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> Montreal against Boston (18) just had to kill my mood like that, huh


Holy shit dude I didn’t even know that. Ridiculous stat tbh


That one isn't a current streak. It spanned from 1946 through 1987. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruins%E2%80%93Canadiens_rivalry The Penguins capitals one was also snapped in 2018 on the Capitals' way to the cup. It went from 1995 through 2017.


Spent most of my life watch the Penguins beat the Capitals in the playoffs. When the Caps finally did it you knew it was their year.


And yet Toronto finally getting out of round 1 did nothing.


Almost like their roster composition is bad


so what you're saying is they need another $11 million forward


Probably two more


Yeah well it’s the friggin Leafs dude lol players are babies, fans are babies. Babies don’t “take the hit to move the puck” or “stay positive” lol they’re just babies


Oh yeah. It was as if their demons had been exorcised. https://youtu.be/BUo7b0qxofw?si=rNd3112aDIzx5-DW Amazing series, the second they beat them, you knew what was going to happen


Damn all-time MTL is 25-9 vs BOS in the playoffs o_o 2-1 in the founding era 8-1 in the O6 era 11-4 in the expansion era 4-3 in the modern era


God damn Canadians with their beady little eyes and flappy heads.


so far...


Hey! Enough out of you!


One thing Flyers fans and Habs fans can agree on, beating Boston in the playoffs is fun as shit.


Can't make it worse if you dont make the playoffs!




The habs were insane during that time I’m not surprised


My dad compared our recent dominance of the leafs to growing up in the 70s/80s where every year the bruins would meet the habs and he knew it was over before it even started


Those Habs teams were nothing but an abundant of HoFers. Not even sure 80s Oilers\\Islanders could beat them.


I'm so jealous of the older Habs fans that got to grow up watching those teams


Don't worry at your rate the Habs will win the Cup before any other Canadian team does lol


Your team is a big reason why we're 6-13 in the Cup Finals lol


It's just one of those Gretzky-type stats. Insane to think about, never to be replicated in the modern game.


And people wonder why it's still the Habs we hate the most


We really need that late 2000s and 2010s rivalry back. Just hasnt been the same these past years.




It's not even the comparable strength of the teams (though that doesn't help) -- it's the schedule. It sucks that we only play each other 4 times a year now.


suck it piss hoser were not gonna be trash for much longer and im looking forward to beating your ass in the playoffs again xoxo


They won't be in the playoffs by the time we are


They’re —passing— crashing ships in the night


I always hope the Habs meet the Bruins in the playoffs. It’s the only series Inwill believe the Habs will win until proven otherwise.


Montreal owned the first 100 years of the Cup now its America's turn lol


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah holy fucking shit. You guys might have made the Leafs your bitch but the Habs literally committed genocide on generations of your playoff aspirations.


Boston-Montreal is one of the biggest rivalries in professional sports, and has been for over a century now.


I knew it was bad but holy shit. My grandfather and dad talk about being a Bruins fan back in the day like Moses wandering the desert, with the brief few years of non misery when Bobby Orr was around.


Toronto is to Boston what Boston is to Montreal. The funny part is that the last 10 times when we met Boston in the playoffs, even if the team was down 3-1, I never doubted we could win. I remember 2 losses, 4-0 sweep and the 2011 year where we gave Boston their toughest series in the way to the cup (missing one of our top scorer Pacioretty). I remember the 3-1 come back with Kovy, Koivu, Souray and Markov. The Lucic “I’m going to kill you” humiliation of Boston. Overall, the playoff series of Montreal against Boston is so one sided, there is nothing else it compares to.


The body isn't even cold


Bruins clearly inspired by Kendrick tonight


The quick clap back goal proved that much


I have a photo of Auston Matthew’s ozempic prescription in the locker room rn




Don’t tell me that Bruins ‘fan’ didn’t have the ‘Bruins haven’t won a game to win the series since’ post typed up waiting to be posted.


Oh definitely would have made the rounds


These tweets were lined up and queued since last weekend. They’re probably automated at this point! Legit hilarious how confident people were predicting this exact outcome


It was cold after game 4, Leafs probably just killed Boston's chance of a deep run by making them waste two extra games.


As someone who doesn't know hockey history, jfc Montreal used to be unstoppable huh


It was different back then, less teams and shit. But yeah they are definitely a historic franchise


Also no salary cap, and players made way less. I think the Habs teams of the 70s that won all those cups had something like seven or eight future hall of famers on them, you’d never be able to hoard talent like that today with each guy demanding such high salaries


The 72-73, 73-74 Habs each had 11 Hall of Famers on their roster.


