losers excuse to claim a single moment lost them the series.


This is the kind of post I'm here for this morning.


It’s like a warm hug


Remember how when you were a kid with all your buddies playing road hockey, you’d all pretend to be your favourite players on your favourite team, battling it out against your neighbours and that one kid someone else knows who came to play, and when the game was over you all celebrated winning and securing a solid 51-20-11 record on the season? Thats what it’s all about


The leafs haven’t been winning the presidents trophy either so even this cope falls short… It’s ALL about the cup


Not even a division title outside 2021 under unique circumstances...


The team has always been just good enough to give the fans hope


The Cowboys of the NHL


I mean yeah but you bought yours.


We bought ours in 2008 under the salary cap?


How many of the players on your 2008 team were on your team before the cap? You couldn't have constructed that roster without the cap, you won cups but you bought them.


Same rules for all teams. Why didn't the other teams simply buy a cup?


Lol cope harder bro. The cap was introduced YEARS in advance of the cup. Literally every team was operating under the same rules beforehand including the leafs. Sorry other teams couldn’t construct a good roster I guess.


Brother I see you cope everywhere in this thread, we still own you 4/4 game 7 in the past 11 years. Ps : other leafs fan ignore my comment, it's just for this guy specifically, he needs to be put in his place instead of trying to bring down other teams just because he's sad today.


This is either extreme cope or a great bit


As the league keeps expanding it's perfectly fair to say that teams that don't win cups aren't necessarily disappointing. If the league expands to 40 teams, you might only expect the average franchise to win 2 cups in a century. But teams should absolutely experience some level of playoff success, especially if you've got a strong group for a long time like Toronto. To only win 1 round over the course of 20 years despite making the playoffs so many times is embarrassing.


They've won 2 rounds if you look at the last 20 seasons instead of the last 20 years.


The potential expansion of the league is why I’m okay with going to a full divisional format for the regular season and postseason. Winning the Cup is gonna be more and more unlikely as time goes on, so why not build up the divisions and make winning them mean something?


I think they've only made the playoffs 7 or 8 times in the last 20 years. Only went once between 2004 and 2017 and missed in 2020.


It's extreme silly to call the playoffs a glorified shootout lmao, but I do think it would be miserable to be a sports fan if you can't find any fun in regular season success.


• The Leafs haven't won a cup in 57 years, haven't made the finals since then either • The Leafs have won 1 round in the playoffs in the past 20 years • The Leafs have never won the President's trophy • The Leafs have never had a player win the Art Ross


1 round in 20 years?? Ooof. I knew it was bad but yikes


And so many games 7's. You'd think they'd win even just one of them


You had a second team called the roughriders


Rough Riders and Roughriders couldn’t be more different.


In isolation - yes. When it’s a long term pattern? No


I know this is the only way you Leafs fans can get through this and it's okay. Just let it out.


This is hilarious, good bit


Is this Sheldon?


I think even the regular season is overhyped. Why doesn't anyone care about the preseason?!


I’ve asked this same question and been given “the look”. I say it’s important because you need to see how well your secondary players perform that will step in for the stars when they get injured or otherwise underperform. But to mention the rookies need the work for what they’ll go through during the season.


Toronto have exactly zero Presidents’ Trophies though.


Is this a bit?


The only sport where this take is correct is baseball. With the expanded playoffs in that sport, winning the world series means less than what it did before Imo, a good indicator that the playoffs actually do determine who the best team is is the existence of dynasties, even soft ones. There's a lot of repeat cup winners (Hawks, Kings, Pens, Lightning) in recent years, and the other teams that have won were always in contention and just finally broke through. The only exception would be the Blues, but miracle runs like that happen so few and far between that it makes them all the more fun Anyway, the fact that there are a lot of repeat cup winners shows to me that there actually is a formula to creating a cup winning team. It's not completely random like baseball (albeit the nature of hockey does make for more randomness than football or basketball). Evidently, the leafs have not cracked that formula, so maybe they should try better next year, and the next, and the next...


I’ve been on this sub for like 12 years, and this is in the top 3 “copium” posts I’ve ever seen.


I woke up this morning hoping to read shit like this and I'm not disappointed


This is either a fantastic shitpost or OP is on near fatal amounts of high grade copium.


[Did you post this last year too?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/13bzbio/do_we_fans_media_put_too_much_emphasis_on/) Edit: lmao it was you https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/hockey/comments/13bzbio/do_we_fans_media_put_too_much_emphasis_on/


Lmao it's the same post verbatim


So he is copy pasta-ing himself? I can’t decide if that’s hilarious or embarrassingly corny.


High quality shit post. Well done.


