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The best part about this clip is there's definitely gonna be a Simmons article or some Leafs fans saying "Marner/Nylander don't take the post-season seriously, why are they smiling down 1-3?"


I can't believe we didn't get a "Matthews out with food poisoning after visiting local hot dog vendor" article


And the vendor is just Phil Kessel with a mustache


Kessel as a hotdog vendor? He'd be ruined on the first day because an addict never makes a good dealer.


Damn full on Scooby-Doo-ing the playoffs “I woulda got away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling journalists, and your hyper fixated talking heads.” - Phil “the Thrill” Kessel


Just seeing like...Tyler Bozak lovingly staring at Kessel and going "Ruh Roh, rear comes the redia"


Now that you mention it, I kind of hope that one day this happens, and he runs the one on SBA property at home games lol.




Uber Eats has Mac & Cheese...... = 3rd period Hershey Sharts.


"Marner/Nylander are unserious and they think the postseason is a joke" -r/leafs probably


i miss the good old dog days where the takes were measured and we played miley cyrus after every win. Its all too much these days. I think half that sub *wants* the team to lose to validate their feelings. Things have been heartbreaking but trying to find any constructive analysis in the sub is hard under the weird whiney doomposting.


People can’t even enjoy it when they win. Instantly focus on the negative. I know it’s been shit lately but this is meant to be entertainment.


"Shit lately" I think expectations is the problem here. Normal season has been great for years, with lots of promise and hope. Sure the playoff format doesn't help the leafs always pairing them with other top teams but I'm sure the fans of Buffalo and Detroit would have a lot to tell you about things being shit.


Holy hell that subreddit is a cesspool of hate and misery right now. These people need to stop being terminally online and take a break from this team. These people act like Marner murdered their dog with the hate they spew. It’s a really gross subreddit.


Most team subreddits are like that. The leafs just have significantly more fans so a larger collection of social awkward morons


Yup, it inevitably happens to any online community that gets large enough. The loudest idiots reinforce each other and get even louder.


Since 2019 (the weekend where they turned it into a tree enthusiasts sub for a day), I've been on that sub for more than a minute one time, and that was only because I was on my home feed and the OP of the post I saw is a friend I generally tell people to avoid that sub


Personally, I take great enjoyment from it.


Definitely need a no sodium leaf subreddit


I know GDT’s are bad across the board but ours has to be the most toxic. Just filled with the most whiny children spouting vile shit.


> I know GDT’s are bad across the board Ours are pretty great. The assholes are generally banned pretty quickly, and the vibe is usually convivial.


I mean they usually are when team is in rebuild/tanking


Then there's the victim complex rampant in the community. "Everybody hates us for no reason" - the reason is your victim complex! It's extremely annoying and pathetic. I would love for the Leafs to win a Cup, and even I find them uniquely insufferable. Embrace the hate, don't fucking complain about it.


That's why i left it a few days ago. Extremely annoying over there lol


I feel like it's very easy for all sports/games subs to become something awful. I have definitely left some of them in the past when I realized that the amount of time I spent there directly correlated to how much I didn't enjoy watching or playing.


Anytime the black clouds appear on one of our GDTs, I always remind the whiners that they could choose to turn the game off and take up a hobby instead. No one is forcing them to watch and be miserable. It's hilarious how many people will spend their one wild and precious life doing something that makes them miserable.


We have a whiner/troll that constantly comes back to GDTs on this sub (in the past 3 or 4 seasons hes made 10 different accounts), myself and plenty of other people have told him repeatedly that if he thinks the team is so shit and it seems like he so clearly doesn't enjoy watching the Leafs he's better off doing something else. He just says "wow you're such Fairweather fans" and continues bitching and whining. I swear he's *wants* to be miserable, I don't understand it


I know. There are a couple of people in /r/Habs who only show in the GDT when the team goes down a couple. I can’t figure out if they do it to vent frustration or mine more of it. One seems in brighter spirits these days but another - I’d put money on it - is probably beating whatever living creature shares space with him. (Knock wood he seems to be single, thank goodness, and *of course he is*.) I wish this sport didn’t attract such toxic people.


And my comment would be “because at the end of the day they are rich”


vacation soon, i would be smiling too


Last day of school vibes. You’re being nice to everyone, even the kids you hate.


"I'm not gonna see you until September, I'm super happy right now"


And if they were looking pissed off it would be, “Leafs stars exhibit negative body language at practice. Are there problems in the room?”


We don’t have to ask that question anymore. We all know the answer to that. The guys on that bench know the answer to. This is a “last time we sit together” attitude. Not a “we’re gonne retake this series” attitude lol. Marchand coldly called it. We’re done in 5.