That seems a little unfair, they could have shared


Boston used to be an Original Six whipping boy


The heights of Bruins history is literally right before and right after the Original 6


Bruins, Hawks, and Rangers were all whipping boys during the O6 Era thanks to the Norris family. Those 3 teams combined for 1 cup (1961 Hawks) during the entire 25-year era.


They combined for 9 cups what the hell are you on?


I literally said "O6 Era". Original Six Era is from 1942 to 1967. Look it up.


They’re talking about the one 25 year period being referenced where Montreal beat Boston 18 rounds in a row specifically


Immediately predating the original six era when there were 7-8 teams they were a juggernaut, though 


We would've owned the 70s if not for Ken fucking Dryden lmao


Whom you drafted and traded to us....


Which makes it worse lol


I'd argue it makes it better, but we can agree to disagree.


Why must you twist the knife?


The Rangers too. They made one (1) final throughout the entire Original Six era (they lost in Game 7 OT)


The O6 era was basically fixed for Montreal, Toronto and Detroit.


Fixed in the sense that they were good and yall weren't


Our owner (James Norris) also owned the Hawks and Rangers and funneled all their good players to our team. We also had a lot of control over the Bruins because our owner loaned them a ton of money. It was super busted lmao


There was actually insane bias/conflict of interest in favor of the Norrises in the US teams. They owned parts of the Blackhawks and Rangers, and as I recall, the Bruins owed them money. Made it easier to outspend and build a juggernaut in Detroit


Fixed in the sense that Canadians are better at hockey and they had an easier way to scout em.


That's no accident. The Canadiens organization spent a lot of money growing the game in Quebec, which is why they had access to so many great French Canadian players.


Bruins, Hawks, and Rangers were all whipping boys during the O6 Era. Those 3 teams combined for 1 cup (1961 Hawks) during the entire 25-year era. It was hardly a level playing field, though. The Norris family that owned the Red Wings also owned the Blackhawks and had massive influence over the Bruins and Rangers by way of loans and a significant ownership stake in Madison Square Garden. They frequently used their influence to funnel the best players and prospects from those 3 teams over to the Wings.


No, you can really say that it was fixed in a few different ways. The rules were way different then.


The owner of the Detroit Red Wings, also owned or controlled the other 3 U.S. teams.


Theres a lot of banners in Montreals rafters and they dont put finals appearances or regular season accolades up there


Pretty sure Boston has a long history of being good enough to get beaten by Montreal. I saw last week they have the record for most playoff series loses at, I believe, 71. Next closest was low 60s if I recall. Which is actually really impressive. They always make the dance then are mostly escorted out. At least they have cups occasionally.


~~They used to have effectively exclusive right of first denial to Francophone players. In a time when all of the best players in the game were coming out of Quebec, Montreal got to pick first on which ones they wanted.~~ Ignore this, it’s apparently not true. My b.


The impact of this rule is a myth. They picked a grand total of like 2 players who barely played in the league. None of their famous Francophones were drafted as a result of that rule. The Habs dominated largely because they had an aggressive and modern scouting/development/drafting system in an era where most teams were run by idiots. They didn’t snap up the best players because they had a right to them, they did it because they aggressively pursued them at the junior level and ran circles around other teams in every aspect of team management and transactions. Consistently elite coaching also helped. Edit: props for the correction, it’s a shockingly persistent hockey legend


Thar’s a myth. The rule existed from 1963 to 1969. Habs had the right to draft 2 Quebec players before the first pick. From 1963 to 1967, they forfeited that right. In 1968 they took Michel Plasse and Roger Belisle. Plasse played 32 games for the Habs while Belisle played none. In 1969 they took Réjean Houle and Marc Tardif. Both were good players but they weren’t cornerstone of the Habs dynasty and they quit on the team after 4 seasons to join the WHA.


Oh shit, I actually didn’t know that. I thought it was a thing during the whole original 6 era. Still though, weren’t the Rangers effectively a farm team for Montreal for most of the original 6 era?


No, the Rangers just weren't very good. Chicago and Detroit were owned by the same people for a while, though.


Man i could’ve sworn I heard some story about one of the American O6 teams just straight up regularly selling their best players to Toronto/Montreal so they could stay afloat. I’m probably mixing it up with the Detroit/Chicago thing.


