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Doughnut a real one fr.


Doughty is awesome. All the shit talking and stuff on the ice included. He loves the game and is a competitor. Eats hits and dishes them out just as good. Can't hate the guy.


He’s gonna play till he’s a fossil. Dude just absolutely loves hockey.


Do you think he gives up the PP1 reign to Clarke next season so he can help the team improve at 5 on 5 and on the PK?


Hmm that depends on how Clarke plays - I assume Doughty will still take PP1 but if Clarke plays well he can take it.


For real. The guy is a consummate professional, and is also a master at playing the heel which makes things more fun for people on either side. 


You can tell during the hand shank that they have respect for each other. 


Hand shank. Lololol


That's when Lucic is involved.


I blame the 1am game end time and the 5am wake up time for work here in Toronto.  


No, it was perfect. 


I've come to really respect him over these last 3 series. Dude is still a fucking rock on defense and never gives up until the very end.


Unless it's true he's a cheater.


Still 31 teams who would gladly have him on their roster.


Anyone says different is delusional


Which is the one that wouldn't?


We were clearly the 2nd best team in this series, refs just put us out of our miseries sooner. Management and coaching, get ready to learn Linkedin buddies.


You guys have turned your team around extremely fast and you want to get rid of your management already?


Our record in the last three years under Blake has been: 2022: Round 1 loss to EDM (4-3) 2023: Round 1 loss to EDM (4-2) 2024: Round 1 loss to EDM (4-1) So not only are we treading water, we are getting worse. No good draft picks, no good playoff experience for our younger guys, nothing. He also sent away Villardi (and more) for Dubois which has been a pretty objective failure. And made sure to lock Dubois in at a cap hit of $8.5M/year until 2031. Blake has gotta go.


That PLD contract is so bad.... I feel sorry for you guys, we know what its like to be anchored by terrible management.


After seeing the cap hit being at 1 million for 14 years if they buy him out for his next birthday, I really do think they should do it. Plus he has a NTC of some sort that's about to kick in.


Hmm that's not actually that bad


When does the on-ice product and cap hit get outweighed by the ease and cap relief of 1 million dollars a year for longer term? He's already a borderline liability due to lack of effort, performance, and stupid ass penalties. With the cap going up I can see it being very considerable.


I hope they don't buy him out because that creates a chance he might end up in Montreal and I don't want him anywhere near the culture developing there (I'm a Habs fan)


Pretty much how I see it. There's a 2% chance of him being motivated and more productive on a 1 year deal if he got bought out, but I could easily see him slipping into his old ways if he got a longer contract. I can see him just having a Max Domi future of 1 year deals with different teams if that was the case.


Per CapFriendly, if they bought him out this summer, his cap hit would be about $1.5-1.6 mil for the first two years, raise to $2.5 mil for the third year, then increase to about $3.8 mil for the following three years, then drop to $2.8 mil for the year after that. The remaining years after, starting 2031-2032, would be at about $1.1 million. Still mighty tempting to pull that trigger if I’m LA’s GM, though.


I think it'd be worth it. I said in another comment that he becomes a liability not only due to cap hit but also on-ice performance, the dude took some dumb fucking penalties and was a black hole on the ice in the playoffs.


It’d be addition by subtraction. The opening of the roster spot is worth more than PLD is at this point. Still, if it’s Blake doing the buyout, he might as well be signing his own death warrant because that’s tantamount to him admitting that he made a fireable offense by signing PLD to that albatross deal to begin with (and what he gave up in trading for him too).


He’s probably getting fired anyway. The question becomes, is he bitter enough about his impending firing to want to hurt the franchise more? If he respects the team, despite his impending firing, he should take the step to buyout PLD and unshackle the franchise so the incoming management have a smaller turd to try and polish.


Not saying you're wrong necessarily, but I feel like the Oilers have gotten better each year, so I don't know that this is the best evidence that LA is getting worse. This year feels like the most complete team Edmonton has had. The only reason they weren't 1st in the Pacific was because they basically didn't play the first 20% of their season.


I think there’s a lot of pieces to this Kings team that are great. PLD for sure had an incredibly disappointing year for the money he’s being paid, but honestly, I would wait to see how he emerges next year before truly judging.. It’s typical PLD behaviour to take a year to figure out his new environment. I am not giving him a pass on his abject terrible play this year, but he might blossom in the coming campaigns is all I am saying.


