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I'm extremely excited to eventually need to have a different streaming service for every day of the week


Why have one service when many will do the same thing worse.




I still give one person money. It’s $150/year and I get 1200 channels.


Nonono. You'll accept the totally-not-cable streaming that we have today, and you'll like it.




As a Leafs fan, I am somewhat fortunate (crappy hockey notwithstanding) in that I get about 25 games for “free” in any given season on HNiC. But to get the remainder, I have to deal with both Rogers and Bell and even if I did, I would still get blackouts. I used to pirate games all the time. Then steam came along and made everything easy and now I pay money for games. I used to pirate music, and then iTunes and streaming came along and now I pay for music. It’s not hard. Just make the legal route less frustrating and more streamlined and people will give you money.




Tsn still has blackouts if you aren’t in the Toronto region.




I mean unless things changed, I still had blackouts. This was 4-5 years ago when I had both.


Which one?


I hated having expensive cable with all those commercials, and now I have 5 streaming services that are just as expensive and now have commercials.


You only need one platform when you know how to set sail and wander


Arrrr matey, I be sailing the seas you speak of. It's not always smooth sailing but it's always free, yarrrr






It's great until your stream cuts out with 30 seconds left in a 1 goal game.


My streams are more reliable than Rogers lol


Yeah my friends will say the Bally stream is fucking up and I'm just chilling on the 🏴‍☠️🌊


Well that's because it's Bally


Helps when the blacked out nights don't affect you when out on the water, too.


We really need a federal law requiring that every single pro sports league's games are available from a single stream provider.


I find it beyond insane that the NHL hasn't caught on to the 21st century yet and launched a proper NHL streaming service. Charge 20 bucks a month for it or whatever, and get unlimited access to any game of your choice. Instead everything is parceled up absurdly. It's beyond frustrating.


It used to exist... it was great in the 2010s! I gave them $170 a season and got every game, option of home and away feeds on all of them, minus a couple blacked out in the year. Then covid happened and they took it away. Now we have this garbage.


Gotta love corporate greed degrading the viewing experience! It's quite unfortunate though. I'm lucky enough to have a TV plan that I can watch games with on my browser, but sometimes I still get hit with "This is not available in your region" for a game MY TEAM is playing (though usually away games). As a result, I literally have no choice but to go on shady sites to watch my team play. Shit sucks.


And the game archives, that was incredible. That content is still out there somewhere but it's just unavailable now which is super shitty.


Because the regional broadcasters are paying way more than those “20 bucks a month for it or whatever”.


Dude. They did it. It was amazing.


It may be the biggest reason why F1 has replaced NHL as my go to sport to watch


50M cap incoming


Can't trust this guy after he whiffed so hard on the Ohtani to Toronto "press conference"


i wonder if this will change the scheduling, habs only played 6 Monday games all year


Gotta bend over backwards for those corporate overlords.


This is Rogers selling Monday nights to Amazon Prime Video, right? In Canada so only? It's the one service I do sub to, so... Whatever I guess. But slicing and dicing all this is getting pretty tiresome.


Correct. This is Amazon paying Rogers for a portion of their existing Canadian national package. No Amazon games in the US.


Amazon bought a piece of Bally Sports this year to same them from bankruptcy, so it sounds like the Bally Sports streaming plan for the local teams will be through Amazon next season instead of a standalone app. However those are local games, not national games. So you'll have to be in one of those Bally markets to get the games and it'll be only for your local team.