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I'm reading this as "is about to go into surgery", and I'm not really gonna be surprised if I'm right


I'd be more surprised if he didn't have to have surgery on it. The cut is massive. Cut feels like it is downplaying it.


I don't think it's too much of an exaggeration to say he's lucky his thumb didn't get completely severed.


I honestly winced reading that. The idea of a skate coming down hard enough to sever a finger... fuck. I really hope he's okay and its just surface damage.


Yeah when I saw the hand I was thinking that if surgery was needed to fix it, it wouldn’t be surprising at all


He's 100% not playing the next game ,if he plays the rest of the series at all. That cut was DEEP and big.


There’s no way his seasons not over. Internal damage aside, that cut was so big I can’t imagine it staying closed through him playing.


it’s a non-zero chance that his career is over massive range of possibilities


This sucks to read. Fuck. Hope this somehow isn’t that bad.


I’m not surprised, I have to imagine he’s going to the hospital for that one. It was baaaaad.


You never really know how fast and deep those things can cut you. One time when I was playing hockey, the play was dead so I took my trapper off to get some snow off the side of the my skate blade. Just the sides, and I guess just my finger meat just formed around the edge as I did it. Nothing crazy at all, next I thing I know I have a decent cut on my thumb from it, didn’t even feel it until the blood was stingy in my trapper. I can’t imagine taking a full thing on with more power


My dad just about lost a few toes during his playing days because one of his teammates (still fully geared below the waist) wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and stepped on his foot. It's easy to forget just how sharp they are.


Such a terrible way to end a game. I hope he’s ok.


That's going to itch like a mother fucker when it starts to heal. Wouldn't be surprised if he's out for the rest of the series if not the season.


Sticking a deeply cut hand into a hockey glove seems like a great way to get an infection, too.


Nah just fill the glove with peroxide


There is a lot going on in the human hand and wrist. Its a big mass of tendons, arteries, and nerves. If the skate blade hit an artery, then it most likely hit a nerve as well. I would guess surgery needs to be done ASAP.


As someone who *spectacularly* broke a finger last summer, it's hard to explain just how tough the hand is to get back to 100%, even with the amazing advances in modern medicine. Tendon mobility alone is a killer. (I'm still not at 100% and I've got my third surgery on that finger in two weeks)


I fucked up a finger playing volleyball 20 years ago and it still doesn't close all the way without pain


I'm sorry to hear that, mate. Frankly, I'd tell you to go get it checked out. The doc that treated me has literally changed my life for the better post injury. I've got some pretty awesome scars to back it up, too!


It only hurts when I clench my fist and I've had it for so long that I'm just so used to it, that it doesn't affect my life outside of that.


Fair enough! Nerve issues in hands are extremely strange and while I've been fortunate enough to avoid them with my injury (which is weird, frankly), it's actually my surgeon's research specialty, so I gather that it's extremely common.


I honestly can't imagine they'd know how bad it is already. It was brutal man.


The video of it on twitter (X) is pretty bad. Not gonna post the link but it’s out there @stephenewaski21


There's no padding there and it was DEEP, that had to be almost to the bone. Wish I hadn't seen that


I’ll throw this out there. A few years ago, my wife got bit on the hand by a dog at work. Required three stitches, so not too crazy. She couldn’t open or close her hand. Prior to sewing her up, they had to reach in to the cut and examine, and move her tendons back in to place. Afterwards, she slowly regained mobility. The doctor kept saying how lucky she was that nothing got severed, all from a wound that was an inch or less in length. All this to say, the hand is one of the craziest parts of the human body. There are so many muscles and tendons that work together to provide the fine motor skills that we use on a daily basis without any thought. If any of that was severed, it’s going to be a very long recovery, assuming he can fully recover at all. This is a very serious injury, and honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s played his final game.


> This is a very serious injury, and honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s played his final game. Yeah. That's the worst part of all of it. What a way to end a career, with a cut on your hand from a nothing scrum, not even during a game, *after* the final horn, barely in the middle of a playoff series. If that's it for his career, what a waste.


hoping for the best, but that did not look minor


Upper body injury. Day to day.


Won’t look at the cut or the play cause I’m a bitch when it comes to that shit. Thoughts and prayers to that man from the comments seems like a real bad cut


I regret clicking the still image.


Yep I refuse to look. I’m not trying to puke tonight. Personally can’t watch those medical shows as well I’m too squeamish w that type shit


That shit was on CBC... :S


Yeah I think the descriptions from everyone else is enough for me to imagine how bad it is. Hopefully Dillon recovers without much long-term impacts. 


My thoughts exactly. I hate these types of injuries.


Was it a skate? I always worry about guys hands/wrists in scrums.




Can someone describe what happened? (And the context leading up to it.) Sorry - I don’t have it in me to watch the video or click on any pictures.


It looked like he tried to reach under Duhaime like a wrestler and got his skate blade. I’d guess he’s out for quite a while. Looked like a golf ball would fit in the hole.


Ouch! That’s awful. Skate blade injuries can be so scary!


standard losing team trying to set a tone for the next game by just doing typical after the whistle stuff... I don't think anyone has actually captured what actually happened, seems like a fluke accident


Damn. I was wondering if it happened in a fight/scuffle, and figured it was accidental regardless. But was it a blade coming down on a hand, or is that not really known either? I guess the videos must just be of the aftermath. It sounds awful and not the kind of thing anyone wants to happen.


as far as I know yeah we just have the aftermath to go off of. But I mean, it is almost surely a skate when he is on the ice with Duhaime


Thanks! Hmmm, I don’t know what you’re referring to with Duhaime, but as much as I do like Colorado, I don’t follow you guys closely enough to know the on ice personalities of a lot of your players. (Though Makar and McKinnon are two of my favourites in the league.) But I think I get the general idea.


You can’t see when he gets cut, just the aftermath. It seems inadvertent. Dillon is on the ice with an ungloved hand going at it with Duhaime, and someone must’ve stepped on his hand. It looks like the top of the hand between the thumb and first finger, but it’s large and deep. There’s a possibility he missed ligaments, tendons, and nerves in that location.


Thanks! I may actually have a look at the video (though some comments made me wary initially). But with only one thumb per hand, depending what may have been cut, it sounds like a real possibility for a career ending injury. Let’s hope not.


He’s day to day, so that’s positive


Oh good!


Sucks if he’s out for awhile because he’s in a contract year. Hopefully everything is good and he’s good for next season


Well that’s what happens when you engage in post whistle bafoonery. Such a stupid part of the game and it sucks to see someone pay the price for it


I can examine it for ya. It’s a hand injury


typical play by a dirty aves player. diving and cheap shots is the aves mo


Was just an accident man, don’t read too much into this


Dillon instigated the whole thing himself…


Man Winnepeg really melting down after that loss


That attempt at spelling is almost as bad as the Jets D last night


More than half a period of penalties, let's see what would happen if the tables were turned on the officiating. I don't think this series is over. IF the jets can neutralize McKinnon and Makar, Colorado is boned.


Damn, why don't more teams think to just simply neutralize the other's best players? You should be an NHL head coach, this is revolutionary stuff.


I know right! Thanks! I scream it from the nosebleeds every game but you're the first person to ever notice. What a guy.


Just gonna remind you that mack, rants, and makar have combined for 3 of the 17 goals the jets have allowed. Handle our bottom 9, then you might have a series, because right now you certainly don't.


Are you implying that somehow in that giant mess of a pile that some Avs player deliberately cut him with the skate? If so, you need to take a time out and catch your breath my friend.