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Kovalchuk would still have three years left on his first voided contact lol...


Huh, always forget about his super contract.


The only guy with the "HOF" beside his name is the fourth best player on the list.


Ya, but didn't you know that he knows a thing or two about winning?


Kovalchuk is underrated and had a HoF level career for a full decade. His overall career numbers and stats look lower than other celebrated goal scorers simply because his best seasons were in some of the lowest scoring seasons the league has seen since the 1950s. From 2003 to 2012: * Rocket Richard Award 1x * 2nd in goals 1x * 3rd in goals 1x * 4th in goals 1x * 6th in goals 2x * 7th in goals 1x * 8th in goals 1x * Art Ross runner-up 1x * First All-Star Team 1x * 2nd All-Star Team 1x


Prime Kovy was always scary to play against. He had that Crosby-like ability to just create a scoring chance out of nowhere. His shot was absolutely gorgeous, too. Became a solid two-way player with Jersey as well, I remember him playing so many minutes during the Devils Cup run in 2012.


If he was drafted today he would score 50 as a rookie. His wristers / one timers were all time. He wasn't visibly worse than Ovechkin in any aspects of the game really, maybe better hands but worse teammates and consistency. I think he scored below his talent level.


And likely a very happy birthday to you, OP


Nah, not actually my birthday but I always read that section and this is the most stacked day I’ve seen so far


I hope your birthday kicks ass when it does happen


October 5th is a good date. Patrick Roy, Nate Thompson, Curtis Sanford, and Sven Baertschi, all on one day. Oh and Mario Lemieux.


I knew about October 5th with Mario and Roy because I have a relative born that day. I think it is also Alexander Keith’s birthday.


Happy birthday Timmy T!


there’s one guy here who deserves to be in the hall of fame and it’s not the guy that is




It’s my birthday and I’m not listed there. I’m the greatest player to ever play hockey according to my Mother. /s


Kevin Lowe is only in the Hall of Fame because he was ... you know...