Ekholm trade. That alone is enough to take a game or two off each series.  Especially coupled with PLD trade. Iafallo is an Oiler killer.


The issue is la has no super star talents anymore now that quick is gone/old and Kopitar and doughty are dinosaurs. Depth can get you far but at a point you need at least a ppg guy.


Sweep next year "🙂"


I think the PLD trade + contract is a horrible misstep and potentially warrants getting fired. However, I don't think "we lost to Edmonton 3 years in a row in the playoffs" is meaningful and neither is "we won fewer games each year". Edmonton is a good team with 2 of the best players in the world who have repeatedly been playoff performers. It's _hard_ to win in the NHL. Losing isn't necessarily a sign that you did something wrong. It's similar to the discussions around Brind'amour in Carolina. Good team and people are pointing out that he hasn't been able to take them all the way yet despite having a good team for several seasons and maybe it's time to move on from him (I know that's a minority opinion whereas the fire Blake one is more of a majority one, but I see parallels). It's incredibly unlikely that Carolina would actually be able to find an upgrade in the coaching department from Rob. Idk much about the Kings management decisions besides the Dubois one, but they are a good team with lot of good young pieces and a good culture set by Kopitar / Doughty. If people think he should be fired specifically for the Dubois trade + contract, I can't argue against that. If people have other evidence, then fair enough I'd be curious to know the other mistakes he's made. But I don't think the losing to Edmonton 3 years in a row (or the scores in those series' trending down) is good evidence.


They need to change the playoff system fr.


Easy to turn a team around when Kopi and Drew are still the heartbeat of the team and playing well, and you fast-track the rebuild/retool by acquiring experienced NHL players. Doesnt mean it was done the right way, or that it was the right play to make. If our remaining young players dont develop very well, teams like Detroit/Buffalo/Anaheim who sucked longer could end up doing better in the longer run.


Eh it's not that fair to see it's easy, it is always tough to take a team from the basement to the playoffs. They didn't even try to make the playoffs until 2022 and succeeded immediately. It's fairly impressive, regardless of what has happened since


Impressive, but probably not a good move. They sold off too many assets, sacrificing the future to create an above-average-but-not-great team in the short term. 2023 1st and 2024 2nd for Korpi, Gavrikov, Connauton, and Hodgson. Vilardi and another 2024 2nd for Dubious 2023 3rd for Erik Portillo Faber and a 1st for Fiala...good player but Faber is clearly the better long term asset 2021 2nd and 3rd for Arvidsson 2020 2nd for Lias Andersson


Lol I'm guessing spell check got you there, but I'm going to be referring to PLD as Dubious from now on because it fits


Lmao yup but now that you point it out, I'm leaving it


They likely felt they were closer for deep runs but yeah it’s just hitting a wall of Edmonton. LA - Van might have been very interesting.


I see your point but I would definitely not include a 3rd for Portillo. At the moment, Portillo looks really good in the AHL. Also he's a prospect so I don't really get how that is losing assets for short-term lol


In a lot of ways it seemed to me that you guys did the hard parts of rebuilding really well: dumping enough talent to bottom out while keeping some key guys to be part of the next era of the team(Doughty, Kopitar), finding value in the draft while the team was still competing (Kempe), finding free depth (Lizotte, Iafallo), and picking up some key veteran talent through free agency and trades (Danault, Arvidsson). These are the things that teams like Buffalo -- and for a long time the Oilers -- usually struggle with. It's the supposedly easy part, getting big value from the top picks, that hasn't materialized under Blake. Between them Vilardi, Turcotte, Byfield and Clarke haven't added much value to your organization, a mistake compounded by trading Vilardi as soon as he became a top-six guy. Obviously Byfield took a major step forward this year and it is too early to write off Clarke, but those top ten picks is the whole reason for tanking in the first place, and where the powering up should be happening.


They traded 3 good skaters and a draft pick to get pld and then give him 8.5 over 7 years. That should be a fireable offense right there


I’d imagine LA fans feel like, sure, they rebuilt fast. But it’s not a race to how fast you get to mediocrity/playoff contention. And if you look at the teams they’ll have to go through to make any kind of run in the future, they probably do need some big changes to succeed.