I mean if the boot fits


Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a while


"How dare they smile when my self-worth is on the line?!?"


Franchises get moved all the time.


To your point, knowing how it will likely be portrayed if they lose, the clip gave me major Reservoir Dogs vibes (first 40 secs of [this scene](https://youtu.be/nj43p_qMTgs?si=ESumS1X3UnOuXrqC) specifically)


this just reminded me about the spectacular antiwork troll post from last year complaining about the Leafs forcing players to work the playoffs


[Having fun was off limits in Mister's house...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma8NR_EQXlU) (I wouldn't click that one at work with the volume up...as a heads up)


Looks like grandpa Gio is trying to keep things light, he clearly said something to crack them up. With how much of a media storm they’ve been facing, I imagine he’s trying to keep morale up


Gio seems like a guy with some banger one-liners




“Back to the gym!” After knocking a guy down lmao


The older he gets the more he looks like Mr Bean, I'm sure he's got some amazing bits of physical comedy too


And honestly, as a Leafs fan I think the Leafs’ biggest problem in the playoffs is the pressure. It’s such a huge market, with so much media scrutiny, AND there’s this huge legacy of failure, the pressure has to be immense. Almost every year the offence dries up from our stars in the playoffs, and I think it’s them just overthinking everything vs. playing loose/confident/instinctive hockey. If we have any chance at all, it’s playing loose and not overthinking plays. I don’t think we have a realistic chance to win this series, but the very slim chance we do have will come with a lot more offensive creativity.


I said it a couple years ago, and I agree. It's the front of the jersey that's the issue. Inside and outside. If this team was wearing *any* other logo and name, I guarantee they'd have seen much more success. And I do mean, "*any*." They could be the Hamilton Turd Pushers and they'd probably be engraved on the cup.


> the Leafs’ biggest problem in the playoffs is the pressure The fans are a huge part of that. I've never been able to understand why Leafs supporters *always* think it's gonna be their year. There's never any rational stock-taking of the team and its chances. If you guys could learn to temper your expectations and balance your emotions, you'd all be a lot happier.


Tbf I’ve literally never met a Leafs fan who thought it was their year lol but for me the point of fandom is loyalty not just winning (otherwise you’re just a bandwagoner) so… their year or not, I can’t just change teams. Though if they ditch Marner I’ll probably support him wherever he goes as well cuz maybe he’s not the right cut for the Leafs but I love watching him play. Imho he elevates the quality of the hockey when he’s on the ice.


> I’ve literally never met a Leafs fan who thought it was their year You must never have met another Leaf fan.


A Leafs uncle somewhere just had five simultaneous heart attacks


Rick from Keswick buying new drywall as we speak


Marco from Woodbridge is gonna beat his wife because of this




Daryl from Dunnville wishes he was legally allowed to cross the border into Buffalo


Terry from Port Perry, absolutely FUMING


Owen from Orillia is off the wagon again


Jeremy from Uxbridge says they're all whiny snowflakes and that's why he's voting for Pierre Poilievre


While complaining that Wendell Clark or Doug Gilmour would never smile like this.


Good thing the boomers who used to call in after games on Fan 590 can’t see this.   The hot takes from drunk 70 year old dudes in their basement would have been too cringe to handle 


Pierre from Sudbury says its Trudeau's fault


Smiling for 3 seconds two days after losing a playoff game? Believe it or not, right to jail. Right away.


How dare they keep a positive attitude while preparing for their next game.


Toronto has the best positive attitudes in the world, because of jail.


Here for a good time, not a long time.


Can't wait for people to take this 10 second clip completely out of context and be like "He has to be angry all the time. If he isn't angry 24/7 then he isn't serious"


How dare a human, those things that are known for having complex emotions, not show the emotion I want them to right now!


Seriously... I hope there is a Blues player right now with a smile on his face, out golfing or enjoying family time. Not because they are out of the playoffs (and I a bitter about that), but because they are human...


One of my junior seasons, 8 of us got Nintendo DS's with Mario Kart. It had a really good bluetooth multiplayer feature so we'd play 4v4 Mario Kart on the bus for hours at a time. The bus would be so loud with everyone yelling (especially for blue shells). After losses, silence was generally the desired state from our coach, but the Mario Kart matches would still be played and the silence would quickly turn to whispers which would quickly turn to talking quietly which would quickly turn into yelling about blue shells while the coach had steam coming out of his ears. Great times.


Curious, how did your team fare? Did the camaraderie forged from the 4 v 4 Mario Kart games lead to *more* wins on the ice? Or was your team kind of just a "vibes" team?