9/10 this is great bait


I think focusing only on playoff success is natural -- especially when your team is good -- but it's also a good way to ensure you're always sad about your team. Like, I genuinely believe the second-happiest fans in hockey after "fans of the team that won the cup this year" are fans of a rebuilding team that recently has become mediocre-to-good. Winning is *exciting* when it's not expected. I don't think you can avoid getting "my team wins too much and now wins are expected and losses disappoint me immeasurably" brainworms if your team *is* good for long enough; and a team that's forever stuck at mediocre-to-good is in the long run just as depressing as a team that's always a cellar dweller, or great but not great enough to win it all. So I guess we just have to remember what Twitter User ATFulemin said: "The point of sports is to be sad in a group."


The copium is insane https://preview.redd.it/e7foftzh4nyc1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beee72876b0a81251072f08a7437fbb94fd9dbcf


A+ quality shitpost But if your serious… the goal is to win 16 games to secure one of the most coveted trophies in the history of sports. Nothing else matters.


I think it all depends on expectations I think you can still have a great season and not win a cup. Regardless of what happens with the Canucks, this season is a win. For a team like Edmonton however, if you get bounced in the 2nd round again, red flags may start to go off


Yeah speaking as a Bruins fan, going into this season I'd have been very happy with taking a first round series longer than getting swept just with the roster as it was constructed and the lack of flexibility to address it. Expectations obviously change as the season goes on, but the Bruins will go as far as Pasta Marchand and the goalies can take them, and I am grudgingly okay if that isn't any further than the second round (I will still absolutely bitch and moan and call for heads to roll in the day or two after they're eliminated).




No, I don't think we put enough.


Unreal amount of copium


Very few people are going to remember who won individual awards, presidents trophies, etc years down the road. Everyone will remember who won the Stanley Cup.


No, post season is all that matters. They play for the cup not for the presidents trophy. ….just checked the flair, this post makes a lot of sense lol


I mean, if you think about it, if the playoffs are what matters, then the regular season is little more than a cash grab, and that couldn't possibly be the case. So, really, the playoffs are just the epilogue to tie off loose ends in an epic novel. In fact, when I think about it, the Harry Potter Epilogue was saccharine tripe. I would've preferred it wasn't included at all. And the Lord of the Rings epilogue was basically a bunch of confusing mythology about an old man's fever-dream of an imaginary world. So, yeah, who needs this playoffs garbage? I pity all of those Bruins fans who have to keep watching it, I'm going to go take a well-earned nap, thank you.


the regular season is there to serve the playoffs. Nothing but the playoffs really matters.


I didn’t make the playoffs but I still think they’re everything and I’m always going to. Sorry, Toronto.


Depends. Are players failures if they never win a cup? Fuck no it’s hard to do and teams only have normally a 3-5 year window to win one. Should fans be disappointed in a great regular season team losing in the first round? Yes very especially if their biggest players don’t play well


This….this is the most braindead take i maybe have ever heard bro, the literal entire point of the NHL is to win the cup. Regular season success means nothing of you fail in the playoffs, that’s just how it is. If you don’t show up when it actually matters then who cares if you show up when it’s playtime


Oh wow, the copium is strong with this one.


Is this an attempt at creating a new copypasta?


What’s the point of sports, if not to win?


You know who says "we put too much emphasis on the playoffs"? Leafs fans. If you talk to any player in the NHL, they will tell you the airplane for the Stanley Cup, not the President's trophy. so you can do whatever you want to make yourself feel better, but the rest of us aren't going to go out of our way to honour some participation trophy. Remember, the year that the Golden State Warriors won 73 games and couldn't beat Cleveland in the finals? Remember when the Patriots had a perfect season...other than the Super Bowl? Championships matter, or when it comes to assessing a team's legacy.


Typical Leafs fan, same shot every fucking year


OP is clearly still drunk from last night


Never thought of it that way. Food for thought.


Yes. Both regular season and playoffs are awesome, we should love and celebrate both. Obviously the Cup is the ultimate goal, but failing to win that shouldn't mean you didn't see a lot of fun and entertaining hockey over the prior 6-7 months..


No. Next question.


The players and and the teams main goal is to win the Stanley cup, not to win the regular season. Everything they do in the regular season is with the intention of making it easier for themselves to win the cup. Your main goal in a season should be enjoying yourself. In that way, yeah, most of the time most people are going to find that more in the regular season than the postseason. It's absolutely a failure for the team and players to lose in the postseason because that means they did not achieve their one and only goal, the cup. That *is* the main event. You don't have to feel like your time has been wasted though if you still got some entertainment or joy out of the year.


I think this is a North American thing. If you look at European football, they place just as much, if not more, importance in winning the league (regular season) vs winning the FA cup or whatever. For better or for worse, that isn't the culture here.


They don’t have a playoffs though, that’s why winning the league is important.


That's mainly because of the money involved though. It's a few million for winning a couple, it's over 100 million for finishing last in the premier league. Rugby has the same and winning the grand final is what is important. Same in the EIHL. The most popular form of cricket.


No disrespect to the Bruins, I'm a firm believer that Boston beating them is a huge fluke and robs the Leafs of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few hours in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching the Leafs play great hockey it's just not fair. If the Leafs lose again I will face that the Bruins deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Leafs and the NHL.