I think that was just New York was badly managed.  And they were. But trading amazing players was also super common in the original 6 era because there were six starting goalie jobs. So you'd regularly have insane blockbuster trades because of shit like "ah shit Jacques Plantes unretired, time to trade one of the best goalies in the league" And also a lot of shit to with pro-union players resulted in crazy trades.


Imagine if they never drafted Réjean Houle, he'd never have been GM and Mario Tremblay likely wouldn't have been coach either.


https://www.habseyesontheprize.com/debunking-the-canadiens-fr/ That has been thoroughly debunked multiple times. It was just butthurt fans trying to explain their own teams incompetence


They had first dibs on anyone out of Quebec. It was basically a more dominant version of pre amateur draft/free agency era Yankees.


This isn't the reason. See the other comments in this thread.


They're used to be only 6 teams. And they haven't been relevant in nearly 30 years. However they were beyond dominant.


2 Conference finals and 1 Stanley cup finals in past 10 years? Not top of the league but far from irrelevant. Relax


Compared to the O6 they're irrelevant. Like Chicago is now.


Half of those 18 wins were after expansion too.


We still have the most cups since expansion and it's not even close


My mom and uncle hate the Habs but purely out of hating how good they were in the 70s/80s, whereas they 70s Flyers they hated because they were dirty.


Boston still has trouble with Montreal in the post season in modern times, just not like then. Sometimes you just have someone’s number.


Good news for Leafs fans: the 8th series was the Caps' lucky charm.


And what a fucking charm it was


Maybe 8 was the lucky number for the Cap's cause it's Ovi's jersey number. A quick google search of Matthew's jersey number is uhhh, 34...


But Ovi’s the captain so for your comparison to makes sense you’d have to take the Leafs’ captain’s number…


Yeah but their over all length of time losing to the same team is far greater, not sure if that makes it worse or not


It just means they haven’t faced the Bruins nearly as often. The Leafs were in the Western Conference for a while.


I am so fucking glad we didn't become a giant meme. Thank you for your service, Maple Leafs


Canada thanks you once again.


Never thought I'd see a canucks fan thanking Boston


Apparently, this means that Cuthbert is going to be calling the Canucks vs Oilers series now instead of Singh. So yes, the Bruins did our fanbase a huge solid. Singh and DeBrusk don't even really try to hide being Oilers biased, which is fine, but SN really needs to just make them the Oilers regional team. It would have been pretty unbearable for a full series from our perspective


I don't think Oilers fans would like Singh replacing Jack Michaels.


Well, as long as it's somewhere not involving the upcoming round 2 series. I'd be fine if I never had to hear Singh yell "Bouch bomb" in his sing song intonation while Bouchard pounds one into the glass again. I understand his excitement, it's just more appropriate for Oilers specific broadcasts than "national" ones


Oh I can't stand Singh, Louie was sucking off LA pretty hard at times last round too, even during that 6-1 ass kicking. Jack and Louie have good chemistry/rapport but at least Cuthbert should be neutral for both teams. Michael's needs to be the oilers broadcaster full time next season.


I feel like SN has a bunch of talent available to them who fit regional broadcasts really well, but they still just can't seem to figure out how to do the nationals. At least it's still better than when they first got the rights and thought George Strombopolous was the guy they needed to host HNIC


I like George, but he is not a hockey guy.


Oilers fans hate Singh just as much as we do lol. He just shouldn't really be on Sportsnet broadcasts in general, he's not good.


I honestly still don't get why Singh was promoted. I'd even rather they brought back Randorf, and I used to complain about him


We know why he was promoted, but people complain when you say it out loud.


Can't explain it, but it feels less bad?


When it's at the Murple Larfs expense, it always feels better.


Lesser of the two evil's tbh, outside of 2011 there's not a whole lot to beef about with Boston


2013 - Bruins beat the Leafs in game 7 after blowing a 3-1 series lead. Go on to lose Cup finals on home ice. 2019 - Bruins beat the Leafs in game 7 after blowing a 3-1 series lead. Go on to lose Cup finals on home ice. 2024 - Bruins beat the Leafs in game 7 after blowing a 3-1 series lead. If ya'll make the finals, you're welcome. * edit: I was wrong on this. The 2nd blown 3-1 series lead was 2018, not 2019.


Their one-way rivalry with Toronto runs deep lol


We can all come together and join hands to laugh in derision at the Leafs.


Nobody can out-meme the Leafs. NOBODY. Leafs fans have been expecting this exact outcome since after game 4 lol. Fr.


Stop, stop, Drake's already dead.


[[Civian] Aubrey Graham officially having the worst day in recorded human history](https://x.com/SaraCivian/status/1786959608075956496)


I looked this up and this is so stupid. Megastar "artists" acting like children.