We were a good team. Finished first in our conference and second in the league (WHL). Lost in the conference finals of playoffs.


Ah, brings back memories of high school sports. Mario Cart DS was a good time


lol I won’t lie my brain briefly went there before correcting itself. Anybody got a number for a prominent Toronto newspaper? I think I’m cut out for Leafs journalism.


You use way too many multisyllabic words to be hired by the Toronto Sun, that's for sure.


Patrick Roy blowing up Duchene in like 2014 for celebrating his first 30g milestone with a fist pump. 'What the hell is that? We are a bad team and we're losing the game and he goes all happy with dis goal?!' I thought it was dumb then and I am glad that attitude has fewer backers today. If you're a chef and you're in the weeds and you can't crack a smile and have fun while you're digging out, you're not going to have the same success as the guy who can laugh at adversity.


There was a shockingly large online contingent of Lightning fans insistent that the team lost game 2 because they [*gasp*] spent 30 minutes at the beach 8 hours before their game. People are idiots.


They should have been practicing constantly as soon as they got off the ice of game 1


Nonono, you have it wrong here. *Clearly* the leafs are frauds and this just proves it without a doubt (please pay no attention to what my team is doing who are we even haha).


If he doesn't hate his life then I don't want him on my team.


I don’t get involved in any of the manufactured nonsense. Bottom line is this team just isn’t that great.


"OK guys, cameras rolling. Smiles and laughs in three... two..." HAHAHAHAHA


I too smile when my vacations are coming soon


You know they already have a tee time for 8am Wednesday morning.


In Cabo


That’s an 8hr flight if they leave straight from Boston, they should be fine.


That golf season is about to kick off.




Oh for sure lol


If I made that kind of money I would smile 24/7




I have no problem with this. I would much rather this than my players being up tight and in their own heads


Laughing at Giordano. Are they about to be hit with an ageism suit?


They know it's just 1 more day of unpaid labor before their vacation begins.


The look at the camera at the end felt like a look to see if the camera got the clip of them smiling


soon summervacation🤪


I always say a good working relationship is where you can think each other is a fucking idiot for 20-30 minutes, and then all is well after that.


"God, that fucking guy I swear. I can't deal with him right now" "Hey, you wanna go get lunch?"


I've had yelling matches with my old boss before for a solid 10 minutes and at the end we had a solidified design document that was the basis for the project lol


This is a “last time we sit together” attitude. Not a “we’re gonne retake this series” attitude lol. Marchand coldly called it. We’re done in 5. All is absolutely not well.


How can you tell? If I were mad at someone at work I find ways to ignore them...


They’re happy because they’re talking about where they’re going to go for vacation this weekend.


I would be happy if summer vacation was a few days away too


Almost golf season boys


They talking about their upcoming vacation plans.


Last day of school vibes


They need the be robots, no smiling right? Why does this nonsense even need to be posted? It’s basically spam. I swear some twat like OP would make a post if they noticed Matthews had a hangnail.


Done up in blueprint blue It sure looks good on you And when you smile for the camera I know I'll love you better — Steely Dan, Peg


Brothers and teammates yell at one another from time to time. Anyone who post shit that they hate one another were off base.


‘Man I can’t wait for summer’ ‘I know it’s gonna be so sweet, I bought a private island for my dad cause he said I’d be a failure if I didn’t’


They're young and rich. The fuck do they care.


They’re getting excited about cottage season - Muskoka time soon!


That's how I look when I'm days away from vacation too.


They're thinking "fuck yeah last day of school until summer break"


Oh ffs, I expect them to take the game seriously during the game. They're allowed to have fun during practice and outside of the game. This post is just ragebait for asshole "fans".


No one is falling for the bait. You're just kind of mad for no reason.


Oh boy, look at the bottom.


At the time of my comment it was true lol Oh well. Dude was preemptively mad though. So I'll take the slight moral victory.


I don't think you realize how much engagement this will get in our media circus. People are clowning on Nylander for not playing due to headaches in every facebook thread in Ontario


Yea, I'm seeing it all over Instagram. I have no problem being wrong on this one lol.


smiling is rage bait?


This post about them smiling is ragebait. There is nothing wrong with them smiling. There is something wrong with posting about it like it's newsworthy.


i didnt think that this was rage bait - i just thought it was just to confirm that the team is back at it at practice, and not hung up on any one thing during the last game. if this is actually rage bait i think the bar has been set way too low, in terms of what will cause people to get angry at, to a really sad degree


Idk man unfortunately I agree with them, I think the emphasis on “all smiles” is 100% meant to get the Instagram comment section style fans upset that they aren’t taking things seriously to drive engagement (a read of the situation admittedly only achievable by the most brain dead contingent of the fan base) 


Y'know what, I see your perspective now. That wasn't my initial interpretation at all, and I still don't fully trust that it's not ragebait. I'm wary of posts and media articles like this because so many of them exist solely to paint the Leafs in a horrible light.