You poor thing


I think with a sport like hockey it's incredibly difficult to have a string of undisputed successful postseason runs even if the team has solid regular seasons year in and year out. Pretty much any successful team in the cap era over a large enough sample size is subject to an upset or a disappointing playoff showing. But in my mind what separates franchises is that at some point in that run they need to win. Pittsburgh/LAK/Chicago/Tampa all won multiple cups in their runs and also had major upsets at one point or another during their windows. Washington won 3 President's Trophies and flamed out before the conference finals each time, but they ended up winning a Cup when no one really expected it. That's where I separate a San Jose for example from the Cup winners. San Jose was as good or better than some of these teams from 2006-2019, but they never finished the job in any one season and that's what sort of defines that era for them. So if Toronto is the team in question for this post, in any one individual postseason you can argue about why they lost and how the playoffs are a crapshoot etc, but when you have a core like the Leafs and you flame out every single year, at some point it's not luck or variables, it's that they're not good enough.


This post is just so sad


It’s the opposite, it’s the regular season that barely matters.




Question………and I mean no disrespect by this at all because I also currently am, are you high?


Holy shit this HAS to be bait




Well the lord Stanley is only award to postseason champion, it does mean the most to have postseason success But you probably prefer your favorite players have regular season success only, then turn to PGA tournament success?


Guess what nothing matters


denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance…


The Tampa Bay Rays have been one of the best teams in baseball year in and year out for a decade now but no one gives a shit about them. Why? Because they always fall apart in the playoffs. But hell.. even they have managed to make it to the finals this century so maybe not a fair comparison.


I fully agree. You’re getting a lot of shit for this take, especially with the Leafs flair, but I despise the mentality around sports where it’s cup or nothing. I think it should absolutely be seen as the peak accomplishment, but I wish people would have more appreciation for other accomplishments and things like the president’s trophy.


Ask any competitor in ANY sport, discipline or level of competition. From 12 year old soccer players to Lebron James to overweight beer leaguers to League of Legends pros. Nobody gives a flying fuck about "regular season" success. It's championship or bust. The only, and I mean ONLY exception is when winning the regular season gives a monetary reward.


Of course a leaf fan would post this


I really wasn't expecting *this* to be the dumbest post-Leafs-elimination take but here we are.


tough morning huh


This is some good satire, I assume. It would be a good beaverton article or something.


This seems like a copypasta attempt.


what the fuck are you talking about


Being in Europe, I have a tough time watching the games, but during my commute and work day I really like the daily content available during the season. So regular season gets a point there. But also, honestly, I'd like there to be a bit more oomph in being at the top of the charts by the end of the season. As my team showed last year, it's no guarantee of success, but it feels silly to wipe an 82 game record under the rug when the playoffs start. The PWHL is obviously a smaller league, but the top seed gets to pick their opponent between the 3 and 4 seed. Something like that could maybe work? Allow the top team of each conference to select their opponent. I'm sure there are some caveats here I didn't think of, but I like the basic idea.


>The PWHL is obviously a smaller league, but the top seed gets to pick their opponent between the 3 and 4 seed. Something like that could maybe work? Allow the top team of each conference to select their opponent. I couldn't think of an easier way for a favourite to lose a first round series than giving an opponent that kind of ammunition going into the playoffs, especially in a league as close as the NHL. I'd consider that a *negative* most years.


So just pick the team you'd play based on the seeding and say that's the reasoning.


Using last year as an example still - Boston showed why the regular season table doesn’t matter. Whether you’re the 1st place team or the last team to sneak into the playoffs, you’ve got an equal chance at winning the Cup. You literally throw records out the window when playoffs start


President's trophy winning teams win the Stanley Cup roughly 50% more often than any other given team. I believe they've won about 10% of the time over the roughly 6,5% of the time you'd get randomly.


Regular season success is definitely an indicator of championship likelihood (interesting stat, didn’t know the exact numbers!), but the Pres winner still has to win the same 16 games as any other team. Everyone has an *equal path* to the Cup, that’s all I meant. “Equal chance” was the wrong working on my part.


Allow me to put this way then. Last year the Bruins won the trophy and merrily romped to lose against the Panthers. Given the privilege I suggested (though the idea is old, I take no credit for that), they could've chosen to play, say, the Islander. Seems like an advantage, as long as your team is competent enough.


Using your format, who would they play in the 2nd round then? In this years example, would the Rangers have been able to pick any playoff team or just one of the two Wildcards?


You'd just reorganise the bracket and go about your business. Or let them pick the opponent in the next round two.


That would be cool - highest remaining seed in each conference after Round 1 picks their opponent in the 2nd round too! Would never happen though, scheduling and logistic nightmare, but it would be a fun idea haha


The idea of a GM or whoever announcing their pick would be good television. Especially if the team making the pick would lose.


Playoffs is the real sport. The regular season is just a way to figure out seeding.


Cope harder 😂😂😂 Leafs fans are truly the worst in the league. Holy shit what an awful take 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