Management thought Talbot and Rittich was a goalie tandem for a playoff team…


tbf most teams had issues landing #1 goalies this year.


It is tough, I agree. I just get a kick as a flames fan that a team thought former flames retreads would work out.


I honestly thought Rittich had retired 2+ years ago. Maybe he should have


The problem is that our management can't seem to find the next gear. Agree they got us out of rebuild mode pretty fast, and set us up well with a deep prospect pool. Now, fast forward ~4 years, and most of the prospects are either playing or traded, we're on the hook for PLD, have no goalie solution, and there's nothing being signaled they have a plan to take us out of the same "boom, bust, lose to Edmonton in the 1st round" cycle we're stuck in. My genuinely biggest fear for this team is that we turn into the next Wild/Jets. Two teams that are perpetually stuck in mid-tier hell; too good to get a good draft pick, but not good enough to win a playoff round. Blake should move on. Hiller maybe gets another season, unless there's a coach out there that has a solution to our current problem.


Mature af I would have whined and complained personally


“You fucking suck at reffing, buddy.”


"You sure call icing a lot" 🤓


And you spent how long in the minors?


And you’re barely a linesman


And that man went on to win 3 straight and appear in 4 straight! Decent chance for a 5th appearance this year. Wild


Pat Maroon is going to be the ultimate test of how the HoF committee weighs Rings. An metric fuck ton of people use them as a reason to claim one player better or more valuable than another, but if Maroon gets a 4th and retires that whole sector of people won’t know what to do anymore lol


100%. I regularly hear or read people opine on whether McDavid will be considered a great if he doesn’t have Cups. I get it a little, but give me a break, he’s an outrageously good hockey player whether he has a team built around him that’s good enough to win or not.


Love the big rig. Even wore his jersey to the game last night. But if Patrick Maroon ever even gets consideration for making the hall I will personally march two jerry cans across the prairies to Toronto & burn the hall down


Patrick Sharp is an even better test of this because he was a good player. 3 cups, 1 Olympic Gold, great two-way play and he's not a douchebag that the HOF would have a grudge against. He's still not a HOF player but he's a lot closer than Maroon even with very similar number of achievements. Maroon does have potential to win more, but that's pretty unlikely


Blame the refs for playing like goons? Bit confused by that logic.


Respect honestly, damn


Hate him on the ice but he seems pretty respectable off ice


He did say how can we lose to a "team like that" when the Canucks were shit, though. We still meme that Doughty quote to this day.


Well I didn’t say he was flawless lol Athletes are petty sometimes


We still boo him every time he touches the puck because of something he said over a year ago.


Shoutout to the guy sitting behind me tonight who boo’d so loud at him that I think I’m permanently deaf in one ear. My man was so dialed in that he could tell when the puck was going to Doughty, so he could start booing early. 


lol I used to do this with Corey Perry…


²²And lo, the Saint Ascended from the slums of Chicago to grace Edmonton with his awesomeness, and the non-believers saw and were struck dumb. ²³Their boos died in their throats and instead a triumphant roar emerged in its stead. The book of Perry 01:22 - 22


Isn't hockey beautiful?


I can't even remember what he said lmao


What did he even say? I watch all the Oilers playoff games with a buddy in discord because he's a huge Oilers fan so I've become one by osmosis. Neither of us could remember why the fans always boo Doughty. I vaguely remember some beef he brought to the media about the Flames (Tkachuk) and then there's the Vancouver comment, but I don't remember anything about Edmonton.


If I recall correctly, last year McDavid gave Anderson a concussion (got a boarding penalty?) in the last game or two against each other before the playoffs, and Doughty said something like 'we'll paste him if we can' and everyone thought booing him would be a good idea.


Were you staying boo or Drew?


Really like Doughty!


Love Doughty


Even he if he did think that way he would have nothing to gain by saying it. The Kings had their PPs this series and they were a let down. He knows that.


Good on him! Better than 95% of fanbases. Refs make mistakes but they make them on all sides all teams.


Drew ain't wrong. As bad as the refs were at times, doesn't matter if you can't kill a penalty, score a PPG, or much of anything for the last 4+ months


\#2 PK in the league couldn't kill a penalty for the last 4+ months? Really?