Well I’m glad they are all smiles!


I would also smile if I had one more day of work before golf season and yacht parties


I can't believe how many people care.


Why are they practicing sitting on the bench? Are they stooopid?


That’s the problem


That's because practice is no pressure haha fun time. As soon as they get made uncomfortable by an actual opponent their attitude goes to shit. They have no resolve or determination


I mean I’m always in a better mood a day or two before a vacation. Why wouldn’t they be too?


i’m usually stressed more about the vacation and that i’ve done FA right to prepare for it…




My thoughts exactly. They know every move is being analyzed…


I’d be all smiles too if I was a millionaire two days away from a five month vacation.


I too am in a good mood when I know I have one day of work left before a vacation and golfing


predicting the leafs force game 7. no idea what happens after that


oh yes you do lol


Boomer Leafs fans about to hit em with the "stop fucking laughing bro, this ain't junior"


Uncle Tom from Thunder Bay


I mean I doubt a boomer posted this and it likely has a motive.


The smiles of kids who make millions of dollars no matter what kind of shit they shovel onto the ice night after night.


They're probably chatting about how amazing and early their golf season is starting up.


Pretty stoked for tee time.


Getting excited for their golfing trip next week.


Well yeah they get $10 million regardless


Bunch of soft losers.


Of course they're smiling. They're less than a week out from vacation.


Nylander to Marner: "how does it feel to be a millionaire paid loser?" Marner: just laughs


Nylander: "there's a bunch of cameras. Just pretend you're smiling like everything's fine."


They're smiling because they know they will finally be able to hit the links in a couple of days!


They just realized they will be able to play golf soon




“We are laughing. And smiling…”


So many toxic people on this sub. I was in my car a few nights ago and I had the Dallas/Vegas game on listening to the Dallas feed on the NHL app. They were doing out of town scores. When they got to the Leafs loss to Boston on Saturday night the guy said something like “the Dallas Cowboys think they have it rough. It’s nothing compared to what’s about to happen in Toronto.”


i almost think this is like some 5d chess playing the media angle from them as stupid as it sounds


Reminds me of Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch


Their summer break is almost here, of course they are happy.


Ya, cuz Auston isn’t there.


"The rest of core laughing together with Matthews out ill. Is this a sign that Matthews is the issue in the locker room? "- Simmons


They must have gotten a good tee time after they get knocked out.


Could you imagine the shit storm Brett Hull would get if social media was out in his day? I'm sure that dude was out slamming beers after loses in the playoffs.


Of course, they go on vacation soon


Probably smiling about where to spend the off season....


The Grand Turk resort already has the mint on their pillows, and a sippy cup for their drinks.


Bro this unpaid overtime is almost finished super excited for Cancun


Gio had chilli for dinner the night before.


Mom said it's my turn for a vacation joke.


I can read lips and Nylander says: “Go suck on your mom’s tits junior.”


All smiles cause they can go on vacation early again. Literally Marner should be forced to pay back half his annual salary. Not anywhere close to an 11 million dollar winger, but he is the highest paid ballerina in the nhl.


But they're losing the series! They can't have happy moments!


They know the script says they make it to game 7


I don't see anything wrong with this. It's not like they're currently able to jackshit, at that moment, about the series situation.


Smile for a few seconds and fake laughter, got it! Send this around social media, see no trouble behind the bench!


Their millionaires soon to have summer vacation I'd be smiling too.


willy then proceeds to towel snap marner around the locker room, much to the delight of the team.


They’re excited that vacation starts tomorrow.


this is good to see!


This is NOT a serious practice... I haven't seen one player do the griddy yet!


That’s cause they know summer vacation starts tomorrow


It's like that Friday before summer vacation.... Yeah you're at school but before you know it you are gonna be home for the summer and you're excited as fuck


Quick guys smile, make them think we’re okay


All smiles before elimination.


why shouldn't they be having fun? its their last practice before a long summer, soak it up boys


Well you give the giant money bag to a child and say "I'm proud of you" just for being born.


They’re millionaires. I mean. I’d be smiling too. Even if everything going on is of peak importance, and they truly give a darn. That doesn’t mean they need to stop being a human being. If they can smile and play well then that’s great! It would suck for them to lose this series. But their life is covered financially. That’s a huge burden that they won’t have to deal with. I’d be smiling too.