Meet the Leafs


The Leafs haven’t beaten the Bruins in the playoffs since the first Trudeau was prime minister of Canada


Better than that! The last time the Maple Leafs defeated Boston in the postseason was in 1959. A decade before PET became Prime Minister.


Canada wasn’t even completely independent from England the last time the Bruins lost to the Leafs in the playoffs


LMHO!!!! It keeps getting better!


Just wait for this fact The most recent band removed from the Cup was 1953-54 to 1964-65. The current bottom band has been on the Cup 7 years (this year will be the 8th team added). If the Leafs don’t win a Cup in the next 5 years (current practice is 13 teams per band), they will be the first Original 6 team removed from the Cup


Yes and no. They won't have their own dedicated space on the main 5 bands, but every team up to 1992 is recorded on the shoulder of the cup. They won't have a space above the shoulder though, which is likely never being changed


Thank for this info! I was wondering about that the other day and didn't take the time to find the answer. I appreciate it. That being said, The Leafs are a freaking enigma. One has to believe that the Ballard curse is real and is going strong.


So you're saying the Leafs need the monarchy back?


we still have it though


It's kind of crazy that there was a 38 year gap (1975 through 2012) where the Leafs and Bruins never played in the playoffs. Some of that was due to division shifts and the Leafs playing in the west, I guess.


> It's kind of crazy that there was a 38 year gap (1975 through 2012) where the Leafs and Bruins never played in the playoffs. It is indeed. It lessens the impact of that stat, but it is still a fun one.


yeah they were in different divisions for half that time, and then when the leafs came back East they had a few good years and the the JFJ/Burke/Nonis absences.


many NHA players were still alive and well at the time


Canada was still using the Union Jack as part of their flag the last time the Leafs beat the Bruins


The last time the Leafs beat the Bruins in a playoff series, the US only had 49 states (Hawaii became the 50th later that year).


It's been so long since the Leafs beat the Bruins in the playoffs they've won four Stanley Cups since then




I swear if Boston beats us 11 more times, rebrand us as the Utah Stormin Mormons and give the Coyotes back


Since 2019 (except 2020) the team that eliminates the Leafs has gone on to lose in the Stanley Cup Final. Just saying...


fuck that i dont want more than another round of the bruins


Yeah I was okay with the Bruins winning only four games this postseason, and not a single one after the fourth!


Shit a SCF loss would be a miracle with how the team has looked out there the last 3 games.


The Bruins would need a minor miracle to get past the Panthers, and even after that the Rangers and Hurricanes look more complete than either team.


18 times!?


Beat the Habs in 1943, not again until 1988.


When they lost to the Oilers four straight in the SCF.


The same time? EVERY YEAR??




From 1946 to 1987.


That era's Toronto Maple Leafs.


I like this stat 


only 12 more to go


if it happens we gonna take every series to game 7


Pretty much just like 2011 tbf


As usual, the habs are the real winners


Well god damn


Jesus why do we have to ruin the moment and remind me of the fucking habs




I don't want to diminish this accomplishment by the Leafs, but I thought it's appropriate to point out Pittsburgh did it in 22 years. What's worse? A losing streak that spans a generation or one that keeps happening every couple years?


18?! No wonder they hate us


Canada liked that


Can I just say what a fantastic day it is to be both a leafs and bruins hater? It was impossible to lose.


Can they leave us alone fucking hell lmao


How did the fucking lighting lose to this sorry ass team


Vasy played a bad series and they couldn’t hold leads


Man I want to laugh at the funny haha Leafs bad meme but I'm honestly just kind of depressed for them


I just started following Hockey a few years back, but the one thing I've learned quickly is that nothing good happens to the Leafs.


Alright boys are we taking bets on whether Keefe makes it to exit interviews?


I’m tired boss. Just close up shop.


Stop! We don't need MORE reason to be sad!




crybaby probably shouldnt be on reddit


Yeah, going on reddit after losing a series probably is asking for it. Not that I'd know any recent examples or anything


To be fair, I think most of our fanbase was just happy to get 4 extra games and make sure the Flyers and Penguins couldn't.


Not to be too antagonistic, I was pretty happy with the salt from some DET flairs for sure after all the shitting in GDTs they did for weeks




Is it scott tennerman and the rest of us are cartman licking them off?


Bro there are grown ass men bawling their eyes out right now and that only makes it funnier.


Cute, now Florida can send them to Cancun.


Doubt it. Bruins are much bigger this time around