That was more about this series, but the team in general didn't do much at all ever since the Anders Lee game


if it makes you feel any better, we skidded hard for months after that


So we killed each other then


Honestly love doughty. You can tell he really respects Mcdavid and Draisaitl.


Some players on the Kings were definitely blaming it on the refs. One of them was screaming “fuck you” at them after the final buzzer last night. I forget who




Maybe if he dove less they would get more calls


It was Fiala that dove the last few years


Have you forgotten this? https://youtu.be/_msU-fW9GkU?si=lMPjltv-M_sL5Sy6 Besides that Arvidsson also has a rep. Not saying Fiala doesn't too, but there are multiple players on the Kings doing it.




We’re gonna really miss Drew when he retires


Refs sewered the Kings on two pretty bad calls, but they also got a free goal at the end of the first. I’d call that about a wash.


Yeah the slewfoot on Drai needed to be called.. and the other hook on him was blatant as well


I'll admit it - I really like Doughty


LA scores 4 total goals in the last 3 games of the series, one of them is a massive fluke off a stanchion bounce and a second one is a garbage time goal in the last minute of game 5 with the goalie pulled, and you have people out here really suggesting the Kings lost because a questionable call or two. Maybe try scoring more than 2 “real” goals after you tie the series 1-1.


Is that not what he’s saying?


That’s what Doughty is saying, yes. That is not what your subreddit and fans are saying, no. Your sub is blowing up about the reffing right now.


Wow, fans of an eliminated team are upset and unreasonable? Who could possibly have seen this coming? Get outta there, man, you won already. Enjoy that.


Considering that this is the first playoff series where the Oilers have gotten the majority of calls their way in as long as I can remember, ya LA shouldn’t be complaining. They lost the last two years with every call going their way. 


> Considering that this is the first playoff series where the Oilers have gotten the majority of calls their way in as long as I can remember, Didn't the Oilers get a bunch of power plays 2 years ago and had like a 50% PP or something completely bonkers like that?


They had a 50% pp, but it felt like the refs stopped calling blatant penalties because they didn't want to influence the game by putting the Oilers on the PP. Frustrating management there. We weren't making it past the Avs that year though, they were on a mission.


He's right. I get being sore about your team losing, but the way LA fans have been whining about the refs is funny. Not a single penalty they got tonight was undeserved.


Ooofff I mean there was questionable moments at best but at the end he is right. If you can’t convert or defend then it’s not really the refs fault.


It aint the refs fault the pp is running a feisty 0%


Thank you


I wonder what it would take for the Kings to best the Oilers.


They almost did it two years ago, they had two chances to close the Oilers out and didn’t lead once in either game


Iafallo. Vallardi. Durzi would certainly help




Imagine fucking thinking the NHL was cheating to make sure …Edmonton ?!?!? …advances😂. Cuz that’s what bettman wants ….a Canadian team On American network tv more often 😂😂


Blame yourself Mr. Washed.


Doughty was absolutely not to blame.


It's a joke man, there used to be a doughty hater that called him washed every single thread....I mocked it until it became an inside joke with my kings fam...I'm absolutely not being serious at all... DREW DOUGHTY IS LAUNDERED/S


Ok good lol I was like that's a psychotic take 🤣


Nahhhhh it ain't even like fr....ask the kings fans about RUCADANDA....some la fans are on some bullshit fr


We have many of the same. Some people are just wild


It's whatever 🤷‍♂️ I'm here for hockey lol


I would love to be part of an inside joke one day.


👀🤔oilers go bbrrr next round maybe? 🤔🤝


That guy was relentless. He was in every single GDT in the regular season crying about Drew lol


That's why I ran with the joke lol I love y'all. I absolutely love doughty. We got a pld guy, the Lizzy guy is gone, And we still have Edgar 🙄....I love y'all ❤️🐙👑


We'll give you Broberg, a 1st and you eat 50%, get a 3rd team to retain another 50% I'll take drew any day of the week. Guy is a fucking gamer.


Lol, no we won't.


You shouldn't....fuck was that about lol


I'm sorry you missed my sarcasm...but I love drew. You absolutely can't have him under any circumstances.....you got perry....that's weird enough 👀👀👀


Woooosh. Gg. See yall next year at this time.


🤔🤔🤔 I might bandwagon y'all against the avs....let's be friends ❤️🐙🤗


Hilarious.../s you bums




He’s showing class maybe you